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March 17, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 97) • Page Image 5

… muscle, enhance sexual performance and reduce stress. Police say it is increasingly being used in sexual assaults. Apple releases system secrets CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) - Apple Computer Inc. delighted…

… high-tech mavens and hackers yesterday by releasing the programming secrets to one of its operating systems. Apple's move, the first by a major computer company, is limited to its software that runs…

… central computers. Apple, for now, will continue to keep secret its operating system for the Macintosh personal computer. "We're putting our source code and the intellectual property out there for everyone…

… to see," said Steve Jobs, Apple's interim CEO. Source codes are the typed instruc- tions directing computers to execute programs. Jobs unveiled the source codes for a $499 operating system, called the…

March 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…-4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 17, 1989 Apples pose no health threat 4 WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal health officials sought yesterday to calm growing public fear over the consumption…

… of apples by children, telling Congress that pesticide levels on apples pose no "imminent haz- ard" to pre-schoolers. Some senators said the uproar dver the use of the chemical Alar on apples and its…

… health effects on small children has produced an apple scare that threatens the industry from New York to Washington state. "The apple market is dead as a doornail right now across America," said Senator…

… Steven Symms (R- Idaho), whose family is in the apple business. Many apple growers and proces- sors say their apples are free of Alar, which has been linked to cancer in animal tests. Large numbers of -par…

…- epts are reported to have stopped giving apples to their children since a private environmental group said youngsters were especially at risk from the chemical because they eat rore apples an dapple…

… products than adults. School districts in Los Angeles, hicago, New York, San Francisco, Miami, and elsewhere have stopped providing apples in school cafeterias since the report by the natural Re- sources…

March 17, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 112) • Page Image 6

… on coffee mugs. Word Silkscreening, 663-6031. cFtc FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT MOTOBECANE MOUNTAIN BIKE - 1985, mint condition, 2 months old, $175 or best. 665-5997. 35B0321 APPLE IE COMPUTER and…

… finest - NAKAMICHI. $375/best. Call Tony 668-0209. 23N0320 AUDIO PA AND DISCO systems. Electronic and computer repair. T shirts, posters, and mass quantities of sheet music. For the first name in music…

… instructors, computer, video, radio. Upper Classmen and Grad students preferred. Contact: CAMP WALDEN 31070 Applewood Lane, Farmington Hills, MI 48018. 313-661-1890. 32H0325 CLASSIFIED AD VISOR Part - time…

… classified adver- tisements placed by phone or over the counter into the computer system. Additional duties will be of the general office nature. Please send resume to: Classified Advertising Supervisor The…

…- er and garage space. Great location - Hill St. and Church. 5 min. to Diag. Call Angie 763-1935 or Jennifer 764-9648. 96S0318 COMPUTER MDSE. 4 * IWM. - IWHOMfE 175 NIW 6R IN -W AAWIVA oI -M Q Lr…

March 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 94) • Page Image 7

… prestigious Pocono Mt. Camp. We have openings for: General counselors, WSI; Computers; All sports; Dance; Tennis; Archery; Riflery; Ceramics; Scenery; Language (Fr. & Sp.); Photography; Film Making; Woodshop…

…, Livingston, & Lenawee counties. 4-drawer files from $39, chairs from $5, computer furniture from $29, desks from $19, bookcases from $19, IBM reconditioned Selectrics II from $159, & much, much more. Free…

…Vest your $30 today and sit bac as they beat a path to your door. COMPUTERS COMPAQ 286 DESKPRO, VGA, HD, $595, Laser Jet HP $600, IBM $750. NECMultispeed. Laptop, backlit, $699. Toshiba laptop with modem, HD…

…. in Forest. Pkng. incl. Call 9572. ROOMMATE 2 bdrm. apt. on S. 665-9828 or 996- COMPUTERS IBM 386-33MHz COMPATIBLE. 120 Meg. Fast Hard Drive. 1.2 & 1.44 Meg. Flop- py drives. 4 Megs RAM. 14" super VGA…

… monitor w/ 1 Meg. SVGA card. Logitech mouse. New w/ 1 Yr. warranty. $1629. 486- 33MHz w/above items for $1979. Call 482- 4490. LASER PRINTER '91 APPLE II NT. $1900. Call Todd, 995-5575. r we 3heC:% TVe3…

March 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 93) • Page Image 6

…/C. Church/Hill. Price neg. 930-6652. 2 BDRM. APT. May-Aug. Fum., A/C, prkg. q Close to Law Quad. Cheap, 741-8939. S UMPUTEK KENAISANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay…

… dash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994…

…-1030. HEWLETT PACKARD Laser Jet Deluxe Printer. 12 pgs./min. Exc. cond. A real work horse printer. $375. 995-3276. MAC CLASSIC 4 meg RAM, 40 meg hardrive. Some software & an Apple Writer I printer, $500. Call…

… George 426-0544. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete system including printer only $599. Call Chris at 800/289-5685. *FALL* 3 BDRM. HOUSE 2 full baths, wshr./dryer, off street prkg., $1100/mo. Avail. Sept. '95…

… EAST APARTMENTS 820 Fuller. Extra lg. 2 bdrm. apts. (1000 square feet). L-shaped bdrm. makes ideal triple. Closets to die for! New fum., carpet, & appl. Prkg., ldry., security, storage lockers, heat and…

March 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

… Golden Apple Award for outstand- ing undergraduate teaching at Rackham Auditorium last night, after. a student poll which named him the most outstanding professor. The award -- presented by Stu- dents…

…'t think (President James Daily Faculty Reporter faculty-run University." Duderstadt) views us as employees English Professor and 1992 Golden Apple award-winner Ralph Williams gives his ideal last lecture…

…-Thurs 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m., Fri-Sat 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Stop by 102 UGLi or call 936-1000. Also, extended hours: Sun-Thurs 1-3 Stop by Angell Hall Computing Center or call 763-4246 Northwalk, North Campus…

….m. Kaffeestunde, weekly German coffee and conversation, 3rd floor Commons Rm., MLB, all welcome, 4:30-6 p.m. ECB Peer Writing Tutors, Angell/Mason Hall Computing Center, 7-11 p.m. by Alan Susser Daily Staff…

March 17, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 99) • Page Image 7

… * Beautifully furnished " Close to CCRB " Complimentary Resident Shuttle around Central and North Campus " Exercise Room, Rec. Room " Study Lounge w/ Computers " Models open Daily r' 741-9300 ,,41 I: A (EXTENDED…

…'S only autho- rized Avid & Apple training center. Contact us @248-351-0101 or visit MOST IMPORTANT SKILL for law school success? Check out SUMMER INDOOR STORAGE…

March 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 134) • Page Image 7

… Waiver. in addition, other kinds of financial aid are available to prospectixe students. The deadline for ap plications is April , 0,1981 For applRacion and irifor nmion, write to: Andrew Schiller. Head…

… Department of Linguistics University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Box 0-8, Chicago, IL 60680 r- Have you been thinking about concentrating in ComuterScience? Prospective concentrators in Computer and Com…

…- munication Sciences are cordially invited to attend an OPEN HOUSE sponsored by the Department of Computer and Communication Sciences on Tues- day, March 17, 4:00 p.m., 2050 Frieze Bldg. Ab . ' -FEATURING…

March 17, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 93) • Page Image 6

…, loaded, 107K, $8400. (734) 769-9967 or (734) 645-4567. JEEPS FOR $100 Seized and sold locally this month. Trucks, 4x4's, etc 1-800-522-2730 ext. 4494. Computers MACEXCHANGE Discount Computer Outlet. Sales…

…-1100. MAY TO MAY Brand new 6 bedroom bi-level penthouse. Call for info. 665-8825. NEAR CENTRAL OR MEDICAL- eff. I & 2 bdrm. Semi-furn. w/ appl. & prkg. avail. $475-$675/mo., util. incl. 747-6895. PARK PLAZA…

March 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 114) • Page Image 7

computer skills required. Understanding of and interest in coops is important. Salary ne- otiable. Three year commitment. Call 662- 4414. Hair Models needed. Contact Laky's Salon at 668-8812. JAPANESE TRAVEL…

…. Application deadline is March 17. Part-time Assistant for local market research co. Clerical duties, mcl. &pre- sentation materials, proofreadmg, genera of- fice support. Computer experience, esp…

… daughter. 6-10 hrs./wk. Prefer non-smoker w/ own transportation & references. Please call 769- 2875 SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE in Western Wayne and Downriver areas. Don't wait until June--Appl now. For DOWNRIVER…

March 17, 2017 (vol. 127, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…, Memphis did not become the Big Apple of the South and instead garnered a reputation as a city falling apart at the seams. However, what the statistics and media fail to show is all the wonderful…

… a successful businessman and computing analyst, Montague used his money and expertise to found the BDC. His latest endeavor, Tech901, aims to confront the shortage of IT talent in Memphis, as…

March 17, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 99) • Page Image 6

… facility, rec. room, study lounge with computers, great lo- cation near CCRB, and free resident shuttle to North Campus and you have Geddes Hill. Avail. Fall. 741-9300. ABSOLUTELY…

… LARGE 4 bdrm. house in front of UM stadium, new kitch. with all new appl., refinished hardwood, new paint, refin- ished bath., wshr./dryer, ample prkg. A steal at $1500 if signed by March 15. Avail. Aug…

… West Side. Spacious, quality apts. w/ lots of amenities. 734-214-2992. AVAIL. MAY 4-6 bdrm., 2 baths., apt. com- pletely remodeled. Lg. deck, A/C, Idry., prkg., pets ok, hardwood firs., all new appl. 415…

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