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April 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…tt* Of Alt. WI hlp. VOll. .- I ;)1,5 U-NIVE ILSITY OF M~IATHUI'RSDAY, -APRIIL 2,)', 18i91. PI'lCEi, TiuisrtCENTS. OH, HORRIBLE.' 1105rling Iron in Nearly Every Stu- dent's Room. are farniers' s01ns, 30 per cent. athtletes, 2 5 per Cent. Sobier, (illict anld studjo 1-., and nine-tenthis of the Senior Medics' Trip. lo-moirrow moI rningt, the Senlior1 MIedics, nider IDr. I lerdmia, iwill 'Ile Chicao is'Tritbitne puiiisited take. a speiaIl train f...…

April 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…THE U.OF M.DAILY. of g work. All the other fields are openCO ' T QT 1 Cfl t2 Q I1k OJ ~ to them, and the best report will be GRET I s TpI ILVIL RfI $)f1 P pulished. Credit will be given for WEWL O iE ETFU EK Patabe tirl Srirr enerted dai. every artic le, wshether publlishied orI Offer fire tons of paper of ati kinds to Ire sioad by the pounda tglar bel-iera.not. The recomnit.nndat Ions to the Mill rates. Try our Crown sIniperial Linen at 25 ce...…

April 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. Yon are no donlt inter ested(l ithe ibove Cline, andI as woe havxe Miadle themn a specrial study', wish yon woiilcail ind see what we have. We know we (can1please yon and save vim iioieY oiinl'o THE T WO M0 M-S. Afll Arortu ll bLi11rY, VOORHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, W1OR K CALLEPEOR anid DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. 'fficee - 23 South Fourth Ave. ZILt'i[ R ~ Of Olt U. of M...…

April 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…THlE C, ()W ;M. FDAIL-Y TIME TABLE, T J'cllntPltc . ; Joll'lSt i'l.1,N 5, 10 , 17 . o1. ., .5,CI 2. F. CLARK, Manager slANAl,111(111lse,1 711' 1170.1117ross N 111dam Thend mAs by Sec Man a sl. bYucal Ox\,,one bygi ng hisayt TOLT --SOAPS Th0 i1t,1 1 711111 t ic oI' 1111 tll 11111t of, tillil 111 1 (' l olN id)O M71 ENx i (A.\N A m(111i: z1, 4:171. Ujhm m ,..7 CI'I 1Th1' .51e1111'o51as1'it.11 it ils Im ON111U\ I.IDE T L d1J0T- >111l(t 111I I rN ...…

April 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…4,C , . 1a . VOL. V. No. 140. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. MADE SOME LARGE SCORES. VARSITY'STRIP A GOOD RECORD BUT SPOILED BY TWO FORFEITS. Seven Games Played-Five Won, All EasytVlotories-Wrangles With O. $10. and U. of 111.-116 Runs to Opponents' 29. The game schled i at Detroit, Sat- urday, April 13, with tie Western League teams. of that city was re- vented by rain, and an alnost certain victory wa...…

April 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…TILE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at. THE UNIVERSITY- OF MICHIGAN. OrcE: Times building N. Main st., tppoite pst office. The editors do ot old thomelvs reon- siblo for the opinions or statemets of corres- podents, appearing in the DAILY EDITORS. J. A. Leero, ', Managing Editor. G.;. HAsiSN, 'OL, Assistnt A. W. Snoe, Special, Asistant. W. A. Srs,'50 L, Assistant. _ H. CoEnA, 'S, Athletic Edior. J. ...…

April 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICGHIGAN LN At the GrandOpera House. THIS YEAR'S CALENDAR. U. mS. CYCILOMETER. TieTbe(eied o.1,19. Robert DonnWho hias by thcy Copies Are Now Ready for Distri- 1TmTal(RvsdNo.8,89.D nign EAST. WE ST.' force, of his native genius and untiring bution. ssA.Milad Es..... 35 Sail----- 8 43 energy, raised himselftoth.frn N. Y. Speci.... 5 15 N. Y. Special--... 30 rani of Anserican teagedians will Te ''szclndr u- A.-.PciicE is es ...…

April 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

… THE U. OF M. DAILY. SchaIIefs ottom! Formerly with (George War, 19 R. Washington t. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Tex-Books, Stationery and Moiscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALLER T~E DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER,' 19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main st. "959 LAWS! RAVE YOUR CANE ENGRAVED vWM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. - For Men and Boys, ..ANBKNI LMS °"OOL SWEAERS in black, navy, white, garnet 'and gray, for...…

April 23, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…the . a , t . a z,. VOL. V I. No. 144. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1l(6. o PGSICN. IBICYCLES.a We desire to glve notice tat we W WI pose tmake a big bid fr k+ bi.ycla busness thi ease. We SW have secured the ageyfo the W DAYTON WI lilesr, n0 Itch hsas earned a W hghrputaton a oaef the 110 bet wheels. msir;prier$100. we IN5I11 IN retain the aoncy for the NN BEN-HUIR- ; S that rxcrllet w tol, which has i this 'erso ton so greatly...…

April 23, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…pe VOL. YI. No. 14,l5. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGIAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, isi (6. Fouit PAGES-3 CENTS. 00We Nust M~ove }ON been sold, We must seekne IiN + qaters. M Or We Must close Out IT our sto1cof mskegodcssad I1 l ioleles We olfer ices whidh N will sell noosE ilowpisces meansasythitts obuyers aTHIS MEANS BUSINESS N I o u atayhn ntes lisel;et ors riesethis B's weeks. STHE ANN A lDDR ORGAN CO., off NN S. MAIN S2T. IO jjBUY BEN-HUR BICYCLES. In an a...…

April 23, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERS~ITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during tihe Colegn Yar, at THE UNNERSITY OF MICHIGAN Dentsn: Times building N. Main St., oppoite post office. EiDITORIS . F. T1O51AS, '7. W. W. tli'0t, '8. E. 1 Orsnei, '90 it i. M, Leos, '0. 0. 11. iawn, '13. F. S. SBsi)nS,'0-. i. C. UuN~nwoo, '9. tIAGIND SEDITORt G. B. iiaasOo, '90 L.. BUSIN1ESS MA1NACOEPO L. C. Wmai,%n,'5. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. Thayer, '91 L. S. I. Smi...…

April 23, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. TRACK MEN ARE WVANTED.' AT THE GRAND OERL;A ROUSE.1 NEW MUSIC. 9 + O0 f* ______ .The Citat two-stepc omoseo(d by 1T. The ilnb-rest show n in toe colngI Thoimson, ant istsued yth 'a -alchdI~ Candidates Ara Requested to Re- yagllltoth anl at lAe-PbiigC.;By iyMc,;i Pulse Diy(Sunday excepted) daring oggifo ftefauu cor lx thlteso.t ypity, Mfnlish .,I the Colleoc year, at port at Once. anlder Saleint, :at the (tront...…

April 23, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MIGIOAiNG NL Good Tailoring New ime Table (Revised) March 1, 196.EATWS.-- M.Y callndE-5 0 Mal-N9 No lottery schemes. You pay for what you get and N. Y.SpeciL... 50 . Y. special.--. 7 30 c Eastern Ex....10 12 N. S. imited.... 25 CASH saves you 25 per cent. Every garment fitted Atlantic Ex_-7 10 M Pacific Ex.-i2 M. anti guaranteed. Thousands of students are amongst ou D.NEspress.-- 5 40 Western Na-___255q . W. I...…

April 23, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…TIDE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MJGHIGANGETNT1PAI + + + 'I~- Time Tabe (Revised March 1, 180, yo ARoPRETY athpries EAST. WEST The AlaietStirye ilist'ruitpoplar met P M. A. Mi pon t, een te price. Oter {wheels frost S.1 Mai and Es -___3 5 Moalt -____ _8 18 N. Y. Special-__. 5 0 N. Y. Speetal... 7 1 t0 bEasters Ex-tO--102 N. S. Limited.... 9 2 A. M. P. S. 56, 58 and 60 S. Maeai St. Atiantic Es-___710 Pctte Es.----121t D.NEsrect.... 5150 Wett...…

April 23, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE VICTOR "Holds all records " For fine construction, thorough workmanship, and the use of expensive materials. THE VICTOR has held this record for fifteen years. Re- member - experience at the factory means dollars in the pockets of the rider. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. NEW YonK. BOso. DETROIT. DENVER hSAN FRANCsco. Los ANGELES, PoRTLAND, ORS AI G Spadig & Bras, "The Name Is a Guar- sntee" that the article hearnag ...…

April 23, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…TU IE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. DO A WELL MADE AND FASHIONABLE CUT SUIT CALL ON fJos. W. Kollaug Merchant Tailor, Clothes cut and made in the City of Ann Arbor. 10 E. Washington St. Great Hat andSock Sale!1 All Spring Styles $3.00; Stiff and Fedora Hats $1.98. Black and Tan Socks, worth 25c, now 2 pair for 25c. Now is the time to secure a new Hat for Easter and before going home for vacation. HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS. No. 9 5. Main St...…

April 23, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

… i r mwftw, r' VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 11901 c7. 1 419 I& .Our Special Line of.... BROKE EVEN Freshmen Accidentally Shot Foreign and Doniestic' Spring Trip Not SO Succesoful as That ihonono sW. Cloher. '04 1.moof Dtot of Lst Yar-llinisBoodooeci Mit.. nonseri osly tinjured on April FABRICS Again-Scores and Avorages 12 b hen' 1'1idl'n11taltorstoror of revover.He lns lhibtit.n t o 0'-ci trl1 he1 ci11) aeillLnn re i~ti...…

April 23, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

…z THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN' DAILYF (11 t ai Broke Even RAJN OR %5H INE. [Continued from FrtPaeel c "Jest at the verge of dIanger, notrt The "o"~ $3.00 Shoe is the shoe ' ". bieforit' I t1tNOtS. e"s aRiSt tra eaieaoe . H. PO. A. E. to wear when the weather is uncer- "s Godend She dngerwe anitkile sinsS'dkore..;21 tar. A little rain doesn't hurt it /1 \\ rihe.steinwett,). t...1 )1 4 1 white it affords plenty of comfort on P" God is forgotten :...…

April 23, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…TEEpUNIVERS FY OF MiVCBiGAN DAILY o S .6 r .g. " .S". . "SK 5 6 K 2 ',5@ '+" "YrZ. ~ Y K ^^ 0 ~ c S"ts:L iS"K"CS CS. S"!f Q"K"V "!C. ^S B""Q.1S.65.Q S" "6" "6..s 6 6 "4"U G"6 6.Q 6.6.Q 15" "6"R"4.6"G"R 6 . 6. "6.4 R" "Q"4 -a 6. - cy "PR-O FIT BY THE EXPERIENCE OF OTHERS" pt &f Kt. ?T. !15 M5 All Styles $3.00 O0DSPEED'S 117 M3AIN STREET Os~OsOs ~ *Os . Os Os Os~.. OsOsOs::: ~Os':Os'9:~' T ~NIAGARA FLSROUTE' s F M.T IL R lIE...…

April 23, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

…THE UNhIVERiSITY O0l MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS b Kiut's fawu. by Drummnond. Unc' Terry, a Story of tin Mlain 4.Onot, by Charic lasGbre Mun. hat Mtowaring Affair, by A. Mayn- ard IBarbour. the Viiso f Eli abet, hr Elior Like Another Helen by George Horton. t~eStory of Sara, by Louise Fors- WhoailMade., Are Out and Loes .Ailud, by -Brady. ':hu Lure Leters of the ing, by L e (allienue. The )Ao-'LekTlroof itr Ittgo. All Cto alone at a iscirout ri...…

April 23, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…:R. ZT7N, N,-O rr w r y r, y .+". . .3' ' fib. FIRST Y FAix. THE '02 MICHIGANENSIAN All Fortner Editions EclisdI)Pr- ent"ClampionxiiiiiEditio-,C AN\N A1liO", MIiL.. lilt DNFISVX1 \PIIlL,21'1 \!i I i ,txxi t'Ii :I;;I x li 3I lxxxI t xiii \I:I 1'h0 fhi xxii uh 'x 1,xij i tli lii i l iie A o ,[ou 1, ill- Vir i ilix I i uul "trr'a i 1xiiiin i 1l 1'1111i ['in hiioI ilixili S , o alx i iiiixiii~xt,, I he ...iI v id[ t, xi* i - t1 lii l ixix of .n' c...…

April 23, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…THE MIOIIIGAN DAILY-_NEWS }il M- IT- HL2 m7 C ALBITON. t. ttilliil St Si nnau, p.. .....4 011 Tola, atin3...... a U ,IIs i 1l, at,'i........1211 Y n' The '1',Aof 31,V NILW, 1tha r. SIeKale, i' .. ... . 'i 1 The'VRSTY EW, st k-r.Howe, It......4 1 1 El t: '+ o rrfflt at;smgfr t dAlr am i'rb r hx.lrvh, 1i .. ... . 4 () 2 - Ir Ki ik talse((kfer, '2'f). . "2 i () 11 1 .( i) i . 1 ) 1 ., : ., t i {r 1 Fr j a c'r e t s Yr .5fi h n. r(:i; tltj tt 1111...…

April 23, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…TII E I 1(IA N D ILY-NIEWs- Rain _ ~Every article SSprin VY :.. C00' K HAS. 6C '7ST WLLIAMS STREET ~ te+ "++1, : . +qh% 1-.++iS' + +44++++++++T I Mey'11 Altl ere Sprig Hats aparlig approved of Spring Neckwear i~MS R~N & 1[UU~. Fancy Shirts I 0 I-I-h+++++++++++++++ F~ EXICEL51OR LINJftR)T T h is.-..,,, s .. .,...a.,, w.e b e lo .,..-r. S ~.v....tG. ck, r.-.> ._.. v.-. .iv~,.. xw v X 1b tI over nient Club " NO bet 106 cia - Ing' E(* llt lisy- )I...…

April 23, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIkxAN DAILY-NEWS 1 A few years ago 11 I Better Than Ever, the standard price day one can be ha( TH"REE, T Fully guaranteed- 93etter WorkmanlsipW A GN E R I _____________ LATEST SHAPES JUST IN, ri6~K ~kBillldI Farl rdPP an Iowing 707 NOK' IIUNiIVERSIYAI NI I THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.I!I That metts the beat of ea ytl g:sllag t, S t I iI't ~i a xand i lE. withl~arun ~rTOLEDO TOOvUBU Write J. W. LANDFIAN, Gleneral ITraveling Agen DEITROIT, MI...…

April 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…"Til Us. Or N AIY VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MIR., TILT1SDAY, APRIL. 23, 1903 No. 1461 INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET Will he Held Here May 22 and 23- Largen and Successful Meet An- ticipated--Hyde Park Will Send a Team 22c-c ccl Ic illrIt l{ :i uri is of-l h 1. :)1 of 11} sndliii- c s ic-c-s cale I h- Al ce)1l11 it ' ih lcontrol c is i c- 1. int heii liif 'li I ndci cl i ).l.t ,.F ii ld lii Ii ciclt i i-l. slic aI i ,pt illls ok nno i cll to h d ofeten ucli...…

April 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring Announcement T1] lamest5 and Glst Comle1te lisle5of WOOLEN~ ill Ann AT.oil bet 'foillil E. Wa'shingtonllfit,. Cr5111 sainls have 11551 taSken iln thei selec(tionllof ri11 stlit - TH~E U. OF M. DAILY Enee a eon-lx mer atAnnAro Pubilishiedldlily-(Mondas exesvpted), dlinlg the college year atsthisUnivesityllofiMichi-' Van, by the Michvligan Daily-NewsPblishinig Companiiy Ito), MANAGING EDITOR, EARLE I. HOU...…

April 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…OHIE -, >o~ ~ ~ 0' 1,I THE ULtVER61LTY -OF MICHt AN DAILY. If you want to know We carry a complet line of what smartly dressed ..i E men will wear this sea-. ~~lIAN Rll[TI son ask to see 7ri~ Appara Q h t~teus~ Bloch Urinary nalis1 S nari Iothes X.cordi.. to th e mos.t approvedan lindeosr~ i1SMain .5t ai PALACE AND PARISIAN --a e o Neglected get up-to-daite work, with lie least troiible to your- selves. Domestic finish a Ta pigSi specialty. M....…

April 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…'.ITY: UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN DAILY. :.rit- ARE COMING IN EVERN DAY S AS1T St U N\VSHPE 4 ...I wr - . Q .. R . l^: ! . ^^ . ' a .. . Y " . y .qgp - . r . r T f - >t J T :+ ol "!. f W Y . - Pcesh t1las L b rt t a il Ix L N, VINO . Wi r R PrnpC l*I 5 A it I VI cSIad? wo' }?E rcolor P E 3w AT 17111. 111 AN N Nil A l Dii (. of * t Atis -~t ttt -t Its. I N' Is I n. 1 t C' 1or tdli ,z I 1 S t tt 7 51 i 3 _ } 77t 1 13 w~t 72r_ { , I enni «, 111+,: L...…

April 23, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…TheMchig n Dily ANN ARBOR,.)MICIIIGA.N. TIl'IZ; I) \N. l'III. 23, 1)08 VOL. XVIII. NO.147 TEAM PREPARES FOR CASE GAME McAllister and Sullivan Still Re- quire More Ginger-Track len Leave for the East. True o hiswordCioaciiNIcAlter putt h airball quad throughth-cc W~ialars of araclia, lpracic yestrday ia preparaton for thir ca-ti with Ca-c nest Saturday.-Thec loy- roiiiCa-c are- ,ai t h srog this yeva, adi a cse contest is excpectcd. Thei- a...…

April 23, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 147) • Page Image 2

…THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY Go H. Wild COfipally Our Spring ig clingic-filite Imported and Domestic Is nosw ready. Itiin cudi all the latei st ) ticr, hades al(1 Up-t -tl -) 'i:I vtericill Moose 1:roiwni Cariboux Can, L eather Shade (rays vndf Fangfcy Bluea Your p ic t;:;.z tulic soii'it ' G, II. Wld on ay 31tSoth. i c t ii! G e t :Z_.:2 .-:s:s.'n.,.a4+o"Ml r cI e tckii ll X boccth cil Wil ht - DV-to cciiS lj li cdlliii i it( $ISO Ii $8 ~ 4 clicJ i i...…

April 23, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

…TIH MICHIGAN DAILY N w i th li e PLAY IS CONTEST i "T'he Nationa Import* of ?Minna von CF~ HONOR AND1 LOVE Fri day evetintig are cit sale at a's -TO - VAVILLk from4 to 6c. SAVE TIME Dr. Eggert so Styles "Minna vo The agog Micitiganecisian board of The College. Banhlm i Lctre-o iscontrol weil meet at 4 o'clock Friday Stndard Shave yourself BEFORE Brnem inLcueo t afternoott, in RoocmcE, Lawr buiilding, you wait. Dramatic Technique, for the purp...…

April 23, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 147) • Page Image 4

…r, THE .Y ICHIOAX DIAILOY- 1000 STUDENTS WEAR TAI LORING..' W~e show the largest ondt mos:t complete assortment of New woolenis ini this pirt of the State, we take priile in the Quaiity, Price and Design. Look over our line today. INew Whitney Theatre1 SELL PHONE 480 HOME PHONE 200 I WEDNESDJAY, APRIL 2 9 trider thuies oflre AiiiiArhoir America's Favorite Indoor Show A.G.FIL GREATER M I N S TR E L S The Show You Know PRICES: 25c, 50c, 75...…

April 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…. ^' r i ' '7l. . . ;. r. U: t--, ,-. ., v. 1 t f' J. r. 7 7 Cty O~ k"" rt i.' 7= 0-3 rn. ~ ,, ,:,, , - ,, , -::: :'R.. k ? , f ... " J' i i i i I r. ( ~ t 1 -25 J t IC; -- _; r ^: W _ ' ". ": J. , . _ f' r. ' . " = , ~ Ct Ct H H ~c (I.) Ct rj, v .y °q .R n w n a < c m a. n' o i i 7 n .. a a -_ '< rM e i 1ue'/' V colon 1--a I …

April 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

… THE MiChIGAN DAILY' G, H. Wild Comlpally MEKCH-AN I ITAILORS ; Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER io (,tllenium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian D~rab, Light Mote. Royal Gray, and Kong's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Comberland, Chester, Orient, Pet- hams, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating tweed, sod London Wors- teds. Please comer early and have your Suit ren...…

April 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…'NHE MiCH-'iIGAN fDAILY C a t J . t c c FISCHER DEFENDS. ACTION 1 Sam urclficd's Says Objection to Wearing of Var. F inc iTailoring st Tgraderrs it would r tli~ h..nist , D eliver ~ It ashed 'j t)iil] u )s 2111 Sam Burclfielthe.1)'t 1e1hr ) T 1 0 6d \ih alite1111lt>,ls;1 l1r hTU T T L E' itut tiil-sufit\Ils(a )-( i.- si0 l. It \nastuIIU\Ins( osduellIcI p1)p1I( \ the ()fiAers()fIth(, 1,tll , C11ANIt1CS [1,1NK thetu \"ear, sttt 1Su111us'andt...…

April 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…I THE MICKIdAN DAILY I t' t I A EA an doubtful skill, Juntiorttengneter bst aypactt ice-a yourz pt~aton c~rSoutht Ferry field 3 p. VVV.toda. VtSe lhtltttt'OloSothwbsalorrctict kin:Quality, and lDistinctive= u ia, cth feat ySo elt I nut lI r 3.VoV)m. aVtouti FeryVVVedVLag.VnestoftS yle..eatu. fil I'll adgrterferl. distinguish Our line of \, lrhs ;\VVcrotVriVVVand,_ ~tRt.OttlttVtte t al(l h ve c mf r D c)natttl V andltrV it'lJ1.stn received i...…

April 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…ti b all y VOL. XX. VOL. XX. N ARBOR, MtIHIGAN, SA TL RI I PR II, :', . [or HOME SEASON OPENS TODAY WITH CASE Game Gives First Opportunity to See Varsity Nine in Action SMITH WILL PROBABLY PITCH ('11:' T'\ in' IxilinTOni BID I"'clod l i h ('lxxxr 'lxx 1< \iixn) Iii x T1l 07:17"1 Wci r \\'xi inx'r CAIG OBEGIN FOR ARABIAN WORK Money to be Raised by House to House Canvass for S. C. A, Project ONE HUNDRED STUDENTS AID IlS'~ an animal chi...…

April 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…TILE; MICHIGAN DAILY Sprinii and 1910 Our Sprinlg Spcials DESIGNS-Original and Essisie COLORINGS TPhfe Newest FABRICS -Dependale RSULTCS-Pleasing and Harmonius -iN - Suitings, Vestings Trowserings Now Rea dy fosYor Xsaniisnatini G. ff. Wild Company 311 S. STATE STREET -LINTON -- v '' 3Tho'" S3LI PEASY" BUTTON MOLE MAKES THE 8UTTcri EASILY AnllSIT PERFECTLY MADoE OF LINEN BARCO ShRUNK s's 'J-Ae AND QUARTER IZsES sKE'R G2 MAKERS. SlinAe Arbor ...…

April 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY F OR Sam Burchfielcl ::C C. . :: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING iT'Vani--C)llege1men to act>as gents at (11117111", S1 00' bool o ey fr 1i rit11 ('11. ( C11It3 11,30 t,, c a lld res or allo11Gco F,1 rmiO I. 61o)hI (II crsi1.1o0) I1ttt,! -1'lt 1111 t3 x > 0ril i, a111rc 1o cjlesclt Er 11 1 l 111 tl 1 il; t~ls ) 1 11111111111 is t trai ht s l~lr {i11, .Illd a l p ia t nlus_ 1 <1i t ~ 1 t -clt 1 ld nc I <lcwc to lr Molk- t ,I Itll it...…

April 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY You Have Two Alternatives When Clothes Buying 0NE is to go to a tailor, pick oot a piece of goods, aud wait ~for three or four "try-ons'' and in tlhe end runi the risk of alln nin tell igent fit. The other is to come to us- and get a STER"I N- l3OCti Stuart Snit or Overcoat-try it ou once biefore a mirror-see the garment complete in all its carefni workmtanship--determnine how the pattern looks ou you immcdiately after yon ...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…ILI ME The 1"R Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, NI 1 1111,23, 81)11. 10S1 1 TIL OPR1>1,IMS \ S DETFIACE '111 . ' R S T A K EY O F lP P A A A , T D E T F N N E WA L L O P F A R MY E R S iPr of: iia tt C I ,'. 'h 8o u d u It 1l)I S B E i N G P R O B E D:1 1 sity i llspak o Ih Pesnt) 'nd-th1818X , I-ang-up Three Points to One He 11as8justitu8'1rned (1 lI(' 18 1ai( Statistics of College Expenses "I'1 i On the Agricultural onll 81111111181 1(1(I ...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…MCfI IIN DAILY G. Ho WIl)C. 311 SO. S TT I~ ExcluisiveSy For U OAVERCOA S? and, The Lcaio4 1c 311 50. ;S-lU S BaseB1 A,, Sportn We carryth in ;C line of. See OurtWndo Fipa Stjdrnts BnL THEMICitGAN DAILY1 Maa +i TdI IL K ii' N . q ,iOi... .i..o..I..t Nh si and Drama .*.. OriiV qv iajigis and 1k-n Ao; ll ,Hwy AthurJ. abbot+. G S hsh. y PaulCLeiiy, NIGHlT liiiCiii. IK.J K-oigrioutli 1 larol l 'c( - irialii K iii;c FI , CR il i 11 I 1 iiii 'i-i...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICITIG .N DAILY S. C. A. Sup pleffeilt by Perffissiou of the Miehigau Daily The Arabian Knights STATE OF MICHIGAN EXECUIrVE OFFICE i/therr ii. 1I ,S .r 1i'7S IrIlii C. I/aY SiA 'c' lr pro'ceiws P~ss /is sier Is Zvo "Ileser rs N i ii Sham'e P. Tlhoms, 5'. 1 aciee-it'ars iillriiisrl(L April, 11, l921. Secretary of the Students' Chris~ti&an Asroctation, Ann Arbor,Michigan. My dear Sir, I have read of your plan for the establishment...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…T~lE MICTTIGAN DAILY HEALTH OF PEOPLE MUST BE BETTERED Main Root of Deterioration of Nations is Found in Disease PROBLEM PRESENTS BIG FIELD termet ofit c t ,_ - ,in aaiirtQuatc d (l 1't.. t ci I it qiteic f,1 an itsridi c a akdillw,- ,of ionsicv i ctie ccieda littic took i the de clill f ? ali impott fc wfal evil, intchlhr( 1 ~eh thAt 1aol i i , i i lu-toion' ciii tt r ii.c beftore u ea1 nt1l so afteri cliiiewa i11,i ' l tr-I ll likef an i (...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchifield 8! &Co. ! Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guas-ants-ed The Ann Arbor Savings flank Capitol Stotk "300,O00 Suplus $50,000 Recsour'ces $',0,O000 A Cleneral EBankingugine~lass Trasacted Urricis:sChas. E. tiiscock. tPses.; W. iD. Htarriman, Vice Preo.: M. .J...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 6

…SF: IHIG CAN DAILY. = gp$G"rte, -...._ ... _., . _ ....._... -e_,_.; ..w __ ,s. ' - - 5k _..b-~ ;L. :.,,_ $4.00 and 9 DEA OXFORD a Icf to our specifiatloni= I sj thispopular last i and equal irn slyle and detail to our 36.00 andc 37.00 1shoes. 3 L t ,y . IJNVE~IIYNO!I'CFS : A nhitney Theatre Tuesday April 25 INDI iN BLAN SnoseirCp 3rd ilor 'State Street )11 , and have their C0 3rd Floor I Pis:50-15-$1OO0-$1.50-$2DO0 Seat Sale Sat. Ap...…

April 23, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…0 he Michigan Da ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TU]SDAY, APRIL 23, 1912. NO ACADEMIC DRESS FOR ALUMNI Graduates Not Expected to A ppear in G1arb for (elebri ationt, GDean J. R. Effinger yesterday denied IF the rumors that have gained some cre- dence among alumni that they will E S be expected to appear in academic dress at the Seventy-fifth Anniversary Celebration. The faculty, the r pre- sentatives from the other univer.ities STAN and colleges, a...…

April 23, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…MICR t N ] AIL? MIC~i LN AlL! I I1 ost com- e city. )r goods All goods Sa THE MICHIGAN DAILY' Qibcial Newspaper at the Uiversity of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- grss of March 3, 1879. KANAG4IING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert L. Difley TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1912. Night Editor-Fred B. Foulk. Spring Co...…

April 23, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…TRU MICHIGAN DAILY best in e the lowest con- $5Hato pfel MUSIC AND DRAMA Vocal Historical Recital. In the various fields of the fine arts,] there have been women who have been accorded places beside their male workers. So it is not astonishing to find women composing songs, sonatas, dance suites, piano pieces and even orchestral works. For the lecture re- cital Wednesday afternoon at high. school hall, Mr. Howland has chosen a list of eigh...…

April 23, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILI CLASS BASEBALL MANAGERS HOLD MEETINGTONIGHT lich. N ew Rules Will Be Thoroughly plained; Eligibility Lists Must Be Handed In. a--But Its your spr- L M ST. There will be a meeting of all inter- class baseball managers at the offices of the athletic association tonight at 7:30 to make the final preparations for the opening of the interclass gam- es. The new draft of rules for interclass contests will be given out and ...…

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