October 19, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 37) • Page Image 6
…, footwear, Factory close-outs, 419 E. Liberty 2 blocks off State Street. cFtc ABORTION INFO-Lifespan Resource Library. Call 769-0625 10-12 or 1-3 M-W-F. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Ie COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF…
…1021 WRITE ON... Editorial and typing service Freelance writing, research 996-0566 Computers & Supplies By MLB Systems featuring New & Used Radio Shack TRS-80 1217 Prospect Ave. AA-Cal 996-0942 This…
… Career Dimensions 761-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 19J1021 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE cJtc TYPING SERVICE $1.50 per…