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July 23, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

… Sunday Dinners 35c MEAL TICKETS 0 0 0 P~fNU MAW - 141 JOURNAL BUILDING DETROIT Another Chance For Those Who Wnt THE WOLVERINE STUDENTS' DIRECTORY Vriied by Universty Reords, and the books of the Telphoe…

… Copaies To Get It You Must Subscribe for The Wolverine NO SINGLE COPIES of isues containing Directory ec p1to ubsriter. 50 ts. Phone 960 VARSITY FATHERS 1 e ;,'" HAVE A BUSY DAY tefl , ,t r Elect New Law…

May 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

… the Wolverines rolled up the Mieltigant score seltile lthe lotte Obferlini ciunittcaite is lie result of errors. The visitors ouedelup sNichiols for tirteeceait bingles which, couptleid witht Oherlini…

July 23, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

… and pottery. He an- ticipates a satisfactory settlement in a short time. COMPLAINS OF UNION DANCES. Writer Says Tabooed Steps Were Tolerated at Last Party. Editor The Wolverine: During the regular…

… meeting of the managers will be held to arrange the matter of a schedule. This meeting will probably be held Saturday. A definite announcement will be made in Thursday's Wolverine. In the meantime all men…

October 23, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…'s, Club Lunch Room, Cobb's, Wolverine, King's, Chap- man's, Park's, McKay's, Dakin House, Ottmer's, Campus Point Cafe, Kidd's, Ideal Restaurant, Mrs. Wightman's. :c * X -t ;C * , C U. _1AI)AJMIE LARGE…

…. the Wolverines played feet game, with the ex- forward passing depart- Yost saw the imperfec- aerial heaves and then * * * S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r The ducted membership campaign this fall…

May 23, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

… for had started out as a regular pitchers' Monday afternoon. Damm declared; battle with Sisler doing the box work that he would contest the case, and) for the Wolverines, and was sliding carry it to the…

… of a mys- battling after two innings.. tery. J. H. Minzey, '16, and Ward The Wolverines left tonight for Hopkins, '16, the two students who Pennsylvania where they tackle Le- gave the information to…

April 23, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

… considered second to none. TO GIVE DISTANCE RUNNERS SPECTAL-,DRILLS TIN 2-MILE Wolverine Track Team Has No Capa- ble Men For This Event in Dual Meets Two-mile runners will meet with Director Rowe, Saturday…

… experience in Corn the Wolverine leader will b see how he will stack up weight men of the east in V collegiates, later on. The Michigan squad arrives adelphia early Friday morn will take advantage of a c: work…

May 23, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

… Bases Force Wolverines to Drop Second Contest of Trip SISLER WITH WRENCHED ARM CANNOT FACE PENNSYLVANIA Qunaintance Will Probably Be Used in Final Eastern Contest Today (Detroit News Service…

….) PHILADELPHIA, PENN., May 22.- Hard luck and poor fielding, lost to- day's game for the touring Wolverines, Swarthmore taking the contest by a score of 6 .to 5. Michigan's defense went to piece's in the fourth…

June 23, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… For Wolverines Griadiiation FERGUSON IS BOOKED TO START COMIENEMENT IS THURSDAY Michigan's 1914 Varsity nine., will lcign' svetetrCnsene face the final tet today and tomorrow Michigans se en Seth…

… concrete piers set at a uni- 1915., Registrationicoutines 4 to 2 at the end of the eastern trip, throughout the day the Wolverines being banged up as the HUNDR EDS SIGN UP SEVENTEEN SENIOR WOMEN th…

April 23, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

… at that time. fith d to Fan- OURmMILE afe- DRA 00WS 12. ENTRIES' the . . 7 as and Relay Race at Philadelphia in Which' the Wolverines Have Entered, * * * * * C * * coach picked him out immediately…

… the contenders are Cornell, Wisconsin, Michigan and, Pennsylvania. Wisconsin's sensa- tional victory over the Wolverines last week at Des Moines, when the Drake record was smashed by no less than 32…

April 23, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

… the Wolverines in the four-mile re- lay. After leading the field for three- fourths of the distance, the Michigan man seemed to heve shot his blt. He passed the stick to Ufer 50 yards be-, hind the…

… Chicago was also in the lead of the Wolverines, and Harvey had lapped Sellers of Indiana. Carroll shot around the track as soon as he had possession of the baton, and also succeededsin lapping the Hoosier…

May 23, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 167) • Page Image 1


… their fielding, were the luminar- ies of the fray. Fish Is Effective Fish, the Columbus school's pitch- er, held the Wolverines to but two hits in the first five innings, retiring the batters one ,two…

February 23, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 99) • Page Image 1


… the lead acquired by the Ma- roons early in the first period. When the whistle blew the count was 25 to 22 against the Wolverines. Rychener Makes First Basket Although Rychener scored the first basket…

March 23, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 122) • Page Image 1


…-2; Minnesota, 2; Iowa, 1 1-2, and Wisconsin, 1. Wolverines Battle Maroons The victory was a repetition of the Wolverine triumph in the Big Ten a year ago. The meet was a hard bat- tle between Michigan and…

… Sedgwick for Michigan in a re- markable finish at the tape. McCosh nosed out the Wolverine by a ,scant two inches, after Sedgwick had led all the way for the last mile. Summaries of Meet Western Conference…

May 23, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

… the Wolverine play- ers seemed faster and in better" condition than did the "home team. The Varsity team was given a dinner by the Schenectady Mich- igan alumni in the evening. EXAMINATION SCHEDUILE OF…

… long disputed supr turned out overwhelmingly in of the plucky Wolverine hurle Hamilton was forced to retir the mound at the end of the six ing after the Wolverine slugge amassed a total of 10 hits n runs…

… in of him. After this inning M had easy going and was able t in every inning except the sev By its victory yesterday M is within almost easy reach Conference title. The Wolverin three more contests to…

June 23, 1921 (vol. 12, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…. three Youngsters From Detroit AT LEAST $500 NECESSARY TO COMPLE'TE WORK BEGUN (Special to The Wolverine) Port Huron, July 23.-Thirty-three kids swimming in Lake Huron in- stead either of not swimming at…

October 23, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 25) • Page Image 1


… the Wolverine line was removed when during the first quarter Michi- gan's forward wall held Ohio at bay, while the Wolverine backs tore -wide gaps through the Buckeye defense. Uteritz received a long…

Wolverines with fourth down and two yards to go, chose to attempt a place kick which went short of the posts. Kipke's Loss Felt With Kpke out of the game Michi- gan's chances faded and the break that turned…

… outdistanced in nearly every excliange of kicks by Isabel. Only once again did the Wolverines seri- ously threaten when a pass from Roby to Goebel put the ball on State's 18 yard line. Here Michigan made…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…, feature writ- riter and night editor. the position of cicula- n The Daily duringthe rd served as assistant ger of the Wolverine HAIR CAMP LEADER_ WANTED Issue Call for Student Volunteers to Aid in Insuring…

… t inning were the only cou ed by the Wolverines to game against Illinois on yesterday afternoon. Aft captain and first sacker, M\ opened the Indian half cf witha home run Michiga: and with a triple…

May 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

… engineers have arrived and will be distributed this morning at the Engineering society LIVERANCE STARTS GAME BUT IS FORCED TO RETIRE IN FIRST WIMBLES; SHACKLEFORD LEAD VARSITY HITTING Wolverines Tie Score in…

… matches played to the Wolverines in straight sets. Captain Merkel of Michigan took things rather easy with - Newey of Northwestern, winning his match by the score of 6-2, 6-3. The Wolverine proved too…

… straight sets, the scores being 6-2, 6-3. Merkel and Reindel defeated Newey and Schmidt in the first of the dou- bles matches by the scores of 6-2, 6-1. The Wolverine doubles combination was too much for the…

January 23, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

… resistance" is having on the coal ,eni the Wolverines went scoreless, . torney-Genieral nounced h by residentWu isondupan rd auscthi s' nctaie nt nthe ctwas successful six times -out .o wh' h ritcewssge n tht…

February 23, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

… grown too strong. Cormb continued his high class work before the net, nor did the jWolverine waiver In his playing throughout the game.< The third period saw the M4aize and Blue defense in a more…

… points for thqi Catholics and because of Isis, expl- lent work in 1both attack and dfense, but the Wolverine leader, Captain MacDufif, put uip a wonderful game In spite of the odds. Anderson: and Beresford…

… a chemist in the United States 'Depart- --yigetritrs njunls ngn of - Two proposed constitutional amend- Regzents Nfurfin, S'awxve and Llandc against the Wolverines at Ann Arbor, getritrs njunls ngn…

May 23, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

… and Charlie Wolcott's javelin, also qualified In the high j emtied, more slowly than usual per- jump. Mason, of the same school, Wolverines of this city played con- earned the right to compete in the…

… schools of Ann Arbor are admit- ted free. The admission fee of 25 cents is required of other persons, Honor Gomberg For Research I4 Ch i LM WOLVERINE NINE WILL MEET lL1lNOIS TODAY; KRICKBAUM ENTERSTENNIS…

… doubles semi-finals held late Wolverine squad has gradually come Inday thgalows -an sureockatf out of an attack of staleness that has today Sagalowsky and Kurcrock of hampered its playing for some time…

… the Wolverines was of bring two or three to light. a sensational nature, although he was hardly in as good form as Jabonowski. The Varsity squad will move on to Z ILL Il QSIUE E[NSIAg ,Iowa City tonight…

January 23, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

Wolverines played a strong de- fensive game, holding the speedy Badger trio Behr, Andrews and Hotchkiss to a single goal, this be- ing a spectacular shot from the cor- ner of the court by the diminuitive…

… it did not pre- vent the Wolverines from scroing themselves, Harrigan, Reece, Doyle and Chambers .sending the ball through the net iin the closing mo- ments of :play. Box scare Michigan I ,( 7 1…

May 23, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

… DEFEAT WISCONSIN Wolverines hIigh AND TIES FOR AN0THER TO SUORE 14 POUNTS FOUR MARKS FALL Win, 22 to 2, Playing In Wind; Lead 11 to 1 By Noon .+..vv. aav wu . .Uau a.U L11G k CA LVIULVG VL Liltz t 1 t…

… the overwhelmingy core of 22-2. Following their win over Northwestern in such a fashion' stamped the Wolverine team as one of he best in the Big Ten, excelled by Chicago alone, which has not lost aj…

… Conference meet. A high wind, which swept the course during the morning, seemed to other the Wisconsin men but had no ffect on the Wolverine golfers who pimped into a lead of 11-1 by noon. Captain Feely shot…

…, the Wolverine pair having a best ball score of 70, which is two below par. The second of the foursomes proved o be the most thrilling of the match-f s, with Connor and Cole shooting 751 nd 76…

… remembered by Michigan fans. The Wolverine hurdler got a fair start, and was trailing the leaders at the half way mark by several yards. He crept up gradually, and was just a yard behind Werner over next to…

… :25.6 seconds.I Another upset cane when Captain Freyberg, Wolverine middle distance man was beaten in both' the mile and the half mile. In the former event E Freyberg was in last place going into the…

… second behind the Ferry Ifield record. Northrop was the high point man of the meet, the versatile Wolverine ac- counting for 14 markers. He was tied with his team mate Prout in the pole vault, won the…

… in the ninth inning and beating Illinois 5 to 4 yesterday, the Wolverines virtually assured them- selves of the 1926 Conference base- ball championship. Unless Wisconsin, who is in the second place…

June 23, 1926 • Page Image 1

…- catl education department andl the ment, will leave this afternoon on the D~ean of Women, according to Miss{ Wolverine for Boston, Massachusetts. I At Boston the p~arty' will be met byI the other three…

February 23, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

… Indiana com- bined with the Wolverines' record scoring victory over Chicago last night placed Michigan in a deadlock for the leadership of the Big Ten Con- ference with the Wisconsin team which defeated…

…- ing teams, Michigan and Wisconsin are generally Iconsidered to have the most difficult schedules to face. The Wolverines must meet Illionis, Chi- cago, Iowa, and Purdue, while Wis- consin is faced with…

May 23, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…> Wolverine Netmen Win Eight Matches Out of Nine In Final Dual Meet Of Season BARTON DEFEATS BU D D Losing only one match of the nine the Michigan Varsity tennis team ov- erwhelmed Chicago yesterday at the…

February 23, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 105) • Page Image 1



…" of Victims of Wolverines simply a group of separate acts and 'custom duties on industry is 42 per After handing Ohp State a bad will form a c6omplete unit h vhig a cent whereas for agriculture it…

… beating at Iow City, the Hawkeyes central idea which is carried forth amounted to only 22 per cent. 1 were the victims of the Wolverines through the entire program. Mr. Hoover, Taber asserted to on their…

… Farroh. . director of the expeditions for Y at Mt. Evans. # With the single exception of next summer, he has officially an-' A feature of the expedition next left forward the Wolverine lineup nounced…

March 23, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

… precincts of the use at 8 o'clock tonight for raditional dual meet with Steve Farrell's Wolverines. rable interestiattachesnit- the meet as it is the only ncounter on the indoor e of the Maize and Blue .nd…

… see the east- m favored to break the long of Wolverine triumphs. Al- Cornell was able to finish er that third in the annual ilar meet with Harvard and outh, the dual encounter ale saw -the Ithacans nose…

… half amont and Monroe perform- r the Wolves. olves Favored In Dashes Wolverines should score y in the dashes with Tolan rodsky favored over the Cor- rinters, while Tarbill and the ur twins are almost…

February 23, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… ,dash when he beat Eddie Tolan, Wolverine sprint ace, to the tape 'by inches. Campbell of Michigan took third, relegating Captain Root of the Maroons to fourth position outside the scor- ing. Root came…

…, quarter mile ra'ce in 52 seconds and then ran as anchor man on the victorious Wolverine relay quartet. le captured the quiarter mile by three yards over Schulz and Col- ville of the invaders, but his broth…

…- er Dalton fell far behind on the last lap. The Wolverines led on the first three legs of the three-quar- ter mile relay but Root, Chicago's last runner, began to pass Dale Seymour on the last lap…

… at odonyand ___day tFeaturing a program of addresses oaE Yief, Premier Mussolini forn Wolverines Score Winning Goa Daily editorial women) - and music, Randolph Adams, "us- ally approved of his…

… they started a bxelated dcrive to stave off defeat. Daniels Garners 9 Points. Norm Daniels, playing his first game as a Michigan regular proved the Wolverine threat of the even- ing with nine points to…

May 23, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

… in every event entered, the Wolverines are doped to win a second Big Ten title in the finals today. Eddie Tolan took first in both the 100 and the 220 yesterday. Trials were not held in the pole vault…

April 23, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

… TO MEET ILLIN BALLTEAM \BG{ ITEN OPEER Harley McNeal to Be on Mound for Wolverines Against George Mills. FOUR NEW MEN TO PLAY Count on Outfielders to Supply Punch to Michigani Attack. By Sheldon C…

…. Fullerton Harley McNeal, right handed ace of Coach Ray Fisher's Michigan baseball team, is slated to oppose one of the best hurlers in the West- ern Conference in George Mills, when the Wolverines cross bats…

May 23, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

… Ilicliigan lolids Decision Holds Top By Beating Up Legislators Wildcats, 5 - 3 Senate Finance Committee Wolverines Score Four In Failed To Effect Tax Bill Fifth Inning To Take Reduction Yesterday Eighth…

… pace with the The troubles besetting this ad-,! Wolverines. InSpie Of Britain SAN QUENTIN, Cal., May 22. - () Great Britain's repeated efforts to 1 save the life of Alexander Mackay subject of the…

…- igan's track team will enter the finals of the Conference track and field meet tomorrow according to form, having placed 14 entries in prelim- inaries held today. The Wolverine total led Ohio State and…

… Indiana, each with nine qualifiers and Iowa and Illinois- with eight and seven re- spectively. The Wolverines suffered but one major disappointment in the qualify- ing today, but Indiana, favored for the…

… station, 570 kilocycles, with the opening gun starting the one-mile run at 2:00 p.m. but his place was taken by John Townsend, who was in fifth spot as Skip Etchells led. Sam Stoller paced the Wolverines

… 880, Len Dworsky in the javelin and Townsend in the shot. Michigan followers here tonight were enthusiastic over Wolverine prospects. With no disappointments in the preliminaries and unlooked-for points…

May 23, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

… Bid Four Conference Records Fall; Wolverines Score 80 Points To Win Bill Watson Winner In 3 Field Events Osgood Steps 14 Seconds In 120 High Hurdles To Shatter Mark Michigan reclaimed its Big Ten track…

… crown from Indiana yesterday with 60 points to the Hoosiers 44 be- fore 6,000 drenched spectators at Ferry Field. The victory gave the Wolverines their 15th outdoor title in the 37 years of competition…

October 23, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

… Michigan's attack, who willt attempt to pace the Wolverines to their first victory of the year, this afternoon. - State Carried' $8,500,000 In PWA Proj eets Ann Arbor Was Granted J $24,951 For Its Plant;j No…

… Daily)-Iowa is ready for the Wolverines. Starting with one of the largest and most enthusiastic pep meetings in the history of the annual dad's day celebration, the whole town has thrown open the doors in…

January 23, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

… enboost te 6scoing have not been claimed as yet. To utes the crowd left with the knowledge take care of these persons, the that the Wolverines, by defeating the ticket committee will keep hours Sarnia…

… tonight, Michigan's quintet moved up to with- in a point of the scrappy Northwest- ern Wildcats but faltered there and was defeated 30-29. The defeat tumi- bled the Wolverines into third place in the…

… mesmerisms ineffective, al- though the Wolverine did pace the Varsity attack with nine points. Time and again the back line was forced to exchange the ball because Jake wasn't in a pivoting position. Beebe…

April 23, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

… battle. - Herm Fishman, who took the mound for the Wolverines after An- dronik allowed the Illini five runs in the first inning, gave up eight hits before he retired in the twelfth in- uing in favor of…

… outdoor drill. The Wolverines are short two of their top performers, Gedeon and Hayes, and all three teams have been strengthened since the end of the indoor season when all their designs on Charlie Hoyt…

April 23, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

… and Sexton. After Step- pon's blow, which was one of the longest ever hit on the Buckeye field, Michigan was able to coast in behind Smick. The Wolverines merely add- ed insult to injury when in the…

… Danny per- formed his mound duties, was also responsible for the Wolverines' sec- and tally, which put them ahead for (Continued on Page 5) Teachers Meet Here Thursday Dean Edmonson To Speak To State…

… Brad Heyl, who was third in the indoor Conference meet. Dick Reising of Illinois,. capitaliz- ing on the absence of Elmer Gedeon, Wolverine hurdle champion, won both hurdle events from Stan Kel- ley…

…. After a slow start, Reising sped past Kelley to take the 120-yard highs in 14.8, and then came back to outdistance the Wolverine in the 220-yard lows in 23.8. Jack Leutritz, Michigan sopho- more, surged…

May 23, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

… knocked in two runs with a brace of timely singles, his second hit tying the score for the Wolverines in the ninth. Michigan's game-winning tally was pushed across in the tenth when Mike Sofiak and Walt…

… lifting a fly to right- field to score Sofiak. The Wolverines jumped off to an early lead in the third when Leo Beebe opened the inning with a single, advanced to second on Smick's bunt, and scored on…

March 23, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…:15.8 appears to have only hours to live. The Wolverine leader ran 9:10 in the Big Tens without any com- petition; Maki ran about 9:05 Mon- day night in Kansas City. With the added impetus of the battle, the time…

May 23, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…, Music, Pharmacy, and Educa- tion, Russel LaBelle, '41F&C, Pitts- burgh, Pa., and Miles Doan, '4BAd Bay City. The Wolverine Cooperativ will not be a polling post as previously announced for all ballot…

… doubles for Michigan, with Tobin and Stille at the number two spot, and Harry Kohl and Jeffers taking over the third position. The Wolverines' chances of finish- ing high in the title chase depend upon…

March 23, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

… Chicago re- lays Championship here tonight. Burning up the fast board track in this annual classic before 10,000 enthusiastic fans, the Wolverine quartet sped over the 22 laps in the phenomenal time of 7…

… relay, which pitted the Wolverines' foursome against Hoosier and Notre Dame quartets, coach Ken Doherty's four lads, Dave Matthews, Johnny Kautz, Bob Ufer and Breidenbach * averaged a remarkable 1…

… fast flying Hoosier. Spikes churning furiously around the banked turns, the Wolverine junior spurted past weary Roy Cochran, obviously fa- tigued from his previous six hundred race, and lengthened his…

… spelled defeat for the Hoosiers. Running with a beautiful smooth stride, the Wolverine senior stretched out the 35 yard margin over "Golden Boy" Kane to win the line triumph handily. Climax of the evening…

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