May 20, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 164) • Page Image 1
…. a . 1 . VSor..If.-No.ilG4f Two New Appointments. .At the regents' meeting Wtednes- dav evening, two imp~or taut appioint- miests werie matle, Prof.iA inchell's chair twas fiiled by th selectbun ioS Israel C. Russell, ot the T.S.G - lout-al s sri-es Ieis-a gra duateii of he C i f N.Y. and afterw sards stud- led isnSt.eSchool of MinlesI Colum-is hia Cul(e.rte ls twoss 5i- mes the hshie s lskas in ciha rg aiof .exped uitiost o te51 ~la Aips. ...…