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May 26, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIX. ANN AREOIQ. MICHIG AN, WEDNESDAY, MA-Y 2, 100 r VARSITY BLANKS WOOSTER NINE Bianding Pitches Shutout With (food Support and Gets Three. Bagger-At Corneii Today. . Special to The Daily.]I lisoster, Ohio, Mtay 2s. --ackett by a supporting cast that wobbtledl sut once is the nine innlings a1n(1whtich averted possible (tanger on two or three occa- sions by brilliant work, Fritz Btlanding blanikedl the fast 'Wooste...…

May 26, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN\ ARBO(R, 3MICHTGAN ,T{'.SDAY. MAY 26, 1908.. No. 1751 WOOSTER COMES AS RUNNIERS GO EAST Track Squad Leaves for Eastern lntercollegi~te-Varsity Faces Ohioans Today. Two shutot and( a to-hlevy score against tie thidteam1.11 is the treclaiys record wiicitie Wooster temi birigs with it today to 1111111ill tie face of Mtichign's team. The postoe gm1e ocurs tiis afternoon at51 4:05. Thtrsday tie Buctkeyes met ...…

May 26, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichigan Daily . \N .R11,-ill R\llC -I~I \\,SU!NDAY. M\L \ 26 () It VOL. XVII. t)i~. 173, MORGAN PARK WINS ii ' e1- ' -t> WOMEN DISPLAY - - __ - _ - - ate. ,,, I~ll l~l1I1 L' III pl lldld fo i t l e- I-- _ _ _ _ - - - INTERSCHlOLASTIC fis mte ' oalesfrth etot Mills Takes Lead rom (rand 'l ori1c.t. . rnir f ng 11ptthI Rapids, Scoring 18 Points- SulivaHonr tama-. lok'th Detroit Central Takes Third. haf-il"il-i-i-;-. -i-i-i-g utin V.a ...…

May 26, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATU RDAY, MXY 26, 106. ,COI.. XVI. No.2~ 17L - - - --- - ---- ------ . ......... ii __ WONDERFUL PERFORMANCES IN INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET Two Records Broken and Two sTANDING OF SCHOOLS. Equlld n irt ays vetsChilliothe......... 13 poinits Equlld n irt ays vetsLewis Institute... t otA pofints -Cook Again Stars. Detroit Uoiversity School... 5 points Grand Rapids ......3 points TwSo recordis1broketn an...…

May 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…f' i i i __ -- -- -f r f. _ , --- __ _ ,r- I "/- f ..- - .-. %' '_ r _ J a-- r r Z 7- r i . - _' ..^ - :.- f.. 1 ..-.. I. 1, r " f ._... .r. , i- 7' i_ . __ , J r rf f , f I N - v _ D< r tr a cl H t ti O i' .,r4 i z O 4 ,arr F... H - s- f t 7 -- ~ 7 77 ~ 7~ -- 77 x _- - 'r1----- j[ J _ -7---7 r. . " . z, z …

May 26, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…eeMichigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1904. No. 170 GERM1AN PLAY. SPMICI1GAN DAY AT FAIR. To be Given by Deutscher Verein in June 28 is Selected.-Invitations Now Sarah Caswell Angell Hail, Being Sent to Alumni. Low Admission Free. Rates to St. Louis. The Deutscher Verein which pre he ,LV niversity Glee Club The Louisiana Purchase Exposition sents the comedy "Die Hochzeitreise" Company, in conjunction with the Un Saturda...…

May 26, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…-+ , $ =1 , yF y,. , "Ww Ny; 5 uAlLvl N>.. :4 \'uL. X 11. AX., AI'LOJI. MICE., Tt'ESDAY. MAY 26, 1"09) CON FERENCE THIS WEEK, 1 The Fnal ii ouches Are Now Being1 Applied to the i'raining of the Michigian, Track Team. W1ith1o1l18'lll'1 I I'n1 111,.s (It 1111ve jfll'! (1i:1 r~c o1111 :1v8 11111 11 j 111111lIIIte 111 111111111 11111 Iof11t' l) 1':T 818 111 1:11 will willtit181 1 m11 p-11 81118hl)11181 1081no11111 10 111111 1111er- of18this st1oll...…

May 26, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

… 0 pall VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH.. SUNDIAY. MAY 96 1,901 No. 178 ..Our Special Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS IFOR SPRING has arrived and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as- sort went in the city, QsH WILD CO.s tenS E. Washington St. Appelton's fledical Books COMPLETE LINE AT WILDER'S PHAFRMACY CLOSE FINISH Detroit Wins Championship from Ann Arbor by 2 Points--Relay Race the Deciding Event D)espite the ('01...…

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