October 21, 1982
(vol. 93, iss. 37)
• Page Image 4
…. Tomorrow's student may well stop at Radio Shack before hitting Ulrich's. The wave of the future? A computer for every student. This week Carnegie-Mellon Univer- sity announced that in three years (one year…
… after 1984), all students will be required to buy their own computers, just like every student now buys tex- tbooks. If that's not enough to satiate any electronic craving, Carnegie-Mellon hopes to have…
… even more than one computer terminal per student in the year 1990. Carnegie-Mellon's plan surely will spread throughout the country. Our own engineering Dean James Duder- stadt predicts that, although it…
… probably won't be mandatory for another decade or so, all engineering students will soon have their own ter- minals. The logic behind being swamped with computers is just as accurate and rational as any…
… computer's calculation. The computer has become an indispensible tool. It's an advance that will revolutionize both teaching and learning. But it's tempting to turn one's back to progress. Somehow, these…
… class. Will students have to bring back-up diodes and memory chips to midterms? Think of how easy it is now to write off a lousy grade to a professor's bad mood. Rationalizing a "D" given by an Apple…