March 28, 1990
(vol. 100, iss. 118)
• Page Image 8
… decade. It's easy. Just try our Real World Demo on a Macintosh' computer to enter Apple's Real World Sweepstakes. If you're one of 14 Grand Prize winners, you'll get to spend a week this summer at the…
… also be 20 First Prize winners who will receive Macintosh SE computers and 1,000 Second Prize winners who will get Apple T-shirts. You really can't lose if you come in and get your hands on a Macintosh…
… Campus Computer Reseller for Sweepstakes Rules and Regulations. a 1990 Apple Curnputer, Inc. Apple, the Apple logo, and Macintosh are reg std trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. t 4 . 1 i (0 ~AIA Exp…
… League yesterday. - EARTH Winthe computer you need to succeed in the real world and a chance to use it there. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 said that the teach-in was "designed to divert attention from…
… organization of your choice listed below, where you'll see Macintosh computers hard at work. And when you get home, you can use your own new Macintosh SE/30 to write your resume and follow-up letters. There will…
… today Because once you do, you'll see how easy it is to use and how much one could do for you now You'll appreciate the value of a Macintosh computer after you leave campus and head out into the real…
… world, too. But don't take our word for it. Come in and try a Macintosh and see for yourself. And if you win the Grand Prize, you'll be seeing the real world sooner than you think. 0r EnterApple's Real…
… World Sweepstakes and you couldwin aweekat one olthese leading organizations and a Macintosh computer Enter April 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, and 20 Computer Showcase (Hands-on Room) in the Michigan Union See your…