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April 18, 2013 (vol. 123, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

… CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Performance Ottoman my computer? WHERE: Duderstadt Center WHEN: Tuesday at about 1:25 a.m. WHAT: A laptop was reported stolen from the third floor between 1:15 a.m. and 1:25 a…

…. Baseball, playing Eastern Michigan, will make up the game Tues- day, while lacrosse, playing Detroit, hasn't scheduled a make-up date yet. Apple company shares have hit their lowest rates in the past year…

… and a half, the Telegraph reported. As a result, Apple has lost its stance as the world's most sought-after publicly traded company. Achen, s Pro- es at will orse is poli- nces. irarv EDITORIAL STAFF…

January 18, 2013 (vol. 123, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…-ups Stallman chides Apple, Google for privacy policies By AUSTEN HUFFORD Daily News Editor Richard Stallman doesn't have a cell phone. He doesn't', buy DVDs, doesn't use Windows or Mac OS laptops and doesn't use…

… closed-source commercial soft- ware. He is not on Facebook and has never owned a car. But he isn't a Luddite or computer illiterate. In fact, he loves technology and the Inter- net. At one point, he hoped…

… access - could harbor mal- ware and "backdoor" exploits because users can't review it's code. Wearing a red polo, brown pants and no shoes, he attacked companies including Apple, Google, Microsoft, Adobe…

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