February 28, 1942
(vol. 52, iss. 106)
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… CENTS Track Team Swamps Pitt; Mermen Win Easy Victory Injry Joits Wolverine Title Hopes House As 40- Two N Vote Hour Smashes Labor Bill Week Is Continued; [ore Tankers Are Blasted Mc…
… prove to be a very costly victory, however, as Frank McCarthy, high scoring Wolverine star, sustained a severe hip injury which may keep him out of next week's all-important Confer- ence meet. Mc…
… were hardly comparable to the recent Hawkeye teams that at times tested the strongest Wolverine aggregations that Mann could place against them. While the Wolverines took six out of nine first places…
…'s basketball charges open their final home stand of the season tonight when they battle Chicago in Yost Field House, the game scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. For the second consecutive game the Wolverines are…
… Pitt Panthers yesterday as Frank McCarthy, versatile Wolverine thinclad pictured above, sus- tained a severe hip injury which may keep him out of the all-important Conference meet next week. Allied, Jap…