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December 19, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…-2, By STEVE SALZMAN A sudden death overtime goal by Deny er's Jim Brown beat Mich- igan, 3-2, last night before a noisy crowd at the Coliseum. After the Wolverines went ahead in the third period, Denver…

… night's loss lowered the successive saves on shots from Wolverines further below the .500 Switzer and McDonald. mark, their record now stands at Michigan's inability to get a one win and three losses in…

December 19, 1952 (vol. 63, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

… Meet Tonight By PAUL GREENBERG Michigan's hockey team opens its 1952-1953 Midwest Hockey Lea- gue season tonight against Colo- rado College at Colorado Springs. The Wolverines, in the midst of an eleven…

…-2 record and were trailed by Michigan and Den- ver who tied for second with 9-3 marks. In the three meetings between Michigan and Colorado last year the Wolverines won two and the Tigers one. The final game…

… Valparaiso, * * court combine 95-56, in its Bus Trips There is still some space available on the Wolverine Club sponsored buses to Wil- low Run Airport which will leave at 12:15 p.m., 1:30 p.m., 2:45 p.m., 4…

… Chicago and another to New York and points East both of which leave this aft- ernoon. * * * AIR TRAVELERS took advan- tage of the Wolverine Club bus specials to Willow Run while oth- ers employed the Union…

December 19, 1952 (vol. 63, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…- do Springs and Denver. The Wolverines have also been gued with some "second line .d sloppy passing" problems in eir two games played so far this ar. Ieyliger has attempted to medy the difficulty with…

… the cond offensive trio by switch- ig George Chin over to center ad butting Doug Phllpott on to wing. If this doesn't work, sere has been talk about mov- ig defenseinan Jim Haas up wing. the Wolverines

…; 1925, is one of the most successfult coaches in Michigan history. Dur-1 ing his 28 years of coaching his1 teams have won well over 80% of1 all their matches. * * * UNDER KEEN'S tutelage the Wolverine

… Coates and John Vallortigara, who ran one- two in the sixty, indicate that the Wolverines may be stronger than usual in their perennial weakness, the sprints. Coates' time in win- ning was :06.4. * * * THE…

December 19, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE 1x urn Track Time Trials Slated For Tonight Canham To Show New Performers Coach Don Canham unveils his 1952 edition of the Wolverine

Wolverines used 11 players in their search for a winning com- bination. The starting five was made up of a freshman, two soph- omores, a junior and a senior. Therefore, three of the five play- ers were…

… dual meet at the Intramural pool. Michigan's pre-season rating as one of the top Big Ten swimming powers was given added impetus in the A.A.U. meet as Wolverine nat- ators swept to first place in every…

…. All told, this offensive combi- nation has accounted for 16 of the 34 Wolverine goals that have brought four victories in five games. Cooney was particularly effect- ive during the 4-1 and 6-4 sweep of…

Wolverines have reformed since the Michigan State debacle in which they served 33 minutes in the sin bin. This is as much as they have spent in their last four games together. * * * IN THE GOAL tending depart…

December 19, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

… the Wolverine Club Rose Bowl Special back to school Jan. 5 from L. A., Salt Lake City, Omaha, and1 intermediate points. Further infor- mation and tickets at Adm. Bldg.,' 8-4:30 daily. )39P WILL GIVE…

… Francisco via 66. Share ex- pense and driving. 3-1183. )54T WOLVERINE CLUB RASE BOWL SPECIL use of these services has increas- ed 25 percent since last year. In 1949 the Center assumed re- sponsibility for…

December 19, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

… , RALEIG[ - Michigan's upset crazed Wolverines fought unde- feated -North Carolina State down to the final gun and even beyond before succumbing to the Wolf- pack 65-62 in overtime. The Wolverines, showing…

… point margin. After Michigan had missed an attempt at closing the gap the southern team put on the freeze in an attempt to eat up the remaining time. The Wolverines scrapping wild- ly, finally stole the…

… over the week-end, Celley now leads the Wolverine offensive gunners with 11 points on five goals and six assists. Phi Epsilon Kappa Captures Professional Volleyball Title Phi Epsilon Kappa dropped the…

…-Roger Reinke ROSE BOWL BOUND-Al Wahl, captain of the Wolverine foot- - ball team, wears the wreath presented to him yesterday at the rally before the Big Ten Champions entrained for the Pasadena classic…

December 19, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 72) • Page Image 6

… transportation or enter- tainment reservations with the Wolverine Club for its Rose Bowl Special. A limited number of coach and Pullman reservations can still be purchased from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.- m. today at the…

… tice on the more difficult motions and actions by the members, fol- lowed by a social hour. Members are urged to bring guests. Canterbury Club: Caroling Par- _ty, 7 p.m. . Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7…

December 19, 1947 (vol. 58, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

… For- ward Mack Suprunowicz, Michi- gan's basketball team suffered its first setback of the infant cam- paign, falling to a surprisingly strong Michigan tate quintet here tonight 43-38. The Wolverines

…-a-minute Wolverine Willie Heston (right) recalling the 1902 Rose Bowl victory as he wished good luck to Bob Chanpuis (left) and other members of the team just before their embarkation for the West yesterday. ROSE BOWL…

… year. That question will be answered, he said, when he delivers his message to Congress next month on the state Ways and Means Committee of the union. White, who brought his movie camera. The Wolverines

December 19, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…. The fighting was south of Vigan it- self. (This suggested that a Japanese Wolverines Meet High-Scoring Ramnblers In Basketball Today By DICK SIMON: A red-hot battle is in store for Michigan basketball…

… fans who remainK in Ann Arbor to see the Wolverines ' V.. " " . :"*" play a high-scoring NotreDame quin- tet t in Yost Field House. For although the Irish cagers have only won two of…

December 19, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

… if his leg is bothering him too much, Morrie Bikoff will take over his berth. If he gets the start- ing assignment, fikoff will be the only Wolverine under six feet in height Capt. Cartmill At Forward…

…, 165 and 175-pound. ound Michigan's Sports Scene: 440, which is faster than any Wol- division titles were decided afterthe Wolverine gridmen Bob Westfall verine trackman has ever done be- other four…

… the Christmas vacation, the Wolverines will play four opponents, three on foreign courts and one here in Ann Arbor. Varsity Meets Butler The first of these four battles will find Michigan pitted against…

…- turn to Ann Arbor on Jan. 3 to face their first Big Ten opponent, Iowa. When school reopens on Jan. 5, the Wolverines will bq at Lafayette, In- diana, battling Purdue's Boilermak- ers. who are starting…

… from Michigan Tech on Jarguary third and fifth on the Tech ice at Houghton. The Wolverine puckmen will re- turn to Ann Arbor, on Dec. 30 to practice for their first encounters of the season with the…

December 19, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…. Barry, Wolverines ......r..RF W. Bejnar, Robert Owen .....RB S. Stowe, Lincoln ...........CB E. Sturgeon, Forestry ........ LB RESIDENCE HALL ALL-STAR VOLLEYBALL TEAM. doA wiLYchafter's DA IL Y DOUBLE O…

… against Michigan tonight. Leading the Ramblers is- Capt. Eddie Riska, the team's high scorer who tossed in 23 points against the Wolverines last season. George So-, bek, big six-footer, teams up with Riska…

…; Louis Kivi, Dan Felski and Lou Haughey in particular. Distance man Jim Welsh and diver T-Bone Martin are also scheduled to be in one of the nine carloads of Wolverine champions that Mann is leading to the…

Wolverine cagers will have a few days off to go home, but will return to Ann Arbor for a practice session, Christmas afternoon. The squad xill leave for Columbus, Friday, Dec. 27, to take part in Ohio State…

December 19, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…TUURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY mm!I Crippled Hockey Team Clashes With McMaster Inexperienced Pair Replaces David,_Fabello Bob Simpson, Jack Merrill To Start In Wolverines

…' Second Game Of Year Eddie Lowrey's Michigan hockey team, revamped and handicapped by the same injury jinxethat seemed to pursue the Wolverine gridders throughout the 1935 season, clashes with Mc…

… for the Wolverines. Tonight should prove to be some- thing of a test for Low, because with two sophomore defensemen in front of him, he will probably be called upon to make some real saves. Little is…

… has again dominated in the selection of an all-st ar foot- ball team. Players on the 1935 University of Pennsylvania team named three Wolverines to places on their "all-opponents" team. Named to places…

… Cousineau. Flashing a sharp right cross, Moyer unrelentlessly slashed away at the campus champion's face Coach Ray Fisher's Wolverines will' tour the Orient next summer bring to mind the successful trips…

Wolverines played three games in Canada and one in Hawaii before meeting the fast Jap- Downing Wins In Company K A Shs7b y QUfiI A 7 Cagers Leave j For Christmas Games Today' 12 Players Make Up Squad Going…

…, according to the Wolverine mentor, and in good condition for the Conference opener against Indiana on Jan. 6 when the big pivot man will en- counter Fred "Reach" Fechtman, who also tops the six foot nine inch…

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