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January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…............. } a+. :.+ a + .+ c . OPINION 4 ARTS 8 SPORTS Illinois' Assembly Hall: A different world than Crisler 11 Who is taking the fall for Cristani? Glory, Glory hallelujah iafiiuu ai Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 73 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, January 17, 1990 Copyrighto1990 The Michigan Daily -f" I LSA gov't finally fills *By Daniel Poux Daily MSA Reporter MSA vacancies The LSA Student Gov...…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1990 Bankruptcy effects may be widespread NEW YORK (AP) - Campeau- Corp. is keeping its coast-to-coast department store empire running, but the bankruptcy reorganization of its shattered finances could have far- reaching consequences beyond the retail business. Experts say its financial troubles eventually could endanger the jobs of some of the 100,000 employees at Campeau's 258 stores aroun...…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

… The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1990 - Page 3 AT&T 'Glitch' PSC Diag shanty razed by vandals knocks out By Gil Renberg Daily Staff Reporter Campus Palestinian and Muslim groups remain outraged at the recent destruction of the Diag shanty built to protest the treatment of Palestini- ans, to show solidarity, and to in- crease awareness of Palestinian is- sues on campus. The shanty, which was discovered in ruins by two Pub- lic S...…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

…H, 3, Pag 4 a, P{ge Et EE 6i I, OPINION e r i Wednesday, January 17, 1990 The Michigan Daily No Israeli democracy for Palestinians i M By Tom Abowd Many of the enduring myths that sur- round the creation of the State of Israel as well as Israel's treatment of the indigenous Palestinian population were presented by ;Litt, Miller, and G i n itheir Opinon ;:Page letter (Daily, "Productive dialogue :.needed,12/4/89.) Their piece was a ...…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, January 17,1990 - Page 5 Information Services Management'Raining Program at .4. t' ,; . . , rk MORGAN STANLEY , e +.. .R £ I1, One of Wall Street's leading international securities firms invites Bachelor's and Master's candidates of all majors with superior academic records to apply to our Information Services Management Training Program. WE SEEK " SPRING GRADUATES and RECENT ALUMNI of all majors fo...…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 6

…0 Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1990 CLASIFIED ADS 764a-0557. TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED IN tIjt l id uiit pa g ... X ads cost $2.10/line for the first day, $.70/line for each additional consecutive day X ads must be placed by 11:00 a.m. the morning before publication K ads must be prepaid with cash, an in town check, or a money order x ads may be removed from publication, but there will be no refunds FOR RENT NOW LEASI...…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1990 - Page 7 Panel finds fw gains Dearborn Continued from Page 1 before the event to find someone willing to speak on the panel. They failed to find a speaker because of the I short notice they were given. "But the time factor was bad," said Kim Gasaway, President of the University of Dearborn's National Organization of Women. SAY IT IN THE ... DAILY * CLASSIFIEDS Wilson said the letter had nothin...…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 8

…ARTS the Michigan Doily Wednesday, January 17, 1990 Page 8 Rise to Glory ir. Edward Zwick BY TONY SILBER On an overcast day in September, 1862 as the sun bobbed in and out of the low hanging clouds over Anti- 'tem Creek, Maryland, two massive armies approached each other fcr a day of battle. The gray army, num- b ting several thousand, was situated iiseveral rows deep behind a picket fence at the top of a small hill, their :dillery situa...…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, January 17,1990 - Page 9 WW '7-w-~ No small affair Blaze dir. Ron Shelton Y DAVID LUBLINER Blaze proves that it is people who make history fascinating, rather than the events in which they took part. And it is the actors in this film portraying people in history who .make it a success. The film recon- :firms the assertion that Paul New- man is one of this country's greatest actors and also marks the debut of * ...…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 10

…Page 10- The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, January 17, 1990 Driven to understanding Driving Miss Daisyj dir. Bruce Beresford BY MARK BINELLI The problem with Driving Miss Daisy, the film adaptation of Alfred Uhry's Pulitzer Prize-winning play, is that beneath its excellent acting, directing, and scenery lies a disap- pointingly average story. Morgan Freeman (Clean and Sober) stars as Hoke, the character he created and won a best actor Obie for ...…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 11

…Men's Basketball vs. Ohio State Tomorrow, 7:00 p.m. (ESPN) Crisler Arena SPORTS Wrestling vs. Illinois Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Varsity Arena The Michigan Daily, Women gymnasts beam to first place Wednesday, January 17, 1990 Page 11 / .Michigan's fans can __r learn from Illini faithful by Sarah Osburn Daily Sports Writer "The balance beam a lot of the time will win a meet or lose a meet, and we scored a 45.6 on balance beam which is very ...…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, January 17,1990 Wolverine swimmer Ann Colloton races to victory in the 200 -yard breaststroke before a standing-room-only crowd at Canham Natatorium. A MEET TO REMEMBER AS... Fans push M swimmers to win by Douglas Donaldson Daily Sports Writer "It was a great meet!" "Very exciting, and great for the spectators." "The most exciting dual meet that Ann Arbor has ever seen." "It just doesn't get any better ...…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1990 - Page 13 'M' tennis star gains *national ranking by Eric Berkman Daily Sports Writer Michigan sophomore David Kass was ranked 17th nationally in the recently-released 1990 Volvo Tennis/Collegiate rankings. The Columbus, Ohio native was an All-Big Ten selection as a first- ~year player last year with an overall singles record of 20-6. In addition, as a doubles performer, Kass recorded an overal...…

January 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 73) • Page Image 14

…x 5Y.9d9k xQ o T Yaj. Ov]M](('Y .. J.. S4YVAj vDakgWxN'x. ia:N y xli5 a C Yw .>2x u n.J BANKERS TRUST MERCHANT BANKING CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Bankers Trust will be interviewing a select group of students majoring in Finance, Accounting and Economics on February 16, 1990 in our downtown Chicago office. Please submit your resume to your placement office by January 29th to be eligible for the pre-screening process. A full job description and more d...…

April 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…OPINION 4 ARTS ...... .... ,.. . ., 5 SPORTS 9 U Baseball team plays two vs. Minnesota Fresh hopes for MSA Today's weather . k . ..,.....<:."" ....:;'...... .:......:>..".;::: >.....:Y::Y:>*.;>:..,.'...<.::..<:,:...........:..::::.:.:...::.n:<.::,.: Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 132 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, April 17, 1990 TheMhigan Subtle by Noelle Vance Daily Administration Reporter harassment: how often i...…

April 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 17, 1990 HARASSMENT Continued from page 1 rassment incidents reported to all University offices. The summary for 1989 has not been completed, how- * ever, due to the illness of the person in charge of compiling the statistics. According to SAPAC statistics, there were 12 cases of sexual ha- rassment last year. The Office of" Student Services reports that be- tween Aug. 1989 and Mar. 1990,h there wer...…

April 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 17, 1990 - Page 3 Thomas describes n pres.-press relation Athletic dept. has $15million debt, lacks minorities * - * 4 by Noah Finkel Daily Editor in Chief Dean of the White House press corps Helen Thomas must have felt slightly out of place yesterday. She wasn't clad in her trademark red dress and she didn't get to ask the first question to the United States President at a news conference. But in yester...…

April 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 17, 1990 Ewe ITdjtgan BaiI EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 ARTS 763 0379 PHOTO 764 0552 NEWS 764 0552 SPORTS 747 3336 OPINION 747 2814 WEEKEND 747 4630 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles; and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily...…

April 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 132) • Page Image 5

…ARTS Tuesday, April 17,1990 The Michigan Daily Page 5 9. ...Continued lolanthe rises to musical heights Gilbert and Sullivan works have the potential to be deceptive. It is not real "high art" in the sense of Puccini or Wagner, but the music can be just as beautiful as that of any of the acknowledged masters. The University Gilbert and Sullivan Society demonstrated this characteristic well in Iolanthe this weekend. The opera singing was be...…

April 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 132) • Page Image 6

…9 Page 6-The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, April 17, 1990 S IFIED ADS 764-0557 .'O PLACE A CLASSIFIED IN lOt t teiga zIt .. X ads cost $2.10/line for the first day, $.70/ine for each additional consecutive day X ads must be placed by 11:00 a.m. the morning before publication Xads must be prepaid with cash, an in town check, or a money order X ads may be removed from publication, but there will be no refunds As of April 2, 1990.... will not ac...…

April 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 132) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 17, 1990 - Page 7 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT THE FINEST Student housing & location in Central Cam- pus area. 80Oakland has 3 bdrm. apts. avail. Recently remodeled. Heat, water, cov- ered prkg. Dishwashers, microwave ovens central air. Keystone Properties 663-2284. TWO FURNISHED STUDENT HOUSES on Central Campus. Laundry, dishwas'er. 662-1826. TWO RAUCOUS ROOMS. Gargantuan abode; SP/SU, cool housemates, beautif...…

April 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 132) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, April 17, 1990 RECORDS Continued from page 5 get a life - to go for yours, now, before it's too late. But despite this insistent stance, he produces some of the best "soul" to be released in years and years. -Forrest Green III Thin White Rope Sack Full of Silver Frontier Some people say that region de- termines a band's sound. In the case of Thin White Rope's latest, Sack Full of Silver, this may well be tru...…

April 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 132) • Page Image 9

…Baseball vs. Central Michigan Today, 3 p.m. Fisher Stadium SPORTS Football Annual Spring Game Saturday, 1 p.m. Michigan Stadium Student Tickets: $2 The Michigan Daily. 0I- Tuesday, April 17, 1990 Page 9 Blue season series against Gophers ends in a deadlock by Theodore Cox Daily Baseball Writer For the second straight day Michigan and Minnesota split games at Ray Fisher Stadium. The Golden Gophers won the first contest, 3-2, and lost, 5-...…

April 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 132) • Page Image 10

…0 Page 10-The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, April 17, 199 Softball team drops three Irish next up for men's tennis by Sarah Osburn Daily Sports Writer Dropping three of four games to Ohio State over thetweekend, the Michigan softball team is in jeopardy of reaching itsagoal - winning the Big Ten title. "We're all disappointed that we lost three games," team captain Jenny Allard said. "I feel that we improved as the games went on, but the breaks ...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…al iriuulai ily Copyight 19N Vol. CI, No.8 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, September 17, 1990 the Michigan Daily S oviets protest economic #crisis MOSCOW (AP) - Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched to the Kremlin yesterday demanding that the President Mikhail Gor- bachev and his prime minister resign to take responsibility for the coun- try's deepening economic crisis. "The Economy is a Disaster," read banners carried by the crowd, hic...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 17, 1990 SOVIETS Continued from page 1 for swift and dramatic reform sup- ported by legislators from the Rus- sian Republic. Gorbachev, however, has been criticized for not implementing mar- ket reforms sooner. Soviets face shortages of food and many other products; store shelves are bare. Yesterday's rally came a day after a leading reformer, Moscow Mayor Gavriil Popov, said on national tele- vi...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 17, 1990 - Page 3 Levin speaks to Fraternity ,College I by Nicole James U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D- Mich.) helped to start off the year for the College Democrats, with a speech ranging from topics such as abortion to defense spending to edu- cation at Hutchins Hall last night. Levin, who is up for re-election, addressed key issues on which he dif- fors from his opponent, Bill Schuette, a Republican, in...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…Page 4- The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 17, 1990 EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 NOAH FINKEL Editor in Chief DAVID SCHWARTZ Opinion Editor Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. lil / F-NI the Dag@ilyE Censorship Applications...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

…ARTS Monday, September 17, 1990 *he Michigan Daily Page 5 Midnight Oil makes you dance The Sundays on Monday by Ronald Scott by David Lubliner At was a typically humid, sticky summer day in midtown Manhattan. As the usual retinue of yuppies made their way through the crowded streets on their lunch hour, a band called Midnight Oil was setting up a makeshift stage to perform in the middle of the street, directly in front of the Exxon Build...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 6

…Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 17, 1990 LOST & FOUND LOST/STOLEN- CD player at the Law Library on 9/10. Please Help! Paul 665-7320. LOST: Pair of prescription glasses in a tan case-REWARD! Loral 1-942-0776. FOR SALE '77 OLDS DELTA 88. Runs well-no rust. Great trans. Must sell-$600/bo 747-8353. 1987 DODGE CHARGER. Excellent condition. 5 speed. $3000 or best offer. 665- 0404. 1987 YAMAHA: 600 cc FZ pure sport, 3000 miles. Must ...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 7

… I Gulf crisis sparks interest in further SDI development The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 17, 1990 -- Page 7 Exploding tanker releases gas, fumes WASHINGTON (AP) - The prospect of Iraq firing ballistic mis- siles at U.S. forces in the Arabian desert is stirring congressional inter- est in an obscure Star Wars spinoff effort to build defenses against close- *rnge missile attacks. The United States has only a rudimentary defense agains...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 8

…Page 8- The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 17, 1990 ii The University of Michigan Union North Campus Commons September 17 to September 23, 1990 Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Laugh it up with Jerry Seinfeld and help support SADD The Pontiac Comedy Caravan featuring JERRY SEINFELD, voted "Funniest Male Comic" at the 1988 American Comedy Awards, will perform on Thursday, September 27 in the Power Center at 8 p.m. A portion of this s...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 9

…Sports Monday Trivia Who was the last major eaguer to hit 50 home runs in a season? Inside Sports Monday 'M' Sports Calendar Gill Again Women's Socer Griddes Football Coverage 1 Hockey 10 11 11 12 2-14 16 turn to the (For the answer, bottom of page 10) The Michigan Daily Monday, September 17, 1990 Page 9 Mo's debut: 'It hurts' Eric Lemont Nightmare finish to Mo's fairy tale SOUTH BEND - It shouldn't have ended this way. It couldn'...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 10

…01 Page To-The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 17, 1990 i Michigan Sports Calendar A compilation of Michigan sporting events and information for the coming week. Monday, September 17 No events scheduled Tuesday, September 18 No events scheduled Wednesday, September 19 Women's Soccer at Windsor Thursday, September 20 No events scheduled Friday, September 21 Volleyball at Northwestern Field Hockey vs. Ball State at Tartan Turf, 3 p.m. Wome...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 17, 1990 - Page 11 Detroit skinner shares tales from the front On Sunday, the following letter arrived to me at the Daily from Federal Express. It is reprinted in ,, ts entirety. The author: George j,-"5parky" Anderson, the manager of the Detroit Tigers. :Y Dear Mike, I just had to sit down here and: c-tell you about the experiences that- } happened last night (Saturday). h We played the Yankees as y...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 17, 1990 Time out for Griddes! So you're bogged down with schoolwork already, and you don't have time for anything else. Have no fear. We at the Daily Sports staff are happy to provide you with the perfect study break: Griddes!!! Griddes is so easy to play that there's always time. For example, you have no idea of what to do with those ten long minutes between classes. Make your picks for the wee...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 17, 1990 - Page 13 FOOTBALL Continued from page 9 yards on six receptions), read the oily statistic that counts. The top-ranked Fighting Irish ru- ed Gary Moeller's debut, 28-24, by sgoring two fourth quarter touch- downs, including the game winner with only 1:40 remaining. After trailing, 14-3, Moeller's n-huddle offense left the Irish dazed aid wheezing, allowing the Wolver- ijes to come back and even...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 14

…Page 14--The Michigan Daily -Monday, September 17, 1990 air; .:; ... .... -., .,. v . . . 4 ...................... r" "4.f... .: ::}i ?i~'Y y 7 1 LEWIS DEBUT A WINNER SOUTH BEND - Gary Moeller was not the only one who made his debut Saturday night. Gary Lewis also kicked off his new job as the leader of the Michigan Marching Band. And surprise. For a change, the Michigan Marching Band lived up to its reputation as one of the best marching ban...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 17, 1990 - Page 15 A I I I' I I I r I I t A V i asm a r 11 li F, OO MEET THE FUTUL OF CREATIVE THINKING. Ami a doesn't just improve your work. It improves your tking.Just working hard isn't enough anymore. Creative thinking is what sets winners apart. The Amiga computer was designed precisely with that thought in mind. It starts with the ability to handle routine tasks, then lets you go all...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 16

…Page 16-The Michigan Daily-Monday, September 17, 1990 - - Hopes piled high for icers zj by Matt Rennie Daily Hockey Writer All right, it was only an intrasquad scrimmage. And, yeah, there's still almost a month until the season begins. Nonetheless, there they were: six skaters wearing blue jerseys and another six wearing white, all in a huge pile of humanity in front of the White goal as the Blue team desperately tried to score a game-tying g...…

September 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 8) • Page Image 17

… i. ; .. 4s F 2..'' _ . ;nq (. .. g : : y t. a 's S j, ry G :F 4.,.y.: .:':p. :''2. ,%W + v ' ° ° c o rL' + w o , a Uqw O w o pU 1 3 ' *-i z3 z3 c3 cn O t3 o -<44 , +.3 z3 O . . 3 y 1 w v ' 0 - 0 "fI o U z , O 0 U . .a c3 + U Q …

October 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…tCvat4 Copyright©1990 Vol. CI, No, 31 Ann Arbor, Michigan o Wednesday, October 17, 1990 The Michigan Daily 'If I were in your shoes, I'd move on to the next thing' - George Perles, MSU coach Soviet e MOSCOW (AP) - Mikhail Gor- bachev yesterday scaled back plans to transform the Soviet economy, eliminat- ing a 500-day deadline for switching to a free market system. His action drew an angry response from rival Boris Yeltsin. The president's ...…

October 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, October 17,1990 Strange accent leads to language discovery I Overseas Office assists travellers NEW YORK (AP) - A Balti- more man suddenly began speaking with a Scandinavian accent after suf- fering a stroke, displaying a rare dis- order that may shed light on how the brain produces language, a study says. The man, who had no experience with foreign languages, sounded both Nordic and unfamiliar with ...…

October 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, October 17, 1990 - Page 3 , House to debate *new tax :on rich WASHINGTON (AP) - Majority Democrats rammed their deficit-cut- ting plan a step closer to House pas- sage yesterday, ignoring President ush's threat to veto the tax-boost- g package that hits the rich espe- cially hard. The plan was debated in a tensely partisan atmosphere just three weeks from Election Day and four days be- fore the government's aut...…

October 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…Page 4--The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 17, 1990 EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 V~tL-L3 PWo'T L1 KC &F-[ 'FAC-AA@ > C IN FA CT, (CE0 )Dao 0 IT, -DoN' i U PE NOAH FINKEL Editor in Chief DAVID SCHWARTZ Opinion Editor I T1INKt ' M T Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters...…

October 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 31) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Wednesday, October 17, 1990 Page 5 Rebel without a cause Welcome Home, Roxy Charmichael dir. Jim Abrahams by David Lubliner In the post-John Hughes world of teenage movies, it's cool to be the lonely outsider. Just ask ultra hip young actors Winona Ryder or Christian Slater. They're making ca- reers portraying members of the un- popular crowd. In her new film, Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael, Winona wears black boo...…

October 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 31) • Page Image 6

…Page 6 -The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 17, 1990 ' ne a ds:$2.2/lineforfirst day,. $.75/line for each additional, consecutive day DEADLINE is 11:30 am one business day prior 'to publication. ' Payment Pre-Payment is required when' placing an ad. Personal checks from Ann Arbor area banks, business checks, cashier's checks & money orders will be accepted. NO PERSONAL CHES swill be accepted from out I"of town advertisers. .- NO REFUND W...…

October 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 31) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 17,1990 - Page 7 People Dancing stay On the by Elizabeth Lenhard A s Whitley Setrakian tries to express to her dancers the feeling she wants them to convey in her satirical piece, "Aerobic Barbie," her wiry body flits across the floor, her arms flailing and her face a mass of expression. In an attempt to verbally inspire her company, she blurts out, "Think of a flight attendant on quaaludes." Setraki...…

October 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 31) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 17,1990 Company builds on tradition _ by Jenie Dahlmann When anticipating the visit of the nations premier touring repertory troupe, The Acting Company, I think how lucky the students at the University are to have access to live, quality performances of the classics. I wonder, however, how long non- profit professional theater companies in America will be able to increase students' awareness and a...…

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