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February 22, 2023 (vol. 132, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…There were 3,000 people standing side-by-side across the Diag on the University of Michigan’s campus Wednesday night. U-M students and community members gathered together in silence to mourn the mass shooting that took place on the Michigan State University’s campus Monday night which led to the death of three MSU students: Brian Fraser, Alexandria Verner and Arielle Anderson. The U-M Central Student Government organized the vi...…

February 22, 2023 (vol. 132, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…When Ann Arbor resident Anne Hiller first moved to ‘Tree City’ from the San Francisco Bay Area in 2004, she was looking forward to settling in the Wildwood Park subdivision, a scenic suburban neighborhood surrounded by nature on the city’s west side. Before she was about to close the deal on her house, however, Hiller noticed that her deed contained an archaic clause — a racially restrictive covenant that read “No portion of the...…

February 22, 2023 (vol. 132, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…puzzle by By Alexander Liebeskind & Yu-Chen Huang ©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC 02/22/23 Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Patti Varol and Joyce Nichols Lewis 02/22/23 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: Release Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 ACROSS 1 Hint of color 6 Biblical tower site 11 Inquire 14 Play area? 15 Greek salad fruit 16 Sushi topper 17 Pride symbol 19 Texter’s “Hang on a sec” 20 “Cr...…

February 22, 2023 (vol. 132, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…4 — Wednesday, February 22, 2023 Arts The Michigan Daily — Dear Pinterest, I still remember the day that you and I first met. I couldn’t have been more than 12 years old. My aunt had told me all about you — “It’s like an online bulletin board,” she described — and showed me around her own profile. I had never seen so many pictures, appropriately dubbed “pins,” in one place before. I could save these pins to a board...…

February 22, 2023 (vol. 132, iss. 104) • Page Image 5

…My friends have told me I don’t seem like I’m from Michigan. I was born and raised in a quiet town on Lake Michigan and both of my parents are natives of the western side of the state. I’m not sure what it even means to “seem like” I’m from Michigan, but there are a few things about me that are distinctly Midwestern. The most obvious tell is how I say certain words. Bagel is baahg-el not bay-gul. Milk is melk. Bag, like bagel, als...…

February 22, 2023 (vol. 132, iss. 104) • Page Image 6

…Hair pulled up in a haphazard ponytail, I tightened the drawstrings on my pink pullover and trekked through the wind up the stairs to the North Quad dining hall. Stomped, was more like it. I’d forgotten my headphones, and in no world was I walking back through this tumultuous wind on an empty stomach. Without my dining hall playlist, I had to provide myself with some sort of entertainment while eating 20 minutes away from my do...…

February 22, 2023 (vol. 132, iss. 104) • Page Image 7

…Content warning: mentions of sex- ual assault. Writer’s note: This is not about one person in particular, but a com- pilation of memories from different people I have met. I wrote this piece to both share my experiences and thoughts on dating and relationships as well as to use this piece to finally let go and free myself of the heavy memo- ries I have hidden so deep inside of me for so long. ~~~ My bed feels a little emptier now that...…

February 22, 2023 (vol. 132, iss. 104) • Page Image 8

…Michigan in Color 8 — Wednesday, February 22, 2023 How to love Alas, the (socially constructed) season of love is here. I always ques- tion what love is and how to practice it. The conceptualization of love as a verb, instead of just a noun, is promi- nent in our everyday language. This is because love is an all-encompass- ing concept. Like many, my first experiences with love came from family. It was at home that I learned to differe...…

February 22, 2023 (vol. 132, iss. 104) • Page Image 9

…S ince it was first founded, the University of Michigan’s Graduate Employees’ Organization has persistently pushed boundaries and moved the University forward. With its fierce advocacy for graduate student rights, the union has played a critical role in shaping campus conversations and leading cultural change. Unfortunately, however, the past three years have seen this once illustrious organization devolve into chaos. Aft...…

February 22, 2023 (vol. 132, iss. 104) • Page Image 10

…J ust this week, a horrific mass shooting at Michigan State University shocked the nation and rocked our campus, as many have friends and relatives attending the nearby university. Its close proximity and the hours- long “shelter-in-place” order had many feeling anxious, confused and angry. But most significantly, the feeling of loss was overwhelming: the lives of Brian Fraser, Alexandria Verner and Arielle Anderson were...…

February 22, 2023 (vol. 132, iss. 104) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily — Wednesday, February 22, 2023 — 11 Michigan dominated by Ohio State special teams in 4-2 Faceoff on the Lake loss NOAH KINGSLEY Daily Sports Editor CLEVELAND — As a scarlet- and-maize mob filled the stands of FirstEnergy Stadium, fireworks rocketed into the crisp February air, signaling the start of the Faceoff on the Lake. But for the No. 4 Michigan hock- ey team, those were the only fire- work...…

February 22, 2023 (vol. 132, iss. 104) • Page Image 12

…C ontent warning: This story contains references to gun violence. The typical news cycle lasts one week. After seven days, old stories are filtered out and replaced with the new ones. As that fresh content takes hold of headlines, fills pages and occupies our news feed, we start to forget. The information from last week fades in order to make room for this week’s information. Seven days later, it happens all over again. But Mond...…

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