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April 20, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 137) • Page Image 8

… college degree who greatly desires to go off to the Big Apple and make himself the head of a major corporation. Mom and Dad don't understand this ambition, but Fox explains it all when he says, THE…

… Building, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sponsored by the Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL). For information, contact Christine Canning, Professional Development Office, 1225 School of Education…

… / AUGUST, Technology in Education - Various dates and locations. Topics include: Microcomputer Support for Educational Research, June 9- 10; Introduction to Instructional Computing, June 17-19; Planning and…

… Eval- uating a Computer Education Program, July 28; Science Software Fair, July 29; Thinkers League Facilitator Training, July 22 or August 19. Some semi- nars are available for CEUs or graduate credit…

April 20, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 118) • Page Image 16

… include tax. PLEASE BE SURE TO MENTION THESE SPECIALS WHEN ORDERING It can't do laun or findyou a date, but it can help you find more time for both. The new Apple' Macintosh' Classic' II computer makes it…

Apple SuperDriveTM disk drive reads from and writes to Macintosh and MS-DOS formatted disks-allowing you to exchange information easily with almost any other kind of computer. In its built…

… Macintosh Classic II on your desk. See us for a demonstration today; It'll be time well spent. Lntroduciing th Ma ci n t oshiClassic II. April 22 is the last day for students to order a computer this term…

April 20, 2004 (vol. 113, iss. 138) • Page Image 20

… music device is worth buying is its sound quality. There wasn't any sound degradation when I transferred music over and the earbuds that come a , Courtesy of Apple Computers' This costs more than your…

… expensive gadget, rarely do you think the packaging is well designed. Usually you just want to tear it off in search of the prize inside. Not so with the iPod, Apple's digital music player. Even the packaging…

… design, allowing you to move incredibly quickly through your songs. This is a necessity because the iPod comes equipped with a voluminous 5- gigabyte hard drive. Apple's marketing catch phrase of "1…

…,000 songs in your pocket" is actually an understatement (for once). The iPod could probably hold about 1,200. It gets easier. After connecting the iPod to your Mac, iTunes (Apple's digi- tal music jukebox…

… could lis- ten for an entire workday and still have time for a jog. Another cool feature is that when you sync it with your com- puter, it recharges. If you don't have a computer close by, it comes with a…

…- ciate the skip free quality of your music. Apple has built 20 minutes of skip pro- tection into the iPod. That's not a typo. Even if you throw it around (which I do not recommend) it won't skip a beat…

…. Now to one of the hallmark features about anything by Apple: its design. I hate using the word "sexy" to describe consumer electronics so I'll say that this is one of the most mouth-watering digi- tal…

… devices on the market. The front sports a bright, crisp screen with an incredibly bright backlight and is the distinct white color Apple uses on all its products. Its back is a mirror-like stain- less steel…

… with an etched Apple logo and "iPod" under it. Right now the iPod is Mac only. A company called Mediafour is working on software to make it Windows com- patible later this year. It won't be as good an…

… build the swelling choral effects on the coda. "I'm a big believer in computers. For this music they're essential. I don't think they take away. I'm not one of those people who think digital technology is…

April 20, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 123) • Page Image 7

… bedrooms. Contemporary in every way - Ask about the Free Internet and Free Direct TV " Exercise Facility - Study Lounge w/computers - Recreation Room - Complimentary Resident shuttle around Central and North…

… fitness center, computer lab, lounge, and study rooms. Roommate matching ser- vice. Located in Ypsilanti. Only 15 minute drive to campus. Call for specials: 485-9999. EFF., 1, 2, 3, & 6 bdrm. apts. near…

… conducting research interviews. Exp. w/ IBM compatible computers helpful & bilin- gual fluency in Spanish highly desirable. Keyboard/typing skills req. Must be avail. to work a minimum of 16-20 hrs…

…. MICHIGAN'S only autho- rized Avid & Apple training center. Contact us @ 248-351-0101 or visit MOST IMPORTANT SKILL for law school success? Check out SUMMER INDOOR…

April 20, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 123) • Page Image 10

… Big Ten Burrito, STA Travel and Buffalo Wild Wings. Sponsors also included Apple Computer and the Necto. The funds raised this year will be distributed to several chari- ties, including the Coach Carr…

… $30 for each two cubic yards of bulky items at the curb, such as sofas, mattresses, computers, furniture4 Phone the City's Call Center (734) 994-2807 during business hours to arrangefor bulkpickups…

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