May 18, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 164) • Page Image 7
…SUNDAY, MAY 18, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY l Wolverines Will Play I LLINI OTO PRESENT S9TRUNG NE1T SQUADJ ew Yarsity Still Fails to Uncover DAVIDSON WINS FIELD MEET 4:15--Theta Xi vs. Lambda…
…, Davidson won the championship Sigma Delta game. the Wolverine netmen will attempt of this meet by winning the throw- Phi Kappa Tau vs. Sigma Nu. to repulse a determined Illinois at- for accuracy and the…
… Shoaff will lead into Ann in the accuracy throw and the Chemistry........4 0 1.000j Arbor one of the strongest teams base running was very keen. I. Chem. Stores .... .:.3 1 750 that the Wolverines are to…
… WOLVERINE NINE !Big Ten Golf Tourney Soccer Team Plays to WILL MEET OHIO to Open This Tuesday ;aTie With Ann Arbor (Continued From Page 6) (Continued From Page 6) (Continued From Page 6) Straub, Tompkins, and…
… battery, while either Kermode or Wrigley EU will take care of the hurling. In Friday's game against North- ER western the Wolverines just came short of packing the punch to beat out the Wildcats in a close…