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September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…ed, probably w I t h Tuesday; cooler; fresh nds. OFF Iaih- Editorials Welcomers and Racketeers; From Set-Ups to Suicide; The University Continues to Expe- periment. I I I No. 1, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPT. 20, 1932 PRICE FIVE CENTS I , . rey Shows of Food, ter Is Less1 Blues Put Down Whites in Season's First Scrimmage New Rushing System Takes Effect Today Enrollment Drop Seen as Freshman Entries Fall150 Before Council...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…7T11E"MICHI-1AN V-AILY rtained at h Air Camp About 140 Freshmen Hear Prominent Faculty Men Address Group Conduct Discussions Rutiven, Bursley, Hoyt, Smith, Yost, Tapping, Forsythe Speak Some 140 of this year's entering freshman were entertained at the University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp at Patterson Lake during the past week-end by the Student Christian Association, it was an- nounced yesterday. During their two days stay at camp the stude...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…TTHE MICHIGAN DAILY Garoovie les National Guardsmen S"esQuell Mine Trouble Drive Starts Of TAYLORVILLE, Ill., Sept. 19 (P) -ol y Turbulent Christian county, scene Cam pus T oda ofmuch strife over the reduced wage scale for Illinois coal miners, was patrolled by two companies of Na- Baby Gargoyle o Make tional Guardsmen today. The Guardsmen were sent here Its Annual Appearance Sunday after local authorities had Tomorrow Morning appealed for st...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…I THE MICHIGAN DAILY TI ICHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 tally any house that does not follow the approved procedure, and are warned that the frequent of- fenders against the rules are usually the houses -, --"a. -rI Eij -- se -is -- Published every morning except Monday during the iversity year and Summer Session by the Board in 'iro of Student Publications., wember of the Western Conference Editorial Assoca- n and the Big Ten News Ser...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

… ,,_j FOR RENT FOR RENT ir shoe re- cking done Shop. 622 GE OPENING S P E C I A L. ULAR $8 REVITALIZATION PERMANENT $3. SHAMPOO FINGE, R WAVE 75c. SHAM- AND MARCEL $1.00. ILDAS BEAUTY SHOPPE ,R CHUBBS' PHONE 7249 D--Week, day, or meal. By week three meals, $4.75-two s, $3.75. 213 S. Thayer, 4th e from Hill Auditorium. Call TY SHOE REPAIR SHOP. Main St. All kinds of shoe r service. Work done while wait. Our prices are reason- The differe...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…T-HIE -MLCHLGAN04 -YLIY SCJIET Y Well-Dressed Woman Selects Simple Frocks for Fall WE Hostess at Dance Plan to Raise Money for League Undergraduate Campaign Funds Woman's honorary organizations are planning a busy year if all the projects that they are contemplating this fall materialize. At present their primary interest is raising money for the League Undergraduate Campaign Fund and they have been arranging their various activities to ...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…E MICHIGAN DAILY CAM"PUS Tea to Open Episcopal Student Year at Center McAfee's SOCIETY TT "'AL Program, >nsored by Uthietie Units Plans Tea Dormitories to Give Parties To Honor Freshman Women ecreational Program to Be Offered at Palmer Field House As one of the traditional events of e University's Orientation Week, e Department of Physical Educa- n for Women and the Women's hletic Association will present an hibition recreational pr...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY'T DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30, 11:30 a. m.Saturday. Psychology 31: The hours for the laboratory period are incorrectly stated in the announcement. They are scheduled from 8 to 10 and 1 to 3 instead of from 8 to 11 and 1 to 4 as stated. Political Science 51: Political Scien...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

… ridders Face Hardest Schedule In Recent Years Cross-Country Team Depends. o inVeterans Captain Howell, Hill, Os= trander, McManus Are Best on Team Michigan's hopes for a successful cross country team this fall will de- pend largely upon Captain Roger Howell, star of the 1931 team and runner-up in the Big Ten meet. In placing second in the Conference last year Howell demonstrated that Michigan will have at least one strong man for this seas...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY inny Fischer Annexes Intercollegiate Title; Ties Amateur Recorc 4iehigan Man Beats Howell To Win Crown laizesand-Blue Linksman Rallies Brilliantly to Take Championship When Johnny Fischer went to Hot prings in July to take his first shot t the National Intercollegiate golf ite, he was not nationally known. Tnderneath the songs of praise di- ected at the blond youngster, Billy [owell, and the stocky star from the rest, D...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 11

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY , 1, t S S L YS S We will have the opportunity again this week to welcome new students to Ann Arbor and to greet hundreds of old friends. Through our business policies during the past fevv years made numerous friendship s. Our prices are sure to please and our workmanship is the very best. We are again glad to welcome Insist on Greene's low prices and Greene's quality of work . Cleaned and Pressed . . . D...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY olan Fulfills Michigan Tradition With Victories uble Victory tches Thosei Hahn, Craig Four Men Have Won th Sprint Titles in r Tolan Winning His Second Sprint Title Turner Places ener and Cristy Each lace Third in Swim, Ling Events ur men have won the double it title in the history of the epics. One is the Canadian Per- !illiams in 1928. e other three are Americans, specifically University of Mich-. men. The lis...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 13

…TIE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE' cats Will Have Another Strong Eleven Tackle Berths Bother Han- ley as Backfield Is Strong Again Pug Rentner Back Northwestern Has Seven Veterans of 1931 Team To Build Around EVANSTON, Ill., Sept. 19.-Coach Dick Hanley is looking for two ex- perienced tackles to fill the holes left by the graduation of Jack Riley and Dallis Marvill, the two best tackles in Northwestern's football history. If he cai p ug his line no...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUES quad of Veterans Answers Call for Football at Michigan k a1 ., Honors in Olympic Diving (Associated Press Photo) Dick Degener, right, star University of Michigan diver, who finished third in the Olympic low board competition held at Los Angeles this summer. The event was won by another American, Mickey Riley Galitzen, center, who also edged out Degener in the National Intercollegiate championships. Second place we...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 15

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Interfraternity Council Rule Changes Made Weather Man, Superstition Sound Bad Weather Warnings Rushing Will Start at O'Clock Noon, SBet. Use of Autos Barred 12 21. The complete changes made in# the Constitution of the Interfrater- nity council are as follows: Section 1. No rushing of fresh- men shall take place until 12 o'clock noon of the Saturday at the end of Orientation week. Section 2. Rushing shall begin at that ...…

September 20, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN AIL TUESDAY, -T-E--M---- --........LY............ miClhigan .Co-operiv'I-ie l b o a 1' d i a g house, as it will be known, may do so for the price of $2.50 per week. Such students will not be asked to do work. 'Typical restaurant jobs will be assigned to those working for their board. The boarding house is strictly a non-profit organization, Quraishi de- clared, having as it purpose the re- duction of living costs in Ann Arbor....…

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