January 25, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 66) • Page Image 6
… two bdrm. 1100 sq. ft. bi-level apt. at Geddes Hill. 1.5 bath, microwave. dwshr.. a/c. furn.. shuttle bus, rec. room. computer & study rooms. 741- 9300. www.cmbmgmt.com MAY LEASES AVAILABLE. Large…
…-8434. WANTED-50 serious people to lose weight fast. 100% natural and guaranteed. 888-607- 2861. www.greatlakesevitality.com ANSWERING PHONES/ Computer order taking. 1 1/2- 3 hr. shifts only. Great part time job…
…/Night Stock Deli Produce * Meat Accounting Clerk Appl at: Ann rbor.....2240 S. Main St. Ann Arbor.....2020 Green Rd. Ypsilanti . 2375 Ellsworth Rd Saline.........565 E. Michigan Ave. We Offer " shift premiums…
…./wk, offering good pay. Lively stud. environment. opportunity for advancement. Flex. day hrs.- morn. & Thurs. pref. Computer exp. needed,. preferably Excel and Microsoft Word. Previous office exp. helpful. Will…
…. OpenR interviews Monday's 9am-3pm. Others by_ appointment. Scorekeepers 310 Maynard, -. (734) 995-0100. COMPUTER ASSISTANTS -- Freshmen' or Sophomores for the Winter 2000 and following terms to assist…
… with mair 'aining Macintosh hardware. software ark: i.AN as part of the Student Publications computer support team. Good pay, flexible hours. For an application, send your name and address to dafriedo…