December 20, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 79) • Page Image 6
…r" PAGZ SrX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20.1962' PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THT1Th~DAV flEn mvn~ ~n 1Q4~ saavavfa.vcaJLjp aiaiva: IVALL' 1Y NV} d.a7V. G Wolverine Quintet Outclasses…
… three players sagging around him last night but still managed to get the ball often enough to score 26 points in a painful 66-52 basketball win over San Jose State. The Wolverines, coming out of the game…
… troubles, the Wolverines received praise from an unexpected source --San Jose State Coach Stu Inman, whose team is now 5-3. When it comes time next March 2 for the Illini to play their only game of the year…
… be." John Harris, with 11 points, was the only other Wolverine in dou- ble figures, while the Spartans had Dennis Bates with 15, Bill Robertson with 14 and Harry Ed- wards with 10. When the Wolverines…
…-in and then put in two more free throws. That accounted for nine points while Michigan was outscoring San Jose, 11-3. That ballooned the score to 25- 17, and the Wolverines were able to fast-break their…