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May 28, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 172) • Page Image 6

… to all corners of the field and to give the Wolverines a 7-3 victory, seven Buckeye errors figuring in the proc edngs. Coach Fisher's team turned in a creditable showing against the Bucks, gathering…

… allowed only two hits and kept the plate free from being crossed. Now his five hit pitching against Ohio puts him al- most on a par with Vern Compton for his season's work. Wolverines Strong i…

… will be just anoth- er day to Michigan diamond ath- letes, the Wolverine schednle ,call- ing for a game with Wisconsin, to be played on Ferry field Saturday afternoon. Indications are that the assignment…

… st It was Sommerfield who curbed the In his last ambitions of the Wolverine stick- president of1 wielders in the first game. (Contin Chicago at t ge into his ofl is your last , y to lose you e. sorry…

May 28, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 174) • Page Image 7

… heir to 443/4 points of this year's total which brought the. Wolverine trackmen their third con- secutive outdoor championship. After Ken complements this array of track power with his own freshman aces…

Wolverine history. Chuck Decker vaulted well over 13 feet last year while in high school, and did 13 feet 5 inches in the Junior AAU's. Despite sickness, he has shown up well in practice, and may be the…

… far in the lead for batting honrs with but one game to go. Much of Michigan's success in the Big Ten race which is in its final week and finds the Wolverines fight- ing for a first place tie after…

… boasts a .375 mark which leads the entire club. Pete Lisagor has been the only Wolverine to ap.- proximate Charlie's rwco-d with a .335 average. Coach Fisher marveis at the man- ner in which Pink drops his…

May 28, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 172) • Page Image 6


…'clock this aftern Should the Wolverines win game they will stretch their ° ning streak to three games, of which was against the lea in the -Big Ten race, Wisconsin Cincinnati has a team wh while well up to the…

… last Saturday and kno ed off the leaders by driving rtes across the plate as against 4 the Badgers could account aths win makes the Wolverine danigerous team which may be ""'ted to flash championship f…

… tournament,.ofsix o and I te this week. The Gophers gave iones vicory. As a result of six vtories and the Wolverines a scare in the dual a young Englishman who one defeat, and that an early sea- encounter, but…

… the Maize and Blue learned his golf playing between son setback, the Wolverines are pulled through on the long end of h ; shifts as a coal miner. Despite the looking towards the tourney with fact that…

May 28, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 172) • Page Image 7

… .team, announced .yesterday that at least six 4and, possibly seven- members of the Wolverine team would -make the trip to the L. C.-4 A track -meet that -will be held -at Cambridge, Mass.., next ;Friday…

… and -Saturday.f (leading the Wolverine delega- tion,\will -be :Eddie 'Tolan, premier! print man arid holder of the. ,world's record for the 100 yard dash. Tolan will ruin up against, some " good…

May 28, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

… first inning for three bases. Mike Diffiley, Wolverine catcher and captain, co-starred with Wistert, getting three hits in three official trips to the plate, scoring two runs and batting in another…

…Diffley, Levin Mix The Wolverine backstop showed his combative spirit in the first in- ning when Dave Levin, attempting to score on a double steal, arrived at home to find the ball and Diffley awaiting him. Levin…

May 28, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

Wolverine Varsity net- men whitewashed the Duquesne Uni- versity netters, 9-0, yesterday at Pal- mer Field. Due to a sudden downpour the doubles matches were forced in- doors, and were played off in the In…

… the Michigan base- P >all team a 3-2 victory over Purdue c iere today and clinched at least a B Third-place position in the Big Ten g race for the Wolverines. R Gedeon and Peckinpaugh each col- p lected…

May 28, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

… team has Our prognosticating has lost the past winter's season with its Big Ten disaster and its successful climax in the National Collegiate meet, but the Wolverines are still hard at work in the…

…- toppers earlier in the season in a 11 to 0 victory. The Wolverines have lost only one decision in similar games, splitting a home and home series with the Normal College at Ypsi. Seek State Title If the…

May 28, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 174) • Page Image 3

… Michigan. WOLVERINES IMPROVED $outhpaw jinx, Driven Away ini Michigan State Game, May Return. Another chapter in the history of Michigan's diamond team and its battle against left-handed pitchers will be…

… written this afternoon on Ferry Field as the Wolverines play host to the University of Chicago's 'Maroons. The game will begin at 2:30 o'clock. The Windy City outfit is holding dlown the cellar position in…

May 28, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 173) • Page Image 4

… purchase of meal tickets for next week; the difference will be paid in cash. The full cash refund may be obtained by calling at the Wolverine at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 5. The above refund will be…

May 28, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

… - The Sacred Order Of 'Oil Can' Michigan Defeats Toledo Nine, 6-3 TOLEDO, 0., May 7.- 1P) -The University of Michigan downed the University of Toledo baseball team here tonight, 6 to 3. The Wolverines

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