October 02, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 17) • Page Image 6
… FEMALE roommate. Sp- cious 1 bedroom apt..Great location $275 pcr month, call Aimee 995-0831. COMPUTER MDSE; APPLE II+, EPSON PRINTER, disk driv , new monitor, modem card & software Ap- plewriter & tons…
… Whippoorwi 4262166. APPLE II+, CPM + Ram card, color monitor, rinter, modem and software. Call 668-1913 for info. - Best offer. CHIN'ESE-ENGLISH-PINYIN: Oxford dic- tionary, the best there is, $7. 761…
… more software. Total:45. 764-2624 Paul or Brian. North Computer says YouRent Your Pridge...You Rent Your Phone Rent Your Computer! Semeser,Monthly and Daily RatesdDesigned to Fit Your Budget Now, you can…
… afford a computer when you need i Call North Computer for your computer needs 971-6929 f 4 i I I i ..ii.wv aawuu i a v . 19 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 17 18 20 21 2 24 28 2 i2 0AW S Q ttl tg n J t tC g ztl…