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December 20, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 79) • Page Image 6

…r" PAGZ SrX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20.1962' PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THT1Th~DAV flEn mvn~ ~n 1Q4~ saavavfa.vcaJLjp aiaiva: IVALL' 1Y NV} d.a7V. G Wolverine Quintet Outclasses…

… three players sagging around him last night but still managed to get the ball often enough to score 26 points in a painful 66-52 basketball win over San Jose State. The Wolverines, coming out of the game…

… troubles, the Wolverines received praise from an unexpected source --San Jose State Coach Stu Inman, whose team is now 5-3. When it comes time next March 2 for the Illini to play their only game of the year…

… be." John Harris, with 11 points, was the only other Wolverine in dou- ble figures, while the Spartans had Dennis Bates with 15, Bill Robertson with 14 and Harry Ed- wards with 10. When the Wolverines

…-in and then put in two more free throws. That accounted for nine points while Michigan was outscoring San Jose, 11-3. That ballooned the score to 25- 17, and the Wolverines were able to fast-break their…

December 20, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

… suspended ih; two outstanding swimmers, Bert and Jack Wardrop, for "in- subordination." This was January 18, as the Wolverines lost by two slim points,, 52-50. But this unusual event, alone, did not make up…

… scored first j a definitebidfor the nomination ,Pagnol, author of the Broadway Colorado College, 7-5.hit"Fanie"i Michigan now moves on to but the Wolverines came right l the Michigan leigslator replied hit…

December 20, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

… solar phenomena, those con- cerning the upper atmosphere of the earth have been the most striking to astronomers. Florida Trip To Be Planned The Wolverine club is planning to sponsor a train trip to…

…- ney and hotel accommodations will be offered at reduced rates. This is the first time that the Wolverine Cub has sponsored a trip during spring vacation. Further details will be an- nounced later. I r…

December 20, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

… his old Extend Rose Bowl Train Ticket Sale The deadline for reservations on the Wolverine Club's Rose Bowl Special has been extended until 4:30 p.m. today. A limited number of coach and Pullman…

… WESTERNERS Travel the Wolverine Club Rose Bowl Special back to school Jan. 5 from L. A., Salt Lake City, Omaha, and intermediate points. Further infor- mation and tickets at Adm. Bldg., 8-4:30 daily. )39P…

December 20, 1946 (vol. 57, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

… game of the year. Guard Bob Harrison was the game's leading scorer with 13 points while Steve Stephenson, the Indians' center, trailed with 12. The Wolverines led 23-19 at half time with Stephenson ac…

… thej Wolverines an 11-6 bulge. Stanford came roaring back as Stephenson hit twice, with a foul by Davidson sandwiched between, to knot the count at 11-11, the fifth time the score had been tied. A pivot…

… entire con- test. Big Bob Marshall, Wolverine defensemen, was the hardest pro- ducer in this department, although iBlues Stage Third Period Rally., Grab Rough 4-2 Battle from Michigan Sextet Dartmouth…

… LETTER WINNERS: Cliff Keen Finds Healthy Sup On Hand as Conference Com By EV ELLIN With the Conference season ap- proaching, the Wolverine wres- tling squad under the direction of Coach Cliff Keen is…

… ADVERTISING ng Highlights Toronto's . Al Renfrew tallied at 8:04 of Hockey Squad ph over Wolverines e's last core. He took a pass After losing last night's en- from Ted ("eer in front of the jcutrt ootte…

… division. "LAST CROOKED MILE" A At 136 pounds, the Wolverines SonRKO NEWS and "SnOf Zorro"-Chapter2 will be able to rely on Mauricet Smith, a veteran from last year's - - team. Two award winners from r…

…- -and- pound class for 1946, will hold the andBrnl~W fort for the Wolverines in this di- "GUNS AND GUITARS" vision. Bob Betzig, a newcomer with Coming Sunday from Long Island, shows a great Gene Autry…

December 20, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

… rivals of sucker shots. Capt. Ed Riska paced the Irish of- fense with 12 points, while Jack Mandler fired 10 points through the net for the Wolverines. The game was rough in spots; a total of 33per- sonal…

… ran outside and we Leads Wolverines Otto H. Hans, Former Daily Member, Dies Ex-Newspaperman Pases Away In Detroit At 67; Was Prominent Alhmnus Business Manager Was Wrestler Here Friends and fellow…

December 20, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…'s Wolverines their first de- feat of the 1935-36 season at the Coliseum last night when they came from behind to score three goals in the third period as they outslated a tired Michigan team which used only one…

… scoring two goals and two assists was the defensive star of the Wolverine team and he used his brilliant sweep-check to break up MclVaster plays at center ice. Michigan matched McMaster stride for stride up…

… to the latter part of the final stanza when the Wolverines weakened and the Canadian six mak- ing use of ample reserve power, banged home first the tying score and then after Heyliger's score on a…

… passed to Williams who beat Low with a hard shot into the upper left hand corner. Time was 3:48. McMaster continued to apply the pressure, but frequent offsides kept them in check as the Wolverines

December 20, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

… Is Announced Council To Solicit ,Campus Views On Cl 1 41N Plummer And Joslin Lead Programs For All Except e I - U o Wolverines To Thrilling Professional Schools Are Last Minute Win Given Out 'Send…

… Western State Teachers here tonight for its fourth consecutive win of the season. The victory, first the Wolverines have scored over the Kalamazoo quin- tet since 1931, was typical of Mich- igan's team this…

…. However, loss of John Gee early in the second half on four personal fouls weakened the Wolverine defense and the Teach- ers jumped into the lead and were never headed until the closing min- utes when a…

… 8-Wed. a.m., Jan. 30. rello LaGuardia and ad- and Walt Courtiswas credited with Mon. at 9-Mon. a.m., Feb. 4. on officials, beginning first the sixth Wolverine counter. Mon. at 10--Mon. a.m., Jan. 28…

December 20, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

… bautiful "dog" shot. .A amon t the clean of students.; later he added anothier and then t'f,.,.vmn of . 1 i,n wl e- st the Wolverines into a 9-0 l aIl r Front tlv,."e the shlow will mzove :i music…

… unable todrive through E the Wolverine's closely knit de-y fense opened up a barrage of long; ~shots which proved temporarily 1 ieffective. Huff dropped one from Imidfloor to open the second half scoring…

December 20, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 75) • Page Image 6

… Ten as a potential second "booy" ,became thatno ariyhnicpe ia aptnta scn "oe The Junior Varsity, handicapped mas holidays, "Doc" Meanwell de- has looked best thus far is a trio the Wolverine sextet…

… ring to encourage the ants. and Dalyrumple will clasl the 120-pound events, both s coming ofd victorious in h k F Y enec during the second period and allowed the Wolverins to slip through for eight…

… all of the Wolverines' tries from beneath the basket resulting in points, while a mixed-up defense also tightened to hold the Junior Varsity to a basket and a free throw. Kanitz, playing in his first…

… ty of trouble as they are all capable which has been sweeping the Guelf of steady defense work. Coach campus were denied in a telegram of syeadyhef norywhrk.iCoach which the Wolverine authorities re…

… competed in the National Wolverine Varsity at center and Figure Skating association last year Coach Lowry plans to build his of- and will do so again this season.I fense around him. Maney, whose They are…

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