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January 24, 2020 (vol. 129, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

Computer Showcase, described how the Showcase is currently exploring fitness technology in hopes of encouraging people to improve their physical health. “We’re here showcasing some of the fitness…

… technology we offer … like demonstrating different features, especially the workout app on the Apple Watch,” Gohel said. LSA senior Caroline Baloga worked a booth representing the student-led campus farm…

February 24, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 80) • Page Image 11

… thong, she pulls up the sides to show that crook place between hip and leg this is why she is in demand downloaded in 2000 to the graces of laptop computers on which child plays on Microsoft paint and…

… mother looks up shelters and motels and teen searches instructions for apple pipes 48K12.JPG, boxed looks over the boxed people and grins ad infinitum OK By Cammie Finch LSA Senior When you ask me…

January 24, 2012 (vol. 122, iss. 79) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 24, 2012 - 5 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycomTuesday, January 24, 2012 - 5 New Apple apps provide students with e-textbooks Despite…

… growing use of e-readers, students still prefer paper textbooks By ALICIA ADAMCZYK For the Daily With the recent launch of two new iPad applications developed for the use of electronic text- books, Apple

…-textbooks. In the survey, SO percent of respondents cited "on paper" as their preferred method of reading documents - an over- whelming majority compared to 11 percent of those who chose "computer screen," 5…

… percent who prefer a tablet computer, 3 percent who prefer an e-reader and 1 percent who answered "other." Bryn Hauk, a specialist at Michigan Book and Supply, said despite the influx in use of elec- tronic…

March 24, 2009 (vol. 119, iss. 115) • Page Image 6

…6- Tuesday, March 24, 2009 The Michigan Daily - the michigan daily forsale 020 C 1 BDRM. CONDO 2317 Packard. VERY clean, new appl, quiet area. Bus stop out front, pool in rear…

… - Computer privileges n Express, 045 -Technology 050 - Furnture ase call one 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet 5 days 080 - Services 25.80 090 - Help Wanted 38.70 093 - Summer Employment 51.60 095 - Child Care 100…

November 24, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 58) • Page Image 6

…-long school 36 Lode load 54 Frenzied way to 14 In the __: part of tool 38 Board game run the inner circle 6 Banned apple gadget 55 Cat's resting spot 15 Part of UHF spray 42 Church bell sound 56 Scandinavian 16…

… publication. Classification: 010 - Lost Found line for each 020 - For Sale ontracts are available- 025 - Parking 25% discount when 030 - Automotive organizational, non- 040 - Computers ior billing privileges…

September 24, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 17) • Page Image 15

…0 e 0 e 0 0 0 6B The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 24, 2008 QUOTES OF THE WEEK i:. X Showdown in the Fishbowl The "Mac V. PC" culture war As Apple would have it, your choice of laptop…

…," she said. While the actual numb computers (132) does o the count of its operating counterpart (91), Fishbov puter consultant Sakif Im the aesthetic appeal of Ma more students in. "I think people nowa…

… draws days go e of the bigger," ple going the new d at the said that rs go for will .look o a large c, which he Macs eir deci- sions on whichever computer is available. Mohit Mehan, LSA junior and Mac…

… try to get what you can get, because it's a mad rush," he said. But this struggle extends beyond the glass walls of Angell Hall's computing site. Dumas, the Wired editor, said that while Microsoft…

… dominates the market, Apple's small yet engaged consumer base is a very big asset. "Microsoft has a lot of peo- ple who use their product so in terms of sheer numbers, PCs are definitely winning," he said…

…. "But Macs are slowly gaining market share and they have a very, sort of small, niche group of people who are very, very dedicated to Apple and Macs." The clearest example of this cul- tural schism…

…, according to Dumas, is Apple's ad campaign starring actor Justin Long as the hipster incarnation of a Mac and humor- ist John Hodgeman as the uncool and absentminded personification of a PC. In the U.S., this…

…, Bill Gates, and comedian Jerry Sein- feld, as an attempt "to make them- selves look and feel sort of cooler, to tap into (Apple's) market." But for Mehan, the cultural implications of choosing an oper…

…'s going to work." Dumas said the Mac operating system is actually "more stable" than Microsoft's Vista operat- ing system. This is because Apple builds the latest version of its operating software onto the…

October 24, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

… Greenwood, 905 Packard, 1110 Prospect. Sept. 2007: 1016 S.Forest, 1108 Prospect, 1019 Packard, 1115 Packard. More houses and apartments available! 734-994-8733. TWO-BDRM. APT. SPACE-APPL

… Services, Inc. ation. Classification: 010 - Lost Found .ch 020 - For Sale re available- 025 - Parking unt when 030- Automotive anal, non- 040 - Computers privileges 045 - Technology n Express, 050…

February 24, 2006 (vol. 115, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

… deadline, but the University See VISAS, page 7 JEREMY CHO/Daily English Prof. Eric Rabkin finds out that he is the winner of the Golden Apple Award in an Angell Hall classroom yesterday. The award Is given…

… annually to honor outstanding teachers who "teach every lecture as If It were their last." English prof takes bite of Golden Apple Students shower veteran lecturer with congratulations, balloons By Kelly…

… recipients 2005: John Rubadeau (Eng- lish Department) 2004: Matt Lassiter (Department of History) 2003: Thomas Gest (Medi- cal School) 2002: Elliot Soloway (Elec- trical Engineering & Computer Science; School…

March 24, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 104) • Page Image 6

…/ Computers " Models open Daily : 7 19EXTENDED HOURS) ! AVAIL. FALL '05. 1810 Cooley. Nice, 3 bdrm. ranch home, 1 1/2 bath., A/C, prkg., ldry., $1300. 662-9076. ! WALK A LITILE, SAVE…

…, study lounge with computers, great lo- cation near CCRB, and free resident shuttle to North Campus and you have Geddes Hill. Avail. Fall. 741-9300. ABSOLUTELY LARGE 4 bdrm…

…. house in front of UM stadium, new kitch. with all new appl., refinished hardwood, new paint, refin- ished bath., wshr./dryer, ample prkg. A steal at $1500 if signed by March 15. Avail. Aug. '05…

February 24, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 89) • Page Image 6

… bdrm. bi-level apts. 1.5 baths, fumished and contemporary in every way. Add FREE inter- net, . FREE satellite TV, exercise facility, recreation room, study lounge with comput- ers, great location near…

… Shuttle around Central and North Campus " Exercise Facility, Rec. Room * Study Lounge w/ Computers " Models open Daily 741-9300 (EXTENDED HOURS) BUSINESS/LAW Spacious efficiency…

… bdrm hse. close to campus. Avail. May or Sept., dis- count for summer. Free ldry. 248-561-1500. ABSOLUTELY LARGE 4 bdrm. house in front of UM stadium, new kitch. with all new appl., refinished hardwood…

… Epwnrience the DiffArAncel 020 - For Sale 025 - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet 080 - Services 090 - Help Wanted 093 - Summer Employment…

January 24, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 65) • Page Image 6

… CCRB " Complimentary Resident Shuttle around Central and North Campus * Exercise Room, Rec. Room * Study Lounge w/ Computers * Models open Daily ' 3 9 741-9300 (EXTENDED HOURS) www…

… inter- net, FREE satellite TV, exercise facility, recreation room, study lounge with comput- ers, great location near CCRB, and free resi- dent shuttle to North Campus and you have Geddes Hill. Avail…

… from UM Campus Tower Plaza. 663-1530. ABSOLUTELY LARGE 4 bdrm. house in front of UM stadium, new kitch. with all new appl., refinished hardwood, new paint, refin- ished bath,wshr./dryer, ample prkg. A…

… awards 56 Snazzy Apple 57 Prep for a marathon, with "up" 59 Norwegian saint 60 Light fog 62 U.K. network, /34-66-56U ***YOUR NEWLY REMODELEDAPI.*** "Awaits You!!!" Completely furnished…

… - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet 080 - Services 090 - Help Wanted 093 - Summer Employment 095 - Child Care 100 - Tickets & Travel 01 17 i 1 20 21IL…

January 24, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 65) • Page Image 7

… Auditorium. 662-1906. MEDIA POWER. MICHIGAN'S only autho- rized Avid & Apple training center. Contact us @ 248-351-0101 or visit ADVERT!SE MICHIGAN DAILY MOST IMPORTANT SKILL for law school…

computer program to grade essay tests. The futuristic technique first may be tested with a rela- med tively small group of sixth-graders, but if it succeeds, it could Ico. be ramped up statewide. Using…

computers instead of people to grade essays could - save time and money, educators say. It also could help stu- dents become better writers because computers can provide quicker feedback. But the plan faces…

… skepticism from those who say the human element should remain in essay evaluation. Educators do not doubt the computer software's ability to grade spelling and punctuation, and say it would save time for…

… teachers, who often are stuck grading essay questions after school on their own time. But they have misgivings about the computer program's - ability to evaluate content, which often is subjective and sub…

…. The state uses a computer program to grade some end- of-the-year algebra tests and English exams for high school i ' iI }}\ X1iI I ". juniors, who type in their answers on keyboards. Indiana ran a two…

…-year pilot program - with computers and trained human readers simultaneously grading essays - to test the computer program's merits. Indiana does not yet use the computer program to grade essays that measure…

… Federal No Child Left Behind Act. Even when computers are used, the essays also will be evaluated by people to determine how accurately the com- puter program scores the papers during the pilot phase. Sixth…

…-grade classrooms will be selected for the pilot soon, Hughes said. The classrooms selected will be among those in which students received their own laptop computers through a state program, so being able to type…

… their essays on a com- puter should not be a problem. Teachers must agree to attend training to use the computer software. They also must agree to assign a yet-to-be-deter- mined number of writing…

November 24, 2004 (vol. 115, iss. 39) • Page Image 6

… " Built in microwave, dishwasher, disposal * Beautifully furnished " Close to CCRB " Complimentary Resident Shuttle around Central and North Campus * Exercise Room, Rec. Room " Study Lounge w/ Computers

… lounge w/ comput- ers, great location near CCRB, and free resi- dent shuttle to North Campus and you have Geddes Hill. Avail. May & Fall. 741-9300. ABSOLUTELY LARGE 4 bdrm. house…

… in front of UM stadium, new kitch. with all new appl., refinished hardwood, new paint, refin- ished bath, wshr./dryer, ample prkg. A steal at $1700. Avail. Aug. '05. 310 Berkley. Call Dave at 734…

… - For Sale 025 - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet 080 - Services 090 - Help Wanted 093 - Summer Employment 095 - Child Care 100…

May 24, 2004 (vol. 113, iss. 143) • Page Image 6

… propesal? 19 Venomous snoken 20 Too preceder 21 To ale 22 "Bingo" 24 Chain with many links? 28 "Mazel 28 Wrier's works, collectively 29 Big Apple Irs. 30 Haunted house sound 32 Broadcast again 33 West of…

… Direct TV " Exercise Facility "Study Lounge a/computers " Recreation Room "Complimentary Resident shuttle around Central and North Campus -1 viI 741-9300 IU(Extedod Hosts) …

November 24, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 58) • Page Image 6

… CCRB " Complimentary Resident Shuttle around Central and North Campus * Exercise Facility, Rec. Room * Study Lounge w/ Computers * Models open Daily 741-9300 . (EXTENDED HOURS) www…

… every way. Add freecintemet, free satellite TV, exercise facility, rec. room, study lounge w/ computers, great location near CCRB, and free resident shuttle and you have Geddes Hill. May and Fall leases…

… Ex-leader Ed of the Big Apple 35 Hawkeye Pierce portrayer 36 Enlist again 37 Acerbic 38 Firmament 42 Every 52 weeks 43 Grow dim 44 Kid's winter hat feature 45 Stadium section 48 Blockbuster rentals 49…

September 24, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 16) • Page Image 7

… to par with their live work. 2001 brought the computer-pro- duced They Missed The Perfume was a trippy electronic record that earned accolades from many facets of the musical community, but was less…

… better-known indie-pop, like Apples in Stereo, as well as the classic Byrds. Living just isn't hard enough / e alive inside." First listen I ye sworn I heard "Heaven just enough." Regardless, such -meates…

January 24, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 64) • Page Image 12

… those who do not enjoy a -~ Ile IIenre'# WHAT'S NEWS IN ENTERTAINMENT Courtesy of Apple Computers IPOD: Coming to a pocket near you. > ''v . x F ::f >F > : Y' .kr. fn% hYVs :4 x: f % tilt" :3?'+.. G J…

… 4 4B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Magazine -Thursday, January 24, 2002 I The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Magazine- Apple delivers attractive, easy to use digital music player E3…

… well designed. Usually you just want to tear it off in search of the prize inside. Not so with the iPod, Apple's digital music player. Even the packaging is elegant; it comes in a tiny cube shaped box…

… quickly through your songs. This is a necessity because the iPod comes equipped with a volumi- nous 5-gigabyte hard drive. Apple's marketing catch phrase of "1,000 songs in your pocket" is actually an…

… understatement (for once). The iPod could probably hold about 1,200. It gets easier. After connecting the iPod to your Mac, iTunes (Apple's I a I I I I digital music jukebox) automatically opens and syncs…

… all of the songs on your computer to the MP3 player. You can have your entire music col- lection, from Air to Yo La Tengo, on you wherever you go in a package the size of a pack of cigarettes. And If…

… for an entire workday and still have time for a jog. Another cool feature is that when you sync it with your computer, it recharges. If you don't have a computer close by, it comes with a handy adapter…

… with small ears). The only problem I had was a short silence between each song. If you're the active type, you'll appreciate the skip free quality of your music. Apple has built 20 min- utes of skip…

… protection into the iPod. That's not a typo. Even if you throw it around (which I do not recom- mend) it won't skip a beat. Now to one of the hallmark fea- tures about anything by Apple: Its design. I hate…

… bright backlight and is the distinct white color Apple uses on all its products. Its back is a mirror-like stainless steel with an etched Apple logo and "iPod" under it. Right now the iPod is Mac only. A…

January 24, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 67) • Page Image 6

…. 4494. MACLAPTOP POW BK 540C, Mac Laser Writer 300. Like new! Great for students. $250 OBO. or 761-9685. POWER MAC G4 400 megahertz. 128 megabytes. With 17 in. Apple Display. $1,100. 717…

… **LEASING AGENT. Part-time. Seeking friendly person with computer knowledge. will train. Contact Carolyn at 668-1100. AMAZING SUMMER at premier Pennsylvania coed children overnight camp. Energetic…

… To fill out an application or to schedule on campus interview. COMPUTER ASSISTANTS--Freshmen or Sophomores for the Winter 2001 and following Terms to assist with maintaining Macintosh hardware…

…, software and LAN as part of the Student Publications computer support team. Good pay, flexible hours. For an application, send your name and address to or call 764-0550. DESIGNERS! Create…

September 24, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 149) • Page Image 6

… Ldry. Prkg. 924 Greene. S875/ mo. Call Rod 213-1605. $$$ STUDENT JOBS $$$ Up to s8/hr.. plus bonuses. Make your own schedule, gain computer & communication skills, enhance your resume. Fun student…

APPL. for P/T pos. in downtown bakery. Flex. sched. for upbeat. & service-oriented indivs. Apply at Eastern Accents. 214 S. 4th Ave. (Near Liberty) AFTER SCHOOL CARE provider for older children. Need car…

… 667-2600 or fax resume and cover letter to 734-677-4730. NEEDED-A person that can type. is familiar with computers.. is organized. and team oriented. We are a commercial real estate company in an…

… opinion telephone interviews. Candidates need to be highly self-directed, with a professional telephone manner for conducting research interviews. Experience with IBM compatible computers helpful. Keyboard…

… statements & other general bookkeeping activities. Excellent opportunity to gain a variety of accounting experience. Call Rick at Computer Medic 662-1228 or fax 662-2254. SHAMAN DRUM BOOKSHOP seeks entry leel…

March 24, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 98) • Page Image 6

…-8968. MACEXCHANGE Discount Computer Outlet. Sales and Service. Plain Talk Microphone $20, PowerMacs from $699. Buy, Sell, Trade, New, Used, Upgrade. 1739 Washtenaw, 482-0739. ARE YOU LOOKING for housing? Contact www…

…/ appl. Util. included. $450 + 747-6895. PARK PLAZA - 1320 S. University. 3 bedroom available now through Spring/Sum- mer '98. Call 761-8000. PRE-LEASE DISCOUNTS!! Great, low rates on huge 1, 2, and 3…

… valuable computer skills. Paid training, fun atmosphere. $6.50+/hr. to start, bonuses up to $8/hr. For application & info stop by 611 Chur #304 or call 998-7420. $$ SUMMER INTERNSHIPS Work out West!! Avg…

March 24, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 98) • Page Image 11

…- ple who contributed to the great times I've had at the Daily - especially to Jim, Dan and Mark - current sports editors. We've been through many sports beats, coaches, road trips - and computers. When I…

… throw line. It's payback time. James Goldstein can be reached at Tark the talk of the Big Apple REGISTRAR'S BULLETIN BOARD IT'S TIME NEW YORK (AP) - There were no camera crews…

February 24, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 81) • Page Image 6

… School. Sept. lease. 2 to 4 people. Heat, water, parking, & laundry. Furnished. $1100 + Electric. 663-8487. No pets. NEAR CENTRAL OR MEDICAL-Eff. 1 & 2 brdn. semi-fum. w/ appl. & prkg. avail. $475-$675/mo…

… SOFTWARE- A+ Computing is the authorized academic reseller for Adobe Systems, Borland, Corel/ WordPerfect, Jandel SigmaPlot, Mathematica, Microsoft, MiniCAD, Strata StudioPro, US Robotics, Video Toaster…

…/ -Lightwave 3D, & many more. Discounts ran- ge from 30% to 70%. We provide quotes, & we sell site licenses. Call A+ for prices and free catalog today: 800/878-1354. A+ COMPUTING- Call for discount software ces…

… & free cataloo 800/878-1354. B-BALL Tournament Software Track your NCAA pool the easy way For Beginners and Serious Users Windows & Win95 Next Day Mail Avail. $19.99 Call Now 1-800-711-7879 COMPUTER

… RENAISSANCE We buy, sell, & trade quality used and new computers. Incredible deals! 486s and Macs as low as $350. Printers starting at $29, 17" monitors as low as $499. Notebooks as low as $399. We warranty…

October 24, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 19) • Page Image 6

… Washtenaw 482- 0739. APPLE LASERWRITER for sale. 4 yrs. old, like new. $500 or best. 913-5843. COMPUTER RENA ISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT Incredible deals on systems, monitors, printers and accessories! 486…

…, throughout the school yr. Flex. eve. hrs.-create own sched. Obtain valuable computer & comm. skills while im- proving stud. programs. Pd. Training. For info. & applications stop by Mich. Telefund, 611 Church…

… St. & Huron St.). COMPUTER RENAISSANCE has full and part-time positions available at its Ann Arbor store. Call 313-994-1030 or Fax 313-994- 1304. COUNTER HELP Have a blast! Friendly, customer service…

…'s Degree in: Computer Science, Information Systems or Accounting Information Systems. Jr. or Sr. standing desirable but not required. Student should have a good understanding of PC hardware and Windows…

…, MI 48104. **********MACEXCHANGE********** MacExchange Computer Outlet. Sales & service. 486s from $389. New Performa 6320 $1999. Syquest 44r Drive $39.Technical help wanted, apply within 1739…

March 24, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 98) • Page Image 6

COMPUTER SALE Sunday, March 26, 9:30 a.m.-4 .m. Washtenaw Community College's Morris Lawrence Building. New and used hardware and software plus forum on the Internet. Vendor tables $40, admission $4. Call…

… 971- 0990 for info. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599…

… Laser Jet Deluxe Printer. 8 pgs./min. Exc. cond. A real work horse printer. $345. 995-3276. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete system including printer only $599. Call Chris at 8001289-5685. or rent Also…

…, & appl. Prkg., Idry., security, storage lockers, heat and water paid. Great loc. for Medical Campus & close to North Campus bus stops. Prices range from $800-895. May to May or Sept. leases avail. Some…

January 24, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

… said that he "had gotten in- toxicated (Thursday night) and was venting some frustration." --Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter Josh White MARK FRIEDMAN/Daily University alum Max Apple spoke last night at…

… recommendations," he said. Bashur explained that the report was not a final are quite statement on the F, By RACHEL LAWSON For the Daily University alum and author Max Apple explained his passion for writ- ing…

January 24, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 62) • Page Image 6

… rust. Runs and looks exc. $2190. 764-3610. 286 PC FOR SALE $175 or best offer. Software included. Call Andrew 668-1182. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers

… & accessories. We pay cash for Your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994…

… die for! New fum., carpet, & appl. Prkg., ldry., security, storage lockers, heat and water paid. Great loc. for Medical Campus & close to North Campus bus stops. Prices range from $800-895. May to May…

…/ appl.&prkg. avail. $475-$775/mo., util. incl. 747-6895. NEAR UNION lg. Contemporary studios. 1, 2, & 3 bdrm. apis. 741-9300. ----- - -- -- - -- - - - -- - --- CENTRAL CAMPUS-FALL. Furnished…

September 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 119) • Page Image 6

…., tape, many new parts. $500 930-9787. APPLE IMAGEWRITER II PRINTER as new, $175, 996-4987, leave message. BICYCLES: All speeds, men/womens. $25- $50 good cond. Also parts. 475-3238. CARPET FOR SALE 12 X…

… 12, Grey, Beige, Tope. $100. Will Deliver. 741-5110. COMPUTER: ZENITH Supersport Laptop 20 MB Drive. Carrying case, software incl. exc. cond. $450 or best. 995-0063 before 11 p.m. ERIC'S ACTION SPORTS…

… soup & salad bar in town. Call Darla at 763-5789, 9-1 lam or 1-3pm. WORK-STUDY STUDENT NEEDED. Computer consultant for Kresge Hearing Res. Inst. Duties include help with development of hardware and…

… software solutions for research and administrative environments. Familiarity with basic computer concepts and good in- terpersonal skills necessary. Call 764-8110 for more info. WORK-STUDY JOB opportunity…

… 33 34 36 37 38 42 43 Arab leader Computer hackers, perhaps - the street Can't get a word in - Feud Among Go around again 44 French donkey 45 With full force 46 Mother-of-pearl 47 Sooners 48 Tours…

September 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 131) • Page Image 7

COMPUTER6 lbs. $300 XT computer loaded $250. 769-7820 e v ,s.. MODEM: 2400 BPS, ne er used, w/Mac saftware, $90. Imagewrite: II, gently used, $450 new, asking $200. 994-3852. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS. Apple

… powerbook 140, 4/40, $1900 x Hypercard/ S)st-m 7. Compaq Lte 38(s J20, Factory sealed 2/60 VGA $1600, 2/84 VGA $1700. New/used computer systems available. Com- pu Cycle, Inc. 1-800-854-2677. I II SCULL ON…

…. A place for self-starters in virtually every scientific and engineering discipline to launch exceptional careers. ENGINEERING COMPUTER SCIENCES GEOSCIENCES APPLIED SCIENCES PLEASE NOTE: Open to all…

March 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 99) • Page Image 9

… hundreds of questions on the GMAT, GRE and LSAT. This checklist will help you answer all of them. Byte into our Apples®... with no bite out of your wallet. You have the right ideas... but you don't have the…

… Mac to make them happen. At Kinko's, we have the solution! You'll find the tools you need to get the job done right in our comfortable work area. * In-store Macintosh-computer rental 0 Laser printers 0…

apple above is wot 50e of ftscunt Mac rental time or one laser pnnt. 1 Save even more with the 60-punch MacPass available only at Knko's. Limit one caonon ner visit ner customer Call or Visit Today! 337…

January 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 63) • Page Image 6

…-1967. ERIC'S ACTION SPORTS Indoor sports shoes and team uniforms. 2 blocks off State St. Call 663-6771. PERFECT STUDENT COMPUTER. 286 Laptop w/ 20 meg.. HD., Num. keypad & mouse. MS Works, Lotus 2.2 , Wd…

…. May- May near campus, all major appl. Off- st. parking, laundry, very large rooms, walk- in closets. Rent neg. Student landlord. Call 994-4088. *6 BDRM. FURN. HOUSES. Carpet, ldry., erkg., May or Sept…

…. yr. lease. 485-8225. *BEST HOUSE CLOSE TO CAMPUS! 6 bdrm., 2 1/2 baths, cntrl. air, hardwood floors, re-done baths & ktchn. w/all appl., Free wshr./dryer, pkng. avail. May. Must see to appreciate…

September 24, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

… engineering, computer science, and physics. Another issue that will be decided by vote at the same time is the authority of GEO's leadership to call a strike if the contract is rejected. "We need to make sure…

…, Page 2 An apple a day... An Ann Arbor resident picked apples at Wizard's Apple Orchard in Ypsilanti yesterday. Ecology center sues foam by Jami Blaauw Daily Environment Reporter The Ecology Center of…

September 24, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 154) • Page Image 6

…Page 6- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 24, 1991 FORSAL '61 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 4 door, black. Call 761-1252. APPLE IIC SYSTEM & SOFTWARE. Ex- cellent condition. $350. Call 665-7908. FOR…

… Kerrytown. 449-4797. NEED ROOMIE, OWN ROOM, share apt. w/ 2 women. Ldry., pkng., close by. 63 8655 COMPUTERS IBM PS/2 MOD 70 386, 12 inch color monitor, mouse, 60M hard disk, 4MB ram, 1.44MB disc drive…

… flexible. $5/hr. Loving non- smoker. Call 995-5304. COMPUTER TECHNICAL CONSULT- ANT sought to advise and assist users with micro computers and software in part-time position. Must possess skills in software…

… training and in trouble-shooting equipment problems.aExperience with UM computer systems a plus. Send resume to Tracy Willoughby, 3012 Dana Building, Ann Arbor, Mi. 48109. Questions, phone 763- 2228. Work…

October 24, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 36) • Page Image 6

…-3149. GEM'S TYPING SERVICE, neat, accurate, and on time! $3.00 per page. 662-7965. HAY RIDES- Good old fashioned country atmosphere w/ bonfire & all you can eat hot dogs, apple cider, & marshmallows. See why…

… interviewers. We will train in telephone interviewing tech- niques and in the use of computer terminals- no experience necessary. Applicants must be available to work at least four shifts per week including…

…-STUDY STUDENTS needed in internal medicine HEM/ONC for Fall/Winter '90/'91. Office work, computer experience desirable. Great pay. Inquire at 936-5290. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO ORIENT SPECIALS: Bangkok fr…

September 24, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 13) • Page Image 13

… Systems, come to our presentation. We'll teach you the one thing school couldn't. How to get a job at Apple. Thursday September 27, 1990 7:00-9:00 p.m. EECS Building Room 1500 Apple Computer has a corporate…

… 31st. Because this is one after-school event that could change what you do with your life, after school. Mail or fax uvs your resumie by October 17th for consideration. Apple Computer, Inc., College…

…. There are complete locker rooms. The expansive weight room is supplemented by computers which evaluate and alter a player's workout automatically. The equipment room, where each player's gear is washed…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…'ll get a rebate for up to half the suggested retail price of the Apple peripherals you add on -so you'll save up to $800. Ask for details today where computers are sold on campus. :0 EDITOFAAL STAFF…

…; " _ , ........ . y.,.. . ' - :; 1.Buy a Macintosh. '' 2.Add aperipheral. S ............ ..... 3 Get a nice fat check. Now through March 31, when you buy selected MacintoshRSE or Macintosh II computers, you…

…~arie wesaw Mark Shaman Cherie Curry Mark Swartz Kevin woodson Apple Pays Half News Staff: Laura Cohn, Diane Cook, Laura Counts, Marion Davis, Noah Finkel, Lisa Fromm, Alex Gordon, Stacey Gray, Tara Gruzen…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 6

… 994-1355. MACINTOSH COMPUTER w/Fan, external drive and priter. $1400/negotiable. Call 663- 5970, ask for Tony. MUSIC MAN BASS + PEAVEY 130w Amp. Great condition. $450 955-0484. PEAVEY GUITAR & AMP…

…). Responsibilities include book- keeping, debt collection, payroll, training-su- pervision of house treasurers. Organizing and computer skills required. Understanding of and interest in coops is important. Salary ne…

… -": Hamlet's last words 61 Raccoon's cousin 63 Of the ear 64 At the summit 65 Inspiring profound 9 Love apple 10 Saharan 11 N. Nigerian city 12 It follows printemps 13 Actor Beatty 21 "In God We Trust," e…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 7

…. THANK YOU i PRESENT OR FORMER English 225 Stu- Wdents. Students needed to serve as subjects for a project examining the use of computers in writing. Experience using computers ,for writing required. $5…

… rapidly growing company. Icludes benefits. Apply in person at Kinko's, 540 E. Liberty. SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE in Western Wayne and Downriver areas. Don't wait until June --Appl now. For DOWNRIVER area Call…

January 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

…, 1303 EECS, 6-8 pm; Baxter Healthcare, 1010 Dow, 4:30-6:30 pm; Apple Computer, 1200 EECS, 6:30-8:30 pm; Oracle, 1301 EECS, 6:30-7:30 pm. ANN ARBOR'S OWN COMEDY THEATER TROUPE .Lreadership Excellence…

… spring term 1989. Undergraduate applicants must have at least Positions Available Resident Directors Asst. Resident Directrs Minority Peer Advisors Head Libraians Resident Advisors Computer Trainers…

March 24, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 117) • Page Image 6

… 40 gal. high, $75 neg. Call Tom at 930-1541. HOHNER ELECTRIC PIANO w/stand and case. Very good cond. Call Mike 996-3989. HOME/CAR COMPONENTS & SPKRS.. TV'S/VCR's. COMPUTERS. SUPER PRICES. 668…

… and - Charles 55 Rnn 56 Neighb Mont. 58 Calenda 59 Asian ge ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PU SA D D A WA I IT A ERIE M A L M 0 U ANDA L U SI AN S FOOL ISH MART SALOR APPLES TAt LO C HA IN C UR SE TO0R T S A DA T…

… males. CLERK/RECEPTIONIST for busy office.. Full time until April 29. Typing 50 wpm de- sirable. $3.40/hr. 68-8 898. CO-ED Massachusetts summer camp seeks counselors. Call (914)762-2820. COMPUTER SALES…

September 24, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 15) • Page Image 6

…0 Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 24, 1986 [I 1l 7IC4C-AF0'I7 =4q LOST & FOUND FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE PERSONAL CHEAP COMPUTER TERMINALS- 15 Bucks per month including…

… ************************************ ***CARPET CLEARANCE SALE. EVERY CARPET MUST BE SOLD. CALL 663- 3889. PRICE 20-30% OFF IBM, Apple, Commodore soft- ware. Call Automation Link, 747-9000. APPLE ][E W/EVERYTHING 128K Print- erJVC Box w/ 4 speaks…

September 24, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 15) • Page Image 7

… that you can dramat- tion, the stiffer the competition. But don't despair. 17 ically change the course of E - _ Apple® has two ways to make sure the competition eats your dust. Just take part in a…

… five minute demonstration of the Macintoshr personal computer. You'll see how Macintosh can History Biology And whatever else you maybe studying. Macintosh and aTrek bike. Both will do more than help…

September 24, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 15) • Page Image 6


…-0196 Evenings. 66B0925 COMPUTER DISCOUNT: U.M. Specials: NEC 8201 Notebook Computer, $699. Terminals, $350 and less. 118 N. Fourth Ave. 662-0210 afternoons. 07B1002 OLD WEST SIDE Charming 2 bdr. apt. located in…

…, hotel, and two Epcot Center tickets. Raffle tickets available for $1.00 at the Union or Athletic Ticket Office. 54P1021 COMPUTER TERMINALS including mod maintenance - printing $80/month. - $70/month…

September 24, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 14) • Page Image 13

… for his "animal-like" scream. The fast few nights, the rugby team has been attempting to recruit players who are willing to practice two evenings a week and, more importantly, take a hit. Computer Mart…

… of Ann Arbor announces micro-computer pack- ages especially for students. Possible uses in- clude: Wordprocessing Accounting Electronic Spreadsheets Filing/ Record Keeping Programming Accessing…

… Michigan Ter- minal System at home We carry IMB-PC, Apple, Osborne, Sanyo, Com- modore, Ann Arbor Ter- minals. Call us for a demonstration or come in during our regular hours, we are open late on Mondays…

March 24, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 136) • Page Image 4


… bombarded by eggs, rocks, apples, and ice. Later ,I heard the story of one man who, after throwing the door of the post office into the path of a neo-Nazi sliding around the building, said, "I guess that was…

January 24, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 94) • Page Image 6

… evenings. 662-6482. 31B0127 ICELANDIC WOOL ITEMS FOR SALE: BEST quality imports, cheaper then Bean's. Call 764-5654. 24B0131 COMPUTER TERMINAL. Hazeltine 1400 and NCE telephone nodem. Like new, $600. Call…

… 65 - date 66 Morning moisture DOWN' 1 Traditional apple eater 2 Oahu dish in- gredient 3 Not - 4 Keeps safe 5 Pratesr 6 Alda of films 7 Nevada mecca 8 Poachers 9 Bitter tonic 10 Islands in the Isere…

October 24, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 9

… apart from the one they have known for their first CHILD ABUSE SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP)-A new' computerized system for reporting child abuse has been put into practice here, reports a management infor…

…- mation publication. MIS Week says the program, operating on the Illinois Department of Child and. Family Services computer configuration, solves a big problem by centralizing records from more than'70…

… instead to an apple tart, which would have been rather difficult to decipher. Martin's'crowning touch is the play's final scene. He has cast the very capable Martin Walsh as the mysterious Masked Man, an…

September 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 16) • Page Image 6

…-7151 . Specializing in custom engagement & wedding rings cFtc ERWIN FARMS PICK YOUR OWN APPLES Open 7 days, starting Sept. 15, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. McIntosh, now, $4.50/bushel, $2.50/2. Red Delicious, starting Sept. 29…

… project. Basic French necessary. Bob, 764-7487. 63H924 SALESPERSON-Part-time in the largest computer store in the country. Responsible for phone and counter sales. Exposure to computers, sales, or terminals…

…- computers, this is the place for you. Contact Randy cFtc Wright at Compumart, 994-4445. Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F. 55H929 1974 Hornet hatchback, 3 speed denim package radials, rally wheels. Call Pete…

October 24, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…. psychic, lay-therapist, ."Bio-Energetics Aud., 7:30 pm. & Its Integration with Astrology, Magic, Computing Ctr.: J. Henriksen, "Intro- Yoga, & Psychology in Wholistic Heal- duction to SIMSCRIPT-II," Seminar…

… ing," Aud. A, Angell Hall, 3 pm. Rm., Computing Ctr., 7:30 pm. Botany: A, Smith, "North American Music School: H. Hamilton, "Japa- Species of Lactarus," 1139 Nat. Sci.,4neseNoh-Dramna," lecture…

… MONTVERDI MENDELSSOHN CIANTI GIORDANI Thurs., Oct. 25-8 p.m. E. Quad Greene Lounge EVERYONE INVITED! No musical knowledge needed. ADMISSION:5c HOMEMADE APPLE PUDDING CAKE served afterward. Further info.: 761…

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