April 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 138) • Page Image 1
…tt* Of Alt. WI hlp. VOll. .- I ;)1,5 U-NIVE ILSITY OF M~IATHUI'RSDAY, -APRIIL 2,)', 18i91. PI'lCEi, TiuisrtCENTS. OH, HORRIBLE.' 1105rling Iron in Nearly Every Stu- dent's Room. are farniers' s01ns, 30 per cent. athtletes, 2 5 per Cent. Sobier, (illict anld studjo 1-., and nine-tenthis of the Senior Medics' Trip. lo-moirrow moI rningt, the Senlior1 MIedics, nider IDr. I lerdmia, iwill 'Ile Chicao is'Tritbitne puiiisited take. a speiaIl train f...…