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January 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…~i'~IKOf AT. WaiIp. HE WILL OPEN THE SAFE. Oa Wht--Wil Perform This Won- detF eat Upon the Stage Saturday Night. Thie tet n e r n1 to be given to- ior night in the University Halal, Promilss to be one of unusual inter- esIn addtion to the good time ofredthin iole' all "oes to the aynkt ateli large number twill no d i atnd tltl'e dotor has een investigating rrietlods of 1. A. J ohstone for stie tm past aid has comie to the tuin th at there is n...…

January 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…'Ui. of 'M(. Taiu Published Daily (Sunidays ext pied) luring the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENFIENT ASSOCIATION. Susripetion pice$250 ipe yea, invaiablitly iiadvance. Singleocopies,; eets. onualeuat Sheansad lost ()lii enews stand every eveninog it 6o'clo-k. Subsciptiotiry be To the underclass been here but a s say, that if they wi their suloscriptioni using the gymnnas date. 'acictostudtentts possilylvcanlispare. a large sun0111011 gi...…

January 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY ]A4 OFF SALE 25 PER CENT SAVED, 2'=E E1 1'2 ST OOK OF' OVC1qOA: AflD $UI .A.T OE-PQJRTfl3 (QIKE ALL GLOVES. ALL IJNI)ERWEAI =\ttensl this Sale, fur a few days only. Come at once, (loo't (elav. AT THE TWO SAMS. ~I1I rho o1ll LlllilY OORHEIS & ITS REST WORK IN THE CITY, STATE ST. TA ILORS, 4$Z CALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. Of. tWS'EC~Ii ATES ToSTUDENTS. .,, 23 South Fourth Ave. -+LL ANLD SEE US, Of Old U. of M. sh...…

January 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…TPIE t; C)17 )AII j( DINING AN1) LUNCH ROOM, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. First class boardl, $2. 50 per week. Lunches at all hiours. Oysters ini every style. Fine line of Confections, Cilgars. etc. NO BLE, The Clothier, NEW BOOK STORES, 6 South Uaid Street. 44 Sout[h State Sireet, U'NI\LRSIIXT LTEXT-BOKS, S T ''IJN =IZ , :MedicxuiBxoks, ow Books, .B1LA K 11(101s, ALL kiii)s', All Blooks used in City Schiools. Stuidents, Note Books and P ads. I )raf...…

January 23, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…SIj e IL. of lin. Wa41Ijj. Vot.. IL.-No. 7J1. UNIVERSITY OF' MICHGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2"), 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Conducnt of Students at the U. of M.I The Congress of the U. of M. wihicil weliltdeserves the praise it is +ure to receive. " TheXW icie'' Tile (;rand iRapidsiDenmocrast of-, Ilb y students, representlllo rc- Caldt~ron,"' iyr ltoVe A. iltiams, last lCedesC5ityin an i ntiew sswitt, ltcllixtihe literary antI lw depart- l~l ...…

January 23, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…THE U.. OF M. DAILY. . d T a' Senior Comrlmittee. -4 B ____'ITle following are the committees to Pubtlished Daily (Sundays exeepted) during for Settior Reception: Ike Collegreyear, by Ret.Cl'1Tltt-M :1r. Fitzhugh lurns, THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Chairman. Messrs. Lee E. Migliell, C. C. IBenedict, W. C.'. icheror, W.S=' Subscription price F2.50 per year, invariably C.tal~e es; M1isses Gertrude S. Wade, iadranee single e epier cntst....…

January 23, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TRUN-S. NO WAR WITH CHILI! - But ar onthe pice of Clothig, Hats, Cas, Underwear, Gloves, Mitten a, hlosiery, NOTI E! TUWeS VALISES, ine Shirts, Collars, Cafs, Overalls and jackets. ---Weae gog to lte the publli loose amnsg thirty-eight tiosand dollars ($,oo.o) r~ 0worth of merectacdinv for twetty clays, which will Ie till Fecrtary y, at one-cuate () AT2x r aFs ff mraced pie. We have et pieectot a few gaod, and mached them d...…

January 23, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE 'ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New \arcrojoins, (Corner(1of Ali\ a nd 11(1Lilbery Strtcs: I Sill "Open the Ball" by placinig a fine stock of (Guitais, Bl jos etc. PRICES THAT WIL1(_L ASTONISH YOU.' Find ?i7r~s °s Mv~ STORE, 25 South 'nourth Avenue, City. I I SNf OR ONEL - $10.0 l)Jfor I Overcoat. Garments Nvorth $12.00 ho $100). G~2~T~s.Z= AT r ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. I ; P... rueES'iAiiIiStIh) 1851. F1resh;...…

January 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…Aq n qw ..> 4 r: 1 k qq a , s c',' E °,' , , ' '' x_.S ~^. yv+° cam,? i _, 41 :LV_°iSP {PY li 11P MICIJ I N t, 1II1 A: , JANI\JIK ,IS t S e, V ,) O il-t c0 r l C - a n t1 Ohs "" dols) voIt1iaCh n otli ve vcIris ti(I IT VIASAUCE . t' ooov Jovc by :t tCYSK tl~~s '1 C, f' F. i - p. .e 1ohi r l t 4 W)116 0 11) t1>~ X11;' o r- th t 1 a 1 tirCl~ Il 11 l3iF )Toll tilt, III II iyt_ tlio I 1110011 I t it lvI~liallV~lIII t~l I SIlC Ciry i li IIi...…

January 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…17 Lof . , I ' C1. ore t e 1Di1 R C. Ii Ai I, A th Cho'5ral t !~ncu tii' ('o r I. In I IIS THE U. OF M. DAILY. easily adjfust itself. The niimber LIKEI{PTEFIDN M N Y adtime allow~ed, however, shiiifFNDNuld.,~INI 'lot 1)e so11treat as to mailke the (le- 1 Going to I 1fV&Miltler's iut lsaveiifroni 25c, 500 and 75c 1-L eer~y 051111 V t tthing mi ilt lVir fiho aV wV' VilVt Vr(bice 0ur stoVck to 1 iilSS 5(71ii i im~i ''Ii fr Sping G0ood. ifT AS...…

January 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 75) • Page Image 3


January 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M DAILY HOTEL -t E ORT H QMx :xi CIoi On I I1 Will. he 1)ut too feet fromian en- i trane to the WORLD'S FAIR, I ONLY $1400. tol offers lollrates nil supe(i101LITTLE T fO. N 1iU0ii'ORTIO. ai oorodatoi 5 Imlif re. KL. t 11t it at 11i - PATLONSALE Prim-.C: of.t){.>i, 8 ":.-IS 1. 2 'ix , x3. 2S fStyles 0 01 ijir c0V'Ci hcit, iUatl t hill"1112for it011 i>t1 i .11(1s- 1101jI ale CA'L N-S, :Z'4' cx . STA - IRS1~Oj 2J .'- Y NO~i --T R O( ...…

January 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…jc . a , t . ail n. VOL. IV. -NO. 84. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. PRELIMINARY CONTEST. able that this year on account of the "LINCOLN AS A LAWYER" Competitors Must Present Nms general interest manifested in the Will be the Subject of a Lecture by With Subiect of Oration by contests, the public will be admitted Judge Samuel C. Parks, Hisss February First. to the contest. -- 'r n lla- sgcine 4 _t...…

January 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…THE LI. OF M. DAILY. r" ( vations of the present year, none is crease interest in the league race, ~--- L more important, we take it, than is and college spirit would run high the formation of the Graduate club. betwveen the universities, which are =j1 S Published Dalir (Sundays excepted) duringal ratialy-nsittins theCaoeige 1r, y 'pesntighe pormof theChcg presenting.INDEENDErograCITIi Considerable interest is being taken ____ ' T H . O . I D ...…

January 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…THE LI. OF M. DAILY. ________ I _ .. THE CHEQUANEGON ORCHESTRA. - a11U1I 50 _' So10.ooLG -I CLEMENT,--AET 51 So. llAL ST. Drec'tor'oand NSaat' r t-AG NT' EXCESIO L U DRY Christy Hat. London. L. L& A. 20 L I'i(000.0000 1'Ii;F:.5k lso Dealer tin Men's F1ne too'shilx,;i Good Wool. too tot OGoaods' Ru a 'r iStore For'tt andoeliseood. A F. itOVERT. Prop. 22 Wear's illthe 1iosoes.~i " CITY LAUNDRY.EW M. M. Seabolt, o4 N.IFourth AveKRPOU C(tww1I1 +...…

January 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Lo1 j Iigt \ * wP OF SALE OFF jP4Zx+ C hocolates, HeOre tre some sofl0m.r Prices,: - - - iiSILVERMNIi S T. ;;4.00, 11, w To. 50c. SROEL iFS IhAl 14car, ) va3.0o) Rdcdfohu.ALL 55,0 SHOES now $3.75. Reduce from oc. serythiiug Itechl('Cd inProportu).s at TtiI E O TFITT~ItISS, Calkins' Pharmacy .BOWIDISIH I& A..W EISO.IT MOOI0 EJ & E REQ:E NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. i.NvtrIE'1ENIO ZT) IIEII...…

January 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…7 ~IJE U. o InN UNESA, JANUARY 2S) Pati - THRF5 CENTS. Voi,. V. No. ;S8. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WI V1.I. T t v.: .rv. __._ ---- - - THE SUMMER SCHOOL. Three Courses in Law Under Messrs. Smith. Dwyr and Hughes Arranged. the -o ireular ioftthe Sum isr Shol, whtiich ill sonii rbe issue, will sll- yoni oli5iiit(tler eatres liie i- mrardutioli at theecou rss i lay by ityksss. I Ingles. IDwyer iid- $silitl, hiistrutorsl in ithelIii liii ltit ...…

January 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF Al. DAILY. "t,-kdurng 2g 'l i, rs'lieilry stusents tin- DITSON MUSIC. iCold 'W eather!Tsiiiil h ildsr oaii h sle f - -t~l~r l tding lief ouiiiiiicrnointlio Ntiiiiisei liilyiunday s-scrisis-si isliiiO i sn oiils I eIi h is w iii is 'Six Love Songs,'' 111 Ot he Cilli ;u yea, bsq ri "uiii yii o r l iii iils.cxii siosh 5.53 IyI ui,'iss i x ti',o i . rc i it Iilail A ii5ut lendciln. Sawyse. sitexistesofSit 1iiV THE I IsIfNEPEIUENI -los' s...…

January 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WY /7 7 A the Grand Opera House. j I. OF Ml. CALENDAR. NOTICES. MIJCHIGAN CAtTis ill I Lati.,(ourse 2, foil te sv 'ime Table (Revised)Nos. 1, 154. it'tI Silan ir of rsolir'shotIWed..Jan. ' --2detigof Wbstr slestTlt'eworks toe red inth EAST. wET. ( lty O 9 taispriclry( oieym11 t'rHl.diterefsetios will e as follows: Mail and Ex -350 Alall- --.. IllS tilig At. Farrl is an(i ltir -l !;1,,-l - 3.Sfnio1' clss 511('i 'gSec. I,8 D-...…

January 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…THE L"V. OFM. DIY .i n~n~nr H&LF & POUND THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS- BANK. I of nicely perfulooed toilet soap for Ann Arbor, lidsch Capital Stotck,,too. SchaileiiS 0 t aSurplus" $,0. 'Tr S.NI' C r NJTS Orgsnited onder Chsc eneral Booking l.we ~ of this State. 1Iteeeives deposits, buays slid ^- - - sells exciane on the priscipal cStirs of the Vtitly ;w itlo (deoorge Walll',. 19 , United States. Drafts cashed, upon proper E. Washington St. Headqua...…

January 23, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…11_ VOL. VIIL No 79. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1897. Fours PAGES-3 CENTS. (U I.1D, THE ARCH OF TRAJAN. of tRoman sclpture under bettr conl- TRACK ATHLETICS. - ~~ditions than heretofore. _____ Tedn aio 1he '96 Class Memorial Expected Aflogb ar 115tlha01 Some Timely Advice to 'Track petted Ihl; elpsesiioier'the work was A.1I~1IPORT R. Wleii fhe rss of h>llecidd po t111. Thedeuay i fmoe than 11cnu A prouinent oesterna traner ...…

January 23, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…TilE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~t ~f . TRACK ATHLE"TICS. (Continued frot F+ir'St Fage.) Publishedt Daily (Sundtays exceptoed) during ltwo dashes that iiherecors .illthe the tClla year, at nest equal or tiot nearly e(iiuJiItito"e THE UNIVERSITY OF MIGHIGAN. in tie east. (Signt TiaesSailuting, 79tS., ttbia St. be- 'Witlt50.)entriesoer lucererit itt i y' tweeea Liberty andt ItilliatmSts. teceeayo i'otei ilrcl TIIANW GI[ Nt 111DI1011 J. F. Ts...…

January 23, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…_1 THE UNIVERSITY OF MILCHIGAN DAILY. Time Tabie (Revised Spt2,18. as 15WM Mil a n dl i 7 NY Spei 1 7 EsenE ----101 N.SLmtd 25Atlantic E t a ift nsm L12 I yr_ -a ONE. ~apres_ n s e 540 YriNit n lii 1' -I - I - asK/"'' / 0.WlI uc1 IIAYOI~,_ .ym;r-" \ G. P. & 1..Ad It.t.,(b io.Apt As Abor - e Pr RAILROAND. / 1 ~The n0 IleeingoG ar Lien hawsnsTo Tima'ble, i)e.t, tIs. ~' ~TeiO 01tlnteping or Drawn Room ar ri 0 o1500 - -Line letwen Toledo, Colmbui...…

January 23, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 11 1WHEN YOU KNOWV HALLER'S m y "M wX ife J"'-Jwor-youYfindWhere to o for liked your Beef Tea so well iheeyoiAwr-yufn that well made STO REF M last night," said a gentle-i - cohsotnonreha op- 46 S. Main Street. men, -that she wanted meor to get some Beef 1lxtract d i shop work - We use only the est so that she could make ita material-thc most thoroughly train- PATRONIZE HOMS LIVERY =s at home." You'll he sur- ...…

January 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…be rr pl - - -- ------------ ----- VOL. IX, No. 86. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1899. THmEE CENTS. r X1 r T --% MOVE TO DETROIT. H FINE WINTER SUITINGS H E E T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T A STOCK( IN THE CITY. L yL R 108 E. WASHINGTONST. Allegretti's Chocolates Fresh Yesterday. WILDE' (RE I ODui Dau ad Ni R. Dnring the rest of the college year we wl se e ulc t al ot rse dao nihtF ol ie of ipe gars n Tobacco. R. E. JOLLY & CO., 3...…

January 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 14; 9 4 1Track Tean Start Work. fLf. X. + Though it was not expected to lk conmmsence training for the track PublishedDaily (Suend3as xceted) during the teams util Tuestlay, a"ag oue (solg ea.a were swocking its the gymunasaum last THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. week on the (lays set out for special 9FsioeseTh're inland Press, Henning Block. work. Tomorrow, however, work Both 5Phonae, 147,silliseg in earnst. The...…

January 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 Shirts 73c Fancy Bosoms, or all overs. $1.00, $1.25, $150 Values. Your dollars draw large salaries in this sale. GOODSPEED-S, MI TET M GIGRIN GLNTRRlL The Nigra Fli Route." CENTRAL STANDARID TIME Taking Effmt Aug. 14, 1898. Mail and Expres .......347 P. M. N. Y. & oston Speiai....... 45 Past Eastert..............9543 AtlanticPorest ............ 7 4 A. M. Detroit Nll Expres . 1........555 Grand lRapids ...…

January 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

… TE E TNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE ~UNIYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAItY. w A K ONE-HALF rtLICS AT D A T n e & o F ri h r.334 S. STATE ST. Interolleuiato Bureau 01fIlcadomlo Oostumo. GOTRSELL & LEONARD, MABAY, N. Y. Cape, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Alao Clase Canes, Class Hate and Cape, Clse College Pins. Addres W. C:. KEIZN, Wetern Reigr., ® Haskell mseun, aiv. of Chicago FOes.... PRMTSERTICE' AND4T EICEH o m ~ L v r NICE ...…

January 23, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… '40( O U 4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICI. TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1900 No 86. 21 BIG GAMES. Baseball Team Will Be Kept Busg T H E T A 0 Fine WINTER and SPRING Suitings, Golf Suis, Fancy Vestings. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY .We Carry the Largest Stock In the City 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. T H E on a Hard Schedule. Director Baird returned from Chi cago yesterday where he had been since last Thursday in conference with the western managers. While h...…

January 23, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERbITT 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVEI{~ITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Patihad Dalysnaysttteeptd) dagthe Collegeyar, at a THE UN3IVERSI1Y OF MICHIGAN oGars The Inland Pete, Hnnig Block. Bth Phnas,.1{7. IBANAGING EDITOR. FEs.01anattaatt L. HssNESS 'MANAGER~. ))tf. ti.aN 'ottD. EIhaTORS. lATttLth'rCS, -. G . ) ti' t aT,'at E T. . fonttca. OhL. 'IDOUAttttaatl tE AG. BattatNE, 02. . J. B ooa, ' L..1OtT(AotaahhdW. . i ttat.0 aM, Tha cattapt...…

January 23, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 F PRE-INVENTORY SALE All Shoes Greatly Reduced 1220O \LDISCOUNT 2O GODSPEED'S TAN SOL~S119 South Main Street MIHGNCENTRAL' "1The Niagara Falls Route." lvushetb bt abr. Aam lcsSI. 'RnsheteP oorpe. Aam Co CENTRIAL STANDARD lIME. Takinug Efur ot Novemberu 19, 1899. LT,()e111. Pills 50C to I' '$ 0, 0 Fiu~e GOINGi Ni EAST. atI'uie0Coor-S O Watch Repaitilig a Specialty. Mail aUdUprI I ......V..........(1..3 471P. ...…

January 23, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

…4 4 THE UNI'VERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. IlOc. l Oc. We have bought the re- mainder of the edition of the ST8BENTS remember that we can supply you with a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or WAaterman, which we fuoily guarantee. What mos. cain you ask ? Try us. JLrriN $CHYALLE"Rr 192DOWN TOWN, 116 SOUTH MAIN ST. 0 It1~L[DURING VACATION SuetAgtents \\ 'toted to Sell D. fl. TINKE~R & SON' HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for HAT, CAre, AM...…

January 23, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…V~OL. XI. ALIN Ulf> iu. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDN >fb-DAY, JANUARY 23, 1901. No 8 Announcement CHORAL UNION CONCEHI Indoor Football Practice TidCnetothYerTksPae Asonath ndwteexmn-Or special line on Friday Evening - Spiering tions ar-e over, the football team will pCi I of frin ad Quartette of Chicago and leinil indoor sigiial lratice undser the the Of frin ad William A. Howland the direetioii of Keene Fitzatrick. This 73l do etc fbisArtis...…

January 23, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 88) • Page Image 2

…a, ~TR T UNV'ftSTY UE MIli1GAN DAILY. ®aI~1~ i Chemistry Laboratory Notes ( , RAIN OR SHINE ~ 'Arrngements heave been insde in the %,.. The "00' $300 Shoe is the hoe Pubished Daily (Modays ecpted)daeg chemical laboratories to manufacture to wear when the weather iso ucer Collegevarat oxygen, which will be stored ini tasnks , tan. A little rain doesn't hurt t TH NVRIY0'MC~iNant, after being condesed in the while it affords pet of comfort on TH ...…

January 23, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

…ITHE_ UNIVERSITY OF MICA 1GAI DAILY. 3 3TBE UMVERSI ITY OF 1CII1GAN DAILY. 3 IZ 110 SWASHINGTON VtEAST CC* CC*. V-11P.f. mtvccc MCC CC* CC* Cc* MCC tvc *cc ccs vcs VE:V CCS; MCC PCS EP -'VMS, VPVCCIP *CV. VS-* MCC fife. *. - E VENING CLOTHES We nake clothes to make you look well -_ the fit does it. In this respect we excel especially, and particularly with ovening cloths. A dress suit made by u,; ca be beaten by no one......................…

January 23, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 88) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY POSTER BOARD, s5 Z1 30 x 40 FOUR Red Glreen COLORS Gfray Black Perfect Tailoring===Shape Retaining Is a ituality oftenwanting in T a s Suits, hut our tailors have mastered the secret of imparting this characteristic to the garments made for us. Every - Garment is made ex- presely for the man %vlso boys it andr if it doesn't satisfy thrn !, dest get it. If that's a fair proposition tome up and let us toll yo...…

January 23, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…"t 41 E),AI ~IU~-aYEAR. ANN ARBIOR,. MICII., Tilt R ,DAY, JANUARY 2:3 1902. -No.8 S, L. A. NUMBER WALDRON WINS 0t i0Ridgeway Conceit Company Pilgrim Prize is Awarded-Great In- Tonight--Interesting Proarrain.terest Shown. at aaaaa ala I at111tflli al l~ l(l1 11ih tl' 11( Ii.r il 'ai'aat. etat 1\ it' fi lamialll{-l-a('lI-' li 1'121}l1'at'll 1 t:a"".Ila' for il' Ia' laa'aal aalaa 'a ataaa'a' is 1111 aIl f t' ' Artis s aaiaa l 111o i lta ' iaa aaa...…

January 23, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…'t IIE 11l''iC I I X X hANEW LEADING MERCHANT OUR BALL 1';E is the hat swe have aver shown, conltalining ALL THE and Nar Ninyljf and T vryouseings.f in the latest patterns and color- ings. ie largest assortment in the state. i c81E. Washington St. ONE 012 OUR HT WAThR BO(TTLES would prove a blessing, woisl its weight in 'aol dorin tis season ot COLDS&(iPP 75QCtI$1.50 F)jl[3 SALE Everything Must (in. Law Books, Medical Books, If! C'1s~a rci l t...…

January 23, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…tIlHL IMIC1IIKA N DAILY -NEWS SAHBUFTHI-YAPE&AIDIES ti flnxt ss s T ii i I f sBtubes,1Lous~nggGowns uaol Snoking jackets. . Alli ha fr oulddesreof or irstock is col-repl etein ths i n es andI. sit hibeto y 5 a s attags to look thsemithros-h K ot (sarmis .syour hoff 5.5 +las'presents. 2 2,02 S. M'in Steet.~ LU~ 'i'+ F"8a' * T . + .a ._ ." ' _. '"i S"* . _ - , . . -2. °-"., ' "" 'JOHN H N Z iA.d E FTAS G.. " T IL .VS.u.T+~ET15 1'SI 11V1(N I A t ...…

January 23, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 85) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIIGAN DAILI -NEWS + OAND!ES KOAK -t1n dint- 1)1kaes tf ll su/Cs. XWeWintri ser S CC'H antd xwinter 5ivies make:10 linZ iiattrfic- 4I 1k for slilj illit withlout charge... 1 c for thle ii. d sys. We have alliii iii p ipatternls. t feeS liit l them ior windtaxw. percent. discount on kodaks. SCALKINS' PHARMACY 324 50 . STATEST rlFIGK BiIidI1IrdPFaors addBowlioU 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.'! T~l.? roan I~w Iitsto Ver...…

January 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…-. !. ._ ... .... ! T- -. Y ,. _ _. _, _f. 1, 7° r. _. "' -+ 1. '-^, _ _.. r r_'. .._. _ _. 7^ ___ := r -- - " J: r '!-. J: .. , r- , is . r . , I. f "' I: /. _ - r "l; . - _ - ' -- f - - .r _- '!." i _. f. _ P _ M ._.. . ®' .r 1., " - ".. J =: I " i --f i _ : - -- 7 C C i. _ t. - J1 "t. ° ^t - _ .: r _ . .. 't : ? ., u Y i a -r v ~ v I . f ./ f w . rf ,.-. ,.. i 1 T .. M i. . - J _ yr .- ?: .1 _ I. .f _ f r ._ _ / ,! Q C w ; t :.r 1 ,, . ,, "...…

January 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…VII K MICHIGAN DAILI -NI+ WL rous~rs DAIL: EWS trouscrs The of'MARIY S, Mth Year The U, A lll [(AEL , d11 ar t I'o ways take 'in o'11111{'ilit'i''st loIt NN1111 tor the willor oI+4,Hi oblm tvhLIt '111oIiAts all, Mu"I. 1who1 are "hismovll' 11"'l11 lIt t'' a. l ' om IQ 0 n im (1 1111510111 trl''' '1110II' I'' " ' of -': 1 11 h t ey a d 1 1 :l 11111rinl wi1'th1 nlo it Il'ii of"i'''"s ps ld It jll'11:o ll ll the I~ll IV i ll n : tif' 11111b1 is.' ...…

January 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…II1JE MIl('IJIGAN A1 - I 4-,, z-, ) .: . THE :RIG-,HT THINGS AND ENOUGH F THEM Mar 1O'ro'.lytm. , r a' / - Ii ura -lilt WAGN~ " . a C i- /% ' f r / _.. \ r r x.n. .. rm -pa: _ z d orkTPYir 4. .......... . Base Ball i, low Hotkey, Official Athletic Implement, Lawn Tennis,(Golf. A.OG. -PAl DING &i BROS.'- (ethers Claim Them, We' IHave hem. iiC_ hiuk it , V i- JI I I ii K\''1t l, aI) ill il litrvd fortilt w I-ji 0The Scht_; ooli -or thencitg VOL ...…

January 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

…T I Ii I( 1]1 xN A-,t)A 1LY-- N E I" during this mo~nth, all CuLstom made. ,;pecial sale of white and fancy vests. SPECIAL SHIRT SALE G.JIBSManager 109and11FastWasingtn Sree GiLOVES CLEAXNED'It:lI 1F .:. l I I Lofenl's Corner StoreI ("rIfl 342 S. State -'t. A'd{'S~I:., Lanii p : 11ii is + ''~~ (as Portables fjA' ioM LP -yS~} A1 : 1 _P A IiSli . [.tnch &Diel(gR0011 ''.r ,'(1i1'l1 l 'I l t!l Xl 1 {I Ill-S O' & SAMSON. P-roprielar I r 1 1.1 5 . 1...…

January 23, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…ht c ~ nVOc. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MIC., SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1904. No. 88 DEBATE~RS SEL[CT[D. KATZ IJURED. TIMEf TRIALS TODAY. , STUDENT FINED. Louis 11. Katz; a freshman law sn- lae'.Iabth uirlwsn Team to -Meet Wisconsin-Orators detfo-afr oo. a noe rack Candidates will be Sent Against (ent who was arrestei a week ago yesterday white playing hlandball -in Chosen at Last Night's Contest.'. the gymnasiomnby colIidng itl .C. Time-Large Number of Men w...…

January 23, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. THE ICHIAN D ILY GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. fEntered as second-class matter at the Ann Leonard, a candidate for the Mich- Published daily (Monday excepted) daring the is trying for the Chicago team. cleeyaa tE.Wsigsre,(basement floor, side ct'ance) Phone 392t33 A Chicago professor of Political sa e__.. ___.EII Economy has recently predicted the11MNGINC SE. OCX' TIIOMASON extinction of the Caucasian race by BUSINESS MANAGER: t...…

January 23, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…A IIC)AN CGENT "The Niagara Falls Route," THE SOROT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON wci direct connections at Chicago for St. uis, Kansas City. St. Paul and the West. yrinformation ad through ticktscall on or wte to W. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Ariior. COFFEE 0Zs. owen roastl-dg Mocha VO AlIways frosh. and Java 280 per- pounds 214 Ma~in St. DEAN ea CO. New Brunlswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos ...…

January 23, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…--------------- prflln,, For Fo ffi81~1Ytor Complete Line of Dress Boots. Ann Arbor More, I I I S. Mrain. [actory-grocklon, f"ass. MONEY LOANED ON Wat hos, Diamonds, Jewehryand all High 31 4. Class COhs tel a nd Collateral Security. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTI.AL. WIJ.LOUR IM. Rloom 7, Henning Block. Phone 45. 7:04 to 5:35 Arl any Sit. - n-.., For a(oodCup of COFFEEOt OR CHOCOLATE I 4 R E NTS CH LE R For anythngin the line of 4 4...…

January 23, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan 1.all 'or. XVI. No. 8 3. CONFERENCE RESOLUTIONS CAUSE GREAT INDIGNATION RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED PROFESSOR PATTENGILL BY THE CONFERENCE TELLS OF CONFERENCE tea:and 0to 111tiothe piricet iii forPRESIDENT ANGELL NEW RESOLUTIONS s-sC1ion-- Psile 111t1,ettiff-SCORES FOOTBALL CAUSE INDIGNATION 1111111,all he11111 itiG>uil1111ef Cl(11111 head of Michiga in Letter to Con- Students Demand Retention of Coach 11111 t~sIl ference Tells of Ab...…

January 23, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GH. Wild Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS ahe largst stok in the City of exlsive stylesoWoolen for Gentemeonowar Of high-class fabrcs sd pcial style fovsu dents G. H.Wild Co.s 311 S. State t $6.00) Ones, ..$4.5 0 $5.00 Ones,.. $3.75 I)ON'T MIS Sheehdn & C. Students' Bookstore Football 'PillowI $1.50 thi s sies-isIt I)A1,LING & fIALLEAUX 224-226 S. State St I r f f f f t M t f t t f 6 I f f r I r t r r f f f i i T!H ICIGt.IAN ...…

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