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January 20, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

… University's "Computer Weekend" already appears to be a success despite short notice of the sale and recent publicity about a new line of Apple computers, ac - cording to a University official. As of Friday, 1…

…. MEANWHILE, Apple is developing a new computer line, code-named "Paris," that promises to be more powerful than the Macintosh Plus. Carnegie-Mellon University has a pre-release version of the Paris, and The…

…,170 computers had already been ordered through the University sale, said Gregory Marks, University deputy vice pro - vost for information technology. "We had to exceed (1,000 computers) to say that the sale was a…

… success. It is very conservative to say that we will sell 1,500 com - puters by. this coming Friday," Marks said. Friday is the deadline for orders without a late fee and guaranteed delivery of a computer

… Daily has obtained detailed information on the computer's fea - tures from an editor of the Carnegie-Mellon student newspa - per, The Tartan. The newspaper re - ceived the information from a pre- release…

… specifications sheet that Apple sends to its dealers; an lie informed source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, has con - firmed this information. According to The Tartan and the source, the Paris will…

… have: - Open architecture with 12 slots that will allow users to open up the computer to insert items necessary for adding accessories; - A 68020 motorola processer. This processer is "the top of the…

… line," said Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prof. Larry Flanigan. It is faster than current processers and can have more hooked up to it, he said. University of Chicago Computer Science…

…. The frequency of most machines is about eight megahertz, said Nancy Mahoney, a computer sales representative for See NEW, Page 3 Darrell Thompson, left, and an unidentified University student raise…

… University Athletics Director Don Canham yesterday said the University should take a chance and recruit athletes with poor academic Computer science appeal declines I BOSTON (AP) - Enrollment in computer

March 20, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

… and editing music scores. Steve Risenhoover, a computer and key- board specialist, used the new Macintosh SE hooked up to a synthesizer to play Bach Fugues. Apple also exhibited pictures School of Art…

computer fair Andrew Young to visit 'U' By WENDY LEWIS Renowned politician and Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young will speak on "Global Ethics: Our res - ponsibility," today at 1 p.m. in Hale Auditorium. Young…

… black student leaders. BY MELISSA RAMSDELL A "bigger and better" Compufair began yesterday at the Michigan Union, featuring vendors such as Apple, IBM, Lotus, Unisys, and Zenith. Banners, colorful…

… balloons, vid- eos, prizes, and preparation for today's raffle of a $3,800 IBM computer and a Tandy PC marked the first day of the two-day University-endorsed trade fair. "We see it as an effort to let the…

… University community know what type of systems are out there," said Joel Hollander, Compufair co- chairperson.-" Compufair is the largest student- run computer trade fair in the nation, according to Rich Frie…

January 20, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

… faster than the Macintosh Plus. THE DATE when Apple will formally announce the Paris line of computers is still uncertain, al - though it is expected to come in early March. Marks said, however, that the…

Apple Computers to sell the computer packages for low prices. Information packets about the sale did not reach some people until the middle of last week because of delays at the printer and in the Uni…

…- versity mail. Marks explained that Computer Weekend cannot be pushed back because the University wants to get the machines to the students as soon as possible, and because Apple wants to talk about the re…

… 'Paris computer stronger than Mac Plus Campus Cinema Super 8mm Films of Lenny Lipton, Eyemediae, 8 p.m., 214 N. Fourth. Two1975 films from one of the first filmmakers to make use of the Super-8 sound…

November 20, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 52) • Page Image 13

…. 1988. So don t procrastinate. © 1987Apple Computer Inc Apple and thepple logo are reg stered trademalrks of and Macintosh. ImageWriter and The pou er to beivur bestare trademarks ofApple Computer Inc…

… BuyaprinterwithyourMadntosh = -~ -A Macintosh" personal computer and an «; } i ImageWriter . printer ~i will save you hours of time. Not to mention t gallons ofcorrection fluid and reams of paper. And, if you buy both…

April 20, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 137) • Page Image 8

… college degree who greatly desires to go off to the Big Apple and make himself the head of a major corporation. Mom and Dad don't understand this ambition, but Fox explains it all when he says, THE…

… Building, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sponsored by the Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL). For information, contact Christine Canning, Professional Development Office, 1225 School of Education…

… / AUGUST, Technology in Education - Various dates and locations. Topics include: Microcomputer Support for Educational Research, June 9- 10; Introduction to Instructional Computing, June 17-19; Planning and…

… Eval- uating a Computer Education Program, July 28; Science Software Fair, July 29; Thinkers League Facilitator Training, July 22 or August 19. Some semi- nars are available for CEUs or graduate credit…

January 20, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 78) • Page Image 5

… ?J' r" 111111 s ELM] I'An Let a 2-Year Old Help You . With Your Homework your own: MacintoslM Plus computer e800K external or SCSI hard drive SImageWriteII printer z ; Advance orders now being…

… taken. For more information pick up a supplementary information packet at: *Any Computing Center public facility, such as UNYN, NUBS or the Undergraduate Library; *The Microcomputer Education Center…

… INCUR A $50.00 LATE FEE AND AVAILABILITY OF MACHINES WILL NOT BE GUARANTEED. Sponsored by the Information Technology Division of The University of Michigan and Apple

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