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September 17, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 6) • Page Image 12

…~i i t -- - Y I w .""""~ ,.1 i L r~rr~a m im o 3.i 'I Macintosh personal computers have been getting quite an education over the past few years. From faculty members and administrators at…

…. The SE is a direct descendant of the Macintosh Plus-the computer that's performing brilliantly in school even as we speak. Like all Macintoshes both larger and point-and-click commands and pull- down…

… everything d from tie into the campus computer net- I work to work with data created on MS-DOS computers. Now, between the Macintosh Plus and the Macintosh SE, most of the fac- ulty and administration will…

… find all the power and flexibility they may ever need-a condition technically known acl a4linni ntcc" mance personal computer, we present he Macintosh II. The Open Macintosh. It's the fastest Macintosh…

… internal 20, 40 or 80-megabyte hard disk. Choose from two keyboards-one with and one without function keys.'ivo Apple monitors- 12" B&Wor 13"color.Or other third party high resolution, large screen monitors…

…. And it's still supported by all those great programs that made Macintosh a hit on campus. For example, Kinko's Academic Courseware Exchange, Apple's faculty journal, WhisvfortheMing'and academic…

… conferences. So if your department is actively re- cruiting computers, we su et that ou review the qualifications ofanyorall the Macintoshes. Because our family is ready to make a huge contribution to the…

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