September 28, 1987
(vol. 97, iss. 13)
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… facility, in Room 3003 of the Chemistry Building, has 13 Apple Macintoshes, 39 Zeniths and a LaserPrinter. The $254,000 cluster -is part of the University's plan to have 1,500 open computers on campus by…
… women wre- reluctant to testify and subject them- See DEFENDANT, Page 2 I New 'U' computer center opens today By RYAN TUTAK Today, the University opens this fall's first new computer center. The…
… 1989. With the new center, there will be more than 1,000 computers on cam- pus open to students, faculty and staff. It is the last cluster the Universi- ty will open until September 1989, when the…
… University finishes con- struction of a new center with 300 computers in the Angell-Mason Hall courtyard. The Chemistry Building was chosen to house the new facility be- cause of its central location; accord…
…- ing to Deborah Masten, assistant di- rector at the Computer Center for Public Facility. More than 3,000 first-year stu- dents take introductory chemistry in the building, said Masten. "The freshmen…
…, department faculty "are very, excited because our general chemistry course will use the very extensive software library." The library had been only available on old, worn out computers. The programs have now…