March 23, 1987
(vol. 97, iss. 117)
• Page Image 6
… Kaplan Center begins your bMAT prepara- tion with a computerized diagnostic evalua- tion--find out where you stand. Classes forming now, call 662-3149. LSAT The Kaplan Center now offers students a…
… computerized diagnostic evaluation as part of preparation for the exam. Diagnostic testing and classes are being held inarch, Apr, and May. Call662-3149. PROBLEMS WITH SECURITY OR PO- LICE? Call Full Disclosure…
…-6906. ROOM AND BOARD IN COOP Contracts avail. for now and Fall '87. Appl- cations avail. for spring/ summer. Inter Coop Council. 662-4414. ROOMS-Large or small, share w/many, share with few. Many locations…
… climbers, computer, canoe tripper, sail- in, tennis, athletics, and water sports .S.I.). Call 800/553-CAMP or write 407 enson ast, Jenkintown, PA, 19046. I'M LOOKING FOR A 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, in the Church st…