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March 17, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 97) • Page Image 5

… muscle, enhance sexual performance and reduce stress. Police say it is increasingly being used in sexual assaults. Apple releases system secrets CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) - Apple Computer Inc. delighted…

… high-tech mavens and hackers yesterday by releasing the programming secrets to one of its operating systems. Apple's move, the first by a major computer company, is limited to its software that runs…

… central computers. Apple, for now, will continue to keep secret its operating system for the Macintosh personal computer. "We're putting our source code and the intellectual property out there for everyone…

… to see," said Steve Jobs, Apple's interim CEO. Source codes are the typed instruc- tions directing computers to execute programs. Jobs unveiled the source codes for a $499 operating system, called the…

March 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…-4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 17, 1989 Apples pose no health threat 4 WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal health officials sought yesterday to calm growing public fear over the consumption…

… of apples by children, telling Congress that pesticide levels on apples pose no "imminent haz- ard" to pre-schoolers. Some senators said the uproar dver the use of the chemical Alar on apples and its…

… health effects on small children has produced an apple scare that threatens the industry from New York to Washington state. "The apple market is dead as a doornail right now across America," said Senator…

… Steven Symms (R- Idaho), whose family is in the apple business. Many apple growers and proces- sors say their apples are free of Alar, which has been linked to cancer in animal tests. Large numbers of -par…

…- epts are reported to have stopped giving apples to their children since a private environmental group said youngsters were especially at risk from the chemical because they eat rore apples an dapple…

… products than adults. School districts in Los Angeles, hicago, New York, San Francisco, Miami, and elsewhere have stopped providing apples in school cafeterias since the report by the natural Re- sources…

September 17, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 124) • Page Image 12

… ri tOW / C .d Appe Macimtosh S Color Classic* 4/80, Built-in 10" Color Monitor & Apple Keyboard U1 $1076 Apple PouerBook:M 145B 4/80, Built-in Keyboard and 10" Backlit Supcr Twist Monochrome Display…

…. $1484 0 0 That pennyjar on your dresser Apple Macintosh Apple Macintosh Centris- 61tM LCI114116), Apple Basic Color 4/80, Apple Basic Color Monitor & Monitor & Apple Keyboard i $1466 Apple Exended…

… Keyboard 11. Now, you can get substantial savings on these Macintosh' per- just how afford sonal computers. You can also get special student financing with the Reseller today. A AnnO' Comnrnnuter 1nn…

…*-to make owning a Macy even easier To see choose. The no able a Macintosh can be, visit your Apple Campus end discover the power more college students - wer of Macintosh. The oower to be your bests .® a …

October 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 31) • Page Image 10

Apple Announces a New Line of Computers! U-M Announces Immediate Delivery of Selected - Configurations to KickOff '90 Purchasers 0 Macintosh Classic 2/40 $1,257 Apple's replacement for the Macintosh SE…

… Macintosh Hsi 2/40 $2,898 or Macintosh lsi5/80 $3,381 Entry level Ilci, high petformance, Ye! The University of Michigan has made special arrangements with Apple to allow KickOff '90 purchasers to change…

… order, you MUST submit a Change Order Form by the deadline below. The new Apple systems are also available to SE/30 and IIci purchasers just by changing your order. Change Order Form packets were mailed…

… to all KickOff '90 Macintosh purchasers on October 12th. Watch your mailbox! Additional forms are also available at the Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union. o u \II Act now! 16 " See the new…

… systems at the Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union. Reopening Monday, October 15th through Thursday, October 18th, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. * You must fill out a Change Order Form and drop it off at the Computer

January 17, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 60) • Page Image 13

… as the game itself. i I I Courtesy of Apple Computers The new design of Apple's iMac is sure to be a big hit with girls on campus. "Oh iMac, you're so cute!" 'March Madness 2002' brings sadness to…

computer with form. The simple problem of balanc the computer itself must have b daunting. Even its accessories are desig well. On the all models, an all wl Apple Pro Mouse and Keyboard -included. The Apple

… through senior), it is still too easy to beat the computer. Long range 3-pointers and alley-oops, which for some reason EA advertis- es as a perk of the game in the game's packaging, are accomplished with…

… films. The original iMac was introduced three years ago and many have said that its design is outdated. It took Apple two years to design the new iMac and their attention to detail shows. Its design was…

… purportedly influenced by the outward appearance of the sunflower. It exudes an elegance that very few consumer electronics capture. Its design, to put it mildly, is unique. All of the guts of the computer are…

September 17, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 6) • Page Image 12

…~i i t -- - Y I w .""""~ ,.1 i L r~rr~a m im o 3.i 'I Macintosh personal computers have been getting quite an education over the past few years. From faculty members and administrators at…

…. The SE is a direct descendant of the Macintosh Plus-the computer that's performing brilliantly in school even as we speak. Like all Macintoshes both larger and point-and-click commands and pull- down…

… everything d from tie into the campus computer net- I work to work with data created on MS-DOS computers. Now, between the Macintosh Plus and the Macintosh SE, most of the fac- ulty and administration will…

… find all the power and flexibility they may ever need-a condition technically known acl a4linni ntcc" mance personal computer, we present he Macintosh II. The Open Macintosh. It's the fastest Macintosh…

… internal 20, 40 or 80-megabyte hard disk. Choose from two keyboards-one with and one without function keys.'ivo Apple monitors- 12" B&Wor 13"color.Or other third party high resolution, large screen monitors…

…. And it's still supported by all those great programs that made Macintosh a hit on campus. For example, Kinko's Academic Courseware Exchange, Apple's faculty journal, WhisvfortheMing'and academic…

… conferences. So if your department is actively re- cruiting computers, we su et that ou review the qualifications ofanyorall the Macintoshes. Because our family is ready to make a huge contribution to the…

September 17, 2012 (vol. 122, iss. 10) • Page Image 7

… Learn more at Apple Authorized Campus Store Computer Showcase Michigan Union (734)847-2537 Pierpont Commons (734)847-9878 M-F gam - 6pm 'luy a…

… qualiyngad and receive a S,0Back toSchoolGtCad, ar buy a qualfyngMacand ,eceivea ,0tBacktoSchool Gift Card. The Macor Pad must be purchasedfrom Apple or a participating Apple Authorized Campus Store from…

…June 11, 2012, through September 21, 2012. Purchaser must be eligible for Apple Education Individual Pricing; education pricing is not available for Pad. The Back to School Gift Card may be used on the Mac…

…. for full details. The Mac App Store and the App Store are available only to persons age 13 or older in the U.S. Terms apply. See www, for…

… more information, TM and 0 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. L516416A-US …

February 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 78) • Page Image 15

…. And its internal Apple SuperDriveTM disk drive reads from and writes to Macintosh and MS-DOS formatted disks-allowing you to exchange information easily with , almost any other kind of computer. In…

…-4600 This event is sanctioned by lb. sUSF&. Friday, March 6th at 730 p.m. . ............ It ca't do aun or findyou a date, but it can help you find more time for both. The new Apple' Macintosh' Classic' II…

computer makes it easier for you to juggle classes, activities, projects, and term papers- and still find time for what makes college life real life. It's a complete and affordable Macintosh Classic system…

October 17, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 30) • Page Image 16

…'t the ease with which Dorsey speaks that's surpris- ing. It isn't the "Game of Thrones" theme song that plays before his remarks - a perfect fit for the North Campus computer science crowd. It's the…

… University's Bloustein School of Planning and Pub- lic Policy. But for those with computer science skills, the job mar- ket is strong, flushed with cash and only getting better. "The need for software is…

… already excited about the weekend of programming he's organized. With the advent of the Apple, Android and Blackberry app marketplaces, it's now become possible to write a com- mercially viable piece of…

computer lab are dim as approximately 60 hackers - a handful of them women - drift in before the 6 p.m. kick off. "Here's plates; who needs plates?" Towers of pizza boxes are quickly demolished as students…

… are here to impress. Back at the Hackathon, students split into project teams. Freshmen nervously standing on the outer edges of the computer lab are chided by Solloway to reach out and meet new people…

November 17, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 53) • Page Image 9

… have always been easy to use. But they've never been this easy to own. Presenting The Macintosh Sale. Through January 31, you can save hundreds of dollars on a variety of AppleMacintosh computers and…

… peripherals. So now there's no reason to settle for an ordinary PC.With The Macintosh Sale, you can wind up with much more of a computer. Without spending a lot more money New M Open...0 Close Save As... F…

April 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 117) • Page Image 10

… MENTION THESE SPECIALS WHEN ORDERING j__ _... w._ _...-.___ 4 It can't do laun or find you a date, but it can help you find more time or bo. 0 The new Apple" Macintosh® Classic® II computer makes it…

Apple SuperDriveTM disk drive reads from and writes to Macintosh and MS-DOS formatted disks-allowing you to exchange information easily with almost any other kind of computer. In addition to its built…

… Macintosh Classic II on your desk. See us for a demonstration today, It'll be time well spent. 0 April 22 is the last day for students to order a computer this term. 0 i …

September 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 128) • Page Image 5

… the simple fact that we have conquered death through science" What a difference 8 makes. Mac OS 8, Apple's newest Macintosh operating system, is available to U-M students, faculty, and staff. Only $16…

… cash, check, Visa/MasterCard: U-M Computer Showcase Computer KickOff'97 Headquarters Michigan Union, Ground Level, Monday thru Friday 10 to 5, (Wednesdays in September till 6), 64-SALES The Internet…

… new high-speed service is called MediaOne Express. With it, your computer will be linked to the Internet through a modem connected to (a $49 value ) For a limited time, installation is 50% off. So call…

January 17, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 60) • Page Image 14

… a comput- er, contemplating the afternoon's grocery purchases for dinner. My friends never comprehended my skewed perception of the family and constantly questioned the peculiarities of my life. What…

… action that takes place early on at the Ann Arbor Farmer's Market in Kerrytown. Vendors from near and far (far as in over an hour away) arrive in Ann Arbor early enough to set up tables to sell apples

… practically empty and the only fruit for sale was apples, which makes sense due to the limitations from cold weather. I soon learned that the majority of the market commotion takes place very early, even before…

… the selling begins. "My best apples are gone by 7 (a.m.). Some people even get here at 6 (a.m.) to buy apples to take with them to work," explained Alex Nemeth, a vendor whose fam- ily has been coming…

… to Ann Arbor from its orchard to participate in the selling for over 70 years. While many of his apples had already been purchased, he still had an abundance of Red Delicious and Jonathan apples (a…

… tart apple cleverly named after apple pioneer Johnny Appleseed). One would think that Nemeth is the most successful due to his prices being the lowest at the market, but he still insisted that "There…

… really isn't any competition between the apple vendors." Like Nemeth, many of the vendors come from fami- lies which have been connected to the market or farming for many years. Chelsea resident Nancy…

… away. I considered finding Alex Nemeth so that I could pur- chase the biggest apple and throw it at the honey guy, but I resisted. The Farmer's Market is not a place for brawling. It is a place where…

September 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 128) • Page Image 9

… get an Apple Power Macintosh or PowerBook. Because in addition to getting the computer that lets you do more than you can imagine, you can save big time. For a limited time, students are eligible for…

… special cash rebates. is"mited time rebate coupon offer. See your Apple campus …

November 17, 2010 (vol. 121, iss. 50) • Page Image 10

… design and animation will be espe- cially desirable in the coming years as com- panies become more involved in interactive media. The Bureau also states that computer software engineer employment opportuni…

…- ties will increase by 32 percent from the years 2008 to 2018. According to the Bureau, graphic design- ers should have a bachelor's degree in graph- ic design and be knowledgeable of computer graphics…

… most popular smartphones in the market are Apple's iPhone, Google's Android and Research in Motion's Black- berry. As companies are looking to grab hold. of a larger market share, they will need fresh…

computer moni- tors and installing energy efficient light- bulbs matter, but a company also needs to "engage their employees and customers and" suppliers" to go green as well, she said. Large and small…

May 17, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

… - BE A CAMP COUN- SELOR - topboys and girls camps. Positions still available: Waterfront (W.S.I.), Nature, Archery/ Riflery, Athletics, Computer, Tennis, Water Ski, Rocketry, Photography, Cano Tripper…

… 57 Do more bad thun good 59 TheDarlings' dog 61 Apple knife 63 Tony's "kin" 64 Cuvern 65 Ere or Huron 66 Resort on the Firth of Lorn 67 Wild cry, of yore 68 Golden - 69 Before house 70 Author Ayn 71…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 11

… hundreds of dollars on a variety of Apple'Macintosh computers and peripherals. So now there's no reason to settle for an ordinary PC. With The Macintosh Sale, you can wind up with much more of a computer

… entertaining themselves. New 0 you can even d 0s Macintosh®'computers have always been easy to use. But they've never been this easy to own. Presenting The Macintosh Sale. Through January 31, you can save…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 7

…. COMPUTER MERCHAN- DISE COMPLETE COMPUTER SYSTEM: XT, hard disk, new 24- pin ppinter, extras help wf in stall, software. $ 000/best. 668-8818. APPLE MACINTOSH 512K. External drive, Turbo Mouse, Imagewriter II…

… have at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA at the time of application. Graduate students must be in good academic standing at the time of application. Computer Trainers, Head Librarians and GSTA Resident…

… Fellows have different eligibility requirements. Positions Available Resident Directors Asst. Resident Directors Minority Peer Advisors Head Librarians Resident Advisors ResComp Computer Trainers Trotter…

February 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 99) • Page Image 7

… tribute" is a disap- pointment, partly because most of the short clips it features are actually corporate promotions - one made by Apple Computer looks great but is uninspired compared to most of the other…

… the only non-comedy in the Festival. Director Bill Plympton contributes the liter- ally tongue-in-cheek instructional film "How to Kiss," a sequel of sorts to his earlier opus "Your Face." The "computer

… presentations in the Festi- val. Nevertheless, computers are used to amazing effect in "Tin Toy," the last film in the Festival and the best computer-generated film yet shown in the Michigan Theater's series. It…

October 17, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

… accom- plishment ic InfoNet, a joint project between IBM, Apple, the University and 17 other technology firms. In- foNet is a computer network which provides conference information, way-finding, and…

… Arbor stores' money went toward the central corporation's profit, but speculated that none did. In other words, she said, Domino's franchises like those in EDUCOM Continued from Page 1 "Apple, IBM, Ne…

…XT, all of the companies involved with higher edu- cation computing are here in force," said EDUCOM Review editor Shel- don Smith. The event has proven to be a feat of planning and logistics. In 40 to 60…

… substantial physical extensions to the U-M computer network infrastructure, such as fiber optic cable between buildings and within buildings," he said. University students may enter the conference grounds…

October 17, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

… lounge chair stolen WHERE: Bursley Mall WHIEN: Thursday at about 1:30 WHAT: A metal and wood table chair was taken from the Blue Apple lounge in the residence hall, University police reponrted. The chair…

… Mcard, two credit cards and a driver's license. Computer, software stolen WHERE: G.G. Brown Building WHEN: Wednesday at about 1t am. WHAT: A computer and software valued at $11,000 were stolen, University…

April 17, 1982 (vol. 91, iss. 0) • Page Image 13

… place tomorrow at Gallup Park. The ac- tivities will begin at 2:00 p.m., on the fishing pond at the southeast end of the park. Gigantic Personal Computer Inventory Sale r- quantities limited 1 a k…

…-Over a million dollars in inventory must go. Many Apple products at less than 50%/ list. Many printers below our cost. -All Commodore and Atari accessories 30% off, some reduced more than 50% r Xerox 820…

November 17, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 51) • Page Image 6

Apple and IBM computers. Must be available to work after- noons and Saturdays. Send resume & cover letter to Computerland, 1898 W. Stadium, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. Act Now! SAVE OUR ENVIRONMENT Join PIRGIM…

…-0557 or 996-9368. Please leave a massage. FOR SALE '19 OLDS OMEGA. New brakes, tires, muff. relatable, $500/Best. 482-2156 eves. APPLE 2C PC for sale. $750 or best. 996- 9457 anytime and leave message…

…- est quad around-check the drawer for apples- don t forget your room duties! LOVE TO DANCE? U of M Wolveretees kickline tryouts workshop Sat. Nov.19 9AM-12 Tryouts Sun. Nov. 20 9AM-12 Anderson Room…

… news- paper. If interested in challenging yet re- warding career, phone Bill Speer e~ditor of the Alpena News 1 (800) 448-0254. GOOD PAY to type in names and addresses on an IBM computer. Call 995…

… hone: 662-8622 pg HELP WANTED $5/hr transcribe tape for psych papers 663- 0861 or mess. for Charlie 99- 6. *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone with sales ex- perience and knowledge of…

…. Kreye. 769-0666. COMPUTER/AV users facility on Medical Campus needs part-time help. Leam/use computers. Will train. Reliability a must. Moming hours available. $4.10/hr. Call Deb- bie 763-6770. ROUTE…

October 17, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 13) • Page Image 6

…. 1854-1865 leather-bound. Rag Paper. Exc. condition. 665-5391. COMPUTER DESK, solid pine, attached self for monitor. Measurements are 27x47x19. $80. 663-5033. HP 28S CALCULATOR never used. $80. Call…

…. Heat and water included. Quiet, clean, free parking, storage, available immediately. Call 761-9271. x Com Uters services APPLE MAC SE Loaded with numerous j software applications. $550 or best. Call…

… Cahd at 764-8981. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs…

…-M Discount. 426-5217. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete Open2hours/day 31days system includig5prnter only $500. Callg66r-792t 00/289.568dus6r-a92 Chris at 800/289-5 5. ony $0. Cl DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by…

… U. Min. 15 hrs./wk. 761-8600. FULL-TIME & part-time position available for ambitious customer service representatives, & will train. Sales, telephone & computer skills a plus. Flex. hrs., days, eves…

…, as some of the data is entered into a computer. Pay starts at $6.00 per hour. Advancement opportunities available. Apply in person, weekdays, October 12-21, from 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., at the University…

January 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 59) • Page Image 7

…, data entry, errands, etc. Ex- perience w/ a PC based word processor help- ful but not required. Contact Dr. Andrews @ 763-6285. WORK STUDY STUDENTS: If you like computers and working in the Med. Sci…

…. 4-drawer files from $39, chairs from $5, computer furniture from $29, desks from $19, bookcases from $19, IBM reconditioned Selectrics II from $159,. & much, much more. Free delivery. Call 313/ 475…

…' fnWeekend -B g Apple Blast - *The Blue Spirits *The Shadow Program - = Future * *Campus tours - U . *Student panels = *Siblings' Weekend Come to our mass meeting: -Tuesday, January 21 at 7PM…

… WANTED to share in 2 bdrm. apt. on Old West Side, very neg.'994- 6230. . COMPUTERS IBM 386-33MHz COMPATIBLE. 120 Meg. Fast Hard Drive. 1.2 & 1.44 Meg. Flop- py drives. 4 Megs RAM. 14" super VGA monitor w…

September 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 126) • Page Image 7

…. WAITSTAFF: LAMPLIGHTER Res- taurant accepting appl. for waitstaff. Apply at 421 E. Liberty. 665-7003. WANTED: TEACHERS FOR PROGRES- SIVE secular Jewish Sunday School. Teach- king or camp counselor experience…

…-7162 & 994-5752 or 741-9300. ROOMMATE(S) NEEDED: 1-2 to share 2 Bdrm. bi-lev. apt. w/2 guys. Mike 930-1646. MAC LC 4/40 Desk Writer, modem, software, monitor. Price negot. Andy 663- 8386. APPLE IIGS…

…-Color monitor, printer, 2 drives. Lots of Software! Make me an offer!!! Call 662-1697. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS. Apple powerbook 140, 4/40, $1900 w/ Hypercard/' System 7. Compaq Lte 386sx/20. Factory sealed 2…

…/60 VGA $1600, 2/84 VGA $1700. New/used computer systems available. Corn- pu Cycle; Inc. 1-800-854-2677. Look for it in the assifies* (they really work!) BASEBALL TRYOUTS SEPT 18 at Fisher Stadium…

September 17, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

… 763.2459, online@michigandallycom EDITOR: Ashley Jardina s Or Buy an Apple laptop, an iPod, and a printer. And dean up. U-M Computer Showcase 64-alesn Buy a qualifying iBook or PowerBook, an i…

…Pod and a qualifying printer from the Apple Store for Education Individuals or a participating z 11 DISPLAY SALES Leah TrzeinakL Manaier rl …

October 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…..----------------------------------------- I Cor $'erStudents! With this coupon receive three FREE Michigan 1 S o rApples with the purchase of every half gallon of Alber's 1 Old-Fashioned Cider. Receive six 'FREE Michigan Apples j with the…

…? Entries can be placed in containers located at: the NCRB, the CCRB, the North Campus Commons. the IM Building, the Res Hall Computer Centers the Union and the dorms. Winners will be announced at the Pep…

March 17, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 112) • Page Image 6

… on coffee mugs. Word Silkscreening, 663-6031. cFtc FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT MOTOBECANE MOUNTAIN BIKE - 1985, mint condition, 2 months old, $175 or best. 665-5997. 35B0321 APPLE IE COMPUTER and…

… finest - NAKAMICHI. $375/best. Call Tony 668-0209. 23N0320 AUDIO PA AND DISCO systems. Electronic and computer repair. T shirts, posters, and mass quantities of sheet music. For the first name in music…

… instructors, computer, video, radio. Upper Classmen and Grad students preferred. Contact: CAMP WALDEN 31070 Applewood Lane, Farmington Hills, MI 48018. 313-661-1890. 32H0325 CLASSIFIED AD VISOR Part - time…

… classified adver- tisements placed by phone or over the counter into the computer system. Additional duties will be of the general office nature. Please send resume to: Classified Advertising Supervisor The…

…- er and garage space. Great location - Hill St. and Church. 5 min. to Diag. Call Angie 763-1935 or Jennifer 764-9648. 96S0318 COMPUTER MDSE. 4 * IWM. - IWHOMfE 175 NIW 6R IN -W AAWIVA oI -M Q Lr…

September 17, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 9) • Page Image 6

COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by M B L SYSTEMS featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 new & used Hardware & Software best prices in town 1217 Prospect Ave.-AA Just south of main campus call 99B-0942 19B0915 * Rooms…

… 8023A Dot Matrix Printer with apple cable and board. $390. Call 763-5034 after 2:30. 96B0922 GIANT RUMMAGE SALE AND BAKE SALE AT BURNS PARK SENIOR CENTER. 1320 BALDWIN, ANARBOR. SAT SEPT 17 9am-4pm. 76B…

…-2130 after 5 PM weeknights. 68B0920 1974 CAPRICE R.S., No Rust, AM-FM stereo w'/cassette, 4 cylinder, radial tires, sun roof, air. $3200. 572-9331. 95B0916 COMPUTER DISCOUNT - Ann Arbor's lowest ptices -118 N…

… where an old fashioned treat awaits you. There are two free tickets to the State Theater awating you. dJ0917 COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB…

…, all typing jobs, word processing. Reasonable! 662-0072. cJtc COMPu'TERS& SUPPLIES by M B L SYSTEMS featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used Hardware & Software best prices in town 1217 Prospect Ave…

…. -- AA just South of Main Campus call 996-0942 CJtc RESUMES/COVER LETTERS Prepared and typed 10% discount with ad Career Dimensions 761-2458 ct COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by M B L Systems featuring Radio Shack…

January 17, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 78) • Page Image 11

computer technology for artis- tic purposes. He made drawing machines, and other artists tin- kered with randomly generated paintings and the like. The ques- tion then was how to incorpo- rate the burgeoning…

… meets function": "Heck No." It's no surprise the exhibit is rife with cynicism. After all, Google and Amazon are figuring out what you're going to click on before you do, Apple is creating a lifestyle out…

April 17, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 135) • Page Image 8

apples and oranges thing. But nearly all of the tracks are great and the cause is defi- nitely worthwhile. Tame Yourself is a great release to listen to, even if you enjoy a burger or two. This old pic of…

… Dinosaur jr. is from way back when they were called Dinosaur. Since then, bassist Lou Barlow (on the right with the glasses, yeah the one who looks like he.should be a computer programmer for I.B.M.) left…

April 17, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 135) • Page Image 9

… it comes to increasing productivity at an economical price, there's no tool that's more able. Meet the MacintoshClassic'computer. It's the most affordable Macintosh, yet it can handle a variety of…

… basic home, office, and classroom applications, such as word processing and spreadsheet arialysis. The Classic is a complete Macintosh. Its monitor, keyboard, mouse and system network and the Apple

June 17, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 28) • Page Image 12

… right! 54 Keeper of the naila 57 Cowboy gear 58 Per se 59 Point for Tracy Austin 60 Court needs 61 Said nay 62 Southwestern sight DOWN 1 Apple of a sort 2 Turgenev 3 Word with paper or piper 4 City…

…. Position also available in the fall. Call 764-0560, ose or Kathleen or apply at 420 Maynard, Student Publication Building dG62 H EL P W ANTED . COMPUTER PEOPLE We're helping many companies in the area fill a…

October 17, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 13) • Page Image 6

…- sional & accurate. Grade A Notes at Urch's Bookstore, Second Floor, 549 E. University Ave., 741-9669. MAC QUADRA 650 16/230/CD. Apple 15" monitor, keyboard, & mouse. Lots of original software. $1500 or…

… best. Call Mickey at 747-0048. SAVE $$$$ New computers, still in boxes. Up to 70% off. Used computers as low as $299. 800-613-8365. TYPING & WRITING Resumes, cover letters, applications & essays. Ann…

… req./ Free prkg. Mac computer exp. a plus. 998- 7832. SUBSTITUTES NEEDED immediately at an early childhood program on North Campus. Paid training, flexible schedule, please call 998-6195. TEACHER AID…

… for high standards, dedication and love of cleaning. Call 973-8937. WORK STUDY job: must like to work on computer. Data entry & odd jobs involved. 10 hrs./wk. East Engineering Building. Call. 764…

March 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 94) • Page Image 7

… prestigious Pocono Mt. Camp. We have openings for: General counselors, WSI; Computers; All sports; Dance; Tennis; Archery; Riflery; Ceramics; Scenery; Language (Fr. & Sp.); Photography; Film Making; Woodshop…

…, Livingston, & Lenawee counties. 4-drawer files from $39, chairs from $5, computer furniture from $29, desks from $19, bookcases from $19, IBM reconditioned Selectrics II from $159, & much, much more. Free…

…Vest your $30 today and sit bac as they beat a path to your door. COMPUTERS COMPAQ 286 DESKPRO, VGA, HD, $595, Laser Jet HP $600, IBM $750. NECMultispeed. Laptop, backlit, $699. Toshiba laptop with modem, HD…

…. in Forest. Pkng. incl. Call 9572. ROOMMATE 2 bdrm. apt. on S. 665-9828 or 996- COMPUTERS IBM 386-33MHz COMPATIBLE. 120 Meg. Fast Hard Drive. 1.2 & 1.44 Meg. Flop- py drives. 4 Megs RAM. 14" super VGA…

… monitor w/ 1 Meg. SVGA card. Logitech mouse. New w/ 1 Yr. warranty. $1629. 486- 33MHz w/above items for $1979. Call 482- 4490. LASER PRINTER '91 APPLE II NT. $1900. Call Todd, 995-5575. r we 3heC:% TVe3…

March 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 93) • Page Image 6

…/C. Church/Hill. Price neg. 930-6652. 2 BDRM. APT. May-Aug. Fum., A/C, prkg. q Close to Law Quad. Cheap, 741-8939. S UMPUTEK KENAISANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay…

… dash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994…

…-1030. HEWLETT PACKARD Laser Jet Deluxe Printer. 12 pgs./min. Exc. cond. A real work horse printer. $375. 995-3276. MAC CLASSIC 4 meg RAM, 40 meg hardrive. Some software & an Apple Writer I printer, $500. Call…

… George 426-0544. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete system including printer only $599. Call Chris at 800/289-5685. *FALL* 3 BDRM. HOUSE 2 full baths, wshr./dryer, off street prkg., $1100/mo. Avail. Sept. '95…

… EAST APARTMENTS 820 Fuller. Extra lg. 2 bdrm. apts. (1000 square feet). L-shaped bdrm. makes ideal triple. Closets to die for! New fum., carpet, & appl. Prkg., ldry., security, storage lockers, heat and…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 6

…. 996-8562. '85 NISSAN SENTRA 5-speed, air, FM stereo cassette. $1000 call 662-4872. '92 GEO METRO. Blue, 2 door, AM/FM, air, exc. condition. $3800, 764-1070. APPLE COLOR + 14" monitor brand new. 28 pot…

… pitch can support up to 16.8 million colors $298. Call Brian 913-8117. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now…

…-shaped bdrm. makes ideal tple. Closets to die forl New fum., carpet, & appl. Prkg., ldry., security, storage lockers, heat and water paid. Great loc. for Medical Campus & close to North Campus bus stops. Prices…

…/ appl. & prkg. avail. $475-$775/mo., util. incl. 747-6895. NEAR UNION 1g. Contemporary studios. 1, 2, & 3 bdrm. apts. 741 -9300, NOW RENTING FOR fall. Campus area housing and apartments. Call now 662…

November 17, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 53) • Page Image 6

… share 4 person apt. 4 min. from campus. Nice & cheap. 747-6592. COMPUTER MDSE. APPLE H+ Computer 64K, Disk drive RF modulator, language card, Epson Mk-$U printer. Includes incredible amount of soft- I…

… interested, Please comed to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard and complete an application by November 19. TYPIST NEEDED. Flexible day or evening hours. 80 wpm. 668-8898. WORDSTAR- People for word processsing w/compute

….36. 9. Student Services 18. Computer Mdse. 5 8.80 12.00 15.60 16.40 1920 I Ia I understand that this advertising request will be processed in accordance with The Michigan Daily's standard Classified…

February 17, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 115) • Page Image 10

… LAW SPECIALIST " Through our corporate contacts, our national search team and our computerized placement service, we have placed over 5,000 of our graduates in law firms, banks and corporations…

….00. Dual/Sansuyi system $250.00. J.V.C. digital tuner $100.00. 663-4857 44B0218 APPLE II PLUS for sale complete systen w/many accessories can connect directly with M.T.S. no more waiting for a terminal at…

…- nsylvania - June 25 - August 21. Counselor positions available - .Rocketry, arts and crafts, photography, rock climbing, computer, wrestling, waterski, sailing, land sports and drama. Call (215)887-9700 or…

…, dance, computer, R.N., generals. Women - write: Andrew Rosen, Point O'Pines Camp, 221 Harvard Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081. Men - write: Bob Gersten, Brant Lake Camp, 84 Leamington Street, Lido Beach, NY…

… nationwide. " You can specialize in one of seven areas of the law. " All courses include training in computer applications to legal practice. " If we cannot secure a job for you in the city of your choice, we…

June 17, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

… more enjoyable with THE RIGHT PERSON IBM Computer AND personal interviews help us arrange DATES YOU'LL REALLY ENJOY MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC{ INTRODUCTION SERVICE Call 662-4867, write 216 S. State for free…

… brochure or interview BIKES AND SCOOTERS '65 YAMAHA, 250cc, 5 speed, luggage rack, w/helmet. $450, will bargain. Call 761-0736 bet. 5-7 p.m. Z9 80cc, YAMAHA, late model, custom candy apple red, new parts…

… opportunity, married, 22-30, Bachelor's degree. Phone 453-4030 for interview. H41 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Position avail, for computer program - mer to work on FORTRAN, UMAP, and IBM 360 coding and data man…

November 17, 2010 (vol. 121, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

… social class impact their activism. CRIME NOTES Unattended MacBook taken WHERE: Hatcher Graduate Libnray WHEN: Monday at about 9:45 p.m. WHAT: An unattended Apple MacBook was stolen from the 5th floor…

… your sweats to attend this event? Join in via live stream from the convenience of your computer. Same date, same time, your dorm. This event is free for U-M students and Alumni Association members; and…

November 17, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 36) • Page Image 9

… found homes within the DME. In addition to synthesizers and electroni- cally processed acoustic instruments, this weekend's concerts will feature dancing (choreographed by Katie Stevinson) and computer

… themes, "His Tone of Voice at 37 (Empathy)," and "Isle of the Rose-Apple Trees," have a very different emotional effect, though they are quite similar in their logical structure to "The De…

October 17, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 32) • Page Image 10

… get ahead in the b1usiness world is not when you get into the business world. Its when you get into school. Enter, the Macintosh"'computer. With programs like Microsoft; Excel and Jazz" from WLtus' it…

… pot of Boston's famous baked beans," said Kennedy spokeswoman Melody Miller. r MOYNIHAN'S offer is spread of New York delicatessen{ fare and a bushel of New York state apples, she said. Kennedy is…

April 17, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

… with the average amount of luck, there are free Apple® painter's caps for every- one who comes in and learns how a Macintosh can help you work better, faster, only a pair. . Total for lenses " Shipping…

… & Handling 2.00 * Total______ I have enclosed total paymentin the following manner: uml a Macintosh" computer can make life much more pleasant for you. In return, we'll enter your name I into a drawing…

October 17, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 39) • Page Image 7

… Assembly, the representative body for students in the school, which appointed the two student members of -the Board of Inquiry. Prof. Bernard Galler, of the computer and communication sci- ences department…

… constituted" an d should dissolve itself. Last; week, the Board - of In- quiry recommended that Denton's wieot-ed aas t+tQualiy ao'A p Ace 0ot chec it FRESH APPLE. CIDER 79c a Gallon, WITH THIS COUPON…

March 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

… Golden Apple Award for outstand- ing undergraduate teaching at Rackham Auditorium last night, after. a student poll which named him the most outstanding professor. The award -- presented by Stu- dents…

…'t think (President James Daily Faculty Reporter faculty-run University." Duderstadt) views us as employees English Professor and 1992 Golden Apple award-winner Ralph Williams gives his ideal last lecture…

…-Thurs 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m., Fri-Sat 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Stop by 102 UGLi or call 936-1000. Also, extended hours: Sun-Thurs 1-3 Stop by Angell Hall Computing Center or call 763-4246 Northwalk, North Campus…

….m. Kaffeestunde, weekly German coffee and conversation, 3rd floor Commons Rm., MLB, all welcome, 4:30-6 p.m. ECB Peer Writing Tutors, Angell/Mason Hall Computing Center, 7-11 p.m. by Alan Susser Daily Staff…

February 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 76) • Page Image 6

… from 30% to 70%. We provide quotes, & we sell site licenses. Call A+ for prices and free catalog today: 800/878-1354. A+ COMPUTING- Call for discount software prices & free catalog 800/878-1354. APPLE

…-Fall .97. Large I & 2 bdrm. apts. for 2-4 people. A1so Efficiency avail. Also 3, 4, 5,& 6 bdrm. alts. Varsity Management 625 Church 668-1100.- S0% DISCOUNTS ON SOFTWARE- A+ Computing is the authorized…

… duplex, 3 bdrms, 1.5 baths, & new appl. Avail. May or Sept. 5 bdrm. hse. w/2 level porch. Avail. Sept. 10 bdrm. hse. 4 baths, hardwood firs. Great place for 10-20 students. Avail. Sept. Don't pass these up…

…! Call 995-1832 for details. I i COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell, & trade quality used and new computers. Incredible dealsl 486s and Macs as low as $350. Printers starting at $29, 17" monitors as low…

… near Hoover/State Street. Laundry and parking. 663-3098. MAY LEASES avail. Huge 2 bdrn. bi-level apt. beautiful - must see! 741-9300. NEAR CENTRAL OR MEDICAL-Eff. I & 2 brdrm. semi-furn. w/ appl. & prkg…

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