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May 18, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 164) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, MAY 18, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY l Wolverines Will Play I LLINI OTO PRESENT S9TRUNG NE1T SQUADJ ew Yarsity Still Fails to Uncover DAVIDSON WINS FIELD MEET 4:15--Theta Xi vs. Lambda…

…, Davidson won the championship Sigma Delta game. the Wolverine netmen will attempt of this meet by winning the throw- Phi Kappa Tau vs. Sigma Nu. to repulse a determined Illinois at- for accuracy and the…

… Shoaff will lead into Ann in the accuracy throw and the Chemistry........4 0 1.000j Arbor one of the strongest teams base running was very keen. I. Chem. Stores .... .:.3 1 750 that the Wolverines are to…

WOLVERINE NINE !Big Ten Golf Tourney Soccer Team Plays to WILL MEET OHIO to Open This Tuesday ;aTie With Ann Arbor (Continued From Page 6) (Continued From Page 6) (Continued From Page 6) Straub, Tompkins, and…

… battery, while either Kermode or Wrigley EU will take care of the hurling. In Friday's game against North- ER western the Wolverines just came short of packing the punch to beat out the Wildcats in a close…

January 18, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 82) • Page Image 6

… of Whitey Altenhof was the feature of the game. Hoffer High Scorer. Hoffer was high scorer in the game with six " points followed by Altenhof with five points. Weiss put up a good game for Wolverines

…Hill- the Wolverine Conference chan- house with a decided dete rina- toppers c m back and took the every m< )1C5J hockey tear in their tilt here tion to prevent the Purple from IJGophers, 6-1 .E ter in the…

…. The Wolverine right aF I wing, Courtis, drew three penalties in his fighting mad attempt to core the single goal which would F have meant revenge for the defeat A :s team took Friday. Goalie Drawn Out…

… opponents the Wolverine M chigan Pos. Wisconsin swordsmen gave an impressive per- Tompkins .......g ......... Frisch formance for so early in the season. Williams .......ld ........ Metcalf Foils bouts only…

… third Wolverine to make the trip, carried off the honors in the other HOW THEY STAND three contests, downing H. Mayo. W. L. Pet.' 5-2, Yocum, 5-1, and L. Mayo, 4 7N(;i:western . . ... 2 0 1.000 in the…

…- tion is that the Chicago natators will be here to give battle to Coach Matt Mann's aquatic stars in the Intramural pool on Saturday night. The Wolverine tankmen have been victorious in all their meets so…

… Spartans have a strong outfit this season, but in view of the fact that Coach Keen's grapplers handed West Virginia an overwhelming defeat the odds are in favor of the Wolverines. The Spartans will meet…

February 18, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Team Wins Second VictoryOverWisconsin,_2 To Cornell College Wrestling Team Defeats Michigan Squ. I PLAY Rubin Scores Lone Fall For Wolverines In 126 Pound Division By…

… BILL REED Taking four out of eight matches and drawing another, Cornell Col- lege wrestlers yesterday afternoon de- feated Coach Cliff Keen's Wolverine team in the Field House by a score of 15 1-2 to 12…

… 1-2. But two falls were registered in the meet, one by each team. Seymour Ru- bin, substituting for the injured Joe Oakley in the 126-lb. division, was1 credited with the lone Wolverine fall when he…

… at 135-lbs. piled up the biggest time advantage for the Wolverines as he defeated Wesley West with a 7 minutes, 35 second advantage. Jimmy Landrum failed to break a wrist lock which Tom Shaffer had put…

October 18, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

… State won the toss and chose to kick off to Michigan. The Wolverines defended the n o r t h goal, having the advantage of the wind during the first quarter. Hes- ton caught the kickoff and ran it back to…

… was tackled by Morrison ter a. two-yard gain through ' ihigan's right side. Hinchman ided three more at Mlcig n left tackle. Michigan was given a pnalty; Which placed the ball on tie Wolverine 16-yard…

…. Heston pAnted to Cramer, who eaught tie alj on his oen 4O'-yard line and was frced out of bounds ifter a return to the Wolverine 46- yard marJ ers. Cramer hit Michi- San's right guard for tWo yards…

… yard through Michigan's left side. Hinchman made seven yards through Michigan's left tackle. Michigan took the time out. The gall was on the Wolverine 11-yard line. Vuchinich made a yard at Michigan…

…'0. Wolverines penalized five yards, giving Ohio a first down on its own' 30-yard line. Hinchman failed, to gain. Vuchinich lost two yards. Car- roll fell and was tackled by Wil- liamson for another two-yard loss…

…. Cramer punted to Tessmer, who caught the ball on the Michigan 27-yard line, and made a nice re- turn to the Wolverine 47-yard line, where he was forced out of bopnds. Nasman tackled Everhardus for a four…

February 18, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 95) • Page Image 7

… promise 4 the Wolverines in the final mat eir opponents in a very material on the freshman team three yer n defeated them for the seco ry. The Purple machine has dis- ago, so he may prove valuable in…

… virtually tions, Coach Mann took his nata-j and Watson, also ex-Wolverin Llled. l tors to Grand Rapids last Thursday ' aided the Yacht club to victory. Minnuesota, Ohio State, and Chi- for an exhibition meet…

… with the .lo- This week two - meets, are ont ;o may be counted out of the cal "Y" team. The Wolverines had tank team .card. TIhe Maize a .e, having failed to show any- little trouble in chalking up a 54…

… home c :prise the followers of the Big club. In the preliminaries the f erence meet; of the Big Ten se n~e court fortunes. Maize and Blue aggregation down-' son. Records Threatened -inWOLVERINE

… pound class fur- nished the feature entertainment of the evening with the' Wolverine taking the hard fought match with anl advantage of 1 :37. Robinson wrestled to a draw with °Kelly last unable to pin…

February 18, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

… Only FiveWolverine AthletesSuccumb To Ineligibilil Ly Jinx Fraternity Mermen Reach Finals Individual nor s One of the largest groups ever tox enter the Intramural interfraternityI swimming meet…

… Kundla and George Addington. Between them 20% Djsc they scored over half of the Gophers' points. Pjms-Mflr Jake Townsend, who was respon- Pajamas - Mufers sible for the Wolverine conquest of Neckwear…

March 18, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

… batting average compiled last year. the Wolverines managed to break Gedeon Is Confident even by taking eight games and tie-k Fisher is especially elated over the ing two while losing eight in their e…

…. exhibition series, bowed to the Cin- er, piloted his team today into the Wrestling Semi - Finals;I The Wolverines are entered in the cinnati Reds, 5 to 4 in 11 innings, Isemi-finals of the amateur…

… the place for fussypeople. first extra period, Raab twisted out= from the defensive position and in Delicious dishes too. 27 seconds had slipped a body chan- -Al cery on Morgan that the Wolverine For…

March 18, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 119) • Page Image 7

… f T )AS SCHEDULE. Relay;. VJ Finals (F~~id WOODARD PLACES THIRD entry gave Kelly a good battle, but could not break the Wolverine's Although Cliff Keen's Wolverine string of wins. grapplers…

… Ault led the Wolverines in y veing at the Ltramliural apps scoring with eight points Bob- SprtK building.aaPp by Walker amassed six points IPhSim Kap by taking second in both the 40 Coach Sauer…

…:50, while Ward qf Purdue gave Wolverines overshadowed thei i: him even less competition in the the individual events. semi-finals, losing with an advan- Six or seven Wolverines will rep tage of 8:10. La…

February 18, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…). Varsity Tank Team Renews O.SU. Rivalry Buckeyes Out To Revenge Tie In Last Meet; Team Balance To Decide Tilt Tomski's Return Aids Wolverines By MEL FINEBEG COLUMBUS, O.-Special to The Daily-Michigan and…

… State has taken this meet seriously and hopes to make it a very happy afternoon by finishing in time for a supper of Wolverine meat. The Buckeyes are still seething over Ahe judge's decision which gave…

… Michi- gan a free-style relay victory and en- abled the Wolverines to eke out a 42- 42 tie. Inflamed by editorial com- ment in local papers, the Bucks are seeking revenge. Want Decisive Victory Balm for…

… the Wolverines so that Matt Mann can distribute his team power more strategically. It is team balance that will ulti- mately decide the meet. A majority of the first place winners can be de- termined…

… have not been beaten badly and this may be their night to cut loose. Certainly the Wolverines will not win on luck. Their luck has been all, bad thus far. Tonight they will be without the services of ace…

…- gan scoring leader, will head the Wolverine drive for victory number three. Harmon is sixth in Conference scoring at present with 64 points and By DICK SIEILK With the Illinois Relays acting as the…

February 18, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

… Spartans of Michigan State tonight at Yost Field House in their second home appearance of the year. The Wolverines turned in a 32 to 0 victory over the Spartans last year, but they do not hope to repeat…

… Oklahoma boy who is perhaps the speediest wrestler, on the Wolverine squad. Combs was ineligible last semester but is primed for this meet as the result of regular practice ses- sions with the squad. He will…

… has the habit of winning games with scores larger than the one Michigan made against the under- sized Woodstock team. Wolverine hopes for a victory will rest on the ability of their opening forward line…

… Ralph Schwarzkopf, who is not entered in the special 1500-meter event, will run the anchor leg of one mile. Indiana just nosed out Michigan last year in this race in world record time. The Wolverine two…

May 18, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

… East Engineering buidirig will pro- vide student guides to show visitors through the various buildings of the engineering college. I c i ( w i Wolverines, Outhit, Aided i By Seven Boilermaker Errors…

… the fact that they were outhit,' 10 to 6. Chicago lost to Indiana at Bloomington, 10 to 6. Art Patchin went all the way for the Wolverines, keeping the Boiler- maker hits well scattered and holding them…

… Boilermaker errors and eight stolen bases to score -in five innings. Clayt Paulson with two doubles and Captain Russ Oliver with a long triple were Michigan's heavy hitters. The Wolverine nine left for Cham…

… Swamps State, 8 To 1 Michigan's tennis team swampede a struggling Michigan State squad 8 to 1 in a nine-match encounter yesterday afternoon at Ferry Field. It was the Wolverines' second rout- ing of the…

…-I vis Dean, playing number one doubles for the Wolverines, bowed to State's top ranking combination, Klunzinger and Rosa, in three sets. The invaders1 won, 3-6, 7-5, 6-1. BULLETIN Prof. Charles Frederick…

May 18, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

… Defends Democracy Wins;Tennis Men Advance Wolverine Baseball Team .v Definitely Ousted From * Big Ten Race Winning Run Made In Ninth By Indiana Three Michigan Tennis Players Reach Quarter- Finals At…

…Chicago BLOOMINGTON, Ind., May 17. - -Associated Press Photo (Special) -The second place Indiana SEN. WILLIAM BORAH nine definitely erased the Wolverines * * as a contender 7or the Big Ten title here today, by pushing…

… game of the year, and struck out 12 Wolverine batters. He was hit hard by Michi- States True Liberty And gan, giving up 11 hits, but he had Free People Exist Only plenty of stuff in the pinches. In the…

… Must Preserve Integrity the winning run. "The integrity of constitutiona The Wolverines left tonight for La- government has never meant sc fayette where they will play Purdue much to the average man or…

… Democracy champions, with Minnesota. "Fascism, Naziism, Communism, Dan Kean, Joe Appelt, and Sam appealing to the forces of terror and Siegel are the Wolverine trio to re- fanaticism, have buried the individ…

January 18, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 81) • Page Image 7

….irY'I URX~DIIY lt. d UllL; :±t 1 1'..L H t I A,!r -.AIN - -A'- .« . ? ..,.w.......... L !. A. Ln A V .F :A 9 A 41& j' 4 0.^Z Y l:%ir ":['Yl r L \Y . j Wolverines to Partiipa te Zn' /1A. UI…

… ___~ -(Continued Frm Pa ge,6) ENIEED W MI ving tmbledc the Wolverines sature of all the players eept I nr at center, and ovell and Rick- ou fal u h rmtsCpsi aptaingvet e tts at the guards." Loveli,.ccount- Vaity…

… preliminaries are taken as na swimmig meet, the Wolverine Indian quintet must emerge tri- II ll its pre-conference, contests will guard poan ,xWeiss movihgtuwito happenals. nasI ass;Wis oi t p…

… the players who F u t expected to turn in some good dives,. to Northwestern, camne back and areclunable to bring girls. F.our Wolverines are entered in overcame~ Ohio State, one of the' the junior 150…

… the sophomores in the y ~ear man while ,Sloan is reputed to 'and the 100 yard free style -for ;jun- Buckeye .lineup, and against the be a wrestler of the. first order. The J I Wolverine should…

March 18, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

… National M Earl Thomas, star Wolverine m _ .- ,r f - 7r vn~tr7 rlxi i3r eet mat- will 'Jabby,' His Ineligibility Jinx Licked, Seeks 2nd 'M' On Baseball Team 1 By IRVIN LISAGOR Pitchers in the Field House…

… baseball driven about3 sixty three feet with Ruthian vigor and headed straight for the skull, would even coax a few beads of sweat out of intrepid Frank Buck. Wolverine hurlers have slightly more concern for…

… retrieving balls off the backboard, and an excellent ball handler, he contributed materially to the Wolverines' rise in Conference cage. Jabby tried toyachieve some left-handed immortality viz. Roy Rie- gels…

… factor in Michigan's I feated by Bob success. If he can learn to pitch gained a 1:20 t strikes with that puissant whip, base- ever, the Mich stealing against the Wolverines is other bouts to likely to…

…, Wisconsin and Notre Dame will probably give the Wolverines the most trouble in taking a third straight title. Baseball Men Will Drill Outside Soon With the prospect of soon moving his squad outside, Coach Ray…

February 18, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

… Lose To Hoosiers In Last Half Huffman, Gunning Lead Indiana To 37-23 Win; Jake Townsend Stars Passing Play Of Team Is Stopped Wolverine Offense Bogs After Gaining 14-12' Lead In First Half By RAYMOND A…

… the Wolverines' baskets, the Varsity was unable to keep pace with the Hoosiers, who came back after trailing 14 to 12 at the half to overwhelm the Michigan team. Keith Gunning's offensive play was the…

… away from the Wolverines. Indiana let the Wolverines bring the ball down the floor but once un- der the basket John Townsend's pass- ing was stopped by the leech-like de- fensive play of Vern Huffman…

… next five to take the meet, 17 to 13. The Wolverines started fast, John Speicher taking an overtime 118- pound match from Andrews in 4.49. Cameron, using a top scissors, stopped Elliott and Earl Thomas…

February 18, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

… Field last night. Wolverines won eight firsts to three, and had point-winners ry event. of the most surprising features meet was the uncovering of more talent in Michigan's ros- our of Michigan's firsts…

…, after having led .tire distance. Bob Lamb took a third for the Wolverines in a that was much disputed. His ras :06.3. Lemen sprang a surprise in the r-mile by beating Arnold of and Capt. Ellerby of…

… nish, when the Wolverine run- :ded with sprints worthy of the ,rd dash. Wolverines won another slam 65-yard low hurdles, in which u Hunt broke the tape in :07.5. amb took second, and Leonard an, third…

… the Big Ten ladder by vir- Wolverine 26 to 20 victory Buckeyes here tonight. an ascended to eighth place Olsen men to a tentative the ranks. A Chicago vic- ght would drop the Buck- the cellar. me was…

February 18, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 95) • Page Image 7

…T," R. M T C -4.1 A N D A TV. RA .- -C Y PnAlI', ", !uN WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1931 . 1 1... f YJM' 1Y I. 1 _,. 1. a c ._. . t _..1 1 .. < . _ .v. ... rx Mect to Give Wolverines Drill Before…

… other members of the forward line. With Schlanderer playing as a regular, and Sindles lost to the team, some other men who have not yet seen service with the Wolverines are expected to get into action…

…, meetings, etc., through the Daily Official Bulletin. Latest news of world, nation, state, and city from Varsity Than Squad Looks Stronger When It Lost to Ohio. The Wolverine gymnastic team will meet…

May 18, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…, tied for the next position at 156, with Bowden Davis of Wisconsin a stroke further back. The fourth Wolverine scorer, Emery, was tied with Jack Mueller of Indiana, at 158, Wisconsin ranked third in the…

… Illinois initial contest with Michigan when Coach Ray Fisher'senine hopped on his offerings for three runs and five hits. From this point on, however, Poat settled down to shut out the Wolverines for the…

… in form, Coach Wallie Roettger's nine appears to be a cinch to take their remaining Hoyt Prepares To Regain Lost Track Laurels -To Action Expect 12,000 To Wolverines PaceI Track Meet Witness Big…

Wolverines. But that is beside the point. Charlie Hoyt deals in teams and he has the best one there is. Big Ten Meet Draws Netmen To Ann Arbor Meet To Be May 20-22; Chicago Conceded Title; Varsity Out For…

January 18, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 82) • Page Image 7

…UNDA, JANUARY 18, 1931t THlE MICIGAN TALY TAGE SEVEN U. - *r 5 ', S II >>.' .. , ' iILDGCATS AY Wolverines Still Have Chace co Gain Big Ten Honors After Ohio Defeat. By Joe Rusell. PLt…

… shared high scor- ing honors with eight points each. A win tomorrow night will give the invaders a real flying start toward the crown which the Boiler- makers seem sure to lose, whil should the Wolverines

… rnilo run over a Ir~tr ~ur1 ew KJ' ^LLS1u4.J /' lt ey to the lead ih thle last lap to 1'RATITINV1Y BOWLINtG &- 2 iJos~ un eftatedLcederle 6-3, Rol Otto, Wolverine 12e, pound wrestling trwhno has…

… the Wolverine territory in the last meet before the examinations they will bring what is considered only a fair team of wrestlers, and the Michi- gan maulers should be able to take them into camp…

December 18, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

… indicated that he in- tended to start Jablonski against Mt. 1fe 0 Bouts Union Friday, when the Wolverines at Alliance, Ohio. The Townsend In Boxint Show brothers, Capt. Chelso Tamagno, and Boxin George…

… Capt. G. J. Burlingame, who is in and travel to Alliance for the Mt. charge of arrangements for the show, Union game by bus. Following the has succeeded in bringing together game the Wolverines will…

May 18, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 166) • Page Image 3

Wolverine who was able to get through his matches in two sets. Besides downing Becker, 6-0, 6-0, Siegel won out over Flecher, an Iowan, in the second round, 7-5, 6-2. Diminutive Howie Kahn won his first two…

… for adults. HUNN HOLDS TWO RECORDS Dave Hunn, Wolverine pole vaulter, holds the Indiana State indoor rec- ord of 12 feet, 51hinches and is tied for the outdoor record at 12 feet, 7 inches (1932). As 'a…

May 18, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

… With 5-4 Win- Senator Phi Speaks Kappa To Phis 122 Wolverine Batterd Collect Ten Hits; Loose Fielding Responsible' For Defeat By HERBERT LEV Michigan Normal's baseball team avenged an earlier defeat…

…, when they took advantage of four Michigan er- rors, in addition to several other lapses in the field and on the base- paths, to eke out a 5-4 victory over the Wolverines, yesterday afternoon at Ferry…

… Field. In losing, the Wolverines proved once more that Martin "Rube" Zach- ar, Ypsi's ace pitcher, was no puzzle to them. The' Fishermen combed the Rube's offerings for 10 bingles, with each of the…

… regulars but Don Brewer sharing the total. Big Ed Andronik, who started on the mound for the Wolverines, hurled a much better game than the box score indicates. Ed allowed six hits in his seven inning tenure…

January 18, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

… Gophers Make Sweep Of Wolverine Series Winning Tally Shot In Second Period Is The Townsend Plan Quack Or Cure-- The Case For Both 'Extreme, Ridiculous, And Heroic,' Dickinson Says; 'It Would Not Work…

…-1 in the first game of the series, the Wolverines came back to wage a stubborn battle in the second contest, despite the fact that they carried only three spares. The Mich-' igan athletes threatened…

… front of the Wolverine goal to threaten inI the opening moments. On another1 occasion the crowd thought the Gophers had scored but Referee FranktGoheen had rung his bell an instant before the shot…

…-year pay cuts to the faculty were not restored.( Franklin & Marshall Bows To Wolverines LANCASTER, Penn., Jan. 17. - ) - Michigan defeated Franklin and Marshall, 18-16 last night in an in- tersectional…

June 18, 1930 (vol. 10, iss. 17) • Page Image 4

…-WE vk We have all makes. Bill McAfee, former ace of the It looks like the Indiana cage ted. Remington, Royals, Wolverine pitching staff and a big team of next year is in for a lot of Corona, Underwood cog…

April 18, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

… series of time-trials culminating in a track meet among members of the team at Ferry Field Saturday afternoon will determine the makeup of the team which will represent the Wolverines at the Drake relays…

… entry list which included three relay teams and seven individual perform- ers from which the Wolverine repre- sentatives will be chosen Saturday. Relays, Special Events Entered in the mile quartet are De…

…Baker, Allen, Ellerby, Turne rnd Lemen. Turner and Lemen may run in the two-mile relay along with Doe Howell, Childs 'and Braden. Wolverine entries for the medley relay, which includes the 440, 880, three…

May 18, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…- tival program opening tonight. 1 MICHIGANNN4 - 3-1 Wolverines Fail to Make Best of Chances; Gene Braendle Stars at Plate. By Guy M. Whipple, jr. YPSILANTI, May 17.-While the Michigan nine was throwing…

… Ypsilanti field. A momentary mental relapse on the part of Ken Manuel, Wolverine first baseman, when he argued a close play at first and watched two runners cross the plate, was partly responsible for the…

… Michigan could not recover.. The other Ypsilanti run came in the eighth when Michaelis doubled and scored on Christy's safety. Gene Braendle ran away with the Wolverine hitting honors, smash- ing out three…

October 18, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

… to the city of Sao Paulo, is disputed by federal sources. They say the revolutionaries were repulsed there and lost 300 prisoners Wolverines to BOTH COLLEGES WILL STRU6ELE TO HOLD PLACE IN BIG TEN…

… Norm Daniels, which may keep him out of the game today, will hurt the Wolverine passing attack since he is one of the best receivers on the squad. It was Daniels who caught Newman's long pass for the…

… since the Boilermakers were considered one of the best teams in the Conference prior to last Satur- day. Past figures stretching over a period of time since 1897 also give the Wolverines an edge with…

July 18, 1934 (vol. 15, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

Wolverine team will be entered in that tournament also, including Malloy, Markham, and Seeley. 1er Pictures Back; She Sees A Lawyer PARIS, July 17. -UP)-Legal ac- tion to compel the Biennial Art Ex- portion…

April 18, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

… to The Daily)-The Wolverine golf team overwhelmed Ohio State yesterday at Columbus, 20-4 for its first Big Ten win of the 1939 season and fifth con- secutive victory. With but a single exception, Coach…

… Emery and Lynn Riess shared medal honors with 75 each. However, to Riess went the lion's share oj the glory for the Ypsilanti juni6r played two Buck- eyes as the Wolverines only carried a five man team…

March 18, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

Wolverine hockey team Eldon, "Spike" James, was selected by his teammates, last night, to lead the 1939-1940 Michigan puck squad.r Not only will "Spike" have the honor spot on next year's sextet, but his…

… inaugur- ated at Michigan. At the same time Coach Lowrey announced those Wolverine players who received major awards for their participation on this year's hockey team. Those seniors who received letters…

February 18, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 98) • Page Image 7

… House, and the animual Smoker, to which men well advanced in thel fields of engineering are invited asl guest speakers.c IMolveri}I The chief purpose of the Michigan Wolverine is to serve good food to…

… students without profit. Any member of the University is eligible for mem- bership. Entirely managed by Univer- sity students, the Wolverine has a total membership of approximatelyt 675. It provides jobs for…

May 18, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 165) • Page Image 3

… the twenty-third an- nual running of the Big? Ten cham- pionships. Coach Charlie Hoyt will take a full squad of 20 men to Evanston in an effort to regain the crown which the Wolverines" have won eleven…

March 18, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

… old Coliseum from Nate and Cyci who work there to Bill who keeps track of time and penalties. There's a finer spirit on the Michigan hockey club, I think, than on any other Wolverine ath- letic team…

… popular here in Ann Arbor, why so many rabid fans never miss the opportunity to come down and root for the Wolverines, to stand and shriek when Vie and Gib break down the ice. Jack Tompkins, Emmy Reid…

July 18, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

… tigers.................2 Eskimos................ 2 Wolverines.............2 Super Dupers ...........1 Red Sox ..... ...1 Ten Old Men ......0 0 2 2 3 3 4 Pct. 1,000 .500 .500 .250 .250 .000 Trtadwell…

March 18, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

… Varsity thinclads, and they announced at once that they were3bringing the Wolverines back in 1934- and not for more of the same stuff. That was no idle boast. Michigan beat Kansas by three points that year…

May 18, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 170) • Page Image 2

… in this society is asked to do so at 4:30 to 5:30 on Mon- day, May 20, or at 3:30, or at 5 on Wednesday, May 22, in Room 302, Mason Hall. To the Members of the Michigan Wolverine: The Board of the Wolv…

March 18, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

… event. The other .- record lowered by the Wolverines was Debaters Tie -0-rc the 400-yard relay For mark. Kamienski, iseonsin Dalrymple, Rob- LACHMANN ertson, and Renner broke Michigan's existing record of…

August 18, 1933 (vol. 14, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…) ation" called the Wolverine Mort- gage Corp. to relieve them of "their contingent liability." The R. F. C. loan to save the Union Guardian Trust Co. was to be made to this corporation, he said. The group…

May 18, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

… Ferry Field today at 4:00 p.m. In spite of a bad spill in the Michi- ;an Normal game at Ypsilanti earlier this week, the veteran Danny Smick is expected to take the mound to keep the Wolverines' pennant…

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