April 22, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 139) • Page Image 19
…-C Autofocus Camera/Recorder, or Apple 7,500 13,000 25,000 70,000 170,000 . ss Personal Computer …
…-C Autofocus Camera/Recorder, or Apple 7,500 13,000 25,000 70,000 170,000 . ss Personal Computer …
… Consortium. So now you can purchase Apple and IBM personal computers at low UM prices and take advantage of our knowledge and ex- pertise. Just stop by our showroom in the Plymouth Road Mall and we'll help you…
… mile east of North Campus) and find out how easy it is to take home an Apple or IBM personal comter IACMP® computer centers ANN ARBOR In the Plymouth Road MalI - 2765 Plymouth at Huron Parkway Plenty of…
… thing it (CIVS) needs to be commissioned to do-it loses that freewheeling quality." Take advantage of us. UM Students, Faculty, Staff: Inacomp Computer Center of Ann Arbor is now part of the UM…
… choose the computer system that's right for you. Authorized Deader Additional discount Here's another way to take advantage of us: Buy your system through Inacomp Computer Center, and we'll give you 20…
…% off on any items that don't qualify for the UM discount (add-ons like software and other items). Visit Inacomp Computer Center soon We're easy to find and easy to talk to. Stop by today (we're just one…
…-QK-Vm Flight Simulator for the Macintosh $37.50 Discount Computer Software and Supplies 322 S. STATE ST. (inside the Jewelry Exchange) 663-4788 Hours: Mon.- Sat. 10:00 to 6:00 IL- NNEW…
… instructor may extend these Is (only for incompletes). Pick up a RENEWAL FORM: At your departmental office or At the Computing Center's Business Office on North Campus, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p…
… information. 03B0423 FOR RENT FOR RENT AUTOMOTIVE '69 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE. Candy apple red, good condition. Must sell. 764-9009. 16X0423 IS IT TRUE You Can Buy Jeeps for $44 through the U.S. government…
… & INEXPENSIVE GYNECOLOGICAL CARE PLANNED PARE NTHOOD 3100 Professional Dr., Ann Arbor (Near Washtenaw & Huron Pkwy.) 973-0710 Educational Materials and Gifts Available In Our Bookshop cFtc COMPUTER OPENINGS…
… part-time. Male or female. Car needed. All shifts open. 1-559-6681. 911H423 LEE TEMPORARIES NEEDS YOU! Summer jobs for: typists, word processors, computer oper- ators, receptionists and light labor. Call…
…, sciences, music, drama, dance, computers. 5/4-6/7 and 6/15-8/2. Call the High/ Scope Foundation for information, 485- 2000. 24H0422r, Do you have pimples? Earn $75.00 VOLUNTEERS with moderately severe acne…