February 02, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 85) • Page Image 7
… not be sexist! Call Pete the Dustman for your house cleaning chores, bonded and insured. Call 677-0180. BETH'S COMPUTER TYPING N. Campus 930-6679. Do you need a SPANISH TUTOR? Call Julie, 769…
…, quiet. Femalep ref., male ok. Win-sum.. $250/mo+ elec. Call 886-3630 or 665-7369. COMPUTER MERCHANDISE XT COMPATIBLE 640K 20meg ,HD with; software monitor. $545. 665-6843. - MACINTOSH SERVICES…
… - Individual training-production. PageMaker, Word 4.0, etc. Faculty, staff students. The- ses, slides overheads. Certitied Apple-Mac Trainer. 6d3-8942. ta a FOR SALE: Plane ticket Detroit to Newark: March 2…