February 20, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 100) • Page Image 27
… barbequed chicken, corn on the cob, fresh broccoli and apple pie a la Omode. Ed Coon and Sandra Strick eat like this five days a week and still they complain. That's because their complaining - or rather…
… Texas, Arlington, comes this cry for computer literacy classes: Many students take 'basic' compu- ter classes not knowing the classes simply teach the Basic language, which is not what they need. They…
… might encounter in average daily use. Also, the university's computer-to- student ratio must be increased if the school expects to turn out "well- rounded individuals," like it is sup- posed to. (The…
…, Los Angeles Desktop publishing made easy Sometime in the near future U. of Nebraska, Omaha, students will take a class using a computer system that can publish all forms of written com- munication That…