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November 17, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…Ai *rni day: Partly cloudy. High 45. Low 25. morrow: Partly cloudy. High 58. One hundred nine yeas ofeditor dfreedom Wednesday November 17, 1999 ord to visit 'U' forschoo naming ' Michael Grass 0, Staff Reporter Pending approval from the niversity Board of Regents, the > of Public Policy is expected to enamed after former President erald Ford tomorrow at the regents' eeting. Ford, a University alum, will be pre- nt at the meeting and...…

September 17, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…8. One hundred eikht years ofeditori'alfreedom "Ut Friday September 17, 1999 Veather oday: Sunny. High 71. Low 4 omorrow: Sunny. High 73. Em , ". 7 ., r Pr x e ' '- j' Scry -.V ire damages Sigma Chi fraternity Basement fire forces members from former Phi Delta Theta house By Nick Bunkley and Yael Kohen Daiy Staff Reporters Flames gutted a basement room in the temporary Sigma Chi fraternity house last night, in what Ann Arbor Fire Depa...…

May 17, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…le di9 nDfigl Monday, May 17, 1999 One hu dred eihtyears ofeditorealfreedom Never- ndi ng scandal A car accident nvolving five University men' >asketball playersiand see prospect vparks athletic department nternal inquiry because the ehicle was valued at an excess f $30.000 -The thletic Department admits he mens' basketball program iolated two minor NCAA regulations °s a result of contact between >layers and booster Ed Martin. The E U hir...…

March 17, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…Ell'Elan 1&ily [moday: Cloudy. igh 50. Low 32. romorrow: Partly cloudy. igh 46. One hundred eight years of editoralfreedom Wednesday March 17, 1999 BAAP plans Pd S roitical atform y Jewel Gopwan ~aily Staff Reporter Members of the Defend ffirmative Action Party have pre- ented a primarily politically-based latform to encourage students to ffer the party their support in next eek's Michigan Student Assembly 'l ons. Alished in the winter of...…

February 17, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…C ig' *ar mMN... s --. veatner Today: cloudy. igh 44. Low 25. Fomorrow: Mostly cloudy. Nigh 44. One hundred eight years ofeditori l freedom Wednesday February 17, 1999 wnv WOWMIM a Law firr By Jaimie Winkier Daily Staff Reporter Team oJ Behind all of the University statements of intents, quotes from offi- cial spokespeople and stacks of legal documents is a team of lawyers dedicated to halting an attack on the University's use of race i...…

November 17, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 764-0554 Classified Ads: 764-0557 OneIhegteatt On hnre eeyasojdnfdom~a Tuesday November 17, 1998 Ivl. Cx, No. 3AT tIS e. calls for test of Iraqi promise WASHINGTON (AP) Skeptical that Saddam Hussein will keep his word, the White House pressed for a swift test of Iraqi promises to cooperate with U.N. arms inspectors. The United States stopped its military buildup in the Persian Gulf but warned it could strike "at...…

September 17, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…1£*Ela tit! News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 7640554 Classified Ads: 764-0557 One hundred seven years ofeditoridafreedom Thursday September 17, 1998 ,.. .. ,.. ,a d,< '' ..u . n. w. .. .',X...X ..;;r. a, s a i rv' ,e, , .. ,:-.,, k\ ;^ * "p .Y. ^;a"; n tr f r G ............ . '; :.: r si :. '2 ''r"..# y,;,~ "' .~'+7N ,.? K35r x;<. ..:r. z. ' .. @ r.r "l s.?.:."s~a Fs 9 Fxr 5 a: .v >rx .u;:.v : } P Vd' s ~Gs ;'r i;a J ' , .. .. .;, nse ,. >,, r...…

April 17, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…ews: 76-DAILY dvertising: 764-0554 2 2b 4v dUl F M m MM" One hundred seven years of editorzalfreedom Friday April 17, 1998 I opwood AUSTIN, Texas (AP) Univesity of Texas hibiting it under a hi ystem officials said they hope an appeal of the race as a factor in ad etleient ruling in the Hopwood v. the In 1996, the 5th U. ersity of Texas School of Law case will lead ruled that the law a reevaluation of affirmative. action policies in admi...…

March 17, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…ws: 76-DAILY vertising: 764-0554 (It £ 41V One hundred seven years of editor l freedom Tuesday March 17, 1998 Jim oberts William Nash ily Staff Reporter The University suspended three facu mbers in 1954, two of whom were fired, ing up for their beliefs. this day, the University has not ily apologized for the dismissal then-mathematics instructor andler Davis, former biology Prof. ement Markert, and former phar- cology Prof. Mark Nickerso...…

February 17, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…En'Elan *rni ews: 76-DAILY dvertising: 764-0554 One hundred seven years of editori lfreedom Tuesday February 17, 1998 Students offended by LGBT vandalism Hatred incident prompts groups to meet with 'U' administrators. Bowled over! Iraq discussion hits campuses By Rachel Edelman ly Staff Reporter A rainbow sticker, a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgen- der pride, was found with the words "die" written across it on a wall o...…

November 17, 1997 (vol. 108, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 764-0554 It I Un *rni One huidred seven years of editor al freedom Monday November 17, 1997 I < Michiga By Nicholas J. Cotsonika lDaily Sports Editor MADISON - After four straight four-loss seasons and a summer of soul-searching, Michigan's coaches concluded that a lack of grit and mental toughness had Pi holding back their talented teams. They demand- e change, and Saturday they got it. Their top-ranked Wolve...…

October 17, 1997 (vol. 108, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…WE Ian9 *rnt News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 764-0554 One hundred seven years ofeditonalfreedom Friday October 17, 1997 ,> 4 A > 4K Corporate sponsors invest in U' By Janet Adamy Daily Staff Reporter A simple blue hat with a yellow swoosh symbol across the front may seem to have little meaning. But when you wear one to a Michigan football game, fel- fans can identify you as a Wolverine supporter. The Nike logo has become nearly synonymous wi...…

September 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…ews: 76-DAILY dvertising: 764-0554 One hundred s year ofeditoraifedom Wednesday September 17, 1997 , rv:, , .:.., r H . Y', r '>.r;. 'n, , f .,,.. ,+ .. , r. ....... ....... , .r. r: .., nr , , , r .. . '.:: J ,. ¢.: :>,w :..: H;,. n S,.yy~3' . . ¢« r&' .e ' .::., ,F , s.., , w. 'i,.,K~.. Sri e+.« ~ ~a ,k: ~ . G a.. .. r 3; ,. IFC cracks down invite By Mike Spahn For the Daily Every fall, fraternity members pass out leaflets on street cor...…

April 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…It If 7413 1 ti News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 7640554 One hundred six years ofeditoialfreedom Thursday April 17, 1997 ... ._. c 4 " ( / ,.,' .. s, t 1 F ,. f w r ,,. ~-h.- a__,,:., ? ..: ' v, Regents to meet today CY T9 Al7 By Heather Kamins Daily Staff Reporter The University Board of Regents' meeting today may be noisier than most. Citizens for Quality Health Care, a consor- tium of groups concerned about nationwide changes in the me...…

March 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…It pdp t an Barn News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 764-0554 One hundred szv years of editorialfreedom Monday March 17, 1997 SIMON t Lecturer to speak about the 'Rued-hunt' By Janet Adamy Daily StaffReporter .One check put former University mathematics instructor Chandler Davis oti trial for being a communist. , Davis, who was one of two University professors fired during the "Red-hunt" in the early 1950's, said * despite the number of left-wi...…

February 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…WE Lft WI Unt News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 764-0554 One hundred sax years of edztorl freedo Monday February 17, 1997 .. .. r, a.: ,. . CZhicano poet speaks of civilrights By Alice Robinson Daily Staff Reporter When it comes to the Mexican American civil rights movement, Ana Castillo knows what she's talking about. She should - she was there. Castillo, the author/activist who gave the closing address for Chicano History Week celebrations ...…

January 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tonight: Snow flurries, low around 30. Tomorrow: Scatter d flurries continue, high around 170. irirni "Utt One hundred siC years ofeditoralfreedom F'riday January 17, 1997 !Vol.~~~~ -3'i.R 6..'Sl.3.k mrr r rS o 9e"l I WSU By Heather Kamins Daily Staff Reporter University Law students di as well as Wayne State Unive last summer's Michigan B according to figures releas B d of Law Examiners.. nety-seven percent of V students passed...…

October 17, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…Ai 41W Weather Tonight: Showers likely, low around 560. Tomorrow: Showers likely, high around 64°, then cooling 1. One hundred sip years of editortlfreedom Thursday October 17, 1996 .-0 ,V1 No 1 Top pres. choices to be released Search moves ahead after legal injunctions Conflicting Schedules Yesterday, the Board of Regents announced a new plan for carrying out the remainder of the search for the 12th University president. Followi...…

September 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…either onit: Cloudy, low around [f0 ofnorrow: Sunny, high around 0.* Low 490. C t *&ti i One hundredfive years of edftorialfreedom Tuesday September 17, 1996 ifw. P IRWI t. Kuwait g Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON -Kuwait agreed yesterday to permit the United States to deploy 3,000 more troops on its soil, but the White House put that plan and possible additional U.S.. air attacks inst Iraq on hold so officials here can deter- ?e whether...…

July 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…*ne hundredfive years ofeditori/freedom Wednesday July 17, 1996 Tuition Increases This chart shows the increase in first-year student tuition during the past seven years. The increase in tuition is *ne of the lowest since % 1980. 8.6% 7.9% $17,738 Regents to vote on new budget M New budget proposes Daily, Machen said he will deliver a Last year, tuition for lower-division in smallest tuition hike in1 "much more conservative" budget, state s...…

April 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tonight: Increasing clouds, low 43*. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, chance of rain, high 63°. C44b t tt One hundredfve years of editorialfreedom Wednesday April 17, 1996 x . , I Rose, Meh By Laurie Mayk Daily Staff Reporter After more than four hours of debates, goodbyes and parting poems, the Michigan Student Assembly gavel officially changed hands last night. MSA President Fiona Rose and Vice President P bir Mehta were officially sw...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

… qmppm7 Wednesday January 17, 1996 ,;aw tv _t-;. n- sa .,. p. , , , .- s rg . . .. Any _ . a. 2 t . . ..i .. , . ussian troops continue assault; armed rebels stage new raids Eight-day-old hostage drama continues in war-tom Chechnya the Russians aboard, and threatened to kill one Russian every 10 minutes unless it set sail, reported the Turkish news agency Anatolia.,The Chechens claimed to have killed one Russian; a Russian woman who escap...…

November 17, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tonight: Cloudy with 2-4 inches of snow, low 30%. Tomorrow: Some snow, some sun, high 33%. It I Un Unt One hundredfive years ofeditorialfreedom Friday November 17, 1995 ... . ....... Presidential search forums scheduled SNOWY VALLEY By Amy Klein Daily Staff Reporter The University Board of Regents took the first step yester- day on the long journey toward finding a new president, adopting a plan for a series of public forums se...…

October 17, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…Bather onight: Cloudy, chance of howers, low 50. omormow: Morning howers, high around 60' 2~'trw rno One hundredfve years of editonal freedom Tuesday October 17, 1995 Vol lvI 14. 3-"hg eT " to ducation Zachary M. Raimi ally Staff Reporter As lawmakers continue to debate the ffects of welfare on children as part of n attempt to overhaul the system, Uni- ersity researchers have added a twist o the discussion. Researchers Becky A. Smerdon a...…

May 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…One hundred four years of editorialfreedom %ummer Weekly Wednesday May 17, 1995 r Al ''uc' , 1<,' s' ' s7. , y a' < ' 3"" .t 'U'female romotions to increase 4 percent By Amy Klein Daily News Editor As the University continues to hire more women faculty, the number of women recommended for promotion to full professor has grown 4 percent from last year. Provost and Executive Vice Presi- dent for Academic Affairs Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. said ...…

April 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…Jri ti Weather Tonight: Becoming cloudy, low around 42. Tomorrow: Rain likely, high around 56. One hundred four years of editorial freedom Monday April 17, 1995 4,, ' '4' 4. , ~4,, ' ~, ...*jAj~)~(~' U.N. still concerned over Iraqi weapons LONDON (AP) - U.N. experts trying to unravel Saddam Hussein's nuclear program got a lucky break: They stumbled on a half-ton of docu- ments that described Iraqi plans for building a bomb. Biological an...…

March 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…WE F! * lET WI r One hundred four years of editorial freedom Weather Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 300. Tomorrow: Mostly sunny, high around 500. Friday March 17, 1995 -'4 - -.4 1 i -4 i -~ ---4. - W2p1 aYs ~'Michigan 76 (T Blue toppled by late rally aly Basketbl Wrter DAYTON, Ohio - It was not a ' ting end to Ray Jackson's game or rAfter scoring 28 points and push- ing his team to a 14-point lead, the basketball wasn't supposed to...…

February 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…trwt t ti Weather Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 200. Tomorrow: Partly cloudy, high around 400. One hundred four years of editorial freedom Friday February 17, 1995 ,( ,; ' . . :. .. .,a. .:.,-,. '* ,; ,,t. ,> {3-!' -'~ , ,.a03" . :'': ai.:s a ': s w7 .. .. . . . .. .:: ;. ., , ,. .... .. a _. , , ' a w v ~dw N -x"&,a ! : ;d- , d.,. ,,..,., ., _ ,., .; 6 ? ..: o , .., .,,. , :.." x i.roa a"^t a e~v p.. rY'a , " r "i 3 r '' X ~ '& f 'y...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

… Journalism left without home in comm. dept. By RONNIE GLASSBERG Daily Staff Reporter In a sweeping overhaul of the University's troubled communication department, the College of LSA will remove all film, video and journalism coursework from its fifth- largest department - renaming it the de- partment of communication studies. The move has left undergraduate jour- nalism without a home -- LSA has decided it no longer wants the discipline - an...…

November 17, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…~~~2 lEt Un 1 4w 4 One hundred four years of editorial freedom J)uderstadt anticipates less funds from GOP I Regents-elect Horning, Fischer to attend today's board meeting By RONNIE GLASSBERG Daily Staff Reporter Republican tightening of the purse ngs in Washington and Lansing y bring fewer dollars to the Uni- versity, President James J. Duderstadt said in an interview yesterday. By allocating funds to the Univer- sity, the state has an eno...…

October 17, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…Aristide focuses on selecting pficials Los Angeles Times PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - The flags still waved, the troops remained on the streets and crowds milled about the Presidential Palace yesterday, but President Jean-Bertrand Aristide spent his first full day back in Haiti out of sight, attending to the dull routine of governing. According to diplomats, Aristide advisers and Haitian political figures, his first task will be to name a new prime...…

March 17, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

… lot t 9 rn One hundred three years of editorial freedom Vol. -, f 0 Am .- Dily Athletic department to discipline Berenson By PAUL BARGER DAILY HOCKEY WRITER The Michigan athletic program can't seem to stay out of trouble. However, this time it is not a player who had a run-in with the law, but a coach. Michigan hockey coach Red Berenson was arrested shortly after midnight yesterday on a drunken driv- ing charge. Berenson was appre- hended ...…

February 17, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…, . WE kl1t "It1 One hundred three years of editorial freedom Special counsel says Whitewater probe could last 18 months THE WASHINGTON POST Special counsel Robert B. Fiske, Jr. told a *ederal judge yesterday his investigation of President Clinton's Whitewater real estate venture and ties to a failed S&L may last 18 months, cover more than a million documents and involve 20 or more investigators. After meeting with Fiske behind closed doo...…

November 17, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

… New 'Piano' tickles the ivories at the Michigan WEy aIF One hundred three years of editorial freedom Sheldon, Democrats tangle over 'U'land-transfer memos By JAMES NASH DAILY STAFF REPORTER LAnn Arbor Democrats are casting Mayor ngrid Sheldon as a lawbreaker in a six-month saga involving the University, secret meet- ings, leaked memos and a patch of oak trees. Democrats Monday night fired the latest salvo in the long-simmering dispute...…

September 17, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…Does the University spend too much on legal fees? In the Daily's opinion, the exorbitant totals could have been saved - if the General Counsel's office was giving sound advice. Jody Frank previews the Ann Arbor Dance Works performance this weekend at the Power Center. The group will perform excerpts from "Mirage." The Michigan women's soccer team beat Windsor, 6-1, yesterday to raise its record to 7-1 on the season. Today Mixed clouds; Hig...…

March 17, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…Get out and vote. This is a pivotal time for MSA, and all informed students need to vote to show that they want MSA to change. Michael Daugherty's "Lex" will be at the McIntosh Theater Sunday. Keren Scweitzer takes a look at the comical composer's work and career. Awards all around - hockey players Patrick Neaton and Steve Shields won CCHA Honors, and basketball forward Chris Webber received All-America and All-Big Ten mention recently. EAT...…

February 17, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…MSA is worried that the newly-created Student Leader Board will usurp some of the Assembly's power. However, the SLB might be able to better represent the student body. Ice Cube played at Club Universal in Detroit last Saturday night. Read Scott Sterling's concert review of the controversial rap star's latest performance. The Michigan men's basketball team tries to rebound from Sunday's loss to Indiana tonight when the Wolverines travel to S...…

November 17, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…"P i . Through a deluge of unethical propaganda, the University administration is desperately trying to convince students that they really do want the code. AT The earthy themes in Janet Kaufman's poetry traces back to her roots on a tobacco plantation in Pennsylvania. Hear this talented author read from her work today at Rackham. Yeah, the Rose Bowl is already clinched. And no, there is no real chance at the national title. But this is Mich...…

September 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…He's back. After a long summer during which you probably relied on banal things like sitcoms to make you laugh, you deserve some real humor. Jon Chait has what you're looking for. WE EKEND, etc. "Six bucks for a movie?" This is one of the many comments overheard at the cinema this summer, but as Michael John Wilson points out, the real entertainment isn't even on the screen. Michigan's Fab Five may be in danger of becoming a trio, after the ...…

June 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…SUMMER One hundred and one years of editorial freedom Regents set smell the andatory roses Mia Wolterink smells the dent stu feesi The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly will not publish on June 24, in observance of final exams. The Daily returns on July 1 chock-full of all the exciting news, sports arts and opinion you've come to expect Ann Arbor Presidential fellow award Assistant Professor of Anthropology John Mitani was recently named one of t...…

April 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…H * ! The big question about student athletes has always been, what comes first, the student or the athlete? Find out if Michigan athletes really make the grade. What could be better than a free concert? A free concert with a cameo appearance from Blues Traveler. Check it out tomorrow at noon by the Cube. Julie Farrell-Oven house won the one-meter springboard title last night at the Phillips 66 National Indoor Championships at Canham Natat...…

March 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…The right to vote is something which all American citizens should hold dear. With the Michigan Primary today, everyone should take part in the democratic process. It's deja vu all over again for the filmgoer taking in American Me. The film takes tired actors, tired plot lines, and tired dialogue to form a movie which could best be described as... With the hockey and basketball teams entering their stretch drives, football season seems like a...…

February 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…With the deputization hearings scheduled for this week, the onus is on the Michigan Student Assembly to represent student's concerns more than ever. Wayne's World is undeniably a filmic tour-de-force for auteur Penelope Spheeris. Read a review of her chef d'oeuvre. The Michigan men's basketball team is no monarchy, but rarely will you see this King without a smile on his face. This positive attitude helps rookie forward Jimmy King rule the c...…

January 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…TODAY Snow ending; High: 26, Low: 10. TOMORROW Mostly cloudy; High: 20, Low: 5. r*nd neyears ed raree One hundred and one years of editorial freedom =NSIDE... Wolverines begin another roadswing at Illinois. See SPORTS Page 10. Vol. CII, No. 59 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, January 17, 1992 The Michigan Daily Colleges King Day events vary MKgbigntoal vary EVENT/SPEAKER/LOCATION TIME bring De.Opening address - Dennis Archer Rackham 9:00 a.m. ...…

October 17, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…TODAY Breezy and warmer; High: 66, Low: 45. TOMORROW Chance of showers; High: 54, Low: 41. trruu4ar Frankie and Johnny get laid. See ARTS Page 5. One hundred and one years of editorial freedom Vol. CII, No. 14 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 17, 1991he a9na Ad hoc group focuses on stopping 'police abuse' by Melissa PeerlessT Daily Crime Reporter About 40 students and Ann Arbor community members met last night to define the goals of...…

September 17, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…IINITIII A. TODAY Cloudy and windy; High: 78, Low: 59. TOMORROW Chance of showers; High: 76, Low: 55. 1£v41 wNSIDE.. Delbanco kicks off Visiting Writers series. See ARTS Page 5. A century of editorial freedom Vol. CI, No. 149 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, September 17, 1991 t e Michigan Daily Committee issues report on 'U, climate for gays by Henry Goldblatt Daily Administration Reporter A committee formed to study the status of gay me...…

April 17, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…miNSD.. New proposals for the environment are promising.. See OPINION Page 4. 1 4v 4v t!gan:4 vrtili WE AT H ER TODAY Sun, some clouds; High: 59, Low: 38. TOMORROW Sun, then clouds; High: 64, Low: 42. Since 1890 Vol. CI, No. 135 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, April 17, 1991 , c l99l p The Michian Daily GEO approves threeday strike 'U'will TAs conside call roll extension of for TA strikers Strike to all by Henry Goldblatt by Stefanie Vines...…

January 17, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…Jr k dftgrnlai Vol. CI, No. 76 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, January 17, 1991 Tha MiciganQ i1 ---I U.S. -led air orces attack Iraq Bombs fall in 'Baghdad day after deadline Students in South Quad gather to watch television coverage of the U.S. attack on Iraq. "I don't think this war is winnable," said one student. Shocked students crowd CENTRAL SAUDI ARABIA- (AP) - The United States launched air attacks against Iraq late yesterda...…

November 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…p __ _ _ __ _ _ a Page4 Saturday, November 17, 1990. The Michigan Daily .a ..i I ab td$cW uIg NOAH FINKEL DAVID SCHWAKIZ Editor in Chief Opinion Editor Unsigned editorials reprent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Deputization Movement should be focus FOR THE FIRST TIME IN M A N Y years, this campus has seen a broad-based st...…

October 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…tCvat4 Copyright©1990 Vol. CI, No, 31 Ann Arbor, Michigan o Wednesday, October 17, 1990 The Michigan Daily 'If I were in your shoes, I'd move on to the next thing' - George Perles, MSU coach Soviet e MOSCOW (AP) - Mikhail Gor- bachev yesterday scaled back plans to transform the Soviet economy, eliminat- ing a 500-day deadline for switching to a free market system. His action drew an angry response from rival Boris Yeltsin. The president's ...…

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