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May 21, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

… Garber, resigned yesterday saying he no longer enjoys the confidence of President William V. S. Tub- * * * * * * * * * * * * H I I 4 eV Wolverines Win Big Ten Baseball Title Fisher Tops…

… to the NCAA district play- offs when he hurled a magnifi- cent one-hitter at Illinois; in the first game of a doubleheader here yesterday. Illinois' Ron Johnson held the Wolverines to four hits in…

… Competition BY TOM VITECKI Sports Editor Michigan athletes closed one of the most successful years in Wolverine sport history yesterday by adding Conference championships in baseball, outdoor track and tennis…

… Illinois' record 74 points and the Wolverines' win- ning indoor score of 69 two months ago. Indiana was second with 36 points, Illinois 27 1/5, Iowa 24%/, Northwestern 24 1/5, Michigan state 16, Minnesota 15…

… East Lansing, Coach Bill Murphy's tennis team topped host Michigan State, with sophomore star Ray Senkowski taking top in- dividual honors. The title was the Wolverines' third in a row and the sixth in…

… seven years. At Iowa City, Tom Robinson and Ergas Leps took two firsts apiece as the Wolverines won their first outdoor track title since" 1956. Coach Don Canham's squad has won the indoor title for the…

May 21, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XXIV, No. 165. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1914. PRIME FIVE CE * * * * * * * * * MICHIGAN WINS CL.OSE CONTEST O FROM__CORNELL Wolverines Take Advantage of…

…) ITHACA, N. Y., May 20.--Making the best of their lonesome trio of hits, the touring Wolverines took a nerve-rack- ing game 'here today from Cornell by a 3 to 2 score, thus keeping intact their record -of…

… today's match with the touring Michigan ten- nis team, 4 to 2, thus taking revenge on the same four Wolverine men whom last year they fell before. Mich- igan captured one singles and one doubles contest…

May 21, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

… baseball nine, 6-1, yesterday in an exhibition contest. Scoring their lone run in the first inning, the Wolverines looked as if they might be on the way to upsetting the Bengals, but after being hand- cuffed…

…. Detroit Infield Listless Asks Support The Detroit infield refused to show much life, completing one double- play and committing three errors, For est urant while the heads-up Wolverine inner defense made…

… three twin killings. The only Michigan miscue was Dom Tom- Wolverine Cooperative asi's off-balance toss to Tom Rosema Needs 200 Backers in the disastrous sixth inning. The Tigers reached Michigan pitch…

…- Student Congress called yester- ing for ten hits, including a triple day for student support in its attempt and a double, but the Wolverines to reestablish the Michigan Wolver- could summon up only a pair…

… ankle in spring train- the ire-war Wolverine that there is ing, in a lineup of uninspired second a sufficient demand on the campus stringers. Dick Wakefield, an ex now to warrant the use of the funds…

… Central reported yesterday. The New England Wolverine from Boston is still combined with the New York Wolverine. The Michigan, from Chicago, is not running. 342 from Chicago at midnight is com- bined with…

May 21, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…. Michigan and Minnesota kept well ahead in team totals with respective scores of 624 and 625. James Reston, of Ilinois, followed Fischer with 155. Behind him came Ed Dayton, a Wolverine, who coin- piled a…

…, president of the Music school, Prof. Earl V. Moore, Prof. Albert Lockwood, Prof. A. H. White, Vice-t President Shirley Smith, Prof. Clar-. ence Johnston. PURDUE DEFEA TS WOLVERINES, 97e Mkcigan Pounds Out F…

Wolverine hurlers and finally pulled out a 9 to 7 victory The winning: FIFTEEN MICHICAN TRACKMEN QUALIFY, AT BIC TEN MEET Brooks Leads Discus Throw With Toss of 148 Feet; Also Gets Place in Shot. IRENWICK…

… stepped out in front of the field here today to qualify 16 men in the finals of the Conference track and field meet tomorrow. Michigan was second among the qualifiers with 15 men. Trailing the Wolverines in…

… Russell, Ben Glading, Harold Ellerby and Charles. DeBaker all came through to win their heats. The Wolverines placed at least one man in every event but the javelin throw. Don Renwick captured his heat in…

May 21, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

… without in-g volving Britain too far in eastern Europe. -" Golfers Upset 1 Hoosier Foure Wolverines Take Morningl And Afternoon Matchesa By WOODY BLOCKt Michigan's golfers, building up ac strong lead in the…

… round, the Wolverine duo of Pal- mer and Tom Tussing took three points away from Jack Mueller and Frank Penning who had scores of 79 and 80. Tussing turned in the sec- ond best Michigan card with a 73…

…. Jack Emery's 74 and Fred Dannen- felser's 79 were good enough to add two points to the Wolverine total in the morning foursomes. Indianla captain Walt Cisco shot a 78 and his partner Pete Grant a 77 to…

… symphony of its four motors, were 17 men, the first to cross the Advances To Conference Title With 643/4 Points - " 1 i 1 Wolverines Score In 14 Events And Set New MichiganHigh Score Watson Wins…

… presenting Charley Hoyt with an "M" blanket on his last appearance as Michigan track coach. Outside of this fitting tribute, the Wolverines showed no mercy as they won 7 events in rolling up 641/4 points. It…

May 21, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

… less than two innings un- der the Wolverine onslaught. Danny Smick and Leo Beebe led Michigan's attack with two bingles apiece. The Wolverines' defensive play was by far their best of season. For the…

… plate. Four Wolverine base-hits coupled with a pair of Mandjiak's own .bon- ers led to the hurler's downfall in the second frame. Leo Beebe, first man up, slapped a Texas leaguer, and counted Michigan…

… his Conference titles in these events. The Wolverines lived up to expecta- tions in all events and added a few surprises along the line to strength- en their title bid. Coach Charlie Hoyt's crew…

…. On the track, the Wolverines quali- (Continued on Page 3) Starr Tag Sale Begins Today, Proceeds TQ Help Educate Under-Privileged Boys The Starr Comonwealth opens its fund drive for under…

May 21, 2012 (vol. 121, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

… dominated each and every inning. By GREG GARNO The Wolverines (42-15) used Daily Sports Writer consistent pitching from fresh- man left-hander Haylie Wagner, UISVILLE, Kent. - One timely hitting by seniors…

… afternoon, the Wolverines had the added See SOFTBALL, Page 7 LO pitch. Mi Hutch befor game. INDEX VoiCXXI,No.13 2012TheMichigan Daily NEWS .................................... 2 OPINION…

May 21, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

… State at the half-way point of the 72 hole medal play in the Western Conference champion- ship battle. Capt. Bob Palmer led the way in the first 18 holes with a four-over- par 76 as the Wolverines racked…

Wolverines whipped in their last home match, led at the end of the first 36 holes with a team score of 628. The Buck- eye hosts took second with 634 with Michigan two strokes behind. Bill Gilbert, Ohio State…

… invited to par- ticipate in the discussion after the speeches. Varsity Netters IBeat. State,, 6-3 Victory Is Fourth Straight Over Lansing Squad By BUD DOBER The Wolverine netmen success- fully closed their…

…, the Wolverines will rest today, preparatory to leav- ing for the Big Ten Tennis Meet to be held in Evanston Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday. Coach Weir an- nounced, however, that he would work out this…

May 21, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

… FEATUREFrost Chosen To Give Speech SEC0D FESTA AtCnocto I n IF it St 1t.S ~i t i END PREPARATIONSFO IO 01I Oriole Terrace Orchestra, Wolverines, Are Chosen To Furnish Music For Annual Affair E[FFINGER SPEAKS…

… , this lyric and musical text; he has committee are George W. Ross, Jr., time for his inauguration as presi- r and Charlie Wolcott's Wolverines,scys seldom employed actual bells in the '26, and Charles G…

…. Fourteen poems, submitted b students, are included in the issue Among the contributors are Su Grundy Bonner, '26, Donald E. I Snyder, '25, E. Lyle Davenport, '2 and Mary E. Cooley, '26. WOLVERINE NINE EASLY…

Wolverine team, with the exception of Froemke, who got in the game in the ninth inning, got at least one safety off the Aggie hurler, while Harlan Walter, who re- lieved Hovey in the first inning, held his…

Wolverines. Chrery, Walter, and Haggerty led the Michigan team's hitting. Cherry got a double' and three singles out of five times at bat, Walter th'ree singles in five chances, while Haggerty had a perfect…

May 21, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

… matches each. The Wolverines and Blue Jackets ran neck and neck from the send-off up to the last point. Mack took two sets of singles from Randolph, 6-3, 6-3. Capt. Crawford also won in the singles. Switzer…

… Murray made in " ny" Garrell's time of 15 2-5 secoi But nine men of the visitors suc ed in amassing a total of 50 p while the Wolverines made 71 their quota. Lack of. material h capped the Bears severely…

May 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

… ns idn. of te Golfers Pil11e Up 27 Stroke Big Ten Lead Fischer, Koesis Shatter Par With 139 Totals In First Day'sPlay Wolverines Are 15 Up On Second Team All Four Michigan Men Included Among First…

… in its campaign to retain the team title, landing all four men in the first five leaders. Northwestern Is Second The Wolverines posted a total of1 575 or 15 over par for 144 holes1 shot by the team as…

…, Chicago 655, and Pur- due 662.t Nine shots behind Kocsis and Fischer in the individual champion- ship fight were Allen Saunders, an-1 other Wolverine and Bob Brown,f Northwestern, who had 148. Wood-t row…

… Malloy, the fourth member of the Wolverine quartette, ranked next with 149. The rest of the scores rangedE from 150 by Tom Saielli, Northwest- ern to 174 by Richard Ely of Chi- cago. Kocsis Stars Kocsis…

May 21, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

… and ,nsportation well scattered but serable support put him in -d holes and he was lucky to es- *I Although the Wolverines gathered more misplays than the hone letters, they did not come at such pinch…

… the annu- losing to MeLlean, but the Wolverines al celebration. took every other event and won the With more than 1,000 first year men doubles. in a walk, the local players on the campus the councilmen…

… campus publications,ove will be held. seeing the financial side and appointi: A report of the play committee will the managers of The Michigan Dai be presented, at ' this time and other the Wolverine, the…

May 21, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…-7, 7-5, by complete- Special To The Daily ly changing his style of play. .LM According to Wolverine Coach EAST LANSING-The Michi- Bill Murphy, Hedrick played "a gan tennis team wrapped up its very…

… strong wind, which tention when the Wolverine net- seemed to bother Power more than ters advanced to the finals at Hedrick." eight of nine positions. After the match while drinking Michigan finished the…

May 21, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

… accomplished what they hope might be a preview of the Big Ten Championships, down- ing defending titlists Indiana, 6-3, yesterdAy. The Wolverines will hope to add to their 18-match win streak when they close…

… behind in the CHORAL UNION: third set after Potter had gained two match points. P ih r ~ i Mann Wins Easily Al Mann was the only remaining Wolverine to win his match han- dily, walloping another Indiana…

May 21, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…. Northwestern also seemed headed for their usual second place when they won all but one of the singles and one of the two scheduled doubles. While the Wolverines' number one and two men, Miller Sherwood and Bill…

… to fall. Big Bill Watson will lead the Wolverine rec- ord shattering efforts with his as- saults on the shot mark of 49 feet 11 inches owned since 1934 by Chin Kamm of Illinois. Saturday marks the…

May 21, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

… consideration. Democratic requests for WOLVERINE NEEDS TRYOUTS J. Ellpworth Robinson, '19, business manager-elect of the Wolverine, summer publication for the University, would like to meet all students…

May 21, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

… of Edward. Brill as editor-in-chief. * The editors recomiended Law- rence Werner, managing editor, for the position. However, on May 14, the State News-Wolverine Ad- visory Board rejected the editors…

May 21, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

… ways yes- terday as the Wolverine tennis squad won their sixth Big Ten victory over Northwestern, 51/-31z here in Ann Arbor. At Lafayette the varsity trackmen swamped Purdue, Minnesota and Western…

May 21, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

… points; and the rest of the Wolverine teani rounded up enough points to win tAe thirty-third W e s t e r n Conference track and field championships today at Dyche Stadium, Michigan scored 60%/2 points in…

May 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

… the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Tech, University of Pennsylvania, Lehigh University and Cornell University. No team was able to win more than one match frome the Wolverines and a slam was scor…

May 21, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 173) • Page Image 1


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