February 19, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 100) • Page Image 6
…'S TYPING SERVICE - neat, accurate, and on time. $1.50/page. 662-7965. LSAT The Stanley Kaplan Educational Center has early-bird classes for the June LSAT exam forming now. Computerized diagnostic exam…
…. Call now 996-9390. NEEDED FOR FALL '87. Looking for 2 or 3 bedroom apartment for fall term only. Call David at 995-3484 Now acceptingFall appl. Quiet, small bldg. 1 bdrm w/ irep ace, 3 spacious 2 bdrm…
…. WORK STUDY STUDENTS with computer experience needed for Law School Funa pro- gram. Call Barbara at 764-0518. BUSINESS SERVICES ELLIOTT DELIVERY-- Specializing in moving sin le items or vanloads. 995…
… benefits. Appl inperson Mon-Fri 10 AM-6PM. Holiday Inn West, Holidome, 2900 Jackson rd. OFFICE BOOKKEEPING, wordprocessing, on campus, $4/hr., will train. 747-9000. OVERSEAS JOBS- Summer, yr. round. Eu…
… '87-Fun, non-smoking fe-: male to share spacious double room in house. Call 747-6460 for info. COMPUTER MDSE. COMPUTERS printers, modems. Specials; this month on f2MB Modem only $129. Call Automation…