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January 23, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

… APTOP POW BK 540.A Mic La Writer 300. Like new! Great for studen $250 OBO. or 761-968 POWER MAC G4 400 megahertz. 1 megabytes. With 17 in. Apple Displ $1,100. 717-4524. dkoh…

… Science background not required. Part-time now; full time in May. LOTS OF POTENTIAL. Fax: (734) 665-0642 Email: **LEASING AGENT. Part-time. Seeking friendly person with computer knowledge…

…-0104. COMPUTER ASSISTANTS--Freshmen or Sophomores for the Winter 2001 and following Terms to assist with maintaining Macintosh hardware, software and LAN as part of the Student Publications computer support team…

January 23, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

… - (everything) that this University and this program are about," said Michael Brooks, the director of Hillel, which also spon- sors the award, along with Apple Computers Inc. and various Universi- ty…

… da y gV( By Michael Gazdecki Daily Staff Reporter apple a Soloway n award Engaging his pupils in discussion about class material has been a key to Engineering Prof. Elliot Soloway's success as a…

… professor. Students pre- sented him with the 2002 Golden Apple Award for his unique teaching style yesterday evening in the Mendelssohn Theatre. "I teach differently than you're supposed to and getting this…

… Students Honoring Outstanding University Teaching, the Golden Apple award is given by students to their choice for the best professor at the University. "It is a celebration of everything .we believe in…

… organizations. The honor is bestowed on those faculty members that uphold the Golden Apple tradition, which requires that the selected professor has given every lecture as though it was their grand finale…

…. Winners are See GOLDEN APPLE, Page 7 LAURIE BRESCOLL/Daily Engineering Prof. Elliot Soloway, recipient of the 2002 Golden Apple award, gives his acceptance speech at the Mendelssohn Theatre last night…

January 23, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 81) • Page Image 5

… a computer in the hands onto the screen: of everyday people," Steve "On January24th, r Jobs told Time Magazine, Apple Computer will "and we succeeded beyond introduce the Macin- our wildest dreams…

… representing followers, that isn't changing any- individualistic expression is too time soon. From computers and rich to ignore. Hidden beneath music players, to webcams and cell layers of artful advertisingApple

… beautiful box it is. separate digital world locked away Yesterday marked the 23rd anni- in my HP desktop, Macs make versary of Apple's famous launch sense to me. Over the past two commercial, where a sea of…

… futuris- decades, Apple has evolved from a tic drones stare blankly at a screen technological minority group into a of Big Brother's face professing cultural phenomenon. his apocalyptic manifesto. That is…

… Don't argue. We've become an until a sexed up woman iPod nation, and Apple isn't hurls a sledgehammer going to let you forget it. through the air and the "We started out to get corporate slogan scrolls…

… phones, Apple has become the Stan- pressures its pliable audience into dard oil of the new millennium. believing that technological inno- They're almost as bad as Comcast, vation is paramount. Remember who…

… Television is one of the few forms and Ghandi among them - became of media that Apple hasn't nabbed more than just profitable endorse- from Sony or Samsung, but iTunes ments, they were Information-Age happily…

… fills in the gap with current icons. I can vividly recall the maga- shows on sale for download. zine tear sheets taped to my sister's Jobs, Apple co-founder and CEO, bedroom wall for inspiration. once…

… said he "wants to put a ding in And really, who's going to say no the universe." Jobs has been fired to Ghandi? once and charged with multiple Apple might appear innocent, lawsuits, but thathasn…

…"-style. simple boundaries for us to follow: But Apple's runaway success There are Mac users, and then hasn't left much damage in its there's everyone else, stuffed into a wake, save our delicate egos that junk…

January 23, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

…: Monday at about 2 p.m. WHAT: Someone broke into a student's car and stole a street pilot model GPS sys- tem, DPS reported. Police have no suspects. -Car window Computers broken in C sbmissing from Sqr sd…

…: Mary Markley Residence Hall WHEN: Monday at about 5 p.m. WHAT: Several older Uni- versity computers were reppted missing from from Marky Markley after inven- tory was taken, DPS report- ed. Police have…

… no suspects. WIN $50 OR $100 APPLE STORE GIFT CARDS VOTE FOR THE MICHIGAN DAILY'S BEST OF ANN ARBOR 2008 Vote today! Polls Close January 25th Go to www.michigandaily com/aabest to enter your votes…

January 23, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 81) • Page Image 6

… the 9 Decide rooms say ground 10 Sticks with 50 Snick-or-__ 62 IRS into 16 Advantage 11 Trash can 53 1970s-'86s John 64 Apple forthe 17 Not-so-great emanation candy vehicle, teacher? explanation 12…

… valid student ID (non-organizational, non- 040- Computers Is must be prepaid unless prior billing privileges 045 Technology We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, 050-TFumilug " For Classified…

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