May 28, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 172) • Page Image 6
… to all corners of the field and to give the Wolverines a 7-3 victory, seven Buckeye errors figuring in the proc edngs. Coach Fisher's team turned in a creditable showing against the Bucks, gathering…
… allowed only two hits and kept the plate free from being crossed. Now his five hit pitching against Ohio puts him al- most on a par with Vern Compton for his season's work. Wolverines Strong i…
… will be just anoth- er day to Michigan diamond ath- letes, the Wolverine schednle ,call- ing for a game with Wisconsin, to be played on Ferry field Saturday afternoon. Indications are that the assignment…
… st It was Sommerfield who curbed the In his last ambitions of the Wolverine stick- president of1 wielders in the first game. (Contin Chicago at t ge into his ofl is your last , y to lose you e. sorry…