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March 21, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…OPINION 4 ARTS 8 SPORTS 9 Boycott Salvadoran coffee Live it up at House Party Mo opens spring football Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom CopyghtO 1990 Vol. C, No. 113 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, March 21, 1990 The ichigan Daily Premier affirms Chinese BEIJING (AP) - Premier Li * Peng yesterday reaffirmed China's hard-line policies stemming from last year's crushing of the pro- democracy movement. He attacked Western ideas and ...…

March 21, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…Page, 2-The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, March 21, 1990 ROBERTS Continued from page 1 you have in that election -- a large cross-over of women, and of men too, .who are choice voters," she said, "ut because abortion is not a PAS- S ,PASS big issue at the federal level, it is not, in my view, going to be a huge issue in these Congressional cam- paigns, where you will see it come up," Roberts added. Roberts said the abortion issue has created di...…

March 21, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 21,1990-- Pages Census counts y MSA 1 . places i U.S.0 homeless a 'I by the Associated Press A legion of clipboard-toting counters set out yesterday for shelters, subways and steam grates in the broadest attempt ever to find out the extent of homelessness since it became a national disgrace in the 1980s. No one expects the $2.7 million, one-night U.S Census Bureau effort to yield a precise tall...…

March 21, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

…Page 4 -The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 21, 1990 lbe Wmhdligan lailI EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 A RTS NEWS OPINION 763 0379 764 0552 747 2814 PHOTO SPORTS WEEK END 764 0552 747 3336 747 4630 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of...…

March 21, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 113) • Page Image 5

… E. Quad Women's Weekend begins by Diane Cook Daily Women's Issues Reporter Unlike other commemoratory weeks and months celebrated on campus, National Women's History Month has not enjoyed much public- ity. The only campus event celebrat- ing Women's History Month will be a series of workshops and lectures this weekend exploring women's is- sues. The East Quad Representative Assembly and the Residence Halls Association are sponsoring the 23rd ...…

March 21, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 113) • Page Image 6

…Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 21, 1990 -. ~ - --~ ClASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 FOR RENT 0 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED IN 44 ie~g~aug ig ... X ads cost $2.10/line for the first day, 5.70/line for each additional consecutive day X ads must be placed by 11:00 a.m. the morning before publication X ads must be prepaid with cash, an in town check, or a money order )C ads may be removed from publication, but there will be no refunds STUD...…

March 21, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 113) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 21, 1990 - Page 7 MICHIGAN ALUMNI '\ W. Ehe . rltfee press * ton Pot , ettific W RK H,,.ERE: e eaTheNew YorkTimesTWashin$lgton PO T atoinalt ree T ipO press"united PresS Interae WallStreetin Io e ortsee Asso ated ' - ews 'B* S .sortsIlilustrte The D 9esetroit Tm ieseel -S WORKED HERE. ___ Micigan aiit CLASSIFIED ADS HELP WANTED 30 SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE- Resort near Lake Michigan. June 5 thru Lab...…

March 21, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 113) • Page Image 8

… ARTS ~Jottywffd Oo diek Fitness Center Check Our Convenient Aerobics Schedule: The Michigan Daily Wednesday, March 21, 1990 Page 8 Film grounded in life," TIME SUN.I MON. TUES. WED. ThURS. FRI. SAT. 9:15 - 10:15 H-Lo HI-Lo HI-Lo HI-Lo Hi-Lo Hi-Lo HI-L 11:15 -12:15 (C 12:15 - 1:15 HI-Lo HI-Lo Hi-Lo HI-Lo HI-Lo Hi-Lo 1:30 - 2:30 Challenge 2:30 - 3:30 Hi-Ld S_______ _______ __ ___ __ _ ____ __ Co-ed) 3:30 - 4:30 ed Hi-Lo HI-La Hi...…

March 21, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 113) • Page Image 9

…%Women's Gymnastics Big Ten Championships Friday and Saturday, Time TBA Varsity Arena SPORTS Men's Swimming NCAA Championships Friday and Saturday, Time TBA Indianapolis, IN The Michigan Daily Broncos challenge young Blue netters by Phil Green Daily Sports Writer verines will be the play of first-year A team's record is not always the player Scott Cuppett who started the most important thing. Michigan's season slowly due to an illness over ...…

March 21, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 113) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 21, 1990 SOPHOMORE LEADS BLUE ATTACK AT No.1 SINGLES Transfe by Jeni Durst Daily Sports Writer r Schmeidel brings M' It was early first semester when I first encountered sophomore tennis player Christine Schmeidel at lunch in the West Quad cafeteria. She struggled to remember the names of those sitting with her. "I really have trouble with names," she had said. Now, a short five months lat...…

March 21, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…M FA dancers interpret their theses. See ARTS Page 5. 4ir t!gan 743 TODAY Breezy, chance of rain; High: 58, Low: 37. TOMORROW Cooler, some clouds; High: 52, Low: 37. Since.1890 Vol. Cl, No. 116 Ann Arbor, Michigan -- Thursday, March 21, 1991 They Bash fines get high ; 'U'cops may patrol by Tami Pollak Daily Crime Reporter This time the Hash Bash won't be an April Fool's toke. When the 20th annual Diag Hash Bash gets underway April 6, five...…

March 21, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 21, 1991 Calvin and Hobbes AWA '(! ISM OFFTTo sr-400L NOW! Gooz DM. IE EUcJ(MtoN IS 0N~U$E 13-21 by Bill Watterson TWSis I I CAN~T WORKING BLEVE YcUR MTI GREAT.' MOM IV'WRKS 1X4ATs ' coyJ. U;- Q 'U' professor helps discover diabetes gene I I I Dooder State College . ' orsto lk , r oe o a bc a., ,io D I I 5Jo $ sg~% rC a4K be.' of X10,5 ~ Vs Pao aefto e' lP jror ' icebd4bi r theis te...…

March 21, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily -Thursday, March 21, 1991- Page 3 Scientist speaks on politics of global warming by Robert Patton degree change in global temperature :, How are scientists to communi- cate the results of complex research to the public through a press that thirives on controversy, sensational- #in, and 10-second soundbites? Stephen Schneider, an atmo- 9pheric scientist who heads the In- ordisciplinary Climate Systems Section at the Nationa...…

March 21, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 21, 1991 be Mlicrboan JailI c(1' " I( 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan ANDREW GOTESMAN Editor in Chief STEPHEN HENDERSON DANIEL POUX Opinion Editors Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. *...…

March 21, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 116) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily *Three dancers and Thursday, March 21, 1991 their theses Page 5 by Elizabeth Lenhard "Hi, boys and girls!" "Hi, Mickey!" "Do you know what time of year this is, boys and girls?" "It's thesis time!" "Right!" You probably know several peo- ple who are running all over campus with dryer sheets on their pants, say- ing, "Don't talk to me, I'm working on my (honors, BFA, MFA) thesis." That kind of frantic desperation do...…

March 21, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 116) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 21, 1991 ThEM CIGANDALY CLASSIFIEDS Line ads: S2.25/ine for first day, f75/linefor each additibnalconsecutive dayl DEADLINE is 11:30 am one business day prior to publication. I Payment Pre-Payment is required when placing an ad. Personal checks from Ann Arbor area banks, business checks, cashier's *checks & money orders will be accepted. NO 1 PERSONAL CHECKS will be accepted from out of town advertise...…

March 21, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 116) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 21, 1991 Page ....SB LE SPRING-SUMMER SUBLET (1 bedroom apt.) Great location 2 blocks from Angel H A/C, laundry, completely furnished $325/mo. or best offer. Call Now! 994-3099. SUBLET IN YPSI- Spacious 1 bedroom apt. available now. Call 677-0937 for info. SUBLET SP./SUM '91 Next to Bagel Factory. Free laundry, parking, storage. A/C avail. 2bdrn 4person Call 769-7980. SUBLET starts 4/1/91 322 Catherine. Ow...…

March 21, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 116) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 21, 1991 "' ¢ 6 ii s "MS , a5i iy ' .. MORE GREAT SAVINGS FOR YOU GR7AI SAINGiRETSViG VHSVFORMATR(ITIPS ...........TAPE._ 14 1 61 1 I ~~NUI15ILAt LVR p1 2RE AN 11.9SFTR12-AKi.9 I Ex~ 3/1/9 U W W REATE~ Ex. 3/1/9 L rnrn n rnrn n ~ n r I:. ST:l RS :": 1 ......3.99[. 1 l1 TI219 I imt .~xr i'iui :;~.:I mt1 Ex3/11Lmi 24 PacsORxp 3/ 1/ . YTT I OUR O ICE:TTECOYOU'TR CO CE:UPO $ 1 SPEAR INT EBGRED 01 lyrano ...…

March 21, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 116) • Page Image 9

…Women's Gymnastics Big Ten Championships Tomorrow and Saturday Champaign, Ill. The Michigan Daily SPORTS Women's Rugby vs. Dayton Saturday, noon Mitchell Field Page 9 Thursday, March 21, 1991 0 .,, . FULL COURT PRESS, BASEBALL TEAM WINS HOME OPENER, 9-4 . Hitters lead assault N Eastern *sets tone for state by Matthew Dodge Daily Sports Writer Now I know how the Native Americans felt when the Europeans sailed into town proclaiming th...…

March 21, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 116) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 -The Michigan Daily -Thursday, March 21,1991 Softballers optimistic despite fatigue factor by Ken Davidoff Daily Sports Writer Women swimmers send 14 to NCAAs Most students, if given a chance to fly to California and miss two days of class, would jump at the op- portunity. However, that number woulda likely subside after being told it would be necessary to play a mini- mum of five softball games in four days against the nation's top ...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…Shields shuts down Lake State for first tournament crown, Stone named MVP It fd4w atMm . One hundred three years of editorial freedom Students to elect new Ireps to oversee DPS CTeoERs.Gtafad The following students staff and facultv nw By ZACHARY M. RAIMI DAILY STAFF REPORTER With building controversy over the last few years surrounding police actions in the Rodney King and Malice Green beatings, the public has cast a suspicious eye over ...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 21, 1994 Internal medicine prof. works on promising diabetes vaccine 4 The key to reversing or prevent- ing Type-1 diabetes may lie in the BCG vaccine, commonly used to fight tuberculosis. Five years ago, Internal Medicine Prof. Sumer Pek found he could pre- vent and reverse Type-1, or insulin- dependent diabetes in mice by inject- ing them with the vaccine shortly after the onset of the disease's symp- ...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

… Rally fizzles as neo-Nazis fail to show up TAKE A BITE OUT OF FUN .I * By SCOT WOODS DAILY STAFF REPORTER More than 100 spirited activists picketed the sidewalks at City Hall Saturday morning, determined to shut down what they believed would be a neo-Nazi/Ku Klux Klan rally. "Stop the Nazis, stop the Klan," they shouted, "only militant. action can." But their rivals never arrived. The picketers included members of the National Women's Rig...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 21, 1994 be £rItigrnx ?Oatilg 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JESSiE HAUADAY Editor in Chief SAM GOODSTHIN FLTr WAuNESS Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Mi...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 5

… RTS 'Angie' tackles too much By SARAH STEWART After great success in her spirited, feminist roles in *Thelma and Louise" and "A League of Their Own," Geena Davis proves herself the logical choice for the self- driven Angiein the new film"Angie." But unfortunately, even Davis' performance does not hide the audience from the fact that the film takes on too many characters with too many conflicts and never achieves the emotional intensity Ang...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 6

…it; lyl1w 116011 Ually! aIYLtILWIM9 ltwilw : Fi-.,RSAE 2 MAC SYSTEMS with printers and modems. Contact Stephanie Throne via e- mail. 486.33 COLOR notebooks 126MB/fax $2085, 486SL-50notebooks 4RAM 126HD/fax $1395, 386Compaqconturan-book 4RAMtball $1095, 386 ZENTI'HLITE N-BOOKS 4RAM 3lbs. $995, 486 DX-33 Intel MTowers 25OHD 4M $1055, 386-33 INTEL Towers 120HDIMBvideo $565, Factory warranty/Dealership 662-1847. 90 RED Toyota Celica. A.C., 5 ...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 21, 1994 - 7 CLASLS---M-EED ADS 764w,0557 1 MAY-AUG Lg. 2 bdrm. w/study 3-4 person 2 blks. to Diag. Price neg. 996-4119. MAY-AUG Sublet room in 5-bdrm. on E. University. $250 neg. Call 741-9270. MAY-AUG SUBLET Large modem studio. Newly furnishes, A/C, laundry. Great location, 2 blocks from campus. $425/mo. neg. Call today 994-6286. MAY-AUG. 1 huge Rm. in hse. E. Jeff. and Div. Ldry. + prkg. $250 + Util. P...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 8

…8- The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 21, 1994 High-paced 'Chase'lacks the filling By CHRIS LEPLEY Hollywood has been slow producing good comedies lately. Oh, sure, "Mrs. Doubtfire" made billions and even though it looks like the most gawdawful thing since low-fat The Chase Written and Directed by Adam Rifkin; with Charlie Sheen, Kristy Swanson and Henry Rollins. granola, "Ace Ventura Pet Detective" is getting ok reviews. But for the most pa...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 9

… Who did the Michigan hockey team beat to win its last NCAA title? (Answer, page 2) ' r s Inside SPORTSMonday Athlete of the Week NCAA Hockey Bracket Lacrosse Q&A Close But No Suguira Men's Basketball Hockey Women's Swimming Wrestling Women's Gymnastics 2 2 2 3. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Wolverines hook Longhorns, 84-79 .Michigan comes of age with NCAA win WICHITA, Kan. - The time has come to applaud the Michigan basketball team. It's all right, you c...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 10

…2 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, March 21, 1994 WHY: Against Texas in the second round of the NCAA Tournament Saturday night, Howard scored 34 points to go along with 18 re-- bounds to lead the Wolverines past the Longhorns, 84-79. He also scored 28 against Pepperdine in the first round. BACKGROUND: Howard finished the regular season averaging 19.6 points and 8.3 rebounds a game. He earned First Team All-Big Ten as well as Thi...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 11

…TheMichigan Daily - SPORTSMonday -Monday, March 21, 1994 - 3 Grbac The former Michigan quarterback talks about life in the pros Elvis Grbac was one of the fin- est quarterbacks to don the Maize and Blue (1989-92). Named to the All-Big Ten first team in 1991 and 1992, Grbac is in the career top five in 12 Michigan offensive categories, including records for passing yard- age (6,460) and throwing more touch- down passes (71) than any Michiga...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 12

…4 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday -Monday, March 21, 1994 Michigan's Texans help Wolverines beat Longhorns By RACHEL BACHMAN DAILY BASKETBALL WRITER WICHITA, Kan. -It was not just a struggle for a Sweet 16 spot. Saturday's matchup between Michigan and Texas was also a chance to get a leg up in the increasingly cutthroat world of college basketball, recruiting. The winner would not just make plane reservations for Dallas, the site of the ...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, March 21, 1994- 5 'Seniors finally get CCHA tourney title By ANTOINE PITTS DAILY HOCKEY WRITER DETROIT - For the first three years of their careers, Michigan's run in the CCHA playoffs ended the same way. For seniors Chris Gordon, David 4)liver, Steve Shields, Mike Stone and Brian Wiseman, a loss to Lake Superior State ended their chances of a CCHA championship every year. Even with all the awards ...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 14

…6 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, March 21, 1994 4Crowds ignite swimmers Stanford, Texas fans create spark for their teams Py MARC DILLER Stanford cheerleader-as his t-shirt so aptly advertises- DAILY SPORTS WRITER and he and his wife help coordinate all the Cardinal cheers INDIANAPOLIS -To be fanatical is to be unreason- for the other 50-plus Stanford fans in attendance. ably enthusiastic and overly zealous. Such fans around th...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, March 21, 1994 - 7 OWRESTLING Continued from page 1 tally, 5-3, in favor of Smith. Afterthematch, Smith praisedBormet. "Bormet wrestled a smart match and is a good wrestler," said Smith, who's brotherJohn, atwo-timeOlym- pic gold-medalist, coaches Oklahoma State. "I'm glad to come out with a .win.' Bormet, however, was not the only Wolverine to have an opportunity for an individual title. In the fin...…

March 21, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 99) • Page Image 16

…8- The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, March 21, 1994 Gymnasts close home season in style vs. GW 0 By MELANIE SCHUMAN DAILY SPORTS WRITER After Saturday night's decisive victory over George Washington, the Michigan women's gymnastics team finished the regular season with only one loss and its highest rank- ing in school history. An overall record of21-7, and 7- 0 in limited Big Ten competition, is probably better than Michigan coach...…

March 21, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…E1 it a 4rn Weather Tonight: Cloudy, low 34°. Tomorrow: Partly sunny, high 49*, One hundred four years of editorial freedom Tuesday March 21, 1995 I Baiqmwnoballast I coach leaves amid cofi The Names Janet Popper (right), a graduate student in the School of Social Work, listens as state Rep. Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor) reads the names of Holocaust victims on the lag yesterday. MOLLY STEVENS/Daily MSA condemns Housing actions By Steph...…

March 21, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…2 -- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 21, 1995 j "'a jFVTb-.,ftub SACUA Continued from page 1 policies as one that needs to be con- vinced. I don't approach the given as the only way to do things. I see my task as questioning," he said. In addition, McNamara wants to address the rise in student tuition. "I am very worried about the continued dependence on tuition as making up for the university deficit," he said. SACUA chair-elect George...…

March 21, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

… Yr M. Couzens suffers more damage After numerous windows were smashed last week at Couzens resi- *dence hall, more damage was reported to the Department of Public Safety over the weekend. Early Saturday morning, DPS of- ficers were sent to Couzens after a lresidence hall staff member called About broken windows on the south exterior stairwell, near the dining room. "This incident is believed to be related to two others as it is the same type...…

March 21, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

…i 4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 21, 1995 ciue ffiidtigan iail JEAN TWENGE THE ERASABLE PEN 1 1 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MICHAEL ROSENBERG Editor in Chief JULIE BECKER JAMES NASH Editorial Page Editors The myth and reality of Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, lett...…

March 21, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 95) • Page Image 5

… Rock out for cancer research Tonight, give a couple dollars to charity and hear some great music in the process. University Students Against Cancer, WCBN and Soundstage are holding a benefit bash tonight at Rick's. Teen Beat recording artists Versus are headlining with their catchy pop; Naming Mary and Glider open the show. Tickets are only $5 and the whole thing starts at 9:00 p.m. Proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. Page 5 Tuesday,...…

March 21, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 95) • Page Image 6

…1 6 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 21, 1995 SPECIAL OFFER. Join comic subscription club and receive 40% off all new comics the first month. (Regular discount - 20%). Cam- pus Collectibles, 663-6646. 2 BDRM. GREAT LOCATION - 912 S. Forest, near Business School. Prkg., ldry., heat incl. Some bi-level. May & Sept. Avail. Prices $980-$1200. Call 761-8220. 2 BDRM. KERRYTOWN, new kitch. w/ pantry, 4 closets, prkg., heat, May lease 973- 736...…

March 21, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 95) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 21, 1995-7 Study: Women, children at highest HIV infection risk **CLEANING POSITION open on Zingerman's night crew. Part-time, 11:00 p.m.-3:00 a.m., 3-5 shifts/week. Possibility for advancement. $6.50/hr. start, plus great benefits including paid vacations, meals. Apply in person at 422 Detroit Street, Ann **PEER ADVISOR, Academic Year '95- 96, Career Planning & Placement. Apply now to use your workstudy a...…

March 21, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 95) • Page Image 8

…8- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 21, 1995 'Strawberry and Chocolate' a tasty treat By Shirley Lee Daily Arts Writer Miramax films, "Strawberry and Chocolate"'s U.S. distributor, would like viewers and critics alike to consider this film as a cozy friendship between volatile opposites, ultimately signify- ing the possibilities for unity and mu- tual tolerance in the larger realm of a politically divided and equally volatile country. So...…

March 21, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 95) • Page Image 9

…11061, Must M!i'Yi lv Mr. Basketball Robert Traylor of Detroit Murray-Wright won the 15th annual Hal Schram Mr. Basketball award yesterday. He averaged 23 points and 15 rebounds for the 1994-95 season. An announcement of his college choice is planned for April 9. Page 9 Tuesday March 21, 1995 March 1. 19, 0 Men Tankers part of a new age Michigan leads shake-up among traditional powers ' v1mnlers anticipate Cardinal *y Michelle Lee Thomp...…

March 21, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 95) • Page Image 10

…10 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 21, 1995 BASEBALL Continued from page 1 in jest. "(Freehan) would give us pizzas for shutouts and he announced that at the beginning of the year," said a player who wished to remain anony- mous. "But it really wasn't incentive- based. It wasn't something players would work for or anything. "The car thing was like a joke he had with one of the infielders. 'If you play better than last year,' he would sa...…

March 21, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…eather onight: Mostly cloudy, low 0% omorrow: Mostly cloudy, igh 30'. It U ti One hundredjfve years ofeditorialfreedom Thursday March 21, 1996 So rx ^ ION a oposal estructures tudent fee, rograims curie Mayk aily Staff Reporter Student activities fees and program ing would be restructured and con- olidated under a recent proposal by ichigan Student Assembly Presiden lint Wainess. Wainess' proposal consolidates the tudent tuition fees f...…

March 21, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 21, 1996 NATION/WORLD I Powerful earthquake rocks remote northwest China BEIJING (AP) - Women, children and the sick squeezed into tents to es- cape the cold, but many of the thou- sands of homeless from an earthquake that killed 28 in the forbidding deserts of far northwestern China had no shel- ter yesterday night. Tuesday's magnitude-6.9 quake cut a vicious swath through settlements along the ce...…

March 21, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily --Thursday, March 21, 1996-,3A P'rivate cinics may cost the dame as ER Hospital emergency rooms should be directing non-urgent patients to pri- vate doctors to save funds, say some Health Maintenance Organizations and Medicaid programs. But a new study claims this protocol may not actually save hospitals money. A University School of Public Health study, published in the March 7 issue of the New England Journa...…

March 21, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 21, 1996 wH 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by4 students at the University of Michigan Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily refle Ru ltailg RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors fa majority of the Daily's editorial board. All 'ct the opinion...…

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