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January 23, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 81) • Page Image 5

… a computer in the hands onto the screen: of everyday people," Steve "On January24th, r Jobs told Time Magazine, Apple Computer will "and we succeeded beyond introduce the Macin- our wildest dreams…

… representing followers, that isn't changing any- individualistic expression is too time soon. From computers and rich to ignore. Hidden beneath music players, to webcams and cell layers of artful advertisingApple

… beautiful box it is. separate digital world locked away Yesterday marked the 23rd anni- in my HP desktop, Macs make versary of Apple's famous launch sense to me. Over the past two commercial, where a sea of…

… futuris- decades, Apple has evolved from a tic drones stare blankly at a screen technological minority group into a of Big Brother's face professing cultural phenomenon. his apocalyptic manifesto. That is…

… Don't argue. We've become an until a sexed up woman iPod nation, and Apple isn't hurls a sledgehammer going to let you forget it. through the air and the "We started out to get corporate slogan scrolls…

… phones, Apple has become the Stan- pressures its pliable audience into dard oil of the new millennium. believing that technological inno- They're almost as bad as Comcast, vation is paramount. Remember who…

… Television is one of the few forms and Ghandi among them - became of media that Apple hasn't nabbed more than just profitable endorse- from Sony or Samsung, but iTunes ments, they were Information-Age happily…

… fills in the gap with current icons. I can vividly recall the maga- shows on sale for download. zine tear sheets taped to my sister's Jobs, Apple co-founder and CEO, bedroom wall for inspiration. once…

… said he "wants to put a ding in And really, who's going to say no the universe." Jobs has been fired to Ghandi? once and charged with multiple Apple might appear innocent, lawsuits, but thathasn…

…"-style. simple boundaries for us to follow: But Apple's runaway success There are Mac users, and then hasn't left much damage in its there's everyone else, stuffed into a wake, save our delicate egos that junk…

July 23, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 149) • Page Image 7

… basement. Incl. all appl. 734-623-2061. tual judgments at U of M. One 2 hour $1350/mo. Avail. Sept. 3. session, pays $25. To qualify, must be 734-662-9076 or 734-347-7122. THESIS EDITING. LANGUAGE, or- at…

…/art-oriented projects, $ or prints, 810-735-7313. OFFICE ASST.: AT least a 3.8 high school GPA, age 18 or older, extra-cur- ricular activities, computer skills. Very flex. hrs. $12/hr. part…

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