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January 28, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…THE ABSURDITY OF OBSCENITY See editorial page I Sir ~i a D4aitty WARMER? Iligh--3 2 Loy---22 Cloudy, chance of snow turning to rain t , Vol. LXXIX, No. 99 Ann Arbor,, Michigan-Tuesday, January 28, 1969 Ten Cents . Eight Pages Ten Cents Eiaht Poaes .. RCH 12 HEARI G SET FOR '0 YSUS 69' * * * * * * * * * * * * r: ct ct n c m tP State Senate toprobe Student unrestiT Dist rict Court * * * "- . By BILL L...…

January 28, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 99) • Page Image 2

… Pc~~ TwoTHE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y Tuesday, January 28, 1969 arts festival theatre Oifrontation RICARDKELLER SIMON a.. with 3y 'The contemporary American theatre stood naked in the Un- ion ballroom on Sunday night. It was amazing. "Dionysus in 69," a play with a double meaning in its -title, is also a play with% a double mean_- irig iii its r-itual. The ritual be- gins as Richard Schechner's ver- sion of "The Bacchae" by Euri- pides. It e n ...…

January 28, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…January 28, 1969' THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three January 28, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Paae Three Professors dispute LSA requirements FACULTY RECOMMENDATION: Harvard group seeks black studies major (Continued from page 1) careful that you maintain total control." Hays submitted his proposal to Prof. James Gindin, the commit- tee chairman, late last week. At the same time, he personally endorsed the idea of open faculty meetings for the co...…

January 28, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 99) • Page Image 4

…of life: 4 in censorship The theatre made absurd By JIM HECK ONLY TWO DAYS have passed, and this week has already gone wrong. The situation caused by Sunday's production of Dionysus in 69 is an absurdity. Granted, we are now dealing with an issue of greater signifi- cance than nudity alone - the freedom of ex- pression. Nevertheless,, the focus is on nude bodies. It seems ludricrous, philosophically, to try to justify a ban on nudity. It s...…

January 28, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 99) • Page Image 5

…Tuesday; January 28, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poo Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10:00-12:30 Pnnn FIv '7 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES FOR RENT FOR RENT PARKING 1212 Hill. $24 per semester. ROOMMATE WANTED for luxurious 4- 761-7587.- 027 man next to Mudbowl. Call 769-3918, __ - -769-0247. C22 5 MAN B I-LEVELS qIAAIT FOR RENT 4TH MAN NEEDED for furn 6apt. Avail. immed. 4 mo. lease. 769-5627. CA ONE...…

January 28, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 99) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, January '28, 1969 IT'S A ZONE! The Kaleidoscope: How it worked 4 By BILL CUSUMANO "They're in a 1-3-1 zone,I ZONE !" Michigan State coach John Bennington had to yell at sopho- more guard Rudy Benjamin after Michigan had sprung a zone de- fense on the Spartans and jumped into an early 19-10 lead Saturday. But neither Benjamin nor the rest of the State players could be blamed because the zone was a to...…

January 28, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 99) • Page Image 7

…Tuesday, January 28, 1969 Page Seven THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, January 28, 19~9 THE MICHIGAN DAILY OJ to go first in today's football draft Top six unchanged ii n AP poll; .' ,; - .NEW YORK (r-The fabulous O~ . J. Simpson, wearing an unof-' ficial $600,000 price tag, tops a list of 442 graduating college foot- ball players slated to be grabbed up by the pros' in the annual draft, starting early today. The most desirable ball-carrier...…

January 28, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 99) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, January 28, 1969 ..>:;";::";::":>;:":. . ...:::,::;;.:.::::: ::..:.. ....:.,:..:..:,::,::z Tuesday 1:00 p.m. Dimensions in Academic Freedom - "The Strike and DAILY OFFICIA L the Profesoriat", with Prof. Sanford Kadish, U. of California at Berkeley. W T UEVWTuesday 5:00 p.m. Ann Arbor Report - B(JNCity Council and Municipal Affairs. Tuesday 5:15 p.m. U-M Feature Story ".:,::.:::::::::,.-:.":::.:.":;":...…

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