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February 17, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…0hThe MichiganDaily ANN ARBOR, M[TCHTGAN, WRDNESDAY, FEBRUARY r7, 1909. VOf,. XIX. ALL CANDIDATES TO REPORT TODAY Coach McAllister Issues General Call-Junior Lits Defeat En- gineers in Basketball. ' Varsity aehall will rees'e a further impettes today, for the candiates for all posittion aceec~itedl to rlport to te coch int the gy uttasitttl let wen lhe houtrs of t and( 3. T11e cage, wich, so tar, has ontti ben openi to thatter mel, wino1w t...…

February 17, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOT'. XVII. ANN ARBOR, MIIC HIGAN, SCNI)AY, EI 17AY, 19017, PROMISING TWIRLERS OUT FOR VARSITY TEAM Whipple Shows Up Best of New Can- didates For Pitching Staff-En- tire Squad Reports Next Week. If ott-half, of the aunanoce of freh man material were to1 e aaiahlel for the varsty basall tearn this year, G~eorge I lob 001wo(1d(1owell 1to look to Ilinis' 1)0prestige 0on the diamonotd. PTe Miiare beinlg luded to11 te sies ti...…

February 17, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

… The Michigan Dail1y ANN ARBOR, Nf1CfI(IG \\,S 1ITLRD.!\Y, I FUR \R -17196. iil.. X\71. No. 96. KAHN SAYS STEWART' GIRLrS GLEr CLUB CAN 'BEAT ECKERSALL "NITERTAINS LADIES :An eiliragnag anituience gatilereu ini Former Varsity Star Asserts That aa aaelAetbil esela Eckersall Cannot Ran One I afternoon to enjoy a concert given by Hundred Yards iscc dig t attmenti matsdlelast kit httb1Arctie h.te crecksprint- t ici hnslitlil ccesi tiits:sitl...…

February 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY f-,, 49145 NO. 94 SDY OF "'HURRY UP." WOMEN AS STUDENTS. A CHANGE IN REGENTS. ENTRIES FOR MEET. Oto Evening Record Prints In= Records Show an Improvement Oer1DrXXW.iH. Sawyer Nominated to Suc' terestng [Description of the WXork of L at 'Year Ireshman teed lion. C. ID. Lawton Two (reat Coach. Oir it Fe Conditon. er Precedent Did Not Hold. ,11. 44444_ 1144''4411111,1'44414n n4 41c4 f ~o tit, ...…

February 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…The icigan Daily Voi,. XIV. ANN XK1 UkICH-.. \VEDNII*SDAX, VFEBRUARY 17, 1904. NO. u4 TRACK "E[N BUiSY. fAY IIISTIVAL. Are Hard at Work for Saturdays Last Years 'avarites Wil Again Ap-j Meet-Large Number of Entries fear This Year - Complete Pro- Expected-Class Relay Trials tram of Festival Concerts- in Progress. Choral Union Tonight. 'Ile rak tte tllit Soti lrd This all 1-tos at 2 ant 3 oiclsok, stor yeteray ll ls'15e5 is to 1 rofestesorIt...…

February 17, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…Ttill Us. 01F N. DAILY. VOL. -.III. AN~N ARBOR, MICIL., TLESIJAY, FEBRUARY 1.7, 1903 No. 99 FRESHI-SOPH MEET 1romisca to be Exciting-AlI-Soph Relay Team Selected-All- Fresh Team Wil be Picked Today The try-outs for the Al-Soph relay team were held yesterday afteroo. The contetants were Adolph, Wal- ton, fayes, Mlonald, Gat sd Hyde. iehstock, who mde the teamu lst year, did not run yesterday but will probably e tined today. Their re- ,mnis are ...…

February 17, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…-- . ;t: - ri }r' - Q ; w,, ... ,. t, i c-. t r Q.i .. * 1 i Q I U1 w M- W ..r -- a' W l-1 CIS . t ti. ate.. . + .~'. ~ . . . . ._, _... i f ,,, "' f. J _ .. 72 1. 7 0 0. w, -- p M a cv r m- 1w, I I X _ -c 0: i c I t!; ( ' Cs: H GGi _ .- : f ^- l ' 't ..., 1. .' .... ,_, - _ .- i. . _J ' J ~ r J …

February 17, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…Wbe AOL, I J jog 41k> jo VOL. X1. ANN ARBOR, MIH., SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1901. No 104 *....Our Special Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR SPRING has arrived and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as- sortment in the city, 6.e H. WILD CO. io8 E. Washington St. WATER COLOR OUTFITS AT WI LDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.. AGOOD ALUNCH AND SMOKE it. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. NOTHING LIKE 1THEfI Trowbridge's Ch...…

February 17, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

….ASLAmft..A 3t*0( 94 PaIl VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICil., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1900 No. 104. Spring Announcement 6. H. WILD Sc CO. Wi he ssejust 1ecerivtil 00r line ,of spring wooleins for locus wer t inclurles ev erything in -taples that ar suitable soil Ie- sorslle foi the season.\Ve arc aso shoingss full ranes iusnove- eties, in quiality ansd style to sits the imost exacuting taste, consistinig of ITop Coats, Suit- insesFancy ests sand...…

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