April 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 147) • Page Image 1
…THI! Us. OiF N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. AN N ARBOR, MICH., ltIDAY, APRIL 24, 1903 No. 147 FIRST HOME 'GAME Varsity Beat A. A. H. S. in an In- ter°esting Game-Training Table to be Started oldn 1111lit mI 15thle Hrst g-tinlis'of zslle tti 'ltill Ferry ildl and thei --': itt 1111 5 Ie ironss w lliforta1 goo tiie ll'TI-inieitty leitg 1111etoitswites. in1 ,' i l 31.Theituib itngythe fr t as m tjis li itop tilego I tlteifi poliag n, f 10 teas was aii lp t...…