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January 18, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Da il Ann Arbot, MI( icigan, t. oi day, Jtiuarti 1,-1908.. %Vait.. XJJ No. 81. MICHIGAN SCORES a llpomtei nf monand peet i o"I 11.Robrts, for Nortecstern, con- 1~(TIIIF~ VI ~T~RV tnded that public sentiment today hs l canged i(1 ,a tlt frotm that of the past feIars (l, al that the people of each Varsity Debaters Win Decision state ar tmaingi such chage in their OverNortwestrn Wile ol~star lues a they hind the netds of th Ove N...…

January 18, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…-The Michigan Daily VOL. XV II . Ica. fit. MICHIGAN TEAM DEBATES WITH CHICAGO TONIGHT Both Teams Confident and Ready For the Contest-Visiting Deat- ers Arrived Last Night. liveryhingisin re it''. 1r.hed1 bate wiathcao toS h held itn IUlu i v it y- 1 all8 tonight811 'll,1 Mi1higa it 8lstprc ie tiand wiltsent he ay il oditi81118818 tetl 111. ztitiiiieitill take tii 118818 t litan strogst tef ortto i.STheta get. nd(it i eI tc at a large auie1...…

January 18, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan ily OL. XVL. ANN ARBOR, ?IlClI IC::\. Ti'il"[: 1)iaY, J\NL"''A18 jo(st PRACTICE IS ENDED- DEBATERS GO TODAY Coach Tueblood and Team Leave For Chicago at 2:35-=Strenuous Prac- tice Held Last Night. 'Te last rctitce is overanstd at 2:35 this stftertoonasssichtigast's aehatitg teams, Alaclit. Legg asd Rstwlits actim- paniedsilbitCitalhTrIuetblootd sill leaav fo tCiagotos mteet te ita asti (t e-i atssilthesartwn rtttda ficsha- i~g...…

January 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…The Mnichigan -kDaily ANN ARBOR, MICH., WI DNESDAY , JANT'ARY iS, 1905. NO. 7 7 PRIOF. IYOOGE HONORED FAIR JOURNALISTS A LECTURE TOUR WARNER WILL PRESIDE be American Archaeological Representatjve to Congress at Athens 11111 010)M 1 ", 0, /t l'~ oll 11 tll 11 elk- t1i 1 11il 10 h't il t lIt "ll t r cc , i ( lt tt tthe Jtl t rtit Is in tt o til N 1111 , 1I(V w l t it li t o e e t c p o a aiIl Ci'ee''tttt it - i-al , o kic~c 111C ii .1(1th itie W...…

January 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN ARB3OR, MICH., SUNDAY, JAXtJ~iY ]Is, 19013 "sit AR. Net. 5k 'BACKBONE" Practice Try-out Meet ROBERTSOELECTED Re 'I'se lfist prelimsiary' iiy- tisit 51t l-bso "tsCh anateristic is Necessary for frtelisrsy rt-iti a' Presdet of Junior Literary Class is sr yot ra afternoon istIthe yms innisAsiisi dung Man Who is to Succeed- ''hrr iwes-ritaisr'-v snitlwrsor'coin Chosen1'Varsity Football Mana- uu ti ftune by Mr. Thomas Di...…

January 18, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…--___YEAR. ININ AItDO RMAICII., 'SATURDAY. JANUJARY' Is1 vs 1 tvr IUK WEKS. Chosaby Committee as te oe Whose 1am 5i to Appear on the Cup Of'red by Dr. Carrw. 212 ('2122.1 til, cu ite 'n,111. of 12r1 31'11 _ ti'. ct 121 2.22 el: 1 12 22! 1 is ! 11dta Bid o 21212, 21 ':4112 ' ll 2ct l \ : s o'. . is red in2fee2222222. art uP2th 12 221 22' 22 2221211 22, 2122'te, t 22 1222 2222 u ' 2 '.1222221a) 22' 22t 122)22] 2122 .(l 11e 12.222"2g,i c 22o 1,12...…

January 18, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…;be Rf? 9~Pail. VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1901. No 8ยข ........_.. _ Announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of i900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The ame careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for business purposes or for full dressf occasions. . H. WILD GO., sob E. Washington St. WI LDER'S PHARMACY VOU KN...…

January 18, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…Wbet2]of 9 fu>VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, ICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1900 No. 2. REGENTS MEET. toward him. I hope for ism ttat the Fire in the Phi Delta Phi House. _____skiosxwiil brihten bye and bye.' WL DRegent Cocker: "1 tinks that is the Shortly before six o'clock yesterday noiiaAddress-Degrees Abol- sentiment of all of ux afternoon a fire broke ot n the Phi !she -Reigntion.-Stn" Tie first buanesa was the appointtDeta Phi chapter hose on the erner...…

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