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March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…wWE r One hundred four years of editorial freedom *rni Weather Tonight: Clear skies, low in mid-20s. Tomorrow: Mostly sunny, high in upper-40s. Thursday March 23, 1995 e, ' MSA El ections Polls busy on 1st day of student elections Poll workers report high turnout at Angell Hall, Union sites By Amy Klein Daily Staff Reporter The feeling was one of amaze- ment yesterday afternoon as more than 25 students sprawled across the benches and ...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 23, 1995 COMMITTEE Continued from page 1 dents add diversity to the student body "at the same time, we've got concerned taxpayers." If the proposal passes intact, "we'd have to admit a lot of in-state trans- fers," Harrison said, adding he did not know how many students would be needed. While the additional funding for Michigan State was approved by the committee, Rep. Morris Hood (D-Detroit) proposed ...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

…Senate approves closed searches Michigan's public universities could mount private searches for presi- --'dents - until three finalists' were licked - under two bills clearing a Senate panel yesterday. The Senate Government Opera- tions Committee approved the bills on 4-1 votes and sent them to the full Senate despite protests from the .Michigan Press Association and Com- mon Cause in Michigan. The bills would make such searches exempt from t...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 23, 1995 (be £ichigan atig JASON LICfTSTEIN JAsON's LYRIC M 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MICHAEL ROSENBERG Editor in Chief JULIE BECKER JAMEs NASH Editorial Page Editors The day the music died: Post-liberalism at the 'U' Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion offa majority of the Daily's editorial board. Al...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 23, 1995 - 5 'U' med school discourages women To the Daily: For a number of years now I have been actively involved in recruitment of, and advocacy for, students to our graduate and medical schools here at ichigan. Moreover, these efforts ye had a major focus on students from under-represented minority groups. As such, I have enjoyed grati- fications, such as the successful ad- vocacy of a student's appeal...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 6

… DEC 486 PC 433 SX 4M RAM 152 M HD 3.5" 1.44 M Floppy. $900 or best. 663-8059. HEWLETT PACKARD Laser Jet Deluxe Printer. 8 pgs./min. Exc. cond. A real work horse printer. $345. 995-3276. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete system including printer only $599. Call Chris at 800/289-5685. LOST ON FRIDAY 3/10 set of 4 keys onan IU key ring call 761-2272. I ANN ARBOR PTO Thrift Shop. Huge sale Sat. 3/25 8a.m.-3p.m. Loads of household goods, clothing, sp...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 23, 1995 - 7 VICTORIAN HOME I bdrm. apts.-hardwood floors, high ceilings, large doorways, skylights. Call CMB now! 74-9300. ** 3 BDRMS. AVAIL. Ldry. & prkg. 5 m. to Union. Hill/State St. 213-0144. **2 BDRM. FURN. wshr./dryer, prkg. North Campus. Close to bus stop. May 15- Sept. 1. 747-0505. $500/mo. **FREE Spring & Summer sublet apt. finder service. 13 distinctive campus locations to choose from. Call CMB...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 23, 1995 Crisler Arena manager Lisa Panetta tells of rookie year behind the scenes By Steve Townsend For the Daily Crisler Arena stands silent now. The darkened scoreboard may be a depressing sight to some rabid Wol- verine fansbutdon't ask Arena Man- ager Lisa Panetta what she thinks of it. Toher, theendoftheseason means no more problems with the giant tech- nological nightmare. "The problems with the...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 9

… The Michigan Daily, Thursday, March 23, 1995 - 9 ak V FILMS OPENING: THURSDAY T H U R S D A Y T H U R S D A Y DOLORES CLAIBORNE Kathy Bates and Jennifer Jason Leigh star in this latest Stephen King installment. All is going well for a re-united mother and daughter until a mysterious, e-mailing houseguest, known only as "Jakato" shows up, demanding breakfast, "Hustler" and clean towels. Watch sparks fly when the ghost of former houseguest...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 10

… !be icldittu n Jtd1 Double your pleasure, double your fun with Yuki and Tumoko Mack, an award-winning piano duo. Renowned for their impressive technique at the keyboard, the Mack sisters will playselections from Mozart, Infante, Dello Joio and Rachmaninoff. The duo appears tonight at the Kerrtown Concert House (415 N. 4th Ave.). '-Tickets are $8 and $12; call 769-2999 for more information. 0 Page 10 Thursday, March 23, 1995 The Prodigal S...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 23, 1995 - 11 Margaret Smith is headed for the big time There's nothing like a sweet talker. Ask Candyman. All the women fall for the him ... hook, line and sinker. 'Candyman' can make a good sequel By Kirk Miller Daily Arts Writer "Soon we'll be together, just like we planned. You can't fight what was meant to be." With the thundering deep and sexy voice, the cool presence and a way to make an impressio...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 12

…12 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 2 Socially-conscious Paris doesn't compromise By Eugene Bowen Daily Arts Writer Paris' life has been one which easily tends to strike a chord of envy. His middle-class childhood, which included a stable, two-parent house- hold, was nothing more than a child- hood fantasy for many of us. At only 27 years of age, Paris already has a University of California at Davis degree in economics, three fairly-su...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 23, 1995 - 13 I "I w~i II Al a' I] I &I 1111 u I A Il I U I low ARC~I Y &l HI oooo OLLECT BECAUSE... I USE 1-800-C loo Calvert doesn't hold backm when it comes to express- ing the benefits of using Js ili 1-800-COLLECT.jthfuble Now it's your turn. aboveuwith the most important reason to always da 1-800-COLLECT when calling collect. If your quote is chosen, you'll be the lucky Gr...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 14

…14- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 23, 1995 House energy bill faces resistance WASHINGTON (AP)-A House bill that would eliminate federal heat- ing assistance to the poor has met stiff resistance in the Senate, where 35 senators including Carl Levin (D- Mich.) have signed a letter support- ing the $1.3 billion program. "While we recognize the need to cut the federal deficit, we believe the Low Income Home Energy Assis- tance Program is...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 15

…e9lll0 iotttYDttilq Trash-free tournament heads to town The Red Hacker basketball tournament is coming to Ann Arbor July 8- 9th. For the 1995 season, it is implementing a code of ethics called "Take Out the Trash." The tournament is designed to allow children and adults to focus just on basketball - without the use of trash talking or referee bashing. Participants must sign up at least two weeks in advance. For information, call 1-800-968-386...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 16

…16 The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 23, 1995 Netters try against low By Brett Krasnove Daily Sports Writer Goliath took David too lightly. The Michigan men's tennis team cannot make the same mistake against Wis- consin. "We all know that we could play our most mediocre tennis and win the match, but hopefully we learned from the Northwestern match (in which the Wildcats defeated the Wolverines,5-2, Feb. 4 in Ann Arbor) that you really i. ...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 18

….2- The Michigan Daily- Spring fashion issue - Thursday, March 23, 1995 cover clothes from president tuxedo, frame from the great frame up. ack page from ight wraps, frames from pictures plusart package and house of frames. ~Ater trial , "'can st 64-a hours of class, endless lectures from parents, the o j x march madne ss, the cod( 1thing . and this whole puberty thig you ;ill count on one .your own Frame of Mind 01 6 I1 t1...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 19

…The Michigan Daily - Spring Fashion Issue - Thursday, March 23,1995 -3 "I'm me, that's it. " -jfiewon clothes courtesy of urban outfitters and the spot. frame provided by frames unlimited. _______ - - .- I tQrds ITAHA4N RESTAURANT . .. 2 THURSDAY NIGHTS AT 911 N. University THE LEAGUE UNDERGROUND I ow Mdigan League Studer for info ph.764-0446 ent Programming proudy presents in the Michigan League THE YEAR'S BEST FREFE CONCERT...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 20

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Spring Fashion Issue - Thursday, March 23, 1995 0 0 clothes provided by marti walker, in-flight, secreto tropical, cat's meow, sam's, footprints, and urban outfitters. frames from pictures plus and frames unlimited. "We defy all sex - S role S 0 a r a 0 r ", ,-. Preparing Vessels of Honor at the Detroit Center of Theological Education Wayne State University Campus Accredited M.A., M. Div., D. Min.L " ...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 21

…The Michigan Daily - Spring Fashion Issue - Thursday, March 23, 1995 - 5 "The mainstream is not all the same." -mike Clothes supplied by marti walker and harry's army sur- pluso Frames from the great frame up, art package, pic- tures plus, frames unlimited and house of frames. 2V7~Lz h ti 7k I AnnAbrI BIe sVItV de rni lcC I Ann Arbor's Biggest Modern Rock I *Bagels eMuffin *Frozen (Gis6 ePasta Salads s *Soups Yogurt ' Vegetable Salads ...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 22

…r>-- the Michigan Daily -- Weekend etc. - Thursday, March 23, 1995 "Love is- interesting but I[don't know much about it.,ea~ Fm lni ... 5;. ii4+ '0. ::: .'L. -.ti Abft.T A J " ..:a w.* .:oP p, clothes from re-bop, spot,urban outfitters, foot- pritsand light wraps frames M from T frames un- . limited and GN pictures 04 plus I H AI R DE S 334 1/2 S. STATE A NN ARBOR, MI 48 1 USA 31 3663 0393 r...,++FF ::. ... fi J "" (. }Y i t '. . ...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 23

… The Michigan Daily - Weekend etc. - Thursday, March 23, 1995 - 7 "I've recently become com- fortable with the fact that I'm a girl." -je-won r s .: ,. _ ~> 4 e .4 V I- I' 4., "She was a good child." I 5S15. ihert Ofiff State "66-92 -maya wl"Clloll clothes furnished by cat's meow, light wraps, foot- prints, re-bop. U I INTRODUCING... 812 South State 769-5650 Open 7 Days eDaily In-House Specials* LA _-_?-- - - - _ Ant r_.1 0%...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 24

…-- The Michigan Daily - Weekend etc. - Thursday, March 23, 1995 Why hide it from r"~'1 x." -sylvir I clothing from president tuxedo, light wraps, and Sa rebop. frames from the great frame up and house of frames. F, - N f The Thrift nie! "Fashion Conscious Penny Pinchers, We've Got The Clothes For You!" Shop 01 1149 Broadway (across from Krogers) L6 L662-6771 Have You Graduated ... From Your Parent's Health - I' 1~7~ ~4 4 -' I...…

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 25

…The Michigan Dail - Weekend etc. -- Thursday, March 23. 1995 - 9 clothing from re- bop, light " wraps, cat's meow, urban * outfitters and foot- prints f. wr- s :. , ' kn., 4;^ ! :app ":::i. ii. ; N.,' _. ,. , .. ... ->.>. IA ;;:soa t. ... 7~ "I don't believe in isolation. - nathan 4e 4w. f ............ /l: .. . . . . . . . . . . . . i"A 1 / "6Rise i m I 1 i} i …

March 23, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 97) • Page Image 26

…-- - - -- -- - Lc 1 S SPRiNG*J~ SO SIVIELL THE DAMN FLOWERS.. -ANONYMOUS k i 0 ;, ,; , :y ^ x 'va? ze?? s I <i rI N, ., ; EbLo RALPH LAUREN 0, PHOTOS BY STEPHANIE i GRACE LIM I II =':r: . .": :?i:'S. :v:E C:;:jj? :i: =?:?i %'?i i:}:vi::?:"i??;{:; tij;:iij;:; mr ":'JiMF::i:;: iU.v..: !i}rii::i ~ i::-. ":;.k::): ':j}?'i:T."iii'.jj}i} 3 ': & Im m …

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