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September 23, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 148) • Page Image 6

… bonuses. Make your own schedule, gain computer & communication skills, enhance your resume. Fun student atmosphere! For application & info., stop at Michigan Telefund - 611 Church, suite 4F or call 998…

… $ to enjoy it * Earn great $ and a computer too. Work from home. Choose own hours. Info call 332-9076. * HAVE A LIFE AND MONEY to enjoy it! Great Company. Great $. Work from home. Choose own hours. Info…

… telephone interviews. Candidates need to be highly self-directed, with a professional telephone manner for conducting research interviews. Experience with IBM compatible computers helpful. Keyboard…

… of accounting experience. Call Rick at Computer Medic 662-1228 or fax 662-2254. SHAMAN DRUM BOOKSHOP seeks entry level systems admin. to maintainl medium size LAN. Exc. opportunity f info…

…. State, corner of S. State & S. Univ.) or call 764- 1115. MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists, Computer sales and service. Powermac Blowout!' Complete 180 Mhz systems from $S99. While supplies last. 1775…

… with computers, is organized, and team oriented. We are a commercial real estate company in an interesting, exciting, fast paced business. P/T, flex. hrs. Send resume to- Personnel Dept., 1155 Rosewood…

…-747-8561 Or. send/fax your resume to: Bnuegger's Bagels. H.R. Dept., 29900 Soufhfield Road, Southfield. MI 48076. Fax: 248-557-5380. EOE * ** **** ** ***** ******5*** ACCEPTING APPL. for P/T pos. in downtown…

September 23, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 130) • Page Image 6

…. Only 3 months old. Must sell. $2,700 or best. 810/914-3362. MAC CLASSIC 11-4/40, 9 1/2", b/w screen, Word 5.0, Excel 4.0, Graphics, Apple File Exchange, $550, 810/851-6202. MICON COMPUTER/North Campus…

… 663-9857. AMTECH COMPUTERS 486 DX2-66:4/420:SVGA:$1245. 486 DX-33:4/340:SVGA:$1099. We install systems on your configuration. 677-0155. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new…

computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade…

… Shopping Center 994-1030. DELL, TOSHIBA laptop computers for sale. All 386 w/ hard drives & math co-proc. Also Northgate desktop (386-25 340 Mb.) avail. Call Jonathan 761-1357. IBM CLONE 286 20 MB HD. $300…

… APPLICATIONS WE OFFER: * UP TO $6.00 STARTING PAY * FREE MEALS AFTER 30 DAYS AND MANY OTHER BENEFITS INCLUDING: BUCKS FOR -- _ - - I r2furniture I I FOR SALE: computer desk and bookshelf, etc. 761…

September 23, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 118) • Page Image 6

… shape. 994-7331. 82 COROLLA WAGON. Good mechanical cond., tape, many new parts. $500 930-9787. 93 MOUNTAIN BIKE - Specialized Rockh- opper $290. Call 662-5366. APPLE IMAGEWRITER II PRINTER as new, $175…

computer, new. 105 meg hard drive, 4 meg RAM, VGA color, DOS, windows, mouse. $850. 741- 9367. CARPET FOR SALE 12 X 12, Grey, Beige, Tope. $100. Will Deliver. 741-5110. COMPUTER CART 34"H x 24"D x 26"W. Oak…

…. Assembled. $40. Julia 665-2485. COMPUTER: ZENITH Supersport Laptop 20 MB Drive. Carrying case, software incl. exc. cond. $450 or best. 995-0063 beforea11 ERIC'S ACTION SPORTS: Team uniforms and shoes for all…

…. Computer consultant for Kresge Hearing Res. Inst. Duties include help with development of hardware and software solutions for research and administrative environments. Familiarity with basic computer

September 23, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…. We're a whole store packed with the services you need most. From self-service Apple Macintosh®computers to instant poster-making Zoomer copiers. 0 1 1 Quality copies of all sizes Full color copies…

Computer services Binding and finishing: Fax and mailing services Volume discounts The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the…

September 23, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 130) • Page Image 5

… find you a date, but it can help you find more time for both. The Apple' Macintosh" Classic' II computer makes it easier for you to juggle classes, activities, projects, and term papers- and still find…

… 68030 micro- processor, which means you can run even the most sophisticated applications with ease. And its internal Apple SuperDriveTM disk drive reads from and writes to Macintosh and MS-DOS formatted…

… disks-allowing you to exchange information easily with almost any other kind of computer. G" Fl And Wneed :; thew -will be .X A..1~t ........ A MtI tl. fls .wA rTs/,Fi A m.ks}R In addition to its built…

… Classic II and other computers during Computer KickOff '92 Order by September 30! I …

September 23, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 153) • Page Image 6

…0 FORSAL '61 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 4 door, black. Call 761-1252. '88 HONDA INTERCEPTOR-Sport Bike, exc. cond. A must to see! Call 741-5818. APPLE IIC SYSTEM & SOFTWARE. Ex- cellent condition. $350…

…-5304. COMPUTER SALES REPRE- SENTATIVE A unique sales opportunity for an aggressive student as a campus repre- sentative for Detroit based micro computer distributor. Must have experience in using IBM-DOS computers

… and software applications. Hardware & technical ex- perience a plus. Interested??? Call 313-559- 4553 & ask for Mr. Taylor. COMPUTER TECHNICAL CONSULT- ANT sought to advise and assist users with micro…

computers and software in part-time position. Must possess skills in software training and in trouble-shooting equipment problems. Experience with UM computer systems a plus. Send resume to Tracy Willoughby…

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