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December 02, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 58) • Page Image 6

… Lounge w/ Computers Models open Daily wVrp e 741-9300 s T 2 iN i 0 L5 GI N C, Now Showing for Fall 2010-2011!! Studio, 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms Apartments!! " Central Campus locations…

… consent? 13lk icon Seeger H A S A T F R E T 0 U I T 5" Abner" 18bsen's" AMOCO R AR A U N D 27 *Big Apple show Gabler" RO TS ODIC I C E D 36 HoustonAeros' 19 Beethoven's MRP I CKWI C L A D org. "FOr," A N N…

December 02, 2004 (vol. 115, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

… "without merit." In 2002, six phone lines run by the Democrats and the Manchester firefighters' union were tied up for 1 1/2 hours by 800 computer-generated hang-up calls. Federal prosecutors said Tobin and…

… Extreme Wireless Internet Card 3-year Apple Care Warranty $2338 1.33 GHz 12" PowerBook 256MB RAM 60GB Hard Drive DVD-ROM/CD-RW Airport Extreme Wireless Internet Card 3-year Apple Care Warranty $1588 40GB 10…

December 02, 2004 (vol. 115, iss. 44) • Page Image 6

… distinctive campus locations, studios to seven bedrooms. Contemporary in every way " Ask about the Free Internet and Free Direct TV - Exercise Facility - Study Lounge w/computers " Recreation Room…

… contact Wilson White Co. at 734.995.9200. EHO ABSOLUTELY LARGE 4 bdrm. house in front of UM stadium, new kitch. with all new appl., refinished hardwood, new paint, refin- ished bath, wshr./dryer, ample prkg…

December 02, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 59) • Page Image 6

…, skylights, new kitchen + carpet 2002, access to exercise + computer facilities, beautifully furnished, near CCRB! 741-9300, - AMAZING HOUSES & APTS. 734-665-7815 www…

…. Mgr. 327-0393 or Varsity Mgmt. 668-1100. WANT PARKING?? 1 PARKING SPOT Avail. Close to B school. 332-6105 YPSILANTI CONDO w/ view and access to Ford Lake, w/ 2 bdrm. 2 full bath. new kitch. & appl., Ig…

… shuttle -Exercise room-featuring stairmasters & treadmill, life-cycles & aerobics Study Lounge w/computers -Recreation Rooms AM T n gManagement (Extended Hours) 741-9300 **BIG…

December 02, 1997 (vol. 108, iss. 45) • Page Image 5

… music," Perlman said. "Throughout rehearsals, one always gets instruction, whether on purpose or not." Perlman called klezmer and classical "oranges and apples," but said klezmer was not a stretch for him…

…. Today, FMI is actively moving toward a system-LSI strategy focusing on, and leveraging, our core competencies in silicon technology, computers and communications - rich technological resources that are…

December 02, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 45) • Page Image 13

…. I think I already have. goes gold every year, I can accept Adam Curry is an ugly man. I that. But that does not give you li- remember seeing him on Dial MTV iy with Mom, apple pie and MTV in tenth…

… grade when he had big long Bon Jovi hair. Now it is short and even uglier. Them there sideburns have got to go. Ah, what hath the computer age wrought upon us? Apparently, Aerosmith and the band's latest…

… video "Amazing." It's a funky fresh state- of-the-art computer-generated virtual reality thang that, in a daring example of visual sampling, shows clips of another Aerosmith video, "Cryin'. " Wacky…

… may be threatened by this freak of visual excess. A vintage Fellini-esque basket of apples and oranges is never more ac- cessible than the director's classic art-as-life study "8 1/2." The film is a…

December 02, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 44) • Page Image 7

…. ...-.-: ... 1 Now's the right time to buy an Apple® Macintosh® computer system. Because right now you can save big on Apple's most popular computers and qualifying printers. And Macintosh is the right computer

…:30pm. Stop by the U-M Computer Showcase P AIN w 0ur' -W4j …

December 02, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 60) • Page Image 7

… have a phone system tied into the existing computer registration sys- tem. "Phone registration and on-line terminals will be standard in 10 years" at U.S. universities, said Associ- ate Registrar Douglas…

… com- bined phone and on-line registration system, said Dan Stuart, assistant registrar for scheduling and registra- tion, primarily for "the convenience of the student." Some computer terminals will be…

… days of the term, she said. Students at Ferris St. are assigned a day, based on the number of credit hours they have, when they can begin calling, Sonnenberg said. The computers and phones open at 3 a…

… Michigan would probably need 48 phone lines. As early as next semester, Woolley said software should be in place to allow any student, via the MTS computer network, to check on the number of spaces available…

… Hillel. Chanukah I 1429 Hill St. 769-0500 um m ._...._ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ i i * I I I Educational Holiday Promotion Take an Apple4acintosh home frteholidays. 0 o O a.- 0 p0 0 0 0Qa 0 0 0 a…

… 04 t Bundle #1 Bundle #3 Macintosh Plus with Apple 800K floppy drive Imagewriter U printer Microsoft Word Quantity left: 30 $1,941 Bundle #2 Macintosh Plus with Apple 20M SCSI drive Imagewriter II…

… printer Microsoft Word Ouuantity left: 70 ".. . Take immediate delivery! Take advantage of Apple's great financing program! Offer good only while these bundles last! Stop by the Hands-On Display, Ground…

December 02, 1972 (vol. 83, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

… out" the apple. whisked from my grasp, stamped, codified, re-issue and promptly de- posited on the reservedshelf. "But", I mumbled, out of lack for anything else to say, "I should at least have it for…

… patient atte explained with unswervingl "As of right now the compute your identity number on fil it won't make sense for the number to have it on hold.1 back in a couple of day, afte 42-0156 (or was it 65…

December 02, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 53) • Page Image 5

… refreshments followed as usual, apples and doughnuts vieing with each other for popularity. Efficiency Bureau of New York Uni- versity Places Many Men The efficiency bureau of the New York University, which was…

computed scientifically. This regime with plenty of exercise cannot fail to add something to the lives of our citizen soldiers." GIVES ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON TRANSPORTING EXPLOSIVES Col. James L. Taylor of…

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