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April 20, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

… safeties..1 The win was the fifth of the season for the Wolverines who have been touring the south for thepast week and to date the "gas house gang" from Ann Arbor has dropped but two decisions. Fishman…

… in the fifth and Steve Uricek tallying in the sixth. The Wolverines could touch Buckeye John Dagenhard for only four hits but had many more scoring opportunities than did Ohio. The Bucks had but two…

April 20, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 140) • Page Image 6

…, 9 and 10 by winning and then losing the National A.A.U. championship at New Haven, Conn. The Wolverines' had the meet cinched when a judge's decision in the medley relay race dis- qualified the first…

….9. terday by Thomas C. Trueblood, Today the Wolverines boast a rec- Shot Put: Won by Watson, Mich- ord showing four wins in six starts, igan; second, Hanker, California; The Varsity team which will meet but…

April 20, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 140) • Page Image 7

… bounced one to short and Raudabaugh, seeing that he had no chance to catch the speeding Hey- liger at home, threw the hitter out at first. Beebe fanned to end the inning with the Wolverines hanging onto a…

… had appeared to be a big Mich- igan scoring spree was nipped in thex bud. The Wolverines threatened again" in the seventh and eighth but could not push men all the way around. Ohio State had only one…

…. Chief performer for the Wolverine invaders was !Big ,Bill Watson, ver- satile Negro ace, who heaved, tossed and jumped his way to 13 points and high point 'honors for the after- noon's workout. 'Watson…

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