December 02, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 60) • Page Image 7
… have a phone system tied into the existing computer registration sys- tem. "Phone registration and on-line terminals will be standard in 10 years" at U.S. universities, said Associ- ate Registrar Douglas…
… com- bined phone and on-line registration system, said Dan Stuart, assistant registrar for scheduling and registra- tion, primarily for "the convenience of the student." Some computer terminals will be…
… days of the term, she said. Students at Ferris St. are assigned a day, based on the number of credit hours they have, when they can begin calling, Sonnenberg said. The computers and phones open at 3 a…
… Michigan would probably need 48 phone lines. As early as next semester, Woolley said software should be in place to allow any student, via the MTS computer network, to check on the number of spaces available…
… Hillel. Chanukah I 1429 Hill St. 769-0500 um m ._...._ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ i i * I I I Educational Holiday Promotion Take an Apple4acintosh home frteholidays. 0 o O a.- 0 p0 0 0 0Qa 0 0 0 a…
… 04 t Bundle #1 Bundle #3 Macintosh Plus with Apple 800K floppy drive Imagewriter U printer Microsoft Word Quantity left: 30 $1,941 Bundle #2 Macintosh Plus with Apple 20M SCSI drive Imagewriter II…
… printer Microsoft Word Ouuantity left: 70 ".. . Take immediate delivery! Take advantage of Apple's great financing program! Offer good only while these bundles last! Stop by the Hands-On Display, Ground…