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December 19, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Cldudy, hi;cal ews prob ble tcday and tomorrow; colder tomorrow. C, r gld, F0 rlx AOF AfIV AWA4o...wtr t gan ati Editorials It Can Be Called A Success .. A New Type Of Investigation:. r. XLVI No. 69 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THUSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS 7 Daily Fund TrophyI Presen ted Senior Society Is Awarde Cup For Recognition O Goodfellow Work Honorable Mention To Theta Delta Chi Druids Also Acknowledge By...…

December 19, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MTiCTCX XM 4THUIRSDAY, DEcE:mBum 19, 1935 i Todd Chauffeur 'ells Of Star's Gangland Fear Threaten Screen Actress 'or Her Part In Arrest Of Two Extortionists (By The Associated Press) LOS ANGELES, Dec. 18-Fear of gangland bullets haunted Thelma Todd in the last hours of her life, the winsome screen star's chauffeur told police shortly before a coroner's jury was summoned today to probe the riddle of her death. The chauffeur, ...…

December 19, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…TUURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY mm!I Crippled Hockey Team Clashes With McMaster Inexperienced Pair Replaces David,_Fabello Bob Simpson, Jack Merrill To Start In Wolverines' Second Game Of Year Eddie Lowrey's Michigan hockey team, revamped and handicapped by the same injury jinxethat seemed to pursue the Wolverine gridders throughout the 1935 season, clashes with McMaster University of Ham- ilton at 8 p.m. on the Coli...…

December 19, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…1GE Fe THE MICHIGAN DAILY I'HURSOAV, DECEMBER 19, ]935 LGE FOUR TIIUUSDAY, I)ECEMBER 19, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY alike in their lack of reserve, their fink and confident tone. These rural inhabitants have come to regard Professor Holmes as a true friend and helpful adviser, rather than as a "University investigator." For this reason he is collecting information that is more accurate and revealing than the data that can be collected in th...…

December 19, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 69) • Page Image 5

…THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 19, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1935 PAGE FIVE Mid - Holiday Dance Planned Lt~,In Sc~~eI ~hi~1)/1935 For Dec. 27 Engage 'Melody Masters' To Play For Informal Party At League Por those forlorn out-of-town stu-, dents who must, for one reason or another, languish in Ann Arbor over the holidays without "getting in on" the many private parties that charac- terize the vacation period, the M...…

December 19, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 69) • Page Image 6

…six TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1935 Begin Task Of Finding 5,000 State NYA Jobs Age Group Of 16-25 Will Be Eligible For New Federal Positions 1%) Spend $338, 000 Program Is Designed As Training In Leadership And Public Service LANSING, Dec. 18. - (A) - The state division of the National Youth administration began today the task of finding jobs for 5,000 youths be-f tween 16 and 25.! Dr. William Haber, state director of NY...…

December 19, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Snow, possibly some rain, colder in central portion and north; colder Wednesday. C, r it iga-4 d ii Editorials What Youth Has Accomplished ... 'There Are Still Giants In The Land'. VOL. XLV. No. 74 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS - - - - Incitement Of Army,NavyBy RedsCharged Officers Demand Law T Punish All Communis Agitators Girl Decoys Used To 'Convert' Mei Propaganda Is Smuggled Onto Sh...…

December 19, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…T HE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER Seven Faculty Men To Attend r7_ 0 _ _ r2 Story Renews Search For Karpis CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the oltice of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 19341 Forestry Club: Professor Carl D. CAicaco Parley1 LaRue, of the botany department, VOL____N._3 V...…

December 19, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…4BER 19, 1934 THE MICHIGAN DAILY McMaster Battles Varsity Six Tonight In Coliseum Hard Battle Is Basketball Squad To Invade i Expected With Canadian Team 1 Western State. Strength Of Invaders Is U T By ARTWrn Little-Known; Michigan:IACARsTENS To Put Strono A ftr .e nd Win Kalamazoo Tonight t1.LC-e cokjupZU11 VT i The fourth Canadian team to in- vade the Coliseum in three weeks, McMaster University, of Hamilton, Ont., brings what ce...…

December 19, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY i I Publir!ied every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association anci the Big Ten News Service. MEMB ER s5OCittd (oii&giat a areas 1934 to>~nleitst-93 M o WCON "4EMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all new...…

December 19, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 74) • Page Image 5

…4 DECEMBER 19, 1934 THE MTCHTGAN n AaTLTJA PACM a...- v . E v- L, i-till C/ 1' 1 Y . _ 4 Dr. Lombard Will Speak At Leaguie Today Most Fashionable Corr ectiye Exercises Prove Dinner Jacket Is Beneficial To Many Students Decreed Informal By Style Authority Adelphi Hears Jordan Entertains At Dinner Tonight z"X k.r' a " ' wit Authority On Etchings Lecture At Exhibit Ann Arbor Artists To Of Dr. Warren P. Lombard, who is a authorit...…

December 19, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 74) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY wammomw Drug Makers Are Defended Stockingi History Of Parke-Davis Company Is Traced ByF Faculty Pharmacist 'That the products of the pharn'a . ceutical manufacturers have for the most part been only of the very high- est order, rather than "patent" and "qua(k" remedies, was the statementI made by Prof. Charles H. Stocking of, the pharmacy department in his radio interview of the "Michigan, My Mich-! igan" series...…

December 19, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 70) • Page Image 1


December 19, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO Ir T-4 P A/I T r T-4 T r. A M n A TT 'V' Tt"®TT'w n t r .-..._......-....~........s.,. ... . n n n 1Y1 1 %- 1-1 1I %a H IN L H 1 L I. FRI(.DAY rDECEMBER 19. 1910 Caiaps Organization Suppo0 STUDE'TFLEAMES CI0RAEEEEND Donahue :Outlines :Preliminary ~Preparations, Purposes at Meeting.I TO TAKE PLACE ,I MAY I Three Day Affair ;Wll Include Mvother's Day, Cap Night, Athletic Meets. *Sipport of eight campus organ - izations in making...…

December 19, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGETHRTM 74ALIL TE OBJ T C- MILTAR L -IADS 60 !O CAP JE BANK MILE fJf STUDENTS TO HOLD- CONFERENCE BANDITS U ON UNEMPLOYMENT IN DETROIT Ilniversities Petition Congress in Support of Abolition Measures. ASK FOR SIGNATURES Schedule Meetings Th ougiout Country During December, January. (sp~ecial lo eD NEW YORK, Dec. 18. -Study-t groups in more thi-,t ; coll' > have decided to pr otest s ult...…

December 19, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FCTJIl A T THE MTCf-ITG'2-%N-. DAT.L Y rRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1930 <, m * . ,l'~i,.i-. THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1930 ( llial (t-ol of S iid i Il it-oh I. : 'i l (.r ".inln-r of \Yestcr a (o ;'-,'n1,.di.o;t. J i to the u l forepalntiaiudf ~w i satcheS cred t(Ito it oWn~ 1(-r_.: in this paer nd the luc it , s iihc herein. - 11M ihig an , ,a- tr d l ,)"': - icr. 1 -''.' r (if postagesia.nted bly 'I hird iAStr..a. I t mna...…

December 19, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 70) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1930 T 1. F It 1111C DAILY RAC r-+a . l j .r . 1 h "' l ..e+we.,+.. 1'T '{ * kp F t .. r q. f t T ~ C A"o-aC "'A FAMOW DELEGATES DISCUSS GREETS I- CONFERENCE TODAY '~ mua -irn nnminu-r SSOPRANO NEW YORK .__._..___...... _ ....4 t t Michigan Members Will F Preliminary Meeting at Lane Hall. Hiold REPORTS TO BE GIVENj Preliminary to the Faculty-Stud- ent conference being held in De- troit, Dec. 27-31, the Michiga...…

December 19, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 70) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SiX THE, MICHIGAN DATE PP.TnAY. DECEMBER 19. 1930 TI-IF MICRICAN DAILY 7'13:V }h v , x1uR i 1flvC Wolverine Five to Face Quaker Quintet Tomc )rrow VEEENKR TO START 1RST STRINC MEN Powerful Pennsylvania Cagers to Play Third Hard Game in Succession. RIC-tv-L CHO OSE- f5'-9ii r-kJ .s ? AL-AMEICNTEAM ,; I JUMPS CENTER By Joe Russell Entertaining no illusions as t the strength of the veteran Penn- sylvania quintet which wi...…

December 19, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 70) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN TH-E-MICHIGAN DA--LY ~11-- LOV U~UL~ AW~JMICHIG TO FAI Strong Eas Tnu ITL - 101L EHS Field R Parker Bests Powers in Feature (Contin Bout of Card; Mosier nents thiS y Forced to Retire. Eveland at f mentor hasu Winding up the A11-C ainp u s know how t wrestling meet last night in a string at center is of final matches that were the h head-liners of the season to date pcs.,he has the gr...…

December 19, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 70) • Page Image 8

…j PACE E lIa --7"CHIGAN .I L FRID:'. 1'. DECEMBER 19, 1930 A A A 1.. i V A \, , I I A '--A .1 1 1 14 DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1930 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday. NEW AIR SPEED t E OFFLIGHT CHAR[SFF MAKES DEF NSD I[I S 9 H N RAD RAL 0P VO...…

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