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March 26, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily k\N ARBO(R, AiiCii( AN, FRID)Y:, NAXRCHI 26,l ooo Vax.. Xi. CLOSE STRUGGLE IS ithbilmater aeutci i a bu Th c~iilxixhavelbeeiiaskedl to stay LOO1(ED FOR IN MEET tav fromtheI axxx(x-tix. ltut exttiiix __________s s i regardinglitie vico usti classii' Eivery Eivent XWill Be Strongfy tt~ hl othe xix cx. \blhat the otit- Contested; Horner and Dull r 'jc rte iti cl x-iaxatci Will Be Michigan's Winners. tat Mxicigamust use iover...…

March 26, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, M-\ICHIGAN. THURSDA.Y. MARCH 26, 1968. " No. T32. No. 132. SQUAD SIlVERlS AT OUTDOOR PRACTICE Weather Permits Only Batting Practice-Wrestling, Handball and Fencing Attract Interest. It's a shivering squad that assembles at the fair grounds these breezy clays frbaseball practise. Yesterday the pitcher likened his Spalding sphere to snowhall, antd the outfielders tweo- - !tped tibotut the fence pos...…

March 26, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVSII. AN-N vv--iiR . 1i,0 IIN TL-FSDIAYN. MARCH l26,.1(,07. No.z --<). ERN STRING QUARTET eels tl v-vfor the campus-ii-heavtinig and--t CONCERT PLEASES ALL f11w mu r- iii Sveiivv-piiv ledingiv tvii the Uiveity hospi itals, hi ch t ry New'Precedent Set by First of Series v--vux.O~rtwoi Llsv-v-leweev~ e of Distinctly PWvpular Musi- on the campus ;done.i cal Concertis. yThevv exchalnleisi locattedvonliiheih-wer ca nt...…

March 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Da~iy ANN ARBOR. MICH., SUN lAVMAR1CH11261, 19(Y WISCONSIN OUTCLASSED 4iehiganis Great Track Team Trounces Badgers 44 to 22 - Ramey and Garrels Break Records in Quarter and Hatt-Mite -Wisconsin Won the Relay Race. 1{l 111, ; u tirlc 1 t~ SIo1i1 il ll111,"vt I 1 1 1 at1 p at t al14 :11 utr1 111 t1, "11;; ;lr, ,lt 11 itl t 1Q al 1 s , i il,1t1t th1 lur1 --11}1i1. ,; it11x t 11 1111c , r1 c4 1 i ei, 1 1 ,tt 1 11 1111 I "9 1111i1 1 cl...…

March 26, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1904. No. 127 EAST VS. WEST. Climax and Wind-up of the Indoor Track Season Tonight When Cornell Meets Michigan- Some Surprises in Store -Officials Selected. The Cornell track team, fifteen strong, in charge of Trainer Moak- ley, arrived in Ann Arbor last night and were sent early to bed to get a good night's sleep in preparation for the coming dual meet in Water- man gymnas...…

March 26, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…"IIE Iis OiF N. DAILY. VOL. X III. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THUIRSDAY, M IARCII 20, 1903 No. 131 INTEREST INCREASING First Practice Game NEW REGULATIONS I sititi of y'esterday's coltd wind. In the Outcome of the Cornell Meet ('-telt Roachtelldtle hid("an hlnad~t For Governing theCominz Election Next Saturday-Biggest Crowd o the fair grounds for twooad t half~ Passed by the S. L. A. Board of the Season Expected hmrofsifpatc.Tewr -All Voters Required t...…

March 26, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…14 sS . . 7- .7 . ' - = r _ -'' # ..... ? f _ i f - r - r ,-t. ~ , ...... M x _ r. _ .= r- . "' !- "°.. . ... ..1 4r _ M '~ , r , .. - t-. f J _ _ / _ 7. % _. i . ._ . _. - f - _ r - .._ _ -- -r 's _ _ .. _. .. Y C r I £f .- .J 5, -3rrl 1-46 7 Y_ _ . "_- ',,. .v , ', ' _ -- -7 i ; J , r ,! i -° Y ' . _ . i '/ . . ^ ,_ ,.... 7 t; - - ._ 'X- J. ..... -. r _. *,;I Ik. WI N , SI I t r. '.e^ w * ' , r...+ ' v i ~ r , + W .? " t IYt r- ,.,i Cj t.. r...…

March 26, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

… WOW/ . r It> r r r-' r VOL. XI. ANN ARBIOR, MICH., TUESD)AY, MARCH 26) 1901. N. 134 ....Onr Special Line of.... A SHOT AT ATHLETES Unnr tA nm aoir I- uI ign anu UUlILst FABRICS FOR SPRING has arrived andl is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as- sttr went in the city, i. IHe WILD CO.' io8 E. Washington St. Dean Victor C. Vaughan of the Medi- cat Departmenut Says That Thsy Are no Good in Thsir Stuies St-. \-toi- 5C. \:1g i...…

March 26, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…be 12of $-9 P tt) VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1900. No. 134. THE DUAL MEET OURS.I not been namned a anmember of the ANUL DRES SpringANULADES Deleatd NtreDam bga place. Bliss succeeded only in doing Michigan Dfae or aeb 36 fet 7 iscles whicl gave him second Annual S. C. A. Meeting.-Preident An o n e e t Score of 43 1.2 to 20 1.2. place over Pick of Notre Dame. Connor Faunce o Brown Addrese secured te otly oher first place for hi...…

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