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November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

… tC . at ( 7AI)IAI) 1UR(EY High--32 Lov- 26 See Today for details STUFFY BIRDS See Editorial Page Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 66 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 24, 1976 Ten Cents E f .. ight Pages WCU SEE NE SNCALLDAY Happy holiday! 'Twas the day before Turkey Day And not a reporter had stirred 'Cause the Daily's gone home To eat stuffing and bird We've packed up our pencils We've stopped rolling the news We...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…hge Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 24, 1976 i Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Until 9:00 Saturday Until 5:30 P.M. '.Ie. . 'p , , V,; $ Jobless r ob esas, top Ca (Continued from Page 1) tween the White House and Congress. He said jobs will be a major focus of the first months of his administration and that he ex- pects before his Jan. 20 inau- guration to have worked out with the Congress the outline of major unemployment...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, Novembr 24,197,6 THE MICHIGAN DAILY , Page Three Wednesday, Movem* 24, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Kids smoke more marijuana, and take fewer hard drugs, WASHINGTON (AP) - A gov- "THE PROBLEM is not go- ernment, survey released yes- ing away," he said. "On the* terday shows that American other hand, we are not report- young people are using mari- ing any dramatic upturn eith- juana more often, but the over- er." whelming majority c...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

… Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48, 09 ECONOMICS: Burns churns out more 'good news' Wednesday, November 24, 1976 "Cws Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at tie UnP ersity of Michigan Turkey Awards: *Rond 3 By STEPHEN KURSMAN ON THURSDAY ARTHUR Burns spoke in New York and said he expected an economic resurgence. On the, same day the Commerce Depart- ment released figures indicating tha...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Arts & Entertain ment Wednesday, November 24, 1976 Page Five .I Andre PARIS (Reuter) - Andre Malraux, the1 literary and intellectual giant who ,matcl bold words with action and entranced Gene Gaulle, died yesterday in a Paris hospital.I 75. Secure in his place as a 20th-century c legend, Malraux died of a massive bloodc the lung. after entering hospital in weakene dition nine days ago. He had been ill fors weeks. PRESIDENT...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, Nowember 24, 1976 I WM-.WW.W.FAM FOR RENT FOR RENT LARGE BEDROOM, ground floor, LARGE EFFICIENCY, private bath. private, entrance, all utilities in- $180. All utilities paid, Available eluded. $100/mon. 665-3399. 11C1202 immediately. Phone 6 3-0321. 48C1124 'FURNISHED APTS. One block from 10 ROOM HOUSE on campus, 6 campus. 4 mo. winter lease. Uni- bdrms., 2 baths, fireplace. Partly Iversity Towers,...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, I ovember 24, 197 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page sever HOPE FOR REVERSE OF LAST YEAR: Inside Straightresers oes on returne ndy Glazer By PATRICK RODE potential. We ought to be right grapplers. Johnson must get by more, returns at 126 pounds. Benschoter. Marsicano will al- prime contender f and MARK WHITNEY up there at the top," Johanne- his old nemesis, Chris Campbell Godlow, the Big Ten champ so have to face defending Big ber one ranki...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight' THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 24, 1976 I'age Eight' THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 24, 1976 0 1 N University of Michigan 1976/77 OFFIICAL STUDENT and FACULTY/STAFF Carter's tax plan hailed by 'U' Prof Gilmore gives his attorney the boot I (Continued from Page 1) under the Carter administration. SALT LAKE CITY (P) - neys with an attorney for Gil- tion" to use them could result in "This is one of the bu...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 9

…P t t CYt til, I wenty -'oges Supplement to The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 24, 1976 Twenty Pages . . . .... U ' '1011 " " " " " " a "" ." "" ':" "# a..........a W , r".me"e."". " " " " " " " " o" "" " "" "" "t e! " o" "" " " "" i " ".m""ei"...i. i " " s "t " " . "s r " " "" " " # "r "... " " "a "#" " a" " " "" " a "" "ea " o" " "a a "o a " o #" " "" " a""" "ra" "" "" """" a"" m ee r"". ""!" ..#"®.. """" s "...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 10

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 24, 1976 AFTER TEN YEAR BAN: At last, the Dunk is back By K kTHY HENNEGHAN The Dunk is back. With the leapers on the Michi- gan team this year, it should be exciting. "The crowd will go wild," says Michigan coach Johnny Orr. "In Indiana or Iowa, they might even jump out of the bal- conv for something like that." The National Basketball Rules Committee, which gov- erns all amateur basketball i...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 11

…Wednesday, November 24, 1,976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three anWolvernes w'n it al? For the first time since the Cazzie Rusell era a decade ago, basketball is big at Michigan. The Wolverines return four starters from last year's NCAA runner-up team: Guards Steve Gote and $ Rickey Green, forward John Robinson and center, Phil Hubbard. Also back are all the top subs: David Baxter, Tom Staton, Alan Hardy, Joel Thompson, Tom Bergen and. Bobby J...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 12

…Pge Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY vrW- esday, November 24, 1976 . Page f-our THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 24, 1976 F lil " BEST OF BOTH W RLDS 1 5 IK AAA " 4 month winter lease " furnished apartments " weekly housekeeping " 24 hour security " two blocks from central campus UHIV&PSY ICWE3PS corner of S. Forest and South U. 761-2680 …

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 13

…Wednesday, November 24, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hilltoppers field young team . .TII *1 Page Five agans iieigaii By HENRY ENGELHARDT Richards, "they're goi Western Kentucky, 20-9 and a great basketball te Ohio Valley Champ last year, they build from last ye provides the first challenge for "Obviously we can't this year's Wolverines. bad with nine new fa Hilltopper coach Jim Rich- can't be set and ready ards practically dreads open- early in t...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 14

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 24, 1976 Pope Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday November 24, 1976 Grote, Robinson lea the By TOM CAMERON John Robinson take over as co- "le was a tremendous lead- cantains of the 1976-77. cagers. er," said assitant oach Bill To Grote and Robinson how- Frieder of last seaso' 's captain, ever, their role is no different Wayman Britt. "He always pick- than it was before. Neither feel ed the team...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 15

…V1 ednesday, November 24, 1976 THE MICHou^N DAILY Page Seven Continued frm Page 13 to stay home, especially when said star guard Rickey Green. good performances, few both- no one else was going. "The more people yelling, the etered going to the games until- But now, times have changed. better it makes you feel. You M ic a n tii c1 k e t late in the season. In addition, People are expecting a winner 'eel more at home." many games were schedu...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 16

…Poge Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 24, 1976 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Wednesday, Navember 24, 1976 { !! }f4 t i1 ( 1 i3 I I i f jit t ' i "'YOUR FRESH FLOWERY'N'PLANT STORE" North Campus Area ii 2745 Plymouth Rd. Mall 769-2250 OPEN til 8 p.m. Mon.-Fri., Sat. til 6 ,;II' i, ii . ;' j' SKINNY SOPH IN PIVOT: 'Hfub': Good as g old By KATHY HENNEGHAN "People make me mad," says Michigan coach Johnny Orr, "by always askin...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 17

…Wednesday, November 24, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Orr silences critics by winning By TOM CAMERON The hard years seem to be over for Johnny Orr. The fans looked awfully cold and the world pretty dark seven years ago when Orr's second team could not manage to win half its games and "Dump Orr" chants rang in Crisler. Since then, Orr has put to- gether six winning seasons - culminating in last year's sec- ond place NCAA finish - and is...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 18

…Page Ten THE MICF4IGAN DAILY WpeinPCrinv Nnvpmkpr ?4 1 97Fi Pacev Ten: TH1..tYy,,F F CH f \! VflJ l Y-. (ISC~,i vu ~ rA ,1 c7 3 iti i IL M I "BA Nov. 2 Dec. 4 Dec. 1' Dec. 2' ian. 6 Jan .8 Jan. 21 Jan. 2:' Feb. 3 Feb. 5 Feb. 1 Feb. 19 Feb. 2 Mar. 6 CHIGAN 4E GAMES !7 WESTERN KENTUCKY I IFORDHAM 8 KENT STATE 1 CENTRAL MICHIGAN-T NORTH WESTERN f + WISCONSIN 0i PURDUEs 2 ILLINOIS INDIANA s iOHIO STATE 7 IOWA A 9 MINNESOTA 68 MICHIGAN ST...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 19

…Wednesday, November 24, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poage Eleven WednedayNoveber 4, 176 TE MIHIGA DAIY P-I-Elv en F Rickey behind If there was a star on the Michigan team last year, it was Rickey Green. A high school teammate of co-captain John Robinson, Green originally planned to come to Michigan straight nut af high school.OBut academic probems forced him to Vincennes (Ind.) Junior College, where Green was a two-time All-American. At Michi...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 20

…Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wedne-doy, November 24, 1~976 Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wedne-doy, November 24, 1976 0 i THE ONLY INDEPENDENT RECORD STORE IN ANN ARBOR ALL $6.98 L.R's ONLY $3.991 CRAIG Marquette highlgights non-conference slate By SCOTT LEWIS "It's a great thrill for our kids to play at the University SI of Michigan. They represent [yseverything that is good about basketball. It will be a tribute to be on the same ...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 21

…Wednesday, November 24, 1976 Where are they now: Cynics, critics and Jim IBarahal I By ANDY GLAZER JIM BARAHAL must be sleeping fitfully these nights. Jim Who must be what? Jim Barahal. The insightful underg d who, three years ago, ran for Student Government Council on the sole platform of a "Dump Johnny Orr," campaign. He won. This campus was down enough on the Michigan basket- ball program, in general, and Orr in particular to actually vote ...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 22

…)aae Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 2,1976 I gvlu , eu nTE IHGNDIL l , Blue best bet ir, By RICH LERNER What can the Big Ten do for an encore? In 1976, the confer- ence supplied both national fi- nalists, runner-up Michigan and champion Indiana. Meanwhile, the other confer- ence teams boasted wins over such national powers as Mar- quette, Kentucky, Arizona, Ore- gon State and Arizona State. Seven of the ten teams posted...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 23

…Wednesday, November 24, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Fitteen Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG The 1976-77 Michigan basketball team FRONT ROW (left to right): Mgr. Mitch Kaufman, gen, Joel Thompson, Bobby Jones, Mgr. John Ander- David Baxter, Rickey Green, Dave Stavale, Tom Len Lillard, Alan Hardy, Phil Hubbard, co-captain - son. BACK ROW (left to right): Asst. coach Bill Staton, Bill Lelich, asst. coach Jim Boyce, adminis- Steve Grote, co-capta...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 24

…Page Sixteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday,, November 24, 197E Green ignites the Wolverine attack (Continued from Page 11) nent, I don't care who we play. THE DAILY: There's M a r c h 6 against Marquette too. Do you realize that Michigan is at Purdue one after- noon and at home against Marquette the next? That's less than 24 hours between those games, and Purdue's tough too. GREEN: I just hope we have enough strength to carry us through. Wh...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 25

…Wednesdoy, November 24, 1976 THE MIlCHIGAN DAILY Poge, Seventeen JUST ASK JIM BOYCE: Recruiting a year-round job By DON MacLACHLAN Earvin Johnson, Jimmy Rad- iff, Brian Allsmiller, Tommy Baker, and Eugene Banks may not be household name. to Mich- igan haskethall fans throughout the country. However, these men could be the key to Michigan's success in the near future. These prep cagers are just a few of the names on the Michigan recruit- in...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 26

…J Page Eighteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 24, 1976 . ,The Wolverines ... 215 N. Main 2 Ann Arbor 7 663-7758 Visit Our "Old Fashioned" * Fantastic selection of Adult games 0 Children's Toys O lobbies for everyone 0 Party Favors 0 Puzzles "The Friendly Family Store" Campus Bike & Toy 514 E. William 662-0035 (Continued from Page 15) spectively. In high school Hardy starred for Detroit Northwestern and landed unanimous All State...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 27

…Wednesday, November 24, 197b THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nineteen Wednesday, November 24, 19Th THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nineteen MARK LOZIER (6-3, Fr., G "Everyone is, kind of tal me under their wing," s Mark Lozier. "I've been ask a lot of questions, and the: all eager to help me." Although Lozier was Mi igan's lone catch in colle basketball's recruiting wi last spring, he doesn't mi being the only neophyte the team. "I wasn't nervous at all f...…

November 24, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 66) • Page Image 28

…Page Twenty rHE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 24, 1975 Page Twenty ~HE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 24, 1 97~ Announcing Tech if i's Thanksgiving Sale. With a"Tu ey-Proof"Guarantee. GARBE .-- i the business: Pioneer, KLH, and BSR. The Pioneer SX 434 stereo re- ceiver delivers ample power for the KLH - I 100 two-way loudspeakers to achieve truly impressive levels of volume, with very little distortion. A reliable BSR 2260 BX aut...…

November 24, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE See Inside Y Sitt a Da3 r PRECIPITOUS Hligh-55 Law-30 See Today for details Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXV, No. 70 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 24, 1974 Ten Cents Eight Pages e tM- ESEE ?FWS F1APN)4 a lL Z'DAIY Clericals confident As the newly-formed Concerned Clericals for Action/United Auto Workers (CCFA/UAW) pre- pares for its first membership meeting, the union's leadership is confid...…

November 24, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

… Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 24, '1974 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Have a few extra moments during the day? Need something to occupy your mind? THEN, tuck a copy of Crossword Puzzle under your arm. Junior Year in Germany at FREIBURG First Informational Meeting Thurs.-Dec. 5, 1974-8:00 p.m. East Conference Room-RACKHAM All undergraduates interested in attending the University of Freiburg should attend this meet- ing. Coal...…

November 24, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…editors: howie brick laura berman contributing editor: mary long Sunday magazine inside: page four-books page five-on conspirmng Number 12 Page Three Novembe r 24, 1974 FEATURES m Images of an acti 'Ann By STEPHEN SELBST BESIDES BEING "the research center of the midwest," Ann Arbor was once, believe it or not, a center of campus radicalism. The campus was intimately involved in the birth of Students for a Demo- cratic Society, seen...…

November 24, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

… Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 24, 1974 0 east libeFour THE4MsCHIGAN .3 _________________ KS. NATION MISLED FDR: His last year told in tedious detail NAGGING MYSTERY Lost voyagers off the Bermuda coast i I FDR's LAST YEAR by Jim to disarm the news correspond- THE BERMUDA TRIAN-! Bishop. New York: Morrow, ents and through them, the elec- GLE by Charles Berlitz, New' 669 pp. $12.50. torate of the United States. York: Doub...…

November 24, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 70) • Page Image 5

…Sunday, November 24, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Sunday, November 24, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five PERSPECTIVE AFTER WATERGATE On the popularity of conspiracy theories By TONY SCHWARTZ FOR YEARS, even most radi- cals had forgotten about at- tempts to pursue a conspiracy theory of John F. Kennedy's assassination. Today, more than a decade after the presi- dent's death, the tide may be shifting. And Jeff Cohen - a thin, dark hair...…

November 24, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 70) • Page Image 6

…Page Six I FiL. IVII'...41I'..Jr'dN Ldr~IL. I .---, 1 i ht MIL.rl1k.3/A IN L)/'\ILT 7==Tr w I REMINDS YOU T to ela ou I I ti w i R AND T SPA E IS GETTING TIGHTI 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS " SOUTH UNIVERSITY . CITY CENTER BUILDING (Across from City Hall) TELEPHONE 7AQ=QAROI ® r _ r + I …

November 24, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 70) • Page Image 7

…Sunday, November 24, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven . . . ....... ..... rs.r "' i .r _ :. v ti ' 'F , f i-' , E s ( gtthe jo dne -U---00 iAt 1 i 'I iiiiililii!lilllm llll F FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY it . ..w ...ww FOR RENT PETS AND SUPPLIES Uncontracted Classified Rates WORDS 0-10 11-f5 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 1 1.15 1.40 1.65 1.90 2.15 2.40 2.6 2.0 ...…

November 24, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 70) • Page Image 8

… Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 24, 1974 Page ---.., THE,.ICH.G.N.,A.L. KLABAN'S KICKS DOOM MICHIGAN 'Fou (Continued from Page 1) and decisively for an early 10-0 lead. THE WOLVERINE defensej forced Ohio to punt away its initial possession before Mich- igan moved 53 yards in only four plays. Three rushes gained nine yards before Franklin found wingback Gil Chapman cutting across t h e middle. Chapman gathered in the toss ...…

November 24, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…THE UPCOMING BOND ISSUE See Editorial Page Y AOF AOP .4i4tr tgan, :43a tR t TERMINAL High-35 Low-2 Occasional snow; 1-3" expected Vol. LXXXI I, No. 65 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 24, 1971 Ten Cents Ten Pages Regents' meetings: Opening up? csJ ruling results By CARLA RAPOPORT In what might be the University's first ove toward lifting the curtains of sec- recy which surrounds the Regents' monthly meetings, President Robbe...…

November 24, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednes&y, November 24, 1971 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednes~y, November 24, 1971 Van: R By HERB BOWIE Do you remember back in high school when your English teacher wanted to discuss this strange' phenomenon of p o p music and she started talking about . . Simon and G a r - funkel? And do you remeniber reading that Leonard Bernstein thought that the Beatles, for pop musicians, were pretty good, because they u...…

November 24, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

… NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-05054 -..&L Ld&- & 41P mtr4togan :43atil page three Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, November 24, 1971 11217 S University across from Campusiheateri ENDING WEDNESDAY C .7 I DIAL 8-6416 Shows TODAY At 1-3-5-7-9 "it is a trip much worth taking. Not since '2001' has a movie so cannily inverted consciousness and altered audience percep- tion." -Time Magazine IHELLSTROMCHRONICLEI STARTING THURSD...…

November 24, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

… re tit$an Dait Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan superscription Putting your money where your brain was by lynn weiner I 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: ROSE SUE BERST...…

November 24, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 65) • Page Image 5

…I Wednesday, November 24, 1C71 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five I : .. - - . f , x, ., sh r (4 Armb Eu Euw get the job (bile FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY FOR RENT FOR SALE ROOMS FOR RENT. Cheap. Call 769- EXTRA SPECIAL WINE SALE 4522 aftgr 5. 04C65 week. The Village Apothecary, I-South University Ave. BRIDGE HOUSE APTS. --- - Near hospitals and campus. Furnished FANTASTIC HOLIDAY GIF...…

November 24, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 65) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 24, 197 1, Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 24, 1971 Student position during Phase 1 remains unclear PRINT CO-OP: Fleming to suggest morePSCfntse SGC funds transfered ann R nrrn c e nne vU 1' N. U,. I..' .'LY Y qq E&.U £7s (Continued from page 1) If the CLC had ruled out the (Continued from page 1) The University as well, it ap- increases, the University staff bring up touc...…

November 24, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 65) • Page Image 7

…fednesdaEy, November 24, 1971 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven 'enedyNvebr 4 11I l-LMIHGA AIYPaeSee Pioneer II: (Oontinued from page 1) the students as they all join in and contribute to a discussion. Each student chooses and often plans an individual cur- riculum. Some of the favorite classes include Chinese cooking, parapsychology, Russian liter- ature, creative problem solving, American history, and the Bible. There are no grades: each...…

November 24, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 65) • Page Image 8

…Page Fight THE MICHIGAN. DAILY Wednesday, November 24, 197 T Page Eight THE MICHIGAN. DAILY Wednesday, November 24, 1971 U INTERESTED PARTIES WHO NEED ROSE BOWL TICKETS'? CONTACT: SPORTS TOURS CALL: (415) 382-1582 2225 El Camino Palo-Alto, Cal. 94306 Hertz Thanksgiving Weekend Special.A 7.4 - and 12c a mile .Prutes "7mrAr.rtagh qui ts; Vio PITTSBURGH (/P) - D a n n y Murtaugh, the tobacco - chew- ing manager of the world cham- pion P...…

November 24, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 65) • Page Image 9

…Wednesday, November 24, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Wednesday, November 24, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Varsity cagers crush frosh, 109-82 By JIM EPSTEIN Last night's freshman - varsity basketball game at Crisler Arena was a typical freshman - varsity clash-the varsity won. (Iaily 1. wa" olt d and butter, was playing as effort- lessly as ever. Wilmore, who seems to be Olym- pian in his hoop ability, led the varsity with 25 points...…

November 24, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 65) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY , l ' r s _ f 0.. -- J I &* , 1 " A 1 -4 7 HOTELI ENJOY, NIGHTS [HE vith a i a Depart - December 30 Return - January 6 Plus taxes and services based on 4 sharing $1 CALIFORNIA SUN k car of your own A INTERTOUR ROSE BOWL HEADQUARTERS lower level Bell Tower Hotel Phone (313) 761-8530 Participationdrestricted to Students, Faculty and Staff of U. of M. I TOUR DEPARTS DECEMBER 21st s RETURNS JANUARY 2nd This ...…

November 24, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…DEATH ANN ARBOR STYLE See Editorial Page Y Akr D43aitU CHILLING High--23 Low--10 Chance of snow flurries, less windy Vol. LXXXI, No.71 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 24, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages 'RECOMMENDS FINE: Board rules Dentonguilty' By ARTHUR LERNER The graduate school board of inquiry has ruled Peter Denton guilty of class disruption and recommended that he "make compensation to an appropriate scholarship fund in th...…

November 24, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, November,24, 1974'' P 1eTw.HEMCHGN.AL.TedaNve br 4 I9 Q dance From there to here: Importing local color . .. images NOW SHOWING Mon.-Fri. 7:00-9:15 St.-Sun. 1 :00-3 :00 5:00-7:00-9:15 By DIANE ELLIOT The Bayanihan Dance Com- pany of the Philippines, which graced the stage of Hill Aud. Saturday night, is truly a feast for eye and ear. Now in its twelfth year, the group comes to us from its home base...…

November 24, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…IMPORTANT!" EVERY PAINT STORE SELLS PAINT WE FEATURE: - CANDLE MAKING SUPPLIES * ART SUPPLIES " PICTURE FRAMING SUPPLIES COME ON OUT AND GET ACQUAINTED DELF PAINT STORE page three Z t1 P Sirtligan Batty NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Tuesday, November 24, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three 2381 W. STADIUM BLVD. (near Jackson) 662-6690 BRING THIS VALUABLE COUPON WITH YOU! This Coupon Good for 10% OFF on any item at Delf...…

November 24, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…The death trade: Six feet under pushing up plastic tulips 4 9 By JONATHAN MILLER O DIE in Ann Arbor must be a fascinat- ing experience, one which many stu- dents may never enjoy, given the transient nature of studentdom. Consequently, stu- dents miss the joy of' sitting in g 1o o m y funeral homes, or, if you prefer, commer- cial morgues. They miss the yellow plastic tulips and plush red carpeting, the antici- pation of climbing into the sol...…

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