October 20, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 16) • Page Image 6
… required. Call 761-7240. IMMEDIATE PART time help available at Endless Summer Tanning Center. Stop by 1896 W. Stadium for an application. MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists, Computer sales and service…
… downtown. Contact Jennifer at 998-6965 for an interview. $$$ STUDENT JOBS $$$ Up to SS/hr., plus bonuses. Make your ow'n schedule, gain computer & communication skills, enhance your resume. Fun student…
… public opinion telephone interviews. Candidates need to be highly self-directed with a professional telephone manner for conducting research interviews. Experience with IBM compatible computers helpful…
…. enerous employee discoumt & bonus plan Appl in person or ta\ resume to 734- 5 1612 attn Vickie SEMINAR .ASSISTANTS-evenings 7 0 0hr Plese call Allan 9o9i-1107 SOFTWARE SALES OPPORTUNITY P/', F/I positions…
… STUDIES NEEDED Laboratory Assistant. Must have some knowledge in molecular biology methods and basie laboratory techniques. Laboratory coursework m chemistry or biology necessar .Computer experience helpful…