January 26, 1987
(vol. 97, iss. 82)
• Page Image 8
… & Conflict in the Middle East," 4 pm, W Conf Rm, Rackham Bldg. 747-4143. Career Ping & Plcmt --Prog, "Resumes That Work: The Employer Perspective," 4 pm, 3200 SAB. 764-7460. Computer Vision Res Lab--Sem, C…
…-7399. Computing Ctr--Courses, E Hoffman & E Hockman, "Getting Started With MTS, Pt 11," 3-5 pm 265 Frieze and 7-9 pm, 120 W Engr; "Monday Programming Seminars (FORTRAN)," 7-9 pm, 1013 NUBS. Regis: 747-2424. TUESDAY…
…-5323. Computing Ctr--Course, C Wendt, "Computer Networking Technology, Pt I, The User Subnetwork: Terminals & Hosts," 7-9 pm, 4003 SEB. Regis: 747-2424. Psychobiol--Colloq, J Woods, 'Thoughts on Benzodiazepines…
…. Reser: 747- 2424. Mech Engr & Appl Mech--Thermal-fluid sem, R Goldstein, "Heat Transfer," 4 pm (coffee: 3:45 pm), Rm 2281, G G Brown Lab. Parent-Child Nursing--Scholarly Activities Day, 8 am- - noon…
…, Weber's Inn. 763-0016. Russ & E Europ Stds--Brown bag lec, M Kennedy, "Polish Computing Ctr--Course, J Michael & P Smith, "Phototypesetting and the Autologic Micro-5 Phototypesetter,"3-5 pm, 4003 SEB…
… E Madison St. 764-9310. Russ & E Europ Stds--Lec, E Lashchyk, "Recent Trends in Soviet Philosophy," 4 pm, W Conf Rm, Rackham Bldg. ,computing Ctr--Course, C Wendt, "Computer Networking Technology, Pt…
…, Lane Hall Commons Rm. 747-2082. Tae Kwon Do Club--Beg welcome, 6-8 pm, Rm 1200, CCRB. 665-7399. Computing Ctr--Courses, B Blue, "Intensive Introduction to MTS," (2nd of 2), 8 am-noon & 9 am-1 pm, 1013…
…--X-country ski lessons, beg: noon-1 :30 pm, intermed: 2-3 pm, Radrick Farms Golf Course. 763-4560. Computing Ctr--See Jan 30. Hill St Cinema --Catch-22, 7 & 9:30 pm, 1429 Hill St. 663-3336. *Asian Amer…